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Coach and Coaching in Education

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 6, 1 - 14, 12.08.2015


Coaching, especially in the United States in the world measured by million dollar industry has become. The aim of coaching in organizations, providing increased performance and potential targeting personalized emergence process of growing. Nowadays, in various fields (psychological support, training, personal development, work life, art, sports, etc.) Is often used, is still trying to establish the scientific infrastructure, is a concept somewhat worn.

Coaching is used in a wide area in the world. Organizations in the areas of environment; managing the stress, workplace coaching, manager / leader development, career development, team building, group development, sales skills and performance upgrades, job interview coaching with the purpose of enhancing the performance can be counted. Basically the whole process of coaching is influenced by four variables. These are; professional behavior of coaches, receive coaching services with the nature of the relationship between coaches, coaching service area is the willingness and potential (intelligence, perception and personality).

 The basic motivation of coaching in education, to create a difference in student learning, teachers' professional development and learning has come in its wake. Coaching teachers in behavior showing encouraging school principals, supportive, effective managerial behavior is seen that the developer. Academic research on the application of coaching in our country are continuing.

Keywords: Coach, coaching, coaching in education.


  • Akyüz, Y. (1985). Türk Eğitim Tarihi (başlangıçtan 1985’e). Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları. No:149. Ankara.
  • Arnold, J. (2009). Coaching Skills For Leaders in The Workplace, How To Develop, Motivate And Get The Best From Your Staff. Oxford.
  • Baltas. Z.(2011). Kurum İçi Koçluk. Remzi Kitabevi. İstanbul.
  • Baron, L. ve Morin, L. (2009). The Coach-Coachee Relationship in Executive Coaching:
  • A Field Study. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 20 (1), 85-106.
  • Başaran, İ. E. (2000). Eğitim Yönetimi: Nitelikli Okul (4. Baskı). Ankara: Feryal Matbaası.
  • Bennett, J. ve Bush, M. W. (2009). Coaching in Organizations: Current Trends and Future Opportunities. Od Practitioner, 41 (1), 2-7.
  • Berg, M. E. ve Karlsen, J. T. (2007). Mental Models in Project Management Coaching. Engineering Management Journal, 19 (3), 3-13.
  • Bharwaney, G., Bar-On, R. ,MacKinlay A. (2007). Emotional Intelligence Increases Individual Occupational Performance, Leadership and Organisational Productivity. Ei World Limited UK. 2-4.
  • Blackman, A. (2010). Coaching As Aleader Ship Development Tool For Teachers. Professional Development in Education.36(3). 421–441.
  • Bloom, G., Castagna, C., Moir, E., Warren, B. (2005). Blended Coaching: Skills and Strategies to Support Principal Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Conzemius, A., O'Neill, J. (2001). Building shared responsibility for student learning. Alexandria, Virginia, USA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Davis,K.(1981). Human Behaviour At Work. McGraw Hill Pub. Company New York.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (2003).Keeping Good Teachers: Why İt Matters, What
  • Leaders Can Do. Educational Leadreship.Vol: 60.
  • Fitzsimons, G., Guise, S. (2010). Coaching for leadership style. Leadership coaching. Edited Jonathan Passmore. Kogan Page. 229-242.
  • Fournet, G.P, Distefano, M.K., Pryer M.W. (1966). Job Satisfaction Issues And
  • Problems. Personnel Psychology. Vol:19.
  • Fullan, M. (2001) The New Meaning of Educational Change. Teachers College Publishing: New York.
  • Goleman, D (2006). Duygusal Zeka Neden IQ’dan Daha Önemlidir. (Otuzuncu Baskı). İngilizceden Çeviren: Banu Seçkin Yüksel. İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları. 898.
  • Grant, A. M. (2006). A Personal Perspective On Professional Coaching And The Development Of Coaching Psychology. International Coaching Psychology Review, 1(1): 12–22.
  • Grant, A. M. (2007). Past, Present and Future: The Evolution Of Professional Coaching And Coaching Psychology. In: S.
