Electrochemical coagulation and modify conventional processes are alternative to the conventional
coagulation method of water and wastewaters treatment. Although, there have been many reports on the technical
suitability of electrochemical coagulation and conventional, no study has made a direct comparison of the economics
of these processes and modify conventional process. This article demonstrated comparison of the economics
of electrochemical coagulation; modify conventional and conventional processes of raw water treatment. Raw
water samples were collected from selected villages in Katsina state, Nigeria. The samples were subjected to these
treatment techniques. Ef cacies of these processes were determined individually and in combination. Operational
and capital costs of these techniques were determined and compared for economics selection reasons. The study
revealed that concerning the technical feasibility, no signi cant differences were found in the results achieved by
the three technologies in the treatment of raw surface water, when the same values of pH, chlorine and aluminum
concentrations were adopted in the reaction systems. Regarding the economic comparison, the electrochemical
coagulation and modify conventional processes present lower operating costs for low and intermediate aluminum
and chlorine doses. The highest operational costs were obtained with conventional coagulation with aluminum
sulphate (alum, conventional water treatment process). It was concluded that conventional coagulation; modify
conventional treatment and electrochemical coagulation techniques gave very similar ef ciencies in the removal
of different types of pollutants; therefore an economic comparison is of major importance in order to recommend
the use of one of these technologies.
Alaa G. M. Osman, W. K. 2010. Water Quality and Heavy Metal Monitoring in Water, Sediments, and Tissues of the African Cat sh Clarias gariepinus from the River Nile, Egypt. Journal of Environmental Protection, 1, 389-400.
APHA, 1998. Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edn, America Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation, Washington DC.
Chen, G 2004. Electrochemical technologies in wastewater treatmentSeparation. Puri cation Technologies 38(1), 11-41.
Dake, N.B. 1983. Essentials of Engineering Hydraulics. Hong Kong: Macmillan Press.
Ellis, K.M., 1988. Surface Water Pollution and its Control, 2nd Edn., Macmillan, London.
Metcalf and Eddy Inc., 1991. Wastewater Engineering Treatment Disposal and Reuse, 3rd Edn., McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, USA.
Noyes, R. 1994. Unit Operations in Environmental Engineering, 1st edn, Noyes Publication, New Jersey.
Oke I. A., Olorunniwo E. O., E. A. Taiwo, G. M. Oyatogun, Atanda P. O. and A. A. Obiniyi 2012 Edited: Kostas Demadis. An Overview of Electrochemical: Technique for Decolouring Aqueous Solutions with Optimization and Economics in Water Treatment Processes, First edition, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.
Oke, I. A 2007. “Development and Performance- Testing of an Electrochemical Process for Selected Industrial Wastewaters”. Unpublished PhD. Thesis, (Civil Engineering Department), Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
Oke, I. A.; 2011. A Water Puri cation Technique In 21st Century: A Trial On Rural Water Sources. A paper presented at 5th WARIMA Conference, Sierra Leone 29th November – 2nd.
Oladepo, K.T.; I.A. Oke and M.O. Ogedengbe 2011. Evaluation of An Electrochemical Method of Coagulation for Surface Water Treatment. Ife Journal of Technology, Special Issue. 20 (2), 81-88.
Pablo C. F. Mart ́ınez, C. J., Cristina S. and Manuel A. R.2009. Technical and economic comparison of conventional and electrochemical coagulation processes. J Chem Technol Biotechnol. 84: 702–710.
Steel, E.W., and McGhee, J.T. 1979. Water Supply and Sewerage, 1st ed. Tokyo: McGraw Hill Book Company.
Tebbutt, T.H.Y., 1991. Principles of Water Quality Control, 3rd edn, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Umran, T.U; Koparal, A.S and Ulker, B.O. 2009 Electrocoagulation of Vegetable oil Re nery Wastewater Using Aluminium electrodes. Environmental Management 90, 428-433.
Viessman, W., and Hammer, M. 1993. Water Supply and Pollution Control. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers.
Geleneksel, Düzenlenmiş Geleneksel ve Elektrokimyasal Koagülasyon Yöntemlerinin Ekonomik ve Teknik Açıdan Karşılaştırılması
Elektrokimyasal koagülasyon ve düzenlenmiş geleneksel yöntemler su ve atık su işlemlerinin geleneksel
koagülasyon yöntemlerine bir alternatiftir. Geleneksel ve elektrokimyasal koagülasyonun teknik uygunluğu
üzerinde çok fazla çalışmalar olmasına rağmen, bu yöntemlerin ve düzenlenmiş geleneksel yöntemlerin direk
ekonomik karşılaştırılması yapılmamıştır. Bu makalede işlem görmemiş su işlemlerinin geleneksel, düzenlenmiş
geleneksel ve elektrokimyasal koagülasyon işlemlerinin ekonomik karşılaştırılması verilmiştir. İşlenmemiş su
örnekleri Nijeryadaki Katsina eyaletindeki seçilen köylerden toplanmıştır. Numuneler üzerinde bu işlem teknikleri
denenmiştir. Bu işlemlerin etkinlikleri ayrı ayrı ve bir arada belirlenmiştir. Bu tekniklerin işletimsel ve kapital
maliyetleri ekonomik seçim sebepleri için karşılaştırılmış ve belirlenmiştir. Çalışma önemli farklılıklar olmadan
bulunan sonuçlarda teknik uygunluk içerisinde işlenmemiş yüzey sularının işlenmesinde üç farklı teknoloji
sayesinde aynı pH değerlerine sahip olan klor ve alüminyum yoğunluklarının reaksiyon sisteminde başarıldığını
ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ekonomik karşılaştırmada elektrokimyasal koagülasyon ve düzenlenmiş geleneksel işlemler
düşük ve orta miktarda alüminyum ve klor dozları için daha düşük işlem maliyeti sunar. En yüksek işlemsel maliyet
alüminyum sülfatlı geleneksel koagülasyonda elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak geleneksel koagülasyon, düzenlenmiş
geleneksel işlem ve elektrokimyasal koagülasyon yöntemleri farklı çeşit kirletici maddelerin arıtılmasında neredeyse
aynı etkiye sahiptir. Fakat ekonomik karşılaştırma, bu teknolojilerden birini kullanma tavsiyesinde büyük öneme
Alaa G. M. Osman, W. K. 2010. Water Quality and Heavy Metal Monitoring in Water, Sediments, and Tissues of the African Cat sh Clarias gariepinus from the River Nile, Egypt. Journal of Environmental Protection, 1, 389-400.
APHA, 1998. Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edn, America Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation, Washington DC.
Chen, G 2004. Electrochemical technologies in wastewater treatmentSeparation. Puri cation Technologies 38(1), 11-41.
Dake, N.B. 1983. Essentials of Engineering Hydraulics. Hong Kong: Macmillan Press.
Ellis, K.M., 1988. Surface Water Pollution and its Control, 2nd Edn., Macmillan, London.
Metcalf and Eddy Inc., 1991. Wastewater Engineering Treatment Disposal and Reuse, 3rd Edn., McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, USA.
Noyes, R. 1994. Unit Operations in Environmental Engineering, 1st edn, Noyes Publication, New Jersey.
Oke I. A., Olorunniwo E. O., E. A. Taiwo, G. M. Oyatogun, Atanda P. O. and A. A. Obiniyi 2012 Edited: Kostas Demadis. An Overview of Electrochemical: Technique for Decolouring Aqueous Solutions with Optimization and Economics in Water Treatment Processes, First edition, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.
Oke, I. A 2007. “Development and Performance- Testing of an Electrochemical Process for Selected Industrial Wastewaters”. Unpublished PhD. Thesis, (Civil Engineering Department), Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
Oke, I. A.; 2011. A Water Puri cation Technique In 21st Century: A Trial On Rural Water Sources. A paper presented at 5th WARIMA Conference, Sierra Leone 29th November – 2nd.
Oladepo, K.T.; I.A. Oke and M.O. Ogedengbe 2011. Evaluation of An Electrochemical Method of Coagulation for Surface Water Treatment. Ife Journal of Technology, Special Issue. 20 (2), 81-88.
Pablo C. F. Mart ́ınez, C. J., Cristina S. and Manuel A. R.2009. Technical and economic comparison of conventional and electrochemical coagulation processes. J Chem Technol Biotechnol. 84: 702–710.
Steel, E.W., and McGhee, J.T. 1979. Water Supply and Sewerage, 1st ed. Tokyo: McGraw Hill Book Company.
Tebbutt, T.H.Y., 1991. Principles of Water Quality Control, 3rd edn, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Umran, T.U; Koparal, A.S and Ulker, B.O. 2009 Electrocoagulation of Vegetable oil Re nery Wastewater Using Aluminium electrodes. Environmental Management 90, 428-433.
Viessman, W., and Hammer, M. 1993. Water Supply and Pollution Control. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers.
Oke, I. A. (2014). Technical and Economic Comparison of Conventional, Modify Conventional and Electrochemical Coagulation Processes. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 4(2), 55-64.
Oke IA. Technical and Economic Comparison of Conventional, Modify Conventional and Electrochemical Coagulation Processes. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Haziran 2014;4(2):55-64.
Oke, Isaiah Adesola. “Technical and Economic Comparison of Conventional, Modify Conventional and Electrochemical Coagulation Processes”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 4, sy. 2 (Haziran 2014): 55-64.
Oke IA (01 Haziran 2014) Technical and Economic Comparison of Conventional, Modify Conventional and Electrochemical Coagulation Processes. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 4 2 55–64.
I. A. Oke, “Technical and Economic Comparison of Conventional, Modify Conventional and Electrochemical Coagulation Processes”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 4, sy. 2, ss. 55–64, 2014.
Oke, Isaiah Adesola. “Technical and Economic Comparison of Conventional, Modify Conventional and Electrochemical Coagulation Processes”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 4/2 (Haziran 2014), 55-64.
Oke IA. Technical and Economic Comparison of Conventional, Modify Conventional and Electrochemical Coagulation Processes. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2014;4:55–64.
Oke, Isaiah Adesola. “Technical and Economic Comparison of Conventional, Modify Conventional and Electrochemical Coagulation Processes”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 4, sy. 2, 2014, ss. 55-64.
Oke IA. Technical and Economic Comparison of Conventional, Modify Conventional and Electrochemical Coagulation Processes. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2014;4(2):55-64.