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İntramüsküler Enjeksiyon Eğitimi İçin Ters Yüz Sınıf Modeli Ve Kahoot’un Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Bilgi, Beceri ve Özyeterlilik Düzeyleri Üzerindeki Etkileri

Yıl 2024, , 237 - 247, 27.09.2024


Amaç: İntramüsküler enjeksiyon beceri eğitimi için ters yüz sınıf modeli ve Kahoot kullanımının hemşirelik öğrencilerinin bilgi, beceri ve öz yeterlilik düzeylerine etkisini araştırmaktır.

Yöntemler: Yarı deneysel çalışma toplam 180 hemşirelik öğrencisi ile yürütülmüştür (müdahale grubu n=95, kontrol grubu n=85). Veriler "Bilgi Düzeyi Anketi", "Psikomotor Beceri Kontrol Formu" ve "Genel Öz Yeterlilik Ölçeği" kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Müdahale grubunda ters yüz edilmiş sınıf modeli kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, Kahoot'taki çoktan seçmeli sorular her iki gruba da sorulmuştur.

Bulgular: Müdahale grubundaki öğrencilerin son test bilgi puanları ve genel öz yeterlik puanları kontrol grubundaki öğrencilere göre istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek bulunmuştur (P<.001). Müdahale grubundaki öğrencilerin psikomotor beceri puanları kontrol grubundaki öğrencilerden istatistiksel olarak daha yüksektir (P=.010). Kahoot kullanımı ile ilgili olarak, her bir soru için doğru cevap yüzdesi müdahale grubunda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede daha yüksektir (P<.05).

Sonuç: Ters yüz sınıf modeli ve Kahoot'un intramüsküler enjeksiyon eğitiminde etkili olduğu söylenebilir. Ters yüz sınıf modeli ve Kahoot diğer temel hemşirelik becerilerinin öğretiminde de kullanılabilir.