  • Palmer & A. Whybrow (Eds.), Handbook of Coaching Psychology: A Handbook for Practitioners 23–39. London: Routledge.
  • Grant, A. M., Curtayne, L., Burton, G. (2009). Executive Coaching Enhances Goal Attainment, Resilience And Workplace Well-Being: A Randomised Controlled Study. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4(5): 396– 407.
  • Grant, A.M., L. S. Green and Josephine Rynsaardt. (2010). Coaching Goes to School. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research in American Psychological Association Vol. 62, No: 3.
  • Grant, A.M., Passmore, J. Cavanagh, M.J.Parker, H.M.(2010).The State Of Playing Coaching Today : A Comprehansive Review Of The Field. İnternational Review of industrial and organizational psychology. Vol: 25.
  • Hackman,J.R., Oldham,G.R.(1976). Motivation Through The Design Of Work: Test Of A Theory. Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance. 16(2).
  • Hammond, L.D., Meyerson,D., Lapointe, M. ve Orr,M.T.(2010). Preparing Principals For A Changing World. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Hargreaves, A.(1994). Changing Teacher Changing Times: Teachers Work and Culture İn Postmodern Age. New York: Teacher Collage Press.
  • Jarvis, J., Lane, D.A. and Fillery-Travis, A. (2006). The Case for Coaching. London: CIPD.
  • Maurer, T; Solamon, J. Troxtel, D. (1998). Relationship of coaching with performance in situational employment interviews. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 83(1), 128-136.
  • McCrae, R.R. ve Costa, P.T.(2006). Personality in adulthood, a five-factor theory perspective. Second Edition, Guilford Press, New York.
  • McLaughlin,M,W., Pfeifer, R.S. Swanson-Owens,D. Yee,S.(1986). Why Teacher Won’t Teach. Phi Delta Kappan. Vol: 67.
  • Morgan, G. (1998). Metaphor in Management and Theories in Unity. Mess Publishing. Istanbul.
  • NASSP. (2010). National Association Of Secondary School Principals. ABD.
  • Nieuwerburgh, W. C. (2012). Coaching in Education. Karnac Books. London.
  • Papadopoulou, V.(2012). Greek School Counsellors As A Mentor; Duties, Problems, Limits, Mentor Implementations in The World. Pegem A, Ankara.
  • Passmore, J., Brown, A. (2009). Coaching Non-Adult Students For Enhanced Examination Performance: A Longitudinal Study. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Practice and Research, 2(1): 54–64.
  • Poussard,J.M.(2004). Another Style in Management; Coaching. Morpa Culture Publishing İstanbul.
  • Reynolds, D. Ve Packer, A. (1993). School effectiveness and school improvement in the 1990. London: Cassel Villiers House.
  • Robbins,S. P. (1994). The Foundations in Organizational Behaviours. ETAM Publishing.
  • Spence, G. B., & Grant, A. M. (2007). Professional and Peer Life Coaching and The Enhancement Of Goal Striving And Well-Being: An Exploratory Study. The Journal of Positive Psychology. Vol:2(3). 185–194.
  • Süleyman, D. G. (2006). Impact of peer coaching on self-efficacy and instructional skills in TEFL. Teacher education System, 34, 239–254.
  • Tschannen-Moran, B., & Tschannen-Moran, M. (2010). Evocative Coaching: Transforming Schools One Conversation at a Time. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Williams, R.B.(2010). How Brain Science Can Change Coaching. Harvard Business Review.
  • White, L. (1970). The Origins of the Coach. Proceedings of The American Philosophical Society, 114 (16), 423-431.
  • Whitmore, J. (2002). Coaching for Performance: Growing People, Performance and Purpose. (3rd edn). London: Nicholas Brealey.
  • Yirci, R., Kocabaş, İ. (2012). Mentoring Implementations in The World. Pegem A. Ankara.
  • Internet Sources
  • (downloaded 20.08. 2013)
  • (downloaded 10.07. 2013)
  • www.ı (downloaded 10.07.2013)
  • (download 20.05.2014)
  • (downloaded 11.06.2013

Koç ve Eğitimde Koçluk

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 6, 1 - 14, 12.08.2015


Koçluk özellikle Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde milyon dolarlık bir endüstri olmuştur. Örgütte koçluğun amacı, performans artışı ve potansiyel ortaya çıkışını sağlamayı hedefleyen kişiselleştirilmiş bir gelişim sürecidir. Koçluk günümüzde, çeşitli alanlarda (psikolojik destek, eğitim, kişisel gelişim, iş yaşamı, sanat, spor vb.) sıklıkla kullanılan, bilimsel alt yapısı halen oluşturulmaya çalışılan, biraz da yıpranmış bir kavramdır


