Aim: Endometrium cancer is one of the most common gynecological malignancies. In this study we aim to examine the effect of poor glycaemic control on stage and grade of endometrial carcinoma.Material and Methods: Hospital records of patients who had a diagnosis of endometrium cancer and underwent a surgical staging for endometrial cancer were retrospectively reviewed. The patients who had examined forgly cosylated hemoglobin HgA1c within 3 months preoperatively, fasting plasma glucose and fasting insulin levels were included to the study. Final pathology results were examined to determine the FIGO stage and grade of tumour. HbA1c fasting insulin levels and fasting glucose levels of the patients were compared according to stage and grade.Results: There was a significant difference among the stage of tumours according to fasting plasma glucose levels. There was a significant difference in terms of HgA1c levels among grade of tumours. HgA1c levels were found to be higher in favour of grade III tumours p
Ferlay J, Shin HR, Bray F, Forman D, Mathers C, Parkin DM. Estimates of worldwide burden of cancer in 2008: GLOBOCAN 2008. International journal of cancer 2010;127:2893-917.
Becker S, Dossus L, Kaaks R. Obesity related hyperinsulinaemia and hyperglycaemia and cancer development. Archives of physiology and biochemistry 2009;115:86-96.
Kaaks R, Lukanova A, Kurzer MS. Obesity, endogenous hormones, and endometrial cancer risk: a synthetic review. Cancer epidemiology, bio- markers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2002;11:1531-43.
Lukanova A, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Lundin E, Micheli A, Arslan AA, Ri- naldi S et al. Prediagnostic levels of C-peptide, IGF-I, IGFBP -1, -2 and -3 and risk of endometrial cancer. International journal of cancer Journal international du cancer 2004;108:262-8.
Bokhman JV. Two pathogenetic types of endometrial carcinoma. Gyne- cologic oncology 1983;15:10-7.
Rinaldi S, Rohrmann S, Jenab M, Biessy C, Sieri S, Palli D et al. Gly- cosylated hemoglobin and risk of colorectal cancer in men and women, the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2008;17:3108-15.
Weiderpass E, Gridley G, Persson I, Nyren O, Ekbom A, Adami HO. Risk of endometrial and breast cancer in patients with diabetes mellitus. Inter- national journal of cancer Journal international du cancer 1997;71:360- 3.
Parazzini F, La Vecchia C, Bocciolone L, Franceschi S. The epidemiology of endometrial cancer. Gynecologic oncology 1991;41:1-16.
Coleman MP, Esteve J, Damiecki P, Arslan A, Renard H. Trends in cancer incidence and mortality. IARC scientific publications 1993, DOI: :1-806.
Plymate SR, Hoop RC, Jones RE, Matej LA. Regulation of sex hormo- ne-binding globulin production by growth factors. Metabolism: clinical and experimental 1990;39:967-70.
Siddiqui AA, Spechler SJ, Huerta S, Dredar S, Little BB, Cryer B. Eleva- ted HbA1c is an independent predictor of aggressive clinical behavior in patients with colorectal cancer: a case-control study. Digestive diseases and sciences 2008;53:2486-94.
Stevens EE, Yu S, Van Sise M, Pradhan TS, Lee V, Pearl ML et al. Hemog- lobin A1c and the relationship to stage and grade of endometrial cancer. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics 2012;286:1507-12.
Endometrium Kanserinde Kötü Glisemik Kontrolün Evre ve Grade Üzerine Etkisi
Amaç: Endometrium kanseri en sık görülen jinekolojik kanserlerden biridir. Bu çalışmamızda kötü glisemik kontolün hastalığın evre ve derecesi üzerine etkisini incelemeyi amaçladık.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Endometrium kanseri tanısı almış ve bu sebeple cerrahi evrelemeye tabi tutulmuş hastaların kayıtarı retrospektif olarak incelendi. Ameliyattan 3 ay önceki döneme kadar glikozle haemoglobin HgA1c , açlık glikozu ve açlık insulin seviyesi ölçülmüş olanhastalar çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların nihai patoloji sonuçları hastalığın evre ve derecesi için incelendi. HgA1c ve açlık glikoz ve insulin düzeyleri hastalığın evre ve dereceleri ile karşılaştırıldı.Sonuç: Açlık glikoz seviyeleri ile hastalığın evresi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptandı. Ayrıca HgA1c seviyeleri ve hastalığınderecesi arasında da istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptandı. HgA1c seviyeleri grade 3 tümörlerde daha yüksek bulundu. p
Ferlay J, Shin HR, Bray F, Forman D, Mathers C, Parkin DM. Estimates of worldwide burden of cancer in 2008: GLOBOCAN 2008. International journal of cancer 2010;127:2893-917.
Becker S, Dossus L, Kaaks R. Obesity related hyperinsulinaemia and hyperglycaemia and cancer development. Archives of physiology and biochemistry 2009;115:86-96.
Kaaks R, Lukanova A, Kurzer MS. Obesity, endogenous hormones, and endometrial cancer risk: a synthetic review. Cancer epidemiology, bio- markers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2002;11:1531-43.
Lukanova A, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Lundin E, Micheli A, Arslan AA, Ri- naldi S et al. Prediagnostic levels of C-peptide, IGF-I, IGFBP -1, -2 and -3 and risk of endometrial cancer. International journal of cancer Journal international du cancer 2004;108:262-8.
Bokhman JV. Two pathogenetic types of endometrial carcinoma. Gyne- cologic oncology 1983;15:10-7.
Rinaldi S, Rohrmann S, Jenab M, Biessy C, Sieri S, Palli D et al. Gly- cosylated hemoglobin and risk of colorectal cancer in men and women, the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2008;17:3108-15.
Weiderpass E, Gridley G, Persson I, Nyren O, Ekbom A, Adami HO. Risk of endometrial and breast cancer in patients with diabetes mellitus. Inter- national journal of cancer Journal international du cancer 1997;71:360- 3.
Parazzini F, La Vecchia C, Bocciolone L, Franceschi S. The epidemiology of endometrial cancer. Gynecologic oncology 1991;41:1-16.
Coleman MP, Esteve J, Damiecki P, Arslan A, Renard H. Trends in cancer incidence and mortality. IARC scientific publications 1993, DOI: :1-806.
Plymate SR, Hoop RC, Jones RE, Matej LA. Regulation of sex hormo- ne-binding globulin production by growth factors. Metabolism: clinical and experimental 1990;39:967-70.
Siddiqui AA, Spechler SJ, Huerta S, Dredar S, Little BB, Cryer B. Eleva- ted HbA1c is an independent predictor of aggressive clinical behavior in patients with colorectal cancer: a case-control study. Digestive diseases and sciences 2008;53:2486-94.
Stevens EE, Yu S, Van Sise M, Pradhan TS, Lee V, Pearl ML et al. Hemog- lobin A1c and the relationship to stage and grade of endometrial cancer. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics 2012;286:1507-12.
Özgü E, Erkılınç S, Yeşilyurt H, Salman Özgü B, Terzioğlu G, Güngör T. Endometrium Kanserinde Kötü Glisemik Kontrolün Evre ve Grade Üzerine Etkisi. JGON. 2016;13(3):117-20.