  • 1. Chu-Ling C. Effectiveness of learning intramuscular injection techniques with aid of an interactive APP. JNEP. 2022;12(8):1-6.
  • 2. Kaasalainen S. Medication Administration. In: Astle BJ, Duggleby W, Potter PA, Pery AG, Stockert PA, Hall AM, eds. Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing. 6 th ed. Canada: Elsevier, 2019:736-794.
  • 3. Shaw H. Intramuscular injection. Nurs Stand. 2015;30(6):61-2.
  • 4. Kaya N, Salmaslıoğlu A, Terzi B, Turan N, Acunaş B. The reliability of site determination methods in ventrogluteal area injection: a cross-sectional study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2015;52(1):355-360.
  • 5. Ayinde O, Hayward RS, Ross JDC. The effect of intramuscular injection technique on injection associated pain; a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2021;16(5):e0250883.
  • 6. Nicoll LH, Hesby A. Intramuscular injection: an integrative research review and guideline for evidence-based practice. Appl Nurs Res. 2002;15(3):149-62.
  • 7. Sönmez M, Gürlek Kısacık Ö, Doğan ML, Aslan S. Investigation of some variables that predicted intramuscular injection knowledge levels of nursing students: chaid analysis. BAUN Health Sci. J. 2022;11(2):218-226.
  • 8. Kajander-Unkuri S, Suhonen R, Katajisto J, et al. Self-assessed level of graduating nursing students' nursing skills. JNEP. 2014;4(12):51-64.
  • 9. Karaahmetoğlu GU. Examining the knowledge level of nursing students about intramuscular injection application. Abant Medic. Journal. 2019;8(3):155-161.
  • 10. Özaras Öz Ö, Ordu Y. The effects of web based education and Kahoot usage in evaluation of the knowledge and skills regarding intramuscular injection among nursing students. Nurse Educ. Today. 2021;103:104910.
  • 11. Unal KS, Alkan SA. Determining the knowledge levels of nursing students about intramuscular injection. IJCS. 2019;12(3):1321-1331.
  • 12. Awad SA, Mohamed MHN. Effectiveness of Peyton’s Four-Step Approach on nursing students’ performance in skill-lab training. J Nurs Educ Pract. 2019;5:1-5.
  • 13. Park I, Suh Y. Meta-analysis of flipped learning effects in nursing education. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(23):12814.
  • 14. Bergmann J, Sams A. Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day. 1st ed. Eugene, Oregon: International Society for Technology in Education; 2012:13-7.
  • 15. Hung HT. Flipping the classroom for English language learners to foster active learning. CALL. 2015;28(1):81-96.
  • 16. Erkut E. Post-Covid-19 higher education. Journal of Higher Education. 2020;10(2):125-33.
  • 17. Pasaribu TA, Wulandari V. EFL teacher candidates’ engagement in mobile-assisted flipped classroom. TOJDE. 2021;22(3):Article 1.
  • 18. Lohitharajah J, Youhasan P. Utilizing gamification effect through Kahoot in remote teaching of immunology: Medical students’ perceptions. J Adv Med Educ Prof. 2022;10(3):156-162.
  • 19. Wang AI, Tahir R. The effect of using Kahoot! for learning-a literature review. Comput Educ. 2020;149:103818.
  • 20. Elzeky ME, Elhabashy HM, Ali WG, Allam SM. Effect of gamified flipped classroom on improving nursing students’ skills competency and learning motivation: A randomized controlled trial. BMC Nurs. 2022;21(1):316.
  • 21. Joseph, M.A., Roach, E.J., Natarajan, J. Suja Karkada & Arcalyd Rose Ramos Cayaban. Flipped classroom improves Omani nursing students performance and satisfaction in anatomy and physiology. BMC Nurs. 2021;20(1):1-10.
  • 22. Taşkın Erdem D, Bahar A. The learning effects of flipped classroom model on nursing student’s vital signs skills: a quasi-experimental study. IGUSABDER. 2022;17:470-484.
  • 23. Oddme S, Kruachottikul S. The Effect of Flipped Classroom Technique on Nursing Students’ Knowledge and Self-Efficacy in Nursing for Pregnant Women Infected with COVID-19. NU J. Nurs Health Sci. 2023;17(3):66-74.
