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Neocortical Inhibition During Labor And Stress Deprivation Associated With Cesarean Section Without Labor

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3, 123 - 125, 01.05.2015


The concept of neocortical inhibition is key to understand human nature. Key to understand nature’s solution to overcome a human handicap and make birth possible in our species. This solution is simply that the neocortex must stop working during the birth process. Our neocortex is originally a tool that serves the old brain structures as a means of supporting our survival instinct. The point is that its activity tends to control more primitive brain structures and to inhibit the birth process and any sort of sexual experience as well . The neocortex is supposed to be at rest so that primitive brain structures can more easily release the necessary hormones.There are three kinds of cesarean sections: pre-labor c-sections, in-labor non-emergency c-sections, and in-labor emergency c-sections. From the point of view of the baby, it appears that the main differences are between pre-labor cesarean births and the others whatever the route . In other words, the main differences are between birth with labor and birth without labor. Many unexpected differences have been demonstrated through human studies regarding the effects of cesarean births according to their timing. This is an important point: the multiple negative effects of stress deprivation among babies born by pre-labor c-section have been underestimated until recently. We must also take into consideration the effects of the fetal stress hormones like noradrenaline, endorphins which induce the release of prolactin oxytocin, adiponectin and melatonin which released during labor.


  • 1. Odent M. Promising avenues for research. In: Michel Odent , editor. Childbirth in the Age of Plastics. 1st ed :Great Britain by Pinter & Martin Ltd, London 2011;Chapter 9: ISBN 978-1-905177-54-7 (paperbook), ISBN 978-1-905177-55-4 (e-book).
  • 2. Condon JC, Jeyasuria P, Faust JM, Mendelson CR. Surfactant protein secreted by the maturing mouse fetal lung acts as a hormone that signals the initiation of parturition. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2004; 101:4978- 83.
  • 3. Hauth JC, Parker CR Jr, MacDonald PC, Porter JC, Johnston JM. A role of fetal prolactin in lung maturation. Obstet Gynecol 1978 ;51:81-8.
  • 4. Varendi H, Porter RH, Winberg J. The effect of labor on olfactory exposure learning within the first postnatal hour. Behav Neurosci 2002; 116:206-11.
  • 5. Odent M. The early expression of the rooting reflex. Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Rome. London: Academic Press 1977; 1117-19.
  • 6. Odent M. L’expression précoce du réflexe de fouissement. In : Les cahiers du nouveau-né 1978; 1-2 :169-185.
  • 7. Hermansson H, Hoppu U, Isolauri E. Elective Caesarean Section Is Associated with Low Adiponectin Levels in Cord Blood. Neonatology 2014; 105:172-174.
  • 8. Cabrera-Rubio R, Collado MC, Laitinen K, et al. The human milk microbiome changes over lactation and is shaped by maternal weight and mode of delivery. Am J Clin Nutr 2012; 96:544-51.
  • 9. Azad MB, Konya T, Maugham H, et al. Gut microbiota of healthy Canadian infants: profiles by mode of delivery and infant diet at 4 months. CMAJ 2013; 185: 385–94.
  • 10. Dogra S, Sakwinska O, Soh S, et al. Dynamics of infant gut microbiota are influenced by delivery mode and gestational duration and are associated with subsequent adiposity. MBio 2015; 3:6 (1).
  • 11. Bagci S, Berner AL, Reinsberg J, et al. Melatonin concentration in umbilical cord blood depends on mode of delivery. Early Hum Dev 2012; 88: 369-373.
  • 12. Christensson K, Siles C, Cabrera T, et al. Lower body temperature in infants delivered by caesarean section than in vaginally delivered infants. Acta Pediatr 1993; 82:128-31.
  • 13. Simon-Areces J, Dietrich M O, Hermes G, et al. Ucp2 Induced by Natural Birth Regulates Neuronal Differentiation of the Hippocampus and Related Adult Behavior. PLoS One 2012; 7: 42911.
  • 14. Tyzio, R, Cossart, R, Khalilov I, et al. Maternal oxytocin triggers a transient inhibitory switch in GABA signaling in the fetal brain during delivery. Science 2006; 314(5806): 1788-1792.
  • 15. Downes KL, Hinkle SN, Sjaarda LA, et al. Previous Prelabor or Intrapartum Cesarean Delivery and Risk of Placenta Previa. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015; 212: 669.
  • 16. Prior E, Santhakumaran S, Gale C, et al. Breastfeeding after cesarean delivery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of world literature. Am J Clin Nutr 2012; 95: 1113-35.
  • 17. Zanardo V, Savona V, Cavallin F, et al. Impaired lactation performance following elective delivery at term: role of maternal levels of cortisol and prolactin. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012; 25: 1595-8.
  • 18. Levine LD, Sammel MD, Hirshberg A, et al. Does stage of labor at time of cesarean affect risk of subsequent preterm birth? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015; 212: 360.

