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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 135 - 150, 02.05.2020


Ephemeral social media platforms, which displays rich media, primarily images and videos, are only available only for a short period of time. It has recently attracted researchers ' attention to better understand how ephemeral social media platforms impact users of social media. We design quantitative survey study that sampling data collected over two weeks (N= 149) to understand engagement differences (consuming, participating, producing) between Millennials and Non-millennials (the Silent Generation, the Baby Boomers, Generation X), on one of the leading ephemeral mobile platforms - on Instagram “Stories”. Our data demonstrated that Millennials show statistically significant differences by engaging Instagram “Stories” than Non-millennials. However, results unexpectedly demonstrate that non-millennial (age 40 and more in 2020) users show the same engagement level in “watching” and “reading” ephemeral content as Millennial users.


  • ALTER, J., (2018). Instagram Engagement Rate Data: Average Seconds On Site | Yotpo. [online] Yotpo. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 July 2018].
  • BARRY, A.E., BATES, A.M., OLUSANYA, O., VINAL, C.E., MARTIN, E., PEOPLES, J.E., JACKSON, Z.A., BILLINGER, S.A., YUSUF, A., CAULEY, D.A. and MONTANO, J.R., (2016). Alcohol marketing on Twitter and Instagram: Evidence of directly advertising to youth/adolescents. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 51(4), pp.487-492.
  • BAYER, J., ELLISON, N., SCHOENEBECK, S. and FALK, E., (2015). Sharing the small moments: ephemeral social interaction on Snapchat. Information, Communication & Society, 19(7), pp.956-977.
  • BECKERS, S.F., RISSELADA, H. and VERHOEF, P.C., (2014). Customer engagement: A new frontier in customer value management. In: RUST R. T. & HUANG M.-H. Handbook of service marketing research. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 97–122
  • BELANCHE, D., CENJOR, I. and PÉREZ-RUEDA, A., (2019). Instagram Stories versus Facebook Wall: an advertising effectiveness analysis. Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 23(1), pp.69-94.
  • BENNETT, S., MATON, K. and KERVIN, L., (2008). The ‘digital natives’ debate: A critical review of the evidence. British journal of educational technology, 39(5), pp.775-786.
  • BILLINGS, A.C., QIAO, F., CONLIN, L. and NIE, T., (2017). Permanently desiring the temporary? Snapchat, social media, and the shifting motivations of sports fans. Communication & Sport, 5(1), pp.10-26.
  • BRODIE, R., HOLLEBEEK, L., JURIĆ, B. and ILIĆ, A., (2011). Customer Engagement. Journal of Service Research, 14(3), pp.252-271.
  • CALDER, B., MALTHOUSE, E. and SCHAEDEL, U., (2009). An Experimental Study of the Relationship between Online Engagement and Advertising Effectiveness. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 23(4), pp.321-331.
  • CASALÓ, L., FLAVIÁN, C. and IBÁÑEZ-SÁNCHEZ, S., (2017). Antecedents of consumer intention to follow and recommend an Instagram account. Online Information Review, 41(7), pp.1046-1063.
  • CHEN, K. and CHEUNG, H., (2019). Unlocking the power of ephemeral content: The roles of motivations, gratification, need for closure, and engagement. Computers in Human Behavior, 97, pp.67-74.
  • CHU, S. and KIM, Y., (2011). Determinants of consumer engagement in electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in social networking sites. International Journal of Advertising, 30(1), pp.47-75.
  • CONSTINE, J., (2018). Techcrunch Is Now A Part Of Verizon Media. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 July 2019].
  • COOPER, P., (2018). Social Media Advertising Stats That Matter To Marketers In 2018. [online] Hootsuite Social Media Management. Available at: <> [Accessed 6 May 2019].
  • DIMOCK, M., (2019). Defining Generations: Where Millennials End And Generation Z Begins. [online] Pew Research Center. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 March 2019].
  • FINSTAD, K., (2010). Response interpolation and scale sensitivity: Evidence against 5-point scales. Journal of Usability Studies, 5(3), pp.104-110.
  • FORNELL, C. and LARCKER, D.F., (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of marketing research, 18(1), pp.39-50.
  • FRY, R., 2018. Millennials Expected To Outnumber Boomers In (2019). [online] Pew Research Center. Available at: <> [Accessed 2 March 2019].
  • FU, P., WU, C. and CHO, Y., (2017). What makes users share content on facebook? Compatibility among psychological incentive, social capital focus, and content type. Computers in Human Behavior, 67, pp.23-32.
  • FUCHS, C., BOERSMA, K., ALBRECHTSLUND, A. and SANDOVAL, M., (2013). Internet and surveillance: The challenges of Web 2.0 and social media (Vol. 16). Routledge.
  • GARSON, G.D., (2012). Testing statistical assumptions. Asheboro, NC: Statistical Associates Publishing.
  • GLOBAL INDEX, 2018. The Latest Social Media Trends To Know In (2018). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 May 2019].
  • HAIR, J.F., BLACK, W.C., BABIN, B.J., ANDERSON, R.E. and TATHAM, R.L., (1998). Multivariate data analysis (Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 207-219). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice hall.
  • HOLLEBEEK, L., (2011). Exploring customer brand engagement: definition and themes. Journal of strategic Marketing, 19(7), pp.555-573.
  • INSTAGRAM (2016). Introducing Instagram Stories | Instagram Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Mar. 2019].
  • ISRAFILZADE, K., (2017). „Y” Generation Engagement on Consumer-Generated Media: Differences between Lithuania and Azerbaijan. International Journal of Management, accounting and Economics, 4(9), pp.962-979.
  • JANSZ, J., SLOT, M., TOL, S. and VERSTRAETEN, R., (2015). Everyday creativity: Consumption, participation, production, and communication by teenagers in the Netherlands. Journal of Children and Media, 9(2), pp.143-159.
  • KAPLAN, A.M. and HAENLEIN, M., (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), pp.59-68.
  • KLINE, R.B., (2011). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (Vol. 3rd). New York: Guilford publications.
  • LUÍS ABRANTES, J., SEABRA, C., RAQUEL LAGES, C. and Jayawardhena, C., (2013). Drivers of in‐group and out‐of‐group electronic word‐of‐mouth (eWOM). European Journal of Marketing, 47(7), pp.1067-1088.
  • MARCUS, S.R., (2015). Picturing'ourselves into being: assessing identity, sociality and visuality on Instagram. In international communication association conference.
  • MONTEIRO, R. and MAZZILLI, P., (2016). LIVE STORIES O Snapchat como uma pasta compartilhada de registros da vida. Intercom. Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação, Salto, pp.1-15.
  • OECD, (2007). Participative web and user-created content: Web 2.0, wikis, and social networking. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
  • PALMATIER, R. W., KUMAR, V., and HARMELING, C. M., (2018). Customer Engagement Marketing. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • PALMER, A. and KOENIG‐LEWIS, N., (2009). An experiential, social network‐based approach to direct marketing. Direct Marketing: An International Journal, 3(3), pp.162-176.
  • PANSARI, A. and KUMAR, V., (2017). Customer engagement: the construct, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), pp.294-311.
  • PANSARI, A., & KUMAR, V. (2018). Customer Engagement Marketing. In: R. W. PALMATIER, V. KUMAR, & C. M. HARMELING, ed., Customer Engagement Marketing, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1–27.
  • PARMENT, A., (2013). Generation Y vs. Baby Boomers: Shopping behavior, buyer involvement and implications for retailing. Journal of retailing and consumer services, 20(2), pp.189-199.
  • PIWEK, L. and JOINSON, A., (2016). “What do they snapchat about?” Patterns of use in time-limited instant messaging service. Computers in Human Behavior, 54, pp.358-367.
  • SASHITTAL, H.C., DEMAR, M. and JASSAWALLA, A.R., (2016). Building acquaintance brands via Snapchat for the college student market. Business Horizons, 59(2), pp.193-204.
  • SCHROCK, A.R., (2015). Communicative affordances of mobile media: Portability, availability, locatability, and multimediality. International Journal of Communication, 9, p.18.
  • SHAO, G., (2009). Understanding the appeal of user‐generated media: a uses and gratification perspective. Internet Research, 19(1), pp.7-25
  • SHELDON, P. and BRYANT, K., (2016). Instagram: Motives for its use and relationship to narcissism and contextual age. Computers in human Behavior, 58, pp.89-97.
  • STATISTA, (2018). Instagram: active users 2018. [online] Available at: <> [accessed 03 May 2019]
  • STATISTA, (2019a). Global Instagram user age & gender distribution 2019. [online] Available at: <> [accessed 7 July 2019].
  • STATISTA, (2019b). Instagram Stories daily active users 2019. Available at: <> [accessed 11 July 2019].
  • STEENKAMP, J.B.E. and GEYSKENS, I., (2006). How country characteristics affect the perceived value of web sites. Journal of marketing, 70(3), pp.136-150.
  • VAN DOORN, J., LEMON, K.N., MITTAL, V., NASS, S., Pick, D., PIRNER, P. and VERHOEF, P.C., (2010). Customer engagement behavior: Theoretical foundations and research directions. Journal of service research, 13(3), pp.253-266.
  • VAN NIMWEGEN, C. and BERGMAN, K., (2019). Effects on cognition of the burn after reading principle in ephemeral media applications. Behaviour & Information Technology, 38(10), pp.1060-1067.
  • VANDERSLICE, H.N., (2016). How female online businesses and brands are using Instagram stories.
  • VÁZQUEZ-HERRERO, J., DIREITO-REBOLLAL, S. and LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, X., (2019). Ephemeral Journalism: News Distribution Through Instagram Stories. Social Media+ Society, 5(4), p.2056305119888657.
  • VIDMOB, (2018). State of Social Video • VidMob. [online] Available at: <> [accessed 20 July 2019].
  • VILLAESPESA, E. and WOWKOWYCH, S. (2020). Ephemeral Storytelling With Social Media: Snapchat and Instagram Stories at the Brooklyn Museum. Social Media + Society, 6(1), p.205630511989877.
  • VIVEK, S.D., BEATTY, S.E. and MORGAN, R.M., (2012). Customer engagement: Exploring customer relationships beyond purchase. Journal of marketing theory and practice, 20(2), pp.122-146.
  • WAKEFIELD, L. and BENNETT, G., (2018). Sports fan experience: Electronic word-of-mouth in ephemeral social media. Sport Management Review, 21(2), pp.147-159.
  • WESNER, M.S. and MILLER, T., (2008). Boomers and millennials have much in common. Organization Development Journal, 26(3), p.89.
  • XU, B., CHANG, P., WELKER, C., BAZAROVA, N. and COSLEY, D., (2016). Automatic Archiving versus Default Deletion: What Snapchat Tells Us About Ephemerality in Design. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing - CSCW '16,.
  • YOO, K. and GRETZEL, U., (2011). Influence of personality on travel-related consumer-generated media creation. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2), pp.609-621.
  • ZHANG, J. and LEE, W., (2012). Exploring the Influence of Cultural Value Orientations on Motivations of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Communication. Journal of Internet Commerce, 11(2), pp.117-138.


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 135 - 150, 02.05.2020


Ephemeral social media platforms, which displays rich media, primarily images and videos, are only available only for a short period of time. It has recently attracted researchers ' attention to better understand how ephemeral social media platforms impact users of social media. We design quantitative survey study that sampling data collected over two weeks (N= 149) to understand engagement differences (consuming, participating, producing) between Millennials and Non-millennials (the Silent Generation, the Baby Boomers, Generation X), on one of the leading ephemeral mobile platforms - on Instagram “Stories”. Our data demonstrated that Millennials show statistically significant differences by engaging Instagram “Stories” than Non-millennials. However, results unexpectedly demonstrate that non-millennial (age 40 and more in 2020) users show the same engagement level in “watching” and “reading” ephemeral content as Millennial users.


  • ALTER, J., (2018). Instagram Engagement Rate Data: Average Seconds On Site | Yotpo. [online] Yotpo. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 July 2018].
  • BARRY, A.E., BATES, A.M., OLUSANYA, O., VINAL, C.E., MARTIN, E., PEOPLES, J.E., JACKSON, Z.A., BILLINGER, S.A., YUSUF, A., CAULEY, D.A. and MONTANO, J.R., (2016). Alcohol marketing on Twitter and Instagram: Evidence of directly advertising to youth/adolescents. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 51(4), pp.487-492.
  • BAYER, J., ELLISON, N., SCHOENEBECK, S. and FALK, E., (2015). Sharing the small moments: ephemeral social interaction on Snapchat. Information, Communication & Society, 19(7), pp.956-977.
  • BECKERS, S.F., RISSELADA, H. and VERHOEF, P.C., (2014). Customer engagement: A new frontier in customer value management. In: RUST R. T. & HUANG M.-H. Handbook of service marketing research. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 97–122
  • BELANCHE, D., CENJOR, I. and PÉREZ-RUEDA, A., (2019). Instagram Stories versus Facebook Wall: an advertising effectiveness analysis. Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 23(1), pp.69-94.
  • BENNETT, S., MATON, K. and KERVIN, L., (2008). The ‘digital natives’ debate: A critical review of the evidence. British journal of educational technology, 39(5), pp.775-786.
  • BILLINGS, A.C., QIAO, F., CONLIN, L. and NIE, T., (2017). Permanently desiring the temporary? Snapchat, social media, and the shifting motivations of sports fans. Communication & Sport, 5(1), pp.10-26.