  • 24. Kurt Y, Öztürk H. The effect of mobile augmented reality application developed for injections on the knowledge and skill levels of nursing students: An experimental controlled study. Nurse Educ. Today. 2021;103:104955.
  • 25. Eunicia T, Andrew B, Gregory L. Acceptability of the flipped classroom approach for in‐house teaching in emergency medicine. Emerg Med Australas. 2015;27(5):453-459.
  • 26. Amit V, Shanthi V, Othman W. Flipped classroom in dental education: A scoping review. Eur J Dent Educ. 2020;24(2):213-226.
  • 27. Wang Z, Kohno EY, Fueki K, Ueno T, Inamochi Y, Takada K, Wakabayashi N. Multilevel factor analysis of flipped classroom in dental education: A 3-year randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 2021 Sep 10;16(9):e0257208.
  • 28. Wong Kenneth CHU, David WK. Is the flipped classroom model effective in the perspectives of students’ perceptions and benefits?. In: Hybrid Learning. Theory and Practice: 7th International Conference, ICHL 2014, Shanghai, China, August 8-10, 2014.'_Perceptions_and_Benefits
  • 29. Hassan S, Hod R. Use of item analysis to improve the quality of single best answer multiple choice question in summative assessment of undergraduate medical students in Malaysia. EIMJ. 2017;9(3):33-43.
  • 30. Lynn P. Medication. In: Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Sklils: A nursing Process Approach. 5 th ed. China: Wolters Kluwer; 2019:656-668.
  • 31. Ogston-Tuck S. Intramuscular injection technique: an evidence-based approach. Nurs. Stand. 2014;29(4):52-59.
  • 32. Sisson H. Aspirating during the intramuscular injection procedure: a systematic literature review. J. Clin. Nurs. 2015;24:2368-2375.
  • 33. Strohfus PK, Paugh O, Tindell C, Molina-Shaver P. Evidence calls for practice change in intramuscular injection techniques. JNEP. 2018;8(2):83-92.
  • 34. Sherer M, Adams C. The Self-Efficacy Scale: A Construct Validity Study. 1983.
  • 35. Yildirim F, Ilhan IÖ. The validity and reliability of the general self-efficacy scale-Turkish form. Turkish Journal of Psychiatr. 2010;21(4):301.
  • 36. Alan S, Çalışkan N. Knowledge levels of nursing senior students about intramuscular injection application. JEUNF. 2018;34(1):36-53.
  • 37. Özveren H, Gülnar E, Yılmaz ED. Determination of the knowledge level of nursing students on the use of ventrogluteal region in intramuscular injection. DEUHFJ. 2018;11(4):300-305.
  • 38. Ilgaz A. Flipped classroom with interactive videos in the teaching of biostatistics knowledge applied to nursing students: A mixed method study. J Nursology. 2022;25(4):245-253.
  • 39. Márquez-Hernándeza VV, Gutiérrez-Puertasb L, Granados-Gámeza G, et al. Development of a web-based tool to evaluate competences of nursing students through the assessment of their clinical skills. Nurse Educ. Today. 2019;73:1-6.
  • 40. Gu M, Sok SR. Effects of simulation practicum using flipped learning for Korean nursing students. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2020;17:6829.
  • 41. Youhasan P, Chen Y, Lyndon M, Henning MA. Exploring the pedagogical design features of the flipped classroom in undergraduate nursing education: a systematic review. BMC Nurs. 2021;20(1):1-13.
  • 42. Banks L, Kay R. Exploring flipped classrooms in undergraduate nursing and health science: A systematic review. Nurse Educ. Pract. 2022;64:103417.
  • 43. Alosaimi D. Learning self-efficacy as predictor of nursing students' performance of clinical skills. Educ. Sci. Theory Pract. 2021;21(3):120-131.
  • 44. Baszuk PA, Heath ML. Using Kahoot! to increase exam scores and engagement. J. Educ. Bus. 2020;95(8):548-552.
  • 45. Clara Sabandar GN, Supit NR, Effendy Suryana HT. Kahoot!: bring the fun into the classroom!. IJIE. 2018;2(2):127-134.

