The present research was carried out to determine the effect of benzyl aminopurine (BAP) with
α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) combinations on the microtuberization of Pasinler,
Granola and Caspar potato genotypes using stem segments with single nodes. Explants were incubated at two
different photoperiod conditions such as short day (8 hours daylight) and continuous dark. Observations from the
microtuber characteristics were examined in this article. Microtuberization started earlier under continiuous dark
(50.98 days) than short days (55.88 days) conditions. Higher number of microtubers per plantlets was determined
on continuous dark (2.94) than 8 hours photoperiod (2.35). Total microtuber weight was also higher under
continuous dark (432.02 mg) than short day (389.13 mg) although differences between them were insigni cant.
Presented results showed that the effect of continuous dark was more dominant than short days and the in uence
of control treatment including only 8%sucrose and combination of BAP+IBA was more pronounced compared to
other hormonal treatments. Findings of the research also revealed that the effect of PGRs on plantlet characteristics
studied was variable depending on the genotype.
Aryakia, E., Hamidoghli, Y., 2010. Comparison of kinetin and 6-benzyl amino purine effect on in vitro microtuberization of two cultivars of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). American- Euroasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 8 (6): 710-714.
Aslam, A., Ali, A., Naveed, N. H., Saleem, A., Iqbal, J., 2011. Effect of interaction of 6-benzyl aminopurine (BA) and sucrose for ef cient microtuberization of two elite potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars, Desiree and Cardinal. African J of Biotechnology, 10 (59): 12738-12744.
Banfalvi, Z., Molnar, A., Kostyal, Z., Lakatos, L., Molnar, G., 1997. Comparative studies on potato tuber development using an in vitro tuber induction system. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 48(1):77-86.
Belletti, P., Lanteri, S., Lotito, S., Saracco, F., 1994. Production of potato microtubers through in vitro culture. Acta Horticulturae (Eds. L. Quagliotti and P. Belletti), 362: 141-148.
Coleman, W. K., Donnelly, D. J., Coleman, S. E., 2001. Potato microtubers as research tools: A review. Am J Potato Research, 78: 47-55.
Costa, E., Terras, W., Jerez, E., 1991. Induction of tuberization in vitro in stem segments of potatoes with a bud and a leaf. Cultivos Tropicales, 12 (1): 87-90.
Dobranszki, J., Mandi, M., 1993. Induction of in vitro tuberization by short day period and dark treatment of potato shoots grown on hormone-free medium. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 44 (4): 411-420.
Donnelly, D. J., Coleman, W. K., Coleman, S. E., 2003. Potato microtuber production and performance: a review. Am J of Potato Res 80: 103-115.
Ebadi, M., Iranbaksh, A., 2011. The induction and growth of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) microtubers (sante cultivar) in response to the different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine and sucrose. African J of Biotechnology 10 (52): 10626-10635.
Forti, E., Mandalino, G., Ranalli, P., 1991. In vitro tuber induction: in uence of the variety and of the media. Acta Horticulturae 300: 127-132.
Ghavidel, R. A., Bolandi, A. R., Hamidi, H., Foroghian, S., 2012. Effects of plant growth regulators and photoperiod on in vitro microtuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). African J of Biotechnology, 11 (53): 11585-11590.
Gopal, J., Minocha, J. L., Dhaliwal, H. S., 1998. Microtuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Plant Cell Reports, 17:794- 798.
Hoque, M. E., 2010. In vitro tuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Plant Omics Journal. 3 (1): 7-11.
Hossain, M. J., 2005. In vitro microtuberisation of potato obtained from diverse sources. Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 15 (2): 157-166.
Hussain, I., Chaudhry, Z., Muhammed, A., Asghar, R., Naqvi, S. M. S., Rashid, H., 2006. Effecet of chlorocholine chloride, sucrose and BAP on in vitro tuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Cardinal). Pak. J. Bot., 38 (2): 275-282.
Islam, M. S., Chowdhury, A. R., Hossain, M. M., 1999. Microtuber production of six potato varieties as affected by temperature, sucrose and BAP. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture, 9 (1): 91-97.
Kamarainen-Karppinen, T., Virtanen, E., Rokka, V. M., Pirtilla, A. M., 2010. Novel bioreactor technology for mass propagation of potato microtubers. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult., 101: 245- 249.
Khuri, S., Moorby, J., 1995. Investigations into the role of sucrose in potato cv. Estima microtuber production in vitro. Annals of Botany 75: 295-303.
Lentini, Z., Earle, E. D., 1991. In vitro tuberization of potato clones from different maturity groups. Plant Cell Reports, 9 (12): 691-695.