  • Akyüz, Y. (1985). Türk Eğitim Tarihi (başlangıçtan 1985’e). Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları. No:149. Ankara.
  • Arnold, J. (2009). Coaching Skills For Leaders in The Workplace, How To Develop, Motivate And Get The Best From Your Staff. Oxford.
  • Baltas. Z.(2011). Kurum İçi Koçluk. Remzi Kitabevi. İstanbul.
  • Baron, L. ve Morin, L. (2009). The Coach-Coachee Relationship in Executive Coaching:
  • A Field Study. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 20 (1), 85-106.
  • Başaran, İ. E. (2000). Eğitim Yönetimi: Nitelikli Okul (4. Baskı). Ankara: Feryal Matbaası.
  • Bennett, J. ve Bush, M. W. (2009). Coaching in Organizations: Current Trends and Future Opportunities. Od Practitioner, 41 (1), 2-7.
  • Berg, M. E. ve Karlsen, J. T. (2007). Mental Models in Project Management Coaching. Engineering Management Journal, 19 (3), 3-13.
  • Bharwaney, G., Bar-On, R. ,MacKinlay A. (2007). Emotional Intelligence Increases Individual Occupational Performance, Leadership and Organisational Productivity. Ei World Limited UK. 2-4.
  • Blackman, A. (2010). Coaching As Aleader Ship Development Tool For Teachers. Professional Development in Education.36(3). 421–441.
  • Bloom, G., Castagna, C., Moir, E., Warren, B. (2005). Blended Coaching: Skills and Strategies to Support Principal Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Conzemius, A., O'Neill, J. (2001). Building shared responsibility for student learning. Alexandria, Virginia, USA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Davis,K.(1981). Human Behaviour At Work. McGraw Hill Pub. Company New York.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (2003).Keeping Good Teachers: Why İt Matters, What
  • Leaders Can Do. Educational Leadreship.Vol: 60.
  • Fitzsimons, G., Guise, S. (2010). Coaching for leadership style. Leadership coaching. Edited Jonathan Passmore. Kogan Page. 229-242.
  • Fournet, G.P, Distefano, M.K., Pryer M.W. (1966). Job Satisfaction Issues And
  • Problems. Personnel Psychology. Vol:19.
  • Fullan, M. (2001) The New Meaning of Educational Change. Teachers College Publishing: New York.
  • Goleman, D (2006). Duygusal Zeka Neden IQ’dan Daha Önemlidir. (Otuzuncu Baskı). İngilizceden Çeviren: Banu Seçkin Yüksel. İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları. 898.
  • Grant, A. M. (2006). A Personal Perspective On Professional Coaching And The Development Of Coaching Psychology. International Coaching Psychology Review, 1(1): 12–22.
  • Grant, A. M. (2007). Past, Present and Future: The Evolution Of Professional Coaching And Coaching Psychology. In: S.
  • Palmer & A. Whybrow (Eds.), Handbook of Coaching Psychology: A Handbook for Practitioners 23–39. London: Routledge.
  • Grant, A. M., Curtayne, L., Burton, G. (2009). Executive Coaching Enhances Goal Attainment, Resilience And Workplace Well-Being: A Randomised Controlled Study. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4(5): 396– 407.
  • Grant, A.M., L. S. Green and Josephine Rynsaardt. (2010). Coaching Goes to School. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research in American Psychological Association Vol. 62, No: 3.
  • Grant, A.M., Passmore, J. Cavanagh, M.J.Parker, H.M.(2010).The State Of Playing Coaching Today : A Comprehansive Review Of The Field. İnternational Review of industrial and organizational psychology. Vol: 25.
  • Hackman,J.R., Oldham,G.R.(1976). Motivation Through The Design Of Work: Test Of A Theory. Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance. 16(2).
  • Hammond, L.D., Meyerson,D., Lapointe, M. ve Orr,M.T.(2010). Preparing Principals For A Changing World. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Hargreaves, A.(1994). Changing Teacher Changing Times: Teachers Work and Culture İn Postmodern Age. New York: Teacher Collage Press.