The Effect of Flipped Classroom Model and Kahoot for Intramuscular Injection Training on Nursing Students’ Knowledge, Skills and Self-Efficacy Levels

Yıl 2024, , 237 - 247, 27.09.2024


Objective: To investigate the effects of using a flipped classroom model and Kahoot for intramuscular injection skill training on the knowledge, skill, and self-efficacy levels of nursing students.

Methods: The quasi-experimental study was conducted with a total of 180 nursing students (intervention group n=95, control group n=85). Data were collected using a “Knowledge Level Questionnaire,” “Psychomotor Skill Control Form,” and the “General Self-Efficacy Scale”. The flipped classroom model was used in the intervention group. In addition, the multiple-choice questions in Kahoot were asked to both groups.

Results: The final test knowledge scores and general self-efficacy scores of the students in the intervention group were found to be statistically higher than the students in the control group (P<.001). The psychomotor skill scores of the students in the intervention group were statistically higher than the students in the control group (P=.010). Regarding the use of Kahoot, the percentage of correct answers for each question was significantly higher for the intervention group than the control group (P<.05).

Conclusion: It can be said that the flipped classroom model and Kahoot are effective in intramuscular injection training. The flipped classroom model and Kahoot could also be used for the teaching of other basic nursing skills.


  • 1. Chu-Ling C. Effectiveness of learning intramuscular injection techniques with aid of an interactive APP. JNEP. 2022;12(8):1-6.
  • 2. Kaasalainen S. Medication Administration. In: Astle BJ, Duggleby W, Potter PA, Pery AG, Stockert PA, Hall AM, eds. Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing. 6 th ed. Canada: Elsevier, 2019:736-794.
  • 3. Shaw H. Intramuscular injection. Nurs Stand. 2015;30(6):61-2.
  • 4. Kaya N, Salmaslıoğlu A, Terzi B, Turan N, Acunaş B. The reliability of site determination methods in ventrogluteal area injection: a cross-sectional study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2015;52(1):355-360.
  • 5. Ayinde O, Hayward RS, Ross JDC. The effect of intramuscular injection technique on injection associated pain; a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2021;16(5):e0250883.
  • 6. Nicoll LH, Hesby A. Intramuscular injection: an integrative research review and guideline for evidence-based practice. Appl Nurs Res. 2002;15(3):149-62.
  • 7. Sönmez M, Gürlek Kısacık Ö, Doğan ML, Aslan S. Investigation of some variables that predicted intramuscular injection knowledge levels of nursing students: chaid analysis. BAUN Health Sci. J. 2022;11(2):218-226.
  • 8. Kajander-Unkuri S, Suhonen R, Katajisto J, et al. Self-assessed level of graduating nursing students' nursing skills. JNEP. 2014;4(12):51-64.
  • 9. Karaahmetoğlu GU. Examining the knowledge level of nursing students about intramuscular injection application. Abant Medic. Journal. 2019;8(3):155-161.
  • 10. Özaras Öz Ö, Ordu Y. The effects of web based education and Kahoot usage in evaluation of the knowledge and skills regarding intramuscular injection among nursing students. Nurse Educ. Today. 2021;103:104910.
  • 11. Unal KS, Alkan SA. Determining the knowledge levels of nursing students about intramuscular injection. IJCS. 2019;12(3):1321-1331.
  • 12. Awad SA, Mohamed MHN. Effectiveness of Peyton’s Four-Step Approach on nursing students’ performance in skill-lab training. J Nurs Educ Pract. 2019;5:1-5.
  • 13. Park I, Suh Y. Meta-analysis of flipped learning effects in nursing education. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(23):12814.
  • 14. Bergmann J, Sams A. Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day. 1st ed. Eugene, Oregon: International Society for Technology in Education; 2012:13-7.
  • 15. Hung HT. Flipping the classroom for English language learners to foster active learning. CALL. 2015;28(1):81-96.
  • 16. Erkut E. Post-Covid-19 higher education. Journal of Higher Education. 2020;10(2):125-33.
  • 17. Pasaribu TA, Wulandari V. EFL teacher candidates’ engagement in mobile-assisted flipped classroom. TOJDE. 2021;22(3):Article 1.
  • 18. Lohitharajah J, Youhasan P. Utilizing gamification effect through Kahoot in remote teaching of immunology: Medical students’ perceptions. J Adv Med Educ Prof. 2022;10(3):156-162.
  • 19. Wang AI, Tahir R. The effect of using Kahoot! for learning-a literature review. Comput Educ. 2020;149:103818.
  • 20. Elzeky ME, Elhabashy HM, Ali WG, Allam SM. Effect of gamified flipped classroom on improving nursing students’ skills competency and learning motivation: A randomized controlled trial. BMC Nurs. 2022;21(1):316.