Levy, D., Seabrook, J. E. A., Coleman, S., 1993. Enhancement of tuberization of axillary shoot buds of potato (Solanum tubero- sum L.) cultivars cultured in vitro. J of Experimental Botany, 44 (259): 381-386.
Mahdi, E. F. M., Al-Saad, H. S., Elshibli, S. M. A. I., 2004. In vitro tuberization of potato cultivars as in uenced by photoperiod, exogenous sucrose and cytokinin concentrations. J. King Saud Univ. Agric. Sci. 17 (1): 25-35.
Murashige, T., Skoog, F., 1962. A revised nedium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant. 15: 473-497.
Nasiruddin, K. M., Blake, J., 1994. Production of potato microtubers with and without growth regulators. In: Physiology, Growth and
Development of Plants in Culture (Eds. P. J. Lumsden, J. R. Nicholas and W. J. Davies), pp: 254-260.
Ortiz-Montiel, G. and Lozoya-Saldana, H., 1987. Potato microtu- bers: technology validation in Mexico. Am Potato J., 64: 535- 544.
Piao, X. C., Chakrabarty, D., Hahn, E. J., Paek, K. Y., 2003. A sim- ple method for mass production of potato microtubers using a bioreactor system. Current Science, 84 (8): 1129-1132.
Pruski, K., Duplesis, P., Lewis, T., Astatkie, T., Nowak, J., Struik, P. C., 2001. Jasmonate effect on in vitro tuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars under light and dark condi- tions. Potato Research, 44 (4): 315-325.
Ra que, T., Jaskani, M. J., Raza, H., Abbas, M., 2004. In vitro stud- ies on microtuber induction in potato. Int J. Agri. Biol., 6 (2): 375-377.
Sarekanno, M., Kadaja, J., Kotkas, K., Rosenberg, V., Eremeev, V., 2012. Development of eld-grown potato plants derived meristem plants multiplied with different methods. Acra Agri- culturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 62: 114-124.
Seabrook, J. E. A., Coleman, S., Levy, D., 1993. Effect of photope- riod on in vitro tuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 34 (1): 43-51.
Sharma, A. K., Venkatasalam, E. P., Singh, R. K., 2011. Micro-tuber production behavior of some commercially important potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars. Indian J of Agricultural Sciences, 81 (11): 1008-1013.
Slimmon, T., Machado, V. S., Cof n, R., 1989. The effect of light on in vitro microtuberization of potato cultivars. Am. Pot. J. 66:843-848.
Srivastava, A. K., Diengdoh L. C., Rai, R., Bag, T. K., Singh, B. P., 2012. In vitro micropropagation and microtuberization poten- tial of selected potato varieties. Indian J of Hill Farming, 25 (2): 14-17.
Yasmin, A., Jalbani, A. A., Mangrio, G. S., Nasreen, A., 2011. Op- timization of microtuberization in indigenous potato cv. De- siree. Pak. J. Biotechnol. 8 (2): 39-44.
Farklı Fotoperiyot Şartlarında in vitro Olarak Yetiştirilen patates (Solanum tuberosum L.)’lerde BAP’ın NAA ve IBA ile Birlikte Mikro Yumru Oluşturma Üzerine Etkileri
Bu çalışma, benzyl aminopurine (BAP)’in tek başına ya da α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) ve
indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) ile birlikte Pasinler, Granola ve Caspar patates çeşitlerinin tek boğum sürgün
kesimlerinin mikroyumru (MY) oluşturması üzerine etkisini belirlemek için yürütülmüştür. Eksplantlar kısa gün
şartları (8 saat ışık) ve tamamen karanlık şartları gibi iki farklı fotoperiyot şartlarında gelişmeye bırakılmışlardır.
Bu makalede patateste MY oluşumu özelliklerinden alınan gözlemler değerlendirilmiştir. MY oluşumu tamamen
karanlık şartlarda (50.98 gün) kısa gün şartlarına gore (55.88 gün) daha erken başlamıştır. Karanlık şartlarda MY
sayısı (2.94 adet) 8 saat ışık şartlarına göre (2.35 adet) daha fazla elde edilmiştir. Aradaki fark istatistiki olarak
önemli olmamasına rağmen, toplam MY ağırlığının da karanlık şartlarda (432.02 mg), kısa gün şartlarından (389.13
mg) daha fazla olduğu görülmüştür. Hiç hormon içermeyen MS ortamı (kontrol) en yüksek MY değerleri vermiştir.
