Alptekin, C. (2002). Towards ICC in ELT. ELT Journal, 56(1), 57–64.
Atay, D. (2005). Reflections on the cultural dimension of language teaching, Language and Intercultural Communication, 5(3–4), 222–236.
Avatar languages (2015, January 10). Twitter and microblogging for language learning. Retrieved from
Borau, K., Ullrich, C., Feng, J., & Shen, R. (2009). Microblogging for language learning: Using twitter to train communicative and cultural competence. Advances in Web Based Learning–ICWL, 5686(2009), 78–87.
Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and assessing ICC. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Byram, M., Gribkova, B. & Starkey, H. (2002). Developing the intercultural dimension in language teaching: a practical introduction for teachers. Strasbourg: Language Policy
Division, Directorate of School, Out-of-School and Higher Education, Council of Europe. Retrieved from
Carel, S. (2001). Students as virtual ethnographers: exploring the language culture-connection. In M. Byram, A. Nichols & D. Stevens, Developing intercultural competence in practice (pp. 146–175). Clevedon, GBR: Multilingual Matters Ltd.
Chen, G. M. & Starosta, W. J. (1996). Intercultural communication competence: A synthesis. Communication Yearbook, 19, 353-384.
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research : planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. USA: Pearson Education.
Deardorff, D. K. (2009). Implementing intercultural competence assessment. In D. K. Deardorff (Ed.), The Sage handbook of intercultural competence (pp. 477–491). USA:
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.
Dervin, F. (2009). Microblogging and language learning and teaching (LLT): another step to classroom 3.0? Retrieved December, 23, 2014 from
Elola, I., & Oskoz, A. (2008). Blogging: Fostering intercultural competence development in foreign language and study abroad contexts. Foreign Language Annals, 41(3), 454–477.
Erben, T., Ban, R. & Castañeda, M. (Eds.). (2009). Teaching English language learner through technology. New York: Routledge.
Fantini, A. E. (1995a). Language: its cultural and intercultural dimensions. Adapted from Language, culture and world view: exploring the nexus, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 19, 143–153.
Fantini, A.E. (1995b). A central concern: developing intercultural competence. Retrieved from .
Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2011). How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Gibson, B., Hyde, M., & Gordon, T. (2015). Social media & intercultural competence. In R. D. Williams and A. Lee (Eds.), Internationalizing higher education: critical collaborations across the curriculum (pp. 187-200). Rotterdam: SENSE.
Given, L. M. (ed.). (2008). The SAGE encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. (Volumes 1 & 2). USA: SAGE.
Gokmen, M. E. (2005). Yabanci dil ogretiminde kulturlerarasi iletisimsel edinc. Dil Dergisi, (128), 69–77.
Grosseck, G., & Holotescu, C. (2008). Can we use Twitter for educational activities? Paper presented at the 4th International Scientific Conference, eLearning and Software for Education. April 17-18, 2008, Bucharest, Romania. Retrieved from
Hall, E. T. (1959). The silent language. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Jurich, S. (2001). ICT and the teaching of foreign languages. Retrieved December, 24, 2015 from
Kawamura, M. (2011). A study of native English teachers' perception of English teaching. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Faculty of the School of Education, Northcentral University, Arizona.
Kumar, S. & Tammelin, M. (2008). Integrating ICT into language learning and teaching. Wien: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Retrieved from
Lenhart, A. & Fox, S. (2009). Twitter and status updating. Retrieved January, 15, 2016 from
Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2007). Intercultural communication in contexts. ?: McGraw- Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages.
McCool, L. B. (2011). The pedagogical use of Twitter in the university classroom. Unpublished Master Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Minocha, S. (2009). A case study-based investigation of students’ experiences with social software tools. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 15(3), 245–265.
Novinger, T. (2001). Intercultural communication: a practical guide. Austin, TX, USA: University of Texas.
O’Reilly, T. & Milstein, S. (2009). The Twitter book. USA: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
O’Reilly, T. (2008). Why I love Twitter. Retrieved December, 14, 2015 from
Ozdemir, E. (2004). Attitudes of Turkish pre-service English language teachers towards other cultures in intercultural communication context. Unpublished Master Thesis. Istanbul University, Istanbul.
Sawyer, R. & Chen, G.M. (2012). The impact of social media on intercultural adaptation. Intercultural Communication Studies, 21(2), 151-169.
Sercu, L. (2002). Autonomous learning and the acquisition of ICC: some implications for course development. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 15(1), 61–74.
Sercu, L. (2005). Foreign language teachers and intercultural competence: an international investigation. Clevedon, GBR: Multilingual Matters Limited. Retrieved from
Sercu, L., Méndez García, M. C., & Castro Prieto, P. (2005) Scaffolding culture learning. An investigation of teacher approaches. Language and Education 19(6), 483-495.
Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0 new tools, new schools. USA: Eugene, International Society for Technology in Education.
Steinman, D. C. (2010). Social interactions within a Web 2.0 learning environment: the impact on learner social presence. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Northern
Arizona University, San Francisco.
Tu, C. H., Blocher, M., & Roberts, G. (2008). Constructs for Web 2.0 learning environments: A theatrical metaphor. Educational Media International, 45(4), 253-269.
Vurdien, R. (2014). Social networking: developing intercultural competence and fostering autonomous learning. In S. Jager, L. Brandley, E. J. Meima, & S. Thouesny (Eds.), CALL design: principles and practice – proceedings of the 2014 EUROCALL conference (pp. 398-402). Dublin:
Wandel, R. (2002). Teaching India in the EFL-Classroom: a cultural or an intercultural approach? In M. Byram & P. Grundy (Eds.), Context and culture in language teaching and learning (pp. 72–80). Great Britain: Short Run Press Ltd.
What is social networking (2015, January 1). Retrieved from
Yin, R. K. (2003). Case study research: design and methods. USA: SAGE.
Promoting intercultural competence of Turkish EFL pre-service teachers via Twitter
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Promoting intercultural competence of Turkish EFL pre-service teachers via Twitter
Promoting intercultural competence of learners during language learning process has been found crucial recently. However, this side of language learning has been neglected. Teachers complain about lack of time, up-to-date materials about other cultures, and access to cultural materials. This paper searched for a way to promote intercultural competence in an innovative way, that is, by using Twitter, the second most popular social networking site. Twenty-one pre-service teachers took part in the study by doing research about other cultures in six different topics, namely, food and drink style, clothing style, leisure time activities, family relationships, body language and marriage/wedding traditions during six weeks and by sharing what they found via Twitter. Pre and post-interviews were conducted in order to see the differences in their opinions. Reports were required from the pre-service teachers weekly in order to check their remarks during the process. The analysis of the interview and reports revealed that pre-service teachers considerably increased their intercultural communicative competence (ICC) in terms of knowledge and attitudes dimensions with the help of Twitter. Therefore, this study suggests that Twitter is effective in developing ICC of pre-service teachers regarding knowledge and attitudes dimension.
Alptekin, C. (2002). Towards ICC in ELT. ELT Journal, 56(1), 57–64.
Atay, D. (2005). Reflections on the cultural dimension of language teaching, Language and Intercultural Communication, 5(3–4), 222–236.
Avatar languages (2015, January 10). Twitter and microblogging for language learning. Retrieved from
Borau, K., Ullrich, C., Feng, J., & Shen, R. (2009). Microblogging for language learning: Using twitter to train communicative and cultural competence. Advances in Web Based Learning–ICWL, 5686(2009), 78–87.
Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and assessing ICC. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Byram, M., Gribkova, B. & Starkey, H. (2002). Developing the intercultural dimension in language teaching: a practical introduction for teachers. Strasbourg: Language Policy
Division, Directorate of School, Out-of-School and Higher Education, Council of Europe. Retrieved from
Carel, S. (2001). Students as virtual ethnographers: exploring the language culture-connection. In M. Byram, A. Nichols & D. Stevens, Developing intercultural competence in practice (pp. 146–175). Clevedon, GBR: Multilingual Matters Ltd.
Chen, G. M. & Starosta, W. J. (1996). Intercultural communication competence: A synthesis. Communication Yearbook, 19, 353-384.
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research : planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. USA: Pearson Education.
Deardorff, D. K. (2009). Implementing intercultural competence assessment. In D. K. Deardorff (Ed.), The Sage handbook of intercultural competence (pp. 477–491). USA:
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.
Dervin, F. (2009). Microblogging and language learning and teaching (LLT): another step to classroom 3.0? Retrieved December, 23, 2014 from
Elola, I., & Oskoz, A. (2008). Blogging: Fostering intercultural competence development in foreign language and study abroad contexts. Foreign Language Annals, 41(3), 454–477.
Erben, T., Ban, R. & Castañeda, M. (Eds.). (2009). Teaching English language learner through technology. New York: Routledge.
Fantini, A. E. (1995a). Language: its cultural and intercultural dimensions. Adapted from Language, culture and world view: exploring the nexus, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 19, 143–153.
Fantini, A.E. (1995b). A central concern: developing intercultural competence. Retrieved from .
Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2011). How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Gibson, B., Hyde, M., & Gordon, T. (2015). Social media & intercultural competence. In R. D. Williams and A. Lee (Eds.), Internationalizing higher education: critical collaborations across the curriculum (pp. 187-200). Rotterdam: SENSE.
Given, L. M. (ed.). (2008). The SAGE encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. (Volumes 1 & 2). USA: SAGE.
Gokmen, M. E. (2005). Yabanci dil ogretiminde kulturlerarasi iletisimsel edinc. Dil Dergisi, (128), 69–77.