  • 21. Joseph, M.A., Roach, E.J., Natarajan, J. Suja Karkada & Arcalyd Rose Ramos Cayaban. Flipped classroom improves Omani nursing students performance and satisfaction in anatomy and physiology. BMC Nurs. 2021;20(1):1-10.
  • 22. Taşkın Erdem D, Bahar A. The learning effects of flipped classroom model on nursing student’s vital signs skills: a quasi-experimental study. IGUSABDER. 2022;17:470-484.
  • 23. Oddme S, Kruachottikul S. The Effect of Flipped Classroom Technique on Nursing Students’ Knowledge and Self-Efficacy in Nursing for Pregnant Women Infected with COVID-19. NU J. Nurs Health Sci. 2023;17(3):66-74.
  • 24. Kurt Y, Öztürk H. The effect of mobile augmented reality application developed for injections on the knowledge and skill levels of nursing students: An experimental controlled study. Nurse Educ. Today. 2021;103:104955.
  • 25. Eunicia T, Andrew B, Gregory L. Acceptability of the flipped classroom approach for in‐house teaching in emergency medicine. Emerg Med Australas. 2015;27(5):453-459.
  • 26. Amit V, Shanthi V, Othman W. Flipped classroom in dental education: A scoping review. Eur J Dent Educ. 2020;24(2):213-226.
  • 27. Wang Z, Kohno EY, Fueki K, Ueno T, Inamochi Y, Takada K, Wakabayashi N. Multilevel factor analysis of flipped classroom in dental education: A 3-year randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 2021 Sep 10;16(9):e0257208.
  • 28. Wong Kenneth CHU, David WK. Is the flipped classroom model effective in the perspectives of students’ perceptions and benefits?. In: Hybrid Learning. Theory and Practice: 7th International Conference, ICHL 2014, Shanghai, China, August 8-10, 2014.'_Perceptions_and_Benefits
  • 29. Hassan S, Hod R. Use of item analysis to improve the quality of single best answer multiple choice question in summative assessment of undergraduate medical students in Malaysia. EIMJ. 2017;9(3):33-43.
  • 30. Lynn P. Medication. In: Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Sklils: A nursing Process Approach. 5 th ed. China: Wolters Kluwer; 2019:656-668.
  • 31. Ogston-Tuck S. Intramuscular injection technique: an evidence-based approach. Nurs. Stand. 2014;29(4):52-59.
  • 32. Sisson H. Aspirating during the intramuscular injection procedure: a systematic literature review. J. Clin. Nurs. 2015;24:2368-2375.
  • 33. Strohfus PK, Paugh O, Tindell C, Molina-Shaver P. Evidence calls for practice change in intramuscular injection techniques. JNEP. 2018;8(2):83-92.
  • 34. Sherer M, Adams C. The Self-Efficacy Scale: A Construct Validity Study. 1983.
  • 35. Yildirim F, Ilhan IÖ. The validity and reliability of the general self-efficacy scale-Turkish form. Turkish Journal of Psychiatr. 2010;21(4):301.
  • 36. Alan S, Çalışkan N. Knowledge levels of nursing senior students about intramuscular injection application. JEUNF. 2018;34(1):36-53.
  • 37. Özveren H, Gülnar E, Yılmaz ED. Determination of the knowledge level of nursing students on the use of ventrogluteal region in intramuscular injection. DEUHFJ. 2018;11(4):300-305.
  • 38. Ilgaz A. Flipped classroom with interactive videos in the teaching of biostatistics knowledge applied to nursing students: A mixed method study. J Nursology. 2022;25(4):245-253.
  • 39. Márquez-Hernándeza VV, Gutiérrez-Puertasb L, Granados-Gámeza G, et al. Development of a web-based tool to evaluate competences of nursing students through the assessment of their clinical skills. Nurse Educ. Today. 2019;73:1-6.
  • 40. Gu M, Sok SR. Effects of simulation practicum using flipped learning for Korean nursing students. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2020;17:6829.
  • 41. Youhasan P, Chen Y, Lyndon M, Henning MA. Exploring the pedagogical design features of the flipped classroom in undergraduate nursing education: a systematic review. BMC Nurs. 2021;20(1):1-13.
  • 42. Banks L, Kay R. Exploring flipped classrooms in undergraduate nursing and health science: A systematic review. Nurse Educ. Pract. 2022;64:103417.
  • 43. Alosaimi D. Learning self-efficacy as predictor of nursing students' performance of clinical skills. Educ. Sci. Theory Pract. 2021;21(3):120-131.
  • 44. Baszuk PA, Heath ML. Using Kahoot! to increase exam scores and engagement. J. Educ. Bus. 2020;95(8):548-552.
  • 45. Clara Sabandar GN, Supit NR, Effendy Suryana HT. Kahoot!: bring the fun into the classroom!. IJIE. 2018;2(2):127-134.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik Esasları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Banu Terzi 0000-0002-9500-6872

Ayşegül Ilgaz 0000-0003-0640-2820

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 26 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 4 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

AMA Terzi B, Ilgