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Yıl 2014, Sayı: 5, 13 - 24, 01.06.2014


One of the important factors that affect student achievement is teacher characteristics. Therefore, there exists much research that investigates the relationship between student achievement and teacher characteristics in the literature. However, none of the research examines all characteristics of a qualified teacher together. The relevant literature generally focuses on the characteristics that are easy to measure. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between some teacher characteristics and student achievement based on the TIMSS 2011 data set on Turkey. In this study, the data set on Turkey is analyzed by dividing the schools into three groups as low-, middle- and high-performing schools according to the mean science achievement of students instead of utilizing the TIMSS benchmarks. So that, it is investigated whether teacher characteristics vary by school level. This study utilizes the International Database (IDB) analyzer which is a plug-in for the SPSS, and developed by the IEA Data Processing and Research Centre. As a result of the analysis, it is seen that students whose teachers have an experience of at least 10 years have higher mean achievement in science, and that students at high-performing schools have teachers with an experience of at least 10 years across Turkey. The rate of students whose teachers feel satisfied with their profession is higher in Turkey than the TIMSS average. Moreover, it is revealed that the mean achievement of students whose teachers feel satisfied with their profession is higher than the others at middle- and high-performing schools. The rate of students whose teachers have participated in professional development activities in various topics is significantly higher at highperforming schools. However, this rate is remarkably below the TIMSS average. At the fourth-grade level, teachers feel confident about “applying various problem solving strategies” and “providing challenging tasks for capable students”. At the eighth-grade level, on the other hand, they feel less confident about “providing challenging tasks for capable students”


  • Appleton, K., & Kindt, I. (1999). Why teach primary science? Influences on beginning teachers’ practices. International Journal of Science Education, 21(2), 155–168.
  • Appleton, K., & Kindt, I. (1999). Why teach primary science? Influences on beginning teachers’ practices. International Journal of Science Education, 21(2), 155–168.
  • Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman.
  • Boyd, D., Grossman, P., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2006). How changes in entry requirements alter the teacher workforce and affect student achievement. Education Finance and Policy 1(2),176–215.
  • Boyd, D., Grossman, P., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2009). Who leaves? Teacher attrition and student achievement. (CALDER Working Paper 23). Retrieved from http://www.urban. org/UploadedPDF/1001270_teacher_ attrition.pdf
  • Buddin, R., Zamarro, G. (2009). Teacher qualiŞcations and student achievement in urban elementary schools. Journal of Urban Economics, 66,103–115.
  • Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2006). Teacher-student matching and the assessment of teacher effectiveness. Journal of Human Resources, 41(4), 778–820.
  • Clotfelter, C., T., Ladd H., F., Vigdor, J.L. and Wheeler, J. 2007. “High Poverty Schools and the Distribution of Teachers and Principals.” CALDER Working Paper No.1. Washington, D.C.: National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research.
  • Croninger, R. G., Rice, J. K., Rathbun, A., & Nishio, M. (2007). Teacher qualifications and early learning: Effects of certification, degree, and experience on first-grade student achievement. Economics of Education Review, 26(3), 312-324.
  • Goe L. (2008). Key Issue: Using Value-Added Models to Identify and Support Highly Effective Teachers. Washington, DC: The National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality. January 2014) (Accessed
  • Guarino CM, Santibanez L, Daley GA. (2006). Teacher recruitment and retention: A review of the recent empirical literature. Review of Educational Research, 76(2):173–208.
  • Hanushek, E. A., Kain, J. F., O’Brien, D. M., & Rivkin, S. G. (2005). The market for teacher quality (Accessed January 2014). Working Paper #11154). Cambridge, MA: NBER.
  • Hanushek, E., A. (2011). The economic value of higher teacher quality. Economics of Education Review, 30 (2011) 466–479.
  • Hanushek, E.A., John F. Kain, Daniel M. O'Brien, and Steven G. Rivkin. (2005). “The Market for Teacher Quality.” NBER Working Paper No. 11154. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  • Harris DN, Sass TR. (2011). Teacher Training, Teacher Quality, and Student Achievement. Journal of Public Economics, 95 (2011) 798–812.
  • Harris DN, Sass TR. (2007). The Effects of NBPTS Certified Teachers on Student Achievement. Working Paper 4. Washington, DC: National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal (Accessed January 2014). in Education Research, Urban Institute.
  • Henson, R. K. (2002). From adolescent angst to adulthood: Substantive implications and measurement dilemmas in the development of teacher efficacy research. Educational Psychologist, 37(3), 137–150.
  • Ingersoll, Richard M., and Thomas M. Smith. (2003). “The Wrong Solution to the Teacher Shortage.” Educational Leadership, 60(8), 30-33.
  • Ingersoll, Richard M., and Thomas M. Smith. (2004). “What are the Effects of Mentoring and Induction on Beginning Teacher Turnover?” American Education Research Journal 41(3), 681-714.
  • Loeb, Susanna, Linda Darling-Hammond, and John Luczak. (2005). “How Teaching Conditions Predict Teacher Turnover in California Schools.” Peabody Journal of Education, 80(3), 44-70.
  • Martin, M. O., & Mullis, I. V. S. (Eds.). (2012). Methods and procedures in TIMSS and PIRLS 2011. Retrieved from html
  • Martin, M. O., Mullis, I. V. S., Foy, P., & Stanco, G. M.. (2012). TIMSS 2011 international results in science. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.
  • Podgursky, Michael, Ryan Monroe, and Donald Watson. 2004. “The Academic Quality of Public School Teachers: An Analysis of Entry and Exit Behavior.” Economics of Education Review, 23(5), 507- 518.
  • Schaefer, L. (2013). Beginning teacher attrition: a question of identity making and identity shifting, Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 19:3, 260-274.
  • Yildirim,H.H., Yildirim, S., Ceylan, E., Yetisir, M.I. (2013). Turkiye Perspectifinden TIMSS 2011 Sonuçları. Turk Egitim Dernegi Tedmem Analiz Dizisi I, Ankara.

Bazı Öğretmen Özellikleri Açısından Okulların Fen Performanslarının İncelenmesi

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 5, 13 - 24, 01.06.2014


Öğrenci başarısını etkileyen önemli faktörlerden biri öğretmenin niteliğidir. Bu nedenle literatürde öğrenci başarısı ile öğretmen niteliği arasındaki ilişkileri inceleyen pek çok çalışmaya rastlamak mümkündür. Bununla birlikte nitelikli öğretmen özelliklerinin tümünü birden ele alan bir çalışmaya da rastlanmamaktadır. İlgili literatür genellikle daha kolay ölçülebilen öğretmen niteliklerine odaklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da TIMSS 2011 datasından elde edilen Türkiye data setini kullanarak, öğretmen niteliğine ilişkin bazı özellikler ile öğrenci başarısı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Türkiye datası TIMSS tarafından kullanılan ölçütler yerine, okullar öğrencilerin fen başarı puan ortalamaları bakımından alt, orta ve üst düzey okullar olmak üzere üçe ayrılarak incelenmiştir. Böylece farklı başarı düzeyinde yer alan okullarda görev yapan öğretmenlerin özelliklerinin farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığı incelenmiştir. Analiz sürecinde SPSS tabanlı çalışan ve IAE (The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) tarafından geliştirilmiş olan IDB Analyzer adlı bir program kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, Türkiye genelinde öğretmenleri en az 10 yıllık deneyime sahip olan öğrencilerin ortalama fen başarısının daha yüksek olduğu ve üst düzey okullardaki öğrencilerin büyük çoğunluğunun en az 10 yıllık deneyime sahip öğretmenler tarafından okutulmakta olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Türkiye’de öğretmenleri mesleğinden çok memnun olan öğrencilerin oranı TIMSS ortalamasının üstündedir. Bununla birlikte öğretmenleri mesleklerinden çok memnun olan orta ve üst düzey okul öğrencilerinin başarı ortalamalarının da diğerlerinden daha yüksek olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Türkiye genelinde son iki yılda öğretmenleri çeşitli konularda mesleki eğitimlere katılan öğrenci oranının, üst düzey okullarda diğerlerine göre net bir şekilde daha yüksektir. Ancak bu oran TIMSS ortalamalarından oldukça daha azdır. 4. sınıf seviyesinde öğretmenler kendilerini “farklı problem çözme stratejileri gösterme” ve “iyi öğrencilere ilginç ve zor sorular sorabilme” alanlarında, 8. sınıflarda ise “iyi öğrencilere ilginç ve zor sorular sorabilme” alanında diğer alanlara kıyasla daha az yeterli bulmaktadırlar