  • BRODIE, R., HOLLEBEEK, L., JURIĆ, B. and ILIĆ, A., (2011). Customer Engagement. Journal of Service Research, 14(3), pp.252-271.
  • CALDER, B., MALTHOUSE, E. and SCHAEDEL, U., (2009). An Experimental Study of the Relationship between Online Engagement and Advertising Effectiveness. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 23(4), pp.321-331.
  • CASALÓ, L., FLAVIÁN, C. and IBÁÑEZ-SÁNCHEZ, S., (2017). Antecedents of consumer intention to follow and recommend an Instagram account. Online Information Review, 41(7), pp.1046-1063.
  • CHEN, K. and CHEUNG, H., (2019). Unlocking the power of ephemeral content: The roles of motivations, gratification, need for closure, and engagement. Computers in Human Behavior, 97, pp.67-74.
  • CHU, S. and KIM, Y., (2011). Determinants of consumer engagement in electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in social networking sites. International Journal of Advertising, 30(1), pp.47-75.
  • CONSTINE, J., (2018). Techcrunch Is Now A Part Of Verizon Media. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 July 2019].
  • COOPER, P., (2018). Social Media Advertising Stats That Matter To Marketers In 2018. [online] Hootsuite Social Media Management. Available at: <> [Accessed 6 May 2019].
  • DIMOCK, M., (2019). Defining Generations: Where Millennials End And Generation Z Begins. [online] Pew Research Center. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 March 2019].
  • FINSTAD, K., (2010). Response interpolation and scale sensitivity: Evidence against 5-point scales. Journal of Usability Studies, 5(3), pp.104-110.
  • FORNELL, C. and LARCKER, D.F., (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of marketing research, 18(1), pp.39-50.
  • FRY, R., 2018. Millennials Expected To Outnumber Boomers In (2019). [online] Pew Research Center. Available at: <> [Accessed 2 March 2019].
  • FU, P., WU, C. and CHO, Y., (2017). What makes users share content on facebook? Compatibility among psychological incentive, social capital focus, and content type. Computers in Human Behavior, 67, pp.23-32.
  • FUCHS, C., BOERSMA, K., ALBRECHTSLUND, A. and SANDOVAL, M., (2013). Internet and surveillance: The challenges of Web 2.0 and social media (Vol. 16). Routledge.
  • GARSON, G.D., (2012). Testing statistical assumptions. Asheboro, NC: Statistical Associates Publishing.
  • GLOBAL INDEX, 2018. The Latest Social Media Trends To Know In (2018). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 May 2019].
  • HAIR, J.F., BLACK, W.C., BABIN, B.J., ANDERSON, R.E. and TATHAM, R.L., (1998). Multivariate data analysis (Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 207-219). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice hall.
  • HOLLEBEEK, L., (2011). Exploring customer brand engagement: definition and themes. Journal of strategic Marketing, 19(7), pp.555-573.
  • INSTAGRAM (2016). Introducing Instagram Stories | Instagram Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Mar. 2019].
  • ISRAFILZADE, K., (2017). „Y” Generation Engagement on Consumer-Generated Media: Differences between Lithuania and Azerbaijan. International Journal of Management, accounting and Economics, 4(9), pp.962-979.
  • JANSZ, J., SLOT, M., TOL, S. and VERSTRAETEN, R., (2015). Everyday creativity: Consumption, participation, production, and communication by teenagers in the Netherlands. Journal of Children and Media, 9(2), pp.143-159.
  • KAPLAN, A.M. and HAENLEIN, M., (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), pp.59-68.
  • KLINE, R.B., (2011). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (Vol. 3rd). New York: Guilford publications.
  • LUÍS ABRANTES, J., SEABRA, C., RAQUEL LAGES, C. and Jayawardhena, C., (2013). Drivers of in‐group and out‐of‐group electronic word‐of‐mouth (eWOM). European Journal of Marketing, 47(7), pp.1067-1088.
  • MARCUS, S.R., (2015). Picturing'ourselves into being: assessing identity, sociality and visuality on Instagram. In international communication association conference.
  • MONTEIRO, R. and MAZZILLI, P., (2016). LIVE STORIES O Snapchat como uma pasta compartilhada de registros da vida. Intercom. Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação, Salto, pp.1-15.
  • OECD, (2007). Participative web and user-created content: Web 2.0, wikis, and social networking. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
  • PALMATIER, R. W., KUMAR, V., and HARMELING, C. M., (2018). Customer Engagement Marketing. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • PALMER, A. and KOENIG‐LEWIS, N., (2009). An experiential, social network‐based approach to direct marketing. Direct Marketing: An International Journal, 3(3), pp.162-176.
  • PANSARI, A. and KUMAR, V., (2017). Customer engagement: the construct, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), pp.294-311.
  • PANSARI, A., & KUMAR, V. (2018). Customer Engagement Marketing. In: R. W. PALMATIER, V. KUMAR, & C. M. HARMELING, ed., Customer Engagement Marketing, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1–27.
  • PARMENT, A., (2013). Generation Y vs. Baby Boomers: Shopping behavior, buyer involvement and implications for retailing. Journal of retailing and consumer services, 20(2), pp.189-199.
  • PIWEK, L. and JOINSON, A., (2016). “What do they snapchat about?” Patterns of use in time-limited instant messaging service. Computers in Human Behavior, 54, pp.358-367.
  • SASHITTAL, H.C., DEMAR, M. and JASSAWALLA, A.R., (2016). Building acquaintance brands via Snapchat for the college student market. Business Horizons, 59(2), pp.193-204.
  • SCHROCK, A.R., (2015). Communicative affordances of mobile media: Portability, availability, locatability, and multimediality. International Journal of Communication, 9, p.18.
  • SHAO, G., (2009). Understanding the appeal of user‐generated media: a uses and gratification perspective. Internet Research, 19(1), pp.7-25
  • SHELDON, P. and BRYANT, K., (2016). Instagram: Motives for its use and relationship to narcissism and contextual age. Computers in human Behavior, 58, pp.89-97.
  • STATISTA, (2018). Instagram: active users 2018. [online] Available at: <> [accessed 03 May 2019]
  • STATISTA, (2019a). Global Instagram user age & gender distribution 2019. [online] Available at: <> [accessed 7 July 2019].
  • STATISTA, (2019b). Instagram Stories daily active users 2019. Available at: <> [accessed 11 July 2019].
  • STEENKAMP, J.B.E. and GEYSKENS, I., (2006). How country characteristics affect the perceived value of web sites. Journal of marketing, 70(3), pp.136-150.
  • VAN DOORN, J., LEMON, K.N., MITTAL, V., NASS, S., Pick, D., PIRNER, P. and VERHOEF, P.C., (2010). Customer engagement behavior: Theoretical foundations and research directions. Journal of service research, 13(3), pp.253-266.
  • VAN NIMWEGEN, C. and BERGMAN, K., (2019). Effects on cognition of the burn after reading principle in ephemeral media applications. Behaviour & Information Technology, 38(10), pp.1060-1067.
  • VANDERSLICE, H.N., (2016). How female online businesses and brands are using Instagram stories.
  • VÁZQUEZ-HERRERO, J., DIREITO-REBOLLAL, S. and LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, X., (2019). Ephemeral Journalism: News Distribution Through Instagram Stories. Social Media+ Society, 5(4), p.2056305119888657.
  • VIDMOB, (2018). State of Social Video • VidMob. [online] Available at: <> [accessed 20 July 2019].
  • VILLAESPESA, E. and WOWKOWYCH, S. (2020). Ephemeral Storytelling With Social Media: Snapchat and Instagram Stories at the Brooklyn Museum. Social Media + Society, 6(1), p.205630511989877.
  • VIVEK, S.D., BEATTY, S.E. and MORGAN, R.M., (2012). Customer engagement: Exploring customer relationships beyond purchase. Journal of marketing theory and practice, 20(2), pp.122-146.
  • WAKEFIELD, L. and BENNETT, G., (2018). Sports fan experience: Electronic word-of-mouth in ephemeral social media. Sport Management Review, 21(2), pp.147-159.
  • WESNER, M.S. and MILLER, T., (2008). Boomers and millennials have much in common. Organization Development Journal, 26(3), p.89.
  • XU, B., CHANG, P., WELKER, C., BAZAROVA, N. and COSLEY, D., (2016). Automatic Archiving versus Default Deletion: What Snapchat Tells Us About Ephemerality in Design. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing - CSCW '16,.
  • YOO, K. and GRETZEL, U., (2011). Influence of personality on travel-related consumer-generated media creation. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2), pp.609-621.
  • ZHANG, J. and LEE, W., (2012). Exploring the Influence of Cultural Value Orientations on Motivations of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Communication. Journal of Internet Commerce, 11(2), pp.117-138.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Khalil Israfılzade 0000-0001-8228-4024

Najaf Babayev Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1690-8617

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

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