Grosseck, G., & Holotescu, C. (2008). Can we use Twitter for educational activities? Paper presented at the 4th International Scientific Conference, eLearning and Software for Education. April 17-18, 2008, Bucharest, Romania. Retrieved from
Hall, E. T. (1959). The silent language. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Jurich, S. (2001). ICT and the teaching of foreign languages. Retrieved December, 24, 2015 from
Kawamura, M. (2011). A study of native English teachers' perception of English teaching. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Faculty of the School of Education, Northcentral University, Arizona.
Kumar, S. & Tammelin, M. (2008). Integrating ICT into language learning and teaching. Wien: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Retrieved from
Lenhart, A. & Fox, S. (2009). Twitter and status updating. Retrieved January, 15, 2016 from
Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2007). Intercultural communication in contexts. ?: McGraw- Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages.
McCool, L. B. (2011). The pedagogical use of Twitter in the university classroom. Unpublished Master Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Minocha, S. (2009). A case study-based investigation of students’ experiences with social software tools. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 15(3), 245–265.
Novinger, T. (2001). Intercultural communication: a practical guide. Austin, TX, USA: University of Texas.
O’Reilly, T. & Milstein, S. (2009). The Twitter book. USA: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
O’Reilly, T. (2008). Why I love Twitter. Retrieved December, 14, 2015 from
Ozdemir, E. (2004). Attitudes of Turkish pre-service English language teachers towards other cultures in intercultural communication context. Unpublished Master Thesis. Istanbul University, Istanbul.
Sawyer, R. & Chen, G.M. (2012). The impact of social media on intercultural adaptation. Intercultural Communication Studies, 21(2), 151-169.
Sercu, L. (2002). Autonomous learning and the acquisition of ICC: some implications for course development. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 15(1), 61–74.
Sercu, L. (2005). Foreign language teachers and intercultural competence: an international investigation. Clevedon, GBR: Multilingual Matters Limited. Retrieved from
Sercu, L., Méndez García, M. C., & Castro Prieto, P. (2005) Scaffolding culture learning. An investigation of teacher approaches. Language and Education 19(6), 483-495.
Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0 new tools, new schools. USA: Eugene, International Society for Technology in Education.
Steinman, D. C. (2010). Social interactions within a Web 2.0 learning environment: the impact on learner social presence. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Northern
Arizona University, San Francisco.
Tu, C. H., Blocher, M., & Roberts, G. (2008). Constructs for Web 2.0 learning environments: A theatrical metaphor. Educational Media International, 45(4), 253-269.
Vurdien, R. (2014). Social networking: developing intercultural competence and fostering autonomous learning. In S. Jager, L. Brandley, E. J. Meima, & S. Thouesny (Eds.), CALL design: principles and practice – proceedings of the 2014 EUROCALL conference (pp. 398-402). Dublin:
Wandel, R. (2002). Teaching India in the EFL-Classroom: a cultural or an intercultural approach? In M. Byram & P. Grundy (Eds.), Context and culture in language teaching and learning (pp. 72–80). Great Britain: Short Run Press Ltd.
What is social networking (2015, January 1). Retrieved from
Yin, R. K. (2003). Case study research: design and methods. USA: SAGE.
Harmandaoğlu Baz, E., & İşisağ, K. U. (2018). Promoting intercultural competence of Turkish EFL pre-service teachers via Twitter. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 14(3), 104-132.
Harmandaoğlu Baz E, İşisağ KU. Promoting intercultural competence of Turkish EFL pre-service teachers via Twitter. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. Eylül 2018;14(3):104-132.
Harmandaoğlu Baz, Esra, ve Korkut Uluç İşisağ. “Promoting Intercultural Competence of Turkish EFL Pre-Service Teachers via Twitter”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 14, sy. 3 (Eylül 2018): 104-32.
Harmandaoğlu Baz E, İşisağ KU (01 Eylül 2018) Promoting intercultural competence of Turkish EFL pre-service teachers via Twitter. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 14 3 104–132.
E. Harmandaoğlu Baz ve K. U. İşisağ, “Promoting intercultural competence of Turkish EFL pre-service teachers via Twitter”, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, c. 14, sy. 3, ss. 104–132, 2018.
Harmandaoğlu Baz, Esra - İşisağ, Korkut Uluç. “Promoting Intercultural Competence of Turkish EFL Pre-Service Teachers via Twitter”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 14/3 (Eylül 2018), 104-132.
Harmandaoğlu Baz E, İşisağ KU. Promoting intercultural competence of Turkish EFL pre-service teachers via Twitter. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2018;14:104–132.
Harmandaoğlu Baz, Esra ve Korkut Uluç İşisağ. “Promoting Intercultural Competence of Turkish EFL Pre-Service Teachers via Twitter”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, c. 14, sy. 3, 2018, ss. 104-32.
Harmandaoğlu Baz E, İşisağ KU. Promoting intercultural competence of Turkish EFL pre-service teachers via Twitter. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2018;14(3):104-32.