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Dijital Çağda Eğitimi Yeniden Düşünmek: Geleceğin Mesleklerine Hazır Oluş

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 27, 135 - 146, 13.02.2025


Eğitim sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik faktörlerden etkilenen, farklı aktörlerle bütünleştirilmesi gereken karmaşık bir sistemdir. Bu nedenle dijital çağda eğitimin mevcut durumu ve olası gelecek perspektifi birden fazla açıdan değerlendirilmelidir. Programlar ve uygulamalar bu değişimden etkilenmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı dijital çağın eğitime yansımaları ve geleceğin mesleklerine uyum için yapılması gerekenler konusunda öğretim üyelerinin görüşlerini ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan fenemenoloji deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini 10 öğretim görevlisi oluşturmaktadır. Görüşmeler sonucunda elde edilen veriler betimsel analiz tekniği ve içerik analizi tekniği ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre öğrencilerin ve öğretmenlerin geleceğin mesleklerine uyum sağlamak için edinmeleri gereken ortak beceriler dijital okuryazarlık, dijital vatandaşlık ve takım çalışması olarak belirlenmiştir.


  • Аbrosimova, G. A. (2020). Digital literacy and digital skills in university study. International Journal of Higher Education, 9(8), 52-58.
  • AlNajdi, S. M. (2014). Hybrid learning in higher education. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 214-220). Jacksonville, Florida, United States.
  • Arslan, K. (2020). Artificial intelligence and its applications in education. Western Anatolian Journal of Educational Sciences,11(1), 71-88.
  • Bhbosale, M. S., Pujari, V., & Multani, Z. (2020). Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence. Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 77, 227-230.
  • Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., & Rumble, M. (2011). Defining Twenty-First Century Skills. In P. Griffin, B. McGaw, & E. Care (Eds.), Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills (pp. 17-67). DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2324-5_2.
  • Braun, A., März, A., Mertens, F., & Nisser, A. (2020). Rethinking education in the digital age. Brussels European Union, 1-20. doi:10.2861/84330.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2015). Qualitative research methods. (M. Bütün., S. B. Demir, Eds.), Ankara: Siyasal Publishing.
  • Fadli, F., Astuti, D. S. I., & Rukiyati, R. (2020). Techno - Resilience for teachers: Concepts and action. TEM Journal, 9(2), 820-825.
  • Göçen, A., & Aydemir, F. (2020). Artificial intelligence in education and schools. Research on Education and Media, 12(1), 13-21.
  • Harari, N. (2018). 21 lessons for the 21st century.Collective Book.
  • Khan, S. (2022). World school: Rethinking education. (C. Akkaş, Ed.). (19th edition). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Publications.
  • Labbas, R. & El Shaban, A. (2013). Teacher development in the digital age. Teaching English With Technology, 13(3),53-64.
  • Mallik, D. A. & Mallik, D. L. (2019). Education technology in digital age: Classroom learning for future and beyond.
  • Mansilla,V.B. & Jackson, A.(2013). Educating for global competence:Learning redefined for an ınterconnected world, Jacobs, H. (Ed.), Mastering Global Literacy, Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Solution Tree.
  • OECD (2021).OECD Digital Education Outlook 2021:Pushing the frontiers with artificial ıntelligence, blockchain and robots, Paris: OECD Publishing. doi:10.1787/589b283f-en.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2014). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. (M. Tüm., S. B. Demir, Eds.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Polz, E. (2020). Being a teacher is a lifelong learning process. Open Online Journal for Research and Education, 14,1-8.
  • Popovska, M. B., Topuzovska, M., & Popovski, V. (2012). Lifelong learning for best adaptation to the 21st century changes in the world of work. Retrieved from
  • Sakulprasertsri, K. (2017). Flipped learning approach: Engaging 21st century learners in English classrooms. Learn Journal, 10 (2),132-143.
  • Selwyn, N. (2011). Revisiting the promise of digital technology and schools. Schools and schooling in the digital age a critical analysis (pp.2-22). London: British Library Cataloging in Publication Data.
  • Tao, H. B., Díaz Pérez, V. R., & Guerra, Y. M. (2019). Increased intelligence and education challenges and disadvantages for the teacher. Arctic Journal, 72 (12), 30-50.
  • Tarhan, Ö. (2015). Social studies teacher candidates views on political literacy. Academic Journal of Social Researc, 9, 649-669.
  • Vargas, P. R., Romani, C. C. (2020). Digital learning: Distraction or default for the future. Digital Education Review, 37,1-16. 10.1344/der.2020.37.%25p.
  • Yıldırım, A., Şimşek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.

Rethinking Education in the Digital Age: Readiness for the Professions of the Future

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 27, 135 - 146, 13.02.2025


Education is a complex system that is affected by social, cultural and economic factors and needs to be integrated with different actors. For this reason, the current state of education in the digital age and its possible future perspective should be evaluated from more than one context.As the context of schooling changes when digital technologies are integrated into the education system, the future position of professions as well as programs and practices are affected by this change. The aim of this research is to reveal the views of faculty members on the reflections of the digital age on education and what needs to be done to adapt to the professions of the future. In this study, phenomenology method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The sample of the research consists of 10 lecturers. The data obtained as a result of the interviews were analyzed with descriptive analysis technique and content analysis technique. According to the findings of the research, the common skills that students and teachers need to acquire in order to adapt to the professions of the future are determined as digital literacy, digital citizenship and teamwork.