  • Appleton, K., & Kindt, I. (1999). Why teach primary science? Influences on beginning teachers’ practices. International Journal of Science Education, 21(2), 155–168.
  • Appleton, K., & Kindt, I. (1999). Why teach primary science? Influences on beginning teachers’ practices. International Journal of Science Education, 21(2), 155–168.
  • Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman.
  • Boyd, D., Grossman, P., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2006). How changes in entry requirements alter the teacher workforce and affect student achievement. Education Finance and Policy 1(2),176–215.
  • Boyd, D., Grossman, P., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2009). Who leaves? Teacher attrition and student achievement. (CALDER Working Paper 23). Retrieved from http://www.urban. org/UploadedPDF/1001270_teacher_ attrition.pdf
  • Buddin, R., Zamarro, G. (2009). Teacher qualiŞcations and student achievement in urban elementary schools. Journal of Urban Economics, 66,103–115.
  • Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2006). Teacher-student matching and the assessment of teacher effectiveness. Journal of Human Resources, 41(4), 778–820.
  • Clotfelter, C., T., Ladd H., F., Vigdor, J.L. and Wheeler, J. 2007. “High Poverty Schools and the Distribution of Teachers and Principals.” CALDER Working Paper No.1. Washington, D.C.: National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research.
  • Croninger, R. G., Rice, J. K., Rathbun, A., & Nishio, M. (2007). Teacher qualifications and early learning: Effects of certification, degree, and experience on first-grade student achievement. Economics of Education Review, 26(3), 312-324.
  • Goe L. (2008). Key Issue: Using Value-Added Models to Identify and Support Highly Effective Teachers. Washington, DC: The National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality. January 2014) (Accessed
  • Guarino CM, Santibanez L, Daley GA. (2006). Teacher recruitment and retention: A review of the recent empirical literature. Review of Educational Research, 76(2):173–208.
  • Hanushek, E. A., Kain, J. F., O’Brien, D. M., & Rivkin, S. G. (2005). The market for teacher quality (Accessed January 2014). Working Paper #11154). Cambridge, MA: NBER.
  • Hanushek, E., A. (2011). The economic value of higher teacher quality. Economics of Education Review, 30 (2011) 466–479.
  • Hanushek, E.A., John F. Kain, Daniel M. O'Brien, and Steven G. Rivkin. (2005). “The Market for Teacher Quality.” NBER Working Paper No. 11154. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  • Harris DN, Sass TR. (2011). Teacher Training, Teacher Quality, and Student Achievement. Journal of Public Economics, 95 (2011) 798–812.
  • Harris DN, Sass TR. (2007). The Effects of NBPTS Certified Teachers on Student Achievement. Working Paper 4. Washington, DC: National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal (Accessed January 2014). in Education Research, Urban Institute.
  • Henson, R. K. (2002). From adolescent angst to adulthood: Substantive implications and measurement dilemmas in the development of teacher efficacy research. Educational Psychologist, 37(3), 137–150.
  • Ingersoll, Richard M., and Thomas M. Smith. (2003). “The Wrong Solution to the Teacher Shortage.” Educational Leadership, 60(8), 30-33.
  • Ingersoll, Richard M., and Thomas M. Smith. (2004). “What are the Effects of Mentoring and Induction on Beginning Teacher Turnover?” American Education Research Journal 41(3), 681-714.
  • Loeb, Susanna, Linda Darling-Hammond, and John Luczak. (2005). “How Teaching Conditions Predict Teacher Turnover in California Schools.” Peabody Journal of Education, 80(3), 44-70.
  • Martin, M. O., & Mullis, I. V. S. (Eds.). (2012). Methods and procedures in TIMSS and PIRLS 2011. Retrieved from html
  • Martin, M. O., Mullis, I. V. S., Foy, P., & Stanco, G. M.. (2012). TIMSS 2011 international results in science. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.
  • Podgursky, Michael, Ryan Monroe, and Donald Watson. 2004. “The Academic Quality of Public School Teachers: An Analysis of Entry and Exit Behavior.” Economics of Education Review, 23(5), 507- 518.
  • Schaefer, L. (2013). Beginning teacher attrition: a question of identity making and identity shifting, Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 19:3, 260-274.
  • Yildirim,H.H., Yildirim, S., Ceylan, E., Yetisir, M.I. (2013). Turkiye Perspectifinden TIMSS 2011 Sonuçları. Turk Egitim Dernegi Tedmem Analiz Dizisi I, Ankara.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Mehmet İkbal Yetişir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Yetişir, M. İ. (2014). Bazı Öğretmen Özellikleri Açısından Okulların Fen Performanslarının İncelenmesi. Journal of Education and Future, 1(5), 13-24.
AMA Yetişir Mİ. Bazı Öğretmen Özellikleri Açısından Okulların Fen Performanslarının İncelenmesi. JEF. Haziran 2014;1(5):13-24.
Chicago Yetişir, Mehmet İkbal. “Bazı Öğretmen Özellikleri Açısından Okulların Fen Performanslarının İncelenmesi”. Journal of Education and Future 1, sy. 5 (Haziran 2014): 13-24.
EndNote Yetişir Mİ (01 Haziran 2014) Bazı Öğretmen Özellikleri Açısından Okulların Fen Performanslarının İncelenmesi. Journal of Education and Future 1 5 13–24.
IEEE M. İ. Yetişir, “Bazı Öğretmen Özellikleri Açısından Okulların Fen Performanslarının İncelenmesi”, JEF, c. 1, sy. 5, ss. 13–24, 2014.
ISNAD Yetişir, Mehmet İkbal. “Bazı Öğretmen Özellikleri Açısından Okulların Fen Performanslarının İncelenmesi”. Journal of Education and Future 1/5 (Haziran 2014), 13-24.
JAMA Yetişir Mİ. Bazı Öğretmen Özellikleri Açısından Okulların Fen Performanslarının İncelenmesi. JEF. 2014;1:13–24.
MLA Yetişir, Mehmet İkbal. “Bazı Öğretmen Özellikleri Açısından Okulların Fen Performanslarının İncelenmesi”. Journal of Education and Future, c. 1, sy. 5, 2014, ss. 13-24.
Vancouver Yetişir Mİ. Bazı Öğretmen Özellikleri Açısından Okulların Fen Performanslarının İncelenmesi. JEF. 2014;1(5):13-24.
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