Doğum Sürecinde Neokortikal İnhibisyon ve Doğum Eylemi Başlamadan Yapılan Sezaryen İle Ilişkili Stres Yoksunluğu

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3, 123 - 125, 01.05.2015


Neokortikal inhibisyon kavramı, insan doğasını anlamada kilit noktadır. İnsan türündeki bu handikap için doğanın çözümünü anlamak, doğumu türümüz için mümkün hale getirmede kilit noktadır. Bu çözüm, basitçe doğum eylemi sırasında neokorteksin çalışmayı durdurması şeklindedir. Aslında neokorteksimiz, hayatta kalma içgüdümüzü destekleyen ilkel beyin yapılarına hizmet eden bir araçtır. Önemli olan nokta, neokorteksin daha primitif beyin yapılarını kontrol etmesi ve doğum sürecini aynı zamanda her türlü cinsel deneyimi inhibe etme eğiliminde olmasıdır. Primitif beyin yapılarının gerekli hormonları salgılayabilmesi için neokorteksin inaktif durumunda olması gerekir.Sezaryenin üç tipi vardır: Doğum eylemi başlamadan yapılan sezaryen, doğum eylemi sırasında acil olmayan sezaryen, doğum eylemi sırasında acil yapılan sezaryen. Bebek açısından bakıldığında temel farkın doğum eylemi başlamadan yapılan sezaryen ve diğerleri hangi tür doğum şekli olursa olsun arasında olduğu görülmektedir. Diğer bir deyişle, temel fark eylem başladıktan sonra gerçekleşen doğum ve eylem başlamadan gerçekleşen doğum arasındadır. Sezaryen doğumların zamanlamasına göre etkilerini inceleyen insan çalışmalarında birçok beklenmedik farklılıklar gösterilmiştir. Önemli nokta şudur: doğum eylemi başlamadan yapılan sezaryen ile dünyaya gelen bebeklerde, stres yoksunluğunun çok sayıda negatif etkileri olduğu yakın zamana kadar göz ardı edilmiştir. Doğum eylemi sırasında salgılanan noradrenalin, endorfinler prolaktin salınımını destekler , oksitosin, adiponektin ve melatonin gibi fetal stres hormonlarının etkilerini de dikkate almamız gerekir.


  • 1. Odent M. Promising avenues for research. In: Michel Odent , editor. Childbirth in the Age of Plastics. 1st ed :Great Britain by Pinter & Martin Ltd, London 2011;Chapter 9: ISBN 978-1-905177-54-7 (paperbook), ISBN 978-1-905177-55-4 (e-book).
  • 2. Condon JC, Jeyasuria P, Faust JM, Mendelson CR. Surfactant protein secreted by the maturing mouse fetal lung acts as a hormone that signals the initiation of parturition. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2004; 101:4978- 83.
  • 3. Hauth JC, Parker CR Jr, MacDonald PC, Porter JC, Johnston JM. A role of fetal prolactin in lung maturation. Obstet Gynecol 1978 ;51:81-8.
  • 4. Varendi H, Porter RH, Winberg J. The effect of labor on olfactory exposure learning within the first postnatal hour. Behav Neurosci 2002; 116:206-11.
  • 5. Odent M. The early expression of the rooting reflex. Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Rome. London: Academic Press 1977; 1117-19.
  • 6. Odent M. L’expression précoce du réflexe de fouissement. In : Les cahiers du nouveau-né 1978; 1-2 :169-185.
  • 7. Hermansson H, Hoppu U, Isolauri E. Elective Caesarean Section Is Associated with Low Adiponectin Levels in Cord Blood. Neonatology 2014; 105:172-174.
  • 8. Cabrera-Rubio R, Collado MC, Laitinen K, et al. The human milk microbiome changes over lactation and is shaped by maternal weight and mode of delivery. Am J Clin Nutr 2012; 96:544-51.
  • 9. Azad MB, Konya T, Maugham H, et al. Gut microbiota of healthy Canadian infants: profiles by mode of delivery and infant diet at 4 months. CMAJ 2013; 185: 385–94.
  • 10. Dogra S, Sakwinska O, Soh S, et al. Dynamics of infant gut microbiota are influenced by delivery mode and gestational duration and are associated with subsequent adiposity. MBio 2015; 3:6 (1).
  • 11. Bagci S, Berner AL, Reinsberg J, et al. Melatonin concentration in umbilical cord blood depends on mode of delivery. Early Hum Dev 2012; 88: 369-373.
  • 12. Christensson K, Siles C, Cabrera T, et al. Lower body temperature in infants delivered by caesarean section than in vaginally delivered infants. Acta Pediatr 1993; 82:128-31.
  • 13. Simon-Areces J, Dietrich M O, Hermes G, et al. Ucp2 Induced by Natural Birth Regulates Neuronal Differentiation of the Hippocampus and Related Adult Behavior. PLoS One 2012; 7: 42911.
  • 14. Tyzio, R, Cossart, R, Khalilov I, et al. Maternal oxytocin triggers a transient inhibitory switch in GABA signaling in the fetal brain during delivery. Science 2006; 314(5806): 1788-1792.
  • 15. Downes KL, Hinkle SN, Sjaarda LA, et al. Previous Prelabor or Intrapartum Cesarean Delivery and Risk of Placenta Previa. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015; 212: 669.
  • 16. Prior E, Santhakumaran S, Gale C, et al. Breastfeeding after cesarean delivery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of world literature. Am J Clin Nutr 2012; 95: 1113-35.
  • 17. Zanardo V, Savona V, Cavallin F, et al. Impaired lactation performance following elective delivery at term: role of maternal levels of cortisol and prolactin. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012; 25: 1595-8.
  • 18. Levine LD, Sammel MD, Hirshberg A, et al. Does stage of labor at time of cesarean affect risk of subsequent preterm birth? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015; 212: 360.
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Michel Odent Bu kişi benim

Özlem Moraloğlu Tekin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Odent M, Tekin ÖM. Doğum Sürecinde Neokortikal İnhibisyon ve Doğum Eylemi Başlamadan Yapılan Sezaryen İle Ilişkili Stres Yoksunluğu. JGON. 2015;12(3):123-5.