Elde edilen sonuçlar, tamamen karanlık şartların kısa gün şartlarına göre, %8 sukroz içeren hormonsuz kontrol
ortamının diğer bitki büyüme düzenleyicilerine göre daha üstün olduğunu, BAP+IBA uygulamasının kontrolden
sonraki en uygun uygulama olduğunu göstermiştir. Bulgular ayrıca, kullanılan bitki büyüme düzenleyicilerinin
etkisinin çeşide bağlı olarak değişebileceğini göstermiştir.
Aryakia, E., Hamidoghli, Y., 2010. Comparison of kinetin and 6-benzyl amino purine effect on in vitro microtuberization of two cultivars of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). American- Euroasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 8 (6): 710-714.
Aslam, A., Ali, A., Naveed, N. H., Saleem, A., Iqbal, J., 2011. Effect of interaction of 6-benzyl aminopurine (BA) and sucrose for ef cient microtuberization of two elite potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars, Desiree and Cardinal. African J of Biotechnology, 10 (59): 12738-12744.
Banfalvi, Z., Molnar, A., Kostyal, Z., Lakatos, L., Molnar, G., 1997. Comparative studies on potato tuber development using an in vitro tuber induction system. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 48(1):77-86.
Belletti, P., Lanteri, S., Lotito, S., Saracco, F., 1994. Production of potato microtubers through in vitro culture. Acta Horticulturae (Eds. L. Quagliotti and P. Belletti), 362: 141-148.
Coleman, W. K., Donnelly, D. J., Coleman, S. E., 2001. Potato microtubers as research tools: A review. Am J Potato Research, 78: 47-55.
Costa, E., Terras, W., Jerez, E., 1991. Induction of tuberization in vitro in stem segments of potatoes with a bud and a leaf. Cultivos Tropicales, 12 (1): 87-90.
Dobranszki, J., Mandi, M., 1993. Induction of in vitro tuberization by short day period and dark treatment of potato shoots grown on hormone-free medium. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 44 (4): 411-420.
Donnelly, D. J., Coleman, W. K., Coleman, S. E., 2003. Potato microtuber production and performance: a review. Am J of Potato Res 80: 103-115.
Ebadi, M., Iranbaksh, A., 2011. The induction and growth of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) microtubers (sante cultivar) in response to the different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine and sucrose. African J of Biotechnology 10 (52): 10626-10635.
Forti, E., Mandalino, G., Ranalli, P., 1991. In vitro tuber induction: in uence of the variety and of the media. Acta Horticulturae 300: 127-132.
Ghavidel, R. A., Bolandi, A. R., Hamidi, H., Foroghian, S., 2012. Effects of plant growth regulators and photoperiod on in vitro microtuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). African J of Biotechnology, 11 (53): 11585-11590.
Gopal, J., Minocha, J. L., Dhaliwal, H. S., 1998. Microtuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Plant Cell Reports, 17:794- 798.
Hoque, M. E., 2010. In vitro tuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Plant Omics Journal. 3 (1): 7-11.
Hossain, M. J., 2005. In vitro microtuberisation of potato obtained from diverse sources. Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 15 (2): 157-166.
Hussain, I., Chaudhry, Z., Muhammed, A., Asghar, R., Naqvi, S. M. S., Rashid, H., 2006. Effecet of chlorocholine chloride, sucrose and BAP on in vitro tuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Cardinal). Pak. J. Bot., 38 (2): 275-282.
Islam, M. S., Chowdhury, A. R., Hossain, M. M., 1999. Microtuber production of six potato varieties as affected by temperature, sucrose and BAP. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture, 9 (1): 91-97.
Kamarainen-Karppinen, T., Virtanen, E., Rokka, V. M., Pirtilla, A. M., 2010. Novel bioreactor technology for mass propagation of potato microtubers. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult., 101: 245- 249.
Khuri, S., Moorby, J., 1995. Investigations into the role of sucrose in potato cv. Estima microtuber production in vitro. Annals of Botany 75: 295-303.
Lentini, Z., Earle, E. D., 1991. In vitro tuberization of potato clones from different maturity groups. Plant Cell Reports, 9 (12): 691-695.
Levy, D., Seabrook, J. E. A., Coleman, S., 1993. Enhancement of tuberization of axillary shoot buds of potato (Solanum tubero- sum L.) cultivars cultured in vitro. J of Experimental Botany, 44 (259): 381-386.
Mahdi, E. F. M., Al-Saad, H. S., Elshibli, S. M. A. I., 2004. In vitro tuberization of potato cultivars as in uenced by photoperiod, exogenous sucrose and cytokinin concentrations. J. King Saud Univ. Agric. Sci. 17 (1): 25-35.