  • Jarvis, J., Lane, D.A. and Fillery-Travis, A. (2006). The Case for Coaching. London: CIPD.
  • Maurer, T; Solamon, J. Troxtel, D. (1998). Relationship of coaching with performance in situational employment interviews. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 83(1), 128-136.
  • McCrae, R.R. ve Costa, P.T.(2006). Personality in adulthood, a five-factor theory perspective. Second Edition, Guilford Press, New York.
  • McLaughlin,M,W., Pfeifer, R.S. Swanson-Owens,D. Yee,S.(1986). Why Teacher Won’t Teach. Phi Delta Kappan. Vol: 67.
  • Morgan, G. (1998). Metaphor in Management and Theories in Unity. Mess Publishing. Istanbul.
  • NASSP. (2010). National Association Of Secondary School Principals. ABD.
  • Nieuwerburgh, W. C. (2012). Coaching in Education. Karnac Books. London.
  • Papadopoulou, V.(2012). Greek School Counsellors As A Mentor; Duties, Problems, Limits, Mentor Implementations in The World. Pegem A, Ankara.
  • Passmore, J., Brown, A. (2009). Coaching Non-Adult Students For Enhanced Examination Performance: A Longitudinal Study. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Practice and Research, 2(1): 54–64.
  • Poussard,J.M.(2004). Another Style in Management; Coaching. Morpa Culture Publishing İstanbul.
  • Reynolds, D. Ve Packer, A. (1993). School effectiveness and school improvement in the 1990. London: Cassel Villiers House.
  • Robbins,S. P. (1994). The Foundations in Organizational Behaviours. ETAM Publishing.
  • Spence, G. B., & Grant, A. M. (2007). Professional and Peer Life Coaching and The Enhancement Of Goal Striving And Well-Being: An Exploratory Study. The Journal of Positive Psychology. Vol:2(3). 185–194.
  • Süleyman, D. G. (2006). Impact of peer coaching on self-efficacy and instructional skills in TEFL. Teacher education System, 34, 239–254.
  • Tschannen-Moran, B., & Tschannen-Moran, M. (2010). Evocative Coaching: Transforming Schools One Conversation at a Time. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Williams, R.B.(2010). How Brain Science Can Change Coaching. Harvard Business Review.
  • White, L. (1970). The Origins of the Coach. Proceedings of The American Philosophical Society, 114 (16), 423-431.
  • Whitmore, J. (2002). Coaching for Performance: Growing People, Performance and Purpose. (3rd edn). London: Nicholas Brealey.
  • Yirci, R., Kocabaş, İ. (2012). Mentoring Implementations in The World. Pegem A. Ankara.
  • Internet Sources
  • (downloaded 20.08. 2013)
  • (downloaded 10.07. 2013)
  • www.ı (downloaded 10.07.2013)
  • (download 20.05.2014)
  • (downloaded 11.06.2013
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Kadriye Işıklar Pürçek Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Ağustos 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Işıklar Pürçek, K. (2015). Coach and Coaching in Education. Journal of Education and Future(6), 1-14.
AMA Işıklar Pürçek K. Coach and Coaching in Education. JEF. Ağustos 2015;(6):1-14.
Chicago Işıklar Pürçek, Kadriye. “Coach and Coaching in Education”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 6 (Ağustos 2015): 1-14.
EndNote Işıklar Pürçek K (01 Ağustos 2015) Coach and Coaching in Education. Journal of Education and Future 6 1–14.
IEEE K. Işıklar Pürçek, “Coach and Coaching in Education”, JEF, sy. 6, ss. 1–14, Ağustos 2015.
ISNAD Işıklar Pürçek, Kadriye. “Coach and Coaching in Education”. Journal of Education and Future 6 (Ağustos 2015), 1-14.
JAMA Işıklar Pürçek K. Coach and Coaching in Education. JEF. 2015;:1–14.
MLA Işıklar Pürçek, Kadriye. “Coach and Coaching in Education”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 6, 2015, ss. 1-14.
Vancouver Işıklar Pürçek K. Coach and Coaching in Education. JEF. 2015(6):1-14.
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