  • Аbrosimova, G. A. (2020). Digital literacy and digital skills in university study. International Journal of Higher Education, 9(8), 52-58.
  • AlNajdi, S. M. (2014). Hybrid learning in higher education. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 214-220). Jacksonville, Florida, United States.
  • Arslan, K. (2020). Artificial intelligence and its applications in education. Western Anatolian Journal of Educational Sciences,11(1), 71-88.
  • Bhbosale, M. S., Pujari, V., & Multani, Z. (2020). Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence. Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 77, 227-230.
  • Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., & Rumble, M. (2011). Defining Twenty-First Century Skills. In P. Griffin, B. McGaw, & E. Care (Eds.), Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills (pp. 17-67). DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2324-5_2.
  • Braun, A., März, A., Mertens, F., & Nisser, A. (2020). Rethinking education in the digital age. Brussels European Union, 1-20. doi:10.2861/84330.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2015). Qualitative research methods. (M. Bütün., S. B. Demir, Eds.), Ankara: Siyasal Publishing.
  • Fadli, F., Astuti, D. S. I., & Rukiyati, R. (2020). Techno - Resilience for teachers: Concepts and action. TEM Journal, 9(2), 820-825.
  • Göçen, A., & Aydemir, F. (2020). Artificial intelligence in education and schools. Research on Education and Media, 12(1), 13-21.
  • Harari, N. (2018). 21 lessons for the 21st century.Collective Book.
  • Khan, S. (2022). World school: Rethinking education. (C. Akkaş, Ed.). (19th edition). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Publications.
  • Labbas, R. & El Shaban, A. (2013). Teacher development in the digital age. Teaching English With Technology, 13(3),53-64.
  • Mallik, D. A. & Mallik, D. L. (2019). Education technology in digital age: Classroom learning for future and beyond.
  • Mansilla,V.B. & Jackson, A.(2013). Educating for global competence:Learning redefined for an ınterconnected world, Jacobs, H. (Ed.), Mastering Global Literacy, Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Solution Tree.
  • OECD (2021).OECD Digital Education Outlook 2021:Pushing the frontiers with artificial ıntelligence, blockchain and robots, Paris: OECD Publishing. doi:10.1787/589b283f-en.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2014). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. (M. Tüm., S. B. Demir, Eds.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Polz, E. (2020). Being a teacher is a lifelong learning process. Open Online Journal for Research and Education, 14,1-8.
  • Popovska, M. B., Topuzovska, M., & Popovski, V. (2012). Lifelong learning for best adaptation to the 21st century changes in the world of work. Retrieved from
  • Sakulprasertsri, K. (2017). Flipped learning approach: Engaging 21st century learners in English classrooms. Learn Journal, 10 (2),132-143.
  • Selwyn, N. (2011). Revisiting the promise of digital technology and schools. Schools and schooling in the digital age a critical analysis (pp.2-22). London: British Library Cataloging in Publication Data.
  • Tao, H. B., Díaz Pérez, V. R., & Guerra, Y. M. (2019). Increased intelligence and education challenges and disadvantages for the teacher. Arctic Journal, 72 (12), 30-50.
  • Tarhan, Ö. (2015). Social studies teacher candidates views on political literacy. Academic Journal of Social Researc, 9, 649-669.
  • Vargas, P. R., Romani, C. C. (2020). Digital learning: Distraction or default for the future. Digital Education Review, 37,1-16. 10.1344/der.2020.37.%25p.
  • Yıldırım, A., Şimşek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Duygu Şallı 0000-0002-8126-7131

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi 27 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Sayı: 27

Kaynak Göster

APA Şallı, D. (2025). Rethinking Education in the Digital Age: Readiness for the Professions of the Future. Journal of Education and Future(27), 135-146.
AMA Şallı D. Rethinking Education in the Digital Age: Readiness for the Professions of the Future. JEF. Şubat 2025;(27):135-146. doi:10.30786/jef.1372523
Chicago Şallı, Duygu. “Rethinking Education in the Digital Age: Readiness for the Professions of the Future”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 27 (Şubat 2025): 135-46.
EndNote Şallı D (01 Şubat 2025) Rethinking Education in the Digital Age: Readiness for the Professions of the Future. Journal of Education and Future 27 135–146.
IEEE D. Şallı, “Rethinking Education in the Digital Age: Readiness for the Professions of the Future”, JEF, sy. 27, ss. 135–146, Şubat 2025, doi: 10.30786/jef.1372523.
ISNAD Şallı, Duygu. “Rethinking Education in the Digital Age: Readiness for the Professions of the Future”. Journal of Education and Future 27 (Şubat 2025), 135-146.
JAMA Şallı D. Rethinking Education in the Digital Age: Readiness for the Professions of the Future. JEF. 2025;:135–146.
MLA Şallı, Duygu. “Rethinking Education in the Digital Age: Readiness for the Professions of the Future”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 27, 2025, ss. 135-46, doi:10.30786/jef.1372523.
Vancouver Şallı D. Rethinking Education in the Digital Age: Readiness for the Professions of the Future. JEF. 2025(27):135-46.
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