Murashige, T., Skoog, F., 1962. A revised nedium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant. 15: 473-497.
Nasiruddin, K. M., Blake, J., 1994. Production of potato microtubers with and without growth regulators. In: Physiology, Growth and
Development of Plants in Culture (Eds. P. J. Lumsden, J. R. Nicholas and W. J. Davies), pp: 254-260.
Ortiz-Montiel, G. and Lozoya-Saldana, H., 1987. Potato microtu- bers: technology validation in Mexico. Am Potato J., 64: 535- 544.
Piao, X. C., Chakrabarty, D., Hahn, E. J., Paek, K. Y., 2003. A sim- ple method for mass production of potato microtubers using a bioreactor system. Current Science, 84 (8): 1129-1132.
Pruski, K., Duplesis, P., Lewis, T., Astatkie, T., Nowak, J., Struik, P. C., 2001. Jasmonate effect on in vitro tuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars under light and dark condi- tions. Potato Research, 44 (4): 315-325.
Ra que, T., Jaskani, M. J., Raza, H., Abbas, M., 2004. In vitro stud- ies on microtuber induction in potato. Int J. Agri. Biol., 6 (2): 375-377.
Sarekanno, M., Kadaja, J., Kotkas, K., Rosenberg, V., Eremeev, V., 2012. Development of eld-grown potato plants derived meristem plants multiplied with different methods. Acra Agri- culturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 62: 114-124.
Seabrook, J. E. A., Coleman, S., Levy, D., 1993. Effect of photope- riod on in vitro tuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 34 (1): 43-51.
Sharma, A. K., Venkatasalam, E. P., Singh, R. K., 2011. Micro-tuber production behavior of some commercially important potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars. Indian J of Agricultural Sciences, 81 (11): 1008-1013.
Slimmon, T., Machado, V. S., Cof n, R., 1989. The effect of light on in vitro microtuberization of potato cultivars. Am. Pot. J. 66:843-848.
Srivastava, A. K., Diengdoh L. C., Rai, R., Bag, T. K., Singh, B. P., 2012. In vitro micropropagation and microtuberization poten- tial of selected potato varieties. Indian J of Hill Farming, 25 (2): 14-17.
Yasmin, A., Jalbani, A. A., Mangrio, G. S., Nasreen, A., 2011. Op- timization of microtuberization in indigenous potato cv. De- siree. Pak. J. Biotechnol. 8 (2): 39-44.
Kumlay, A. M., Arslan, N., & Kaya, C. (2014). The Effects of BAP with NAA and IBA on Microtuberization of in vitro Grown Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) under Different Photoperiod Conditions. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 4(1), 73-82.
Kumlay AM, Arslan N, Kaya C. The Effects of BAP with NAA and IBA on Microtuberization of in vitro Grown Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) under Different Photoperiod Conditions. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Mart 2014;4(1):73-82.
Kumlay, Ahmet Metin, Arslan Neşet, ve Canan Kaya. “The Effects of BAP With NAA and IBA on Microtuberization of in Vitro Grown Potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum L.) under Different Photoperiod Conditions”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 4, sy. 1 (Mart 2014): 73-82.
Kumlay AM, Arslan N, Kaya C (01 Mart 2014) The Effects of BAP with NAA and IBA on Microtuberization of in vitro Grown Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) under Different Photoperiod Conditions. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 4 1 73–82.
A. M. Kumlay, N. Arslan, ve C. Kaya, “The Effects of BAP with NAA and IBA on Microtuberization of in vitro Grown Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) under Different Photoperiod Conditions”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 4, sy. 1, ss. 73–82, 2014.
Kumlay, Ahmet Metin vd. “The Effects of BAP With NAA and IBA on Microtuberization of in Vitro Grown Potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum L.) under Different Photoperiod Conditions”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 4/1 (Mart 2014), 73-82.
Kumlay AM, Arslan N, Kaya C. The Effects of BAP with NAA and IBA on Microtuberization of in vitro Grown Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) under Different Photoperiod Conditions. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2014;4:73–82.
Kumlay, Ahmet Metin vd. “The Effects of BAP With NAA and IBA on Microtuberization of in Vitro Grown Potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum L.) under Different Photoperiod Conditions”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 4, sy. 1, 2014, ss. 73-82.
Kumlay AM, Arslan N, Kaya C. The Effects of BAP with NAA and IBA on Microtuberization of in vitro Grown Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) under Different Photoperiod Conditions. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2014;4(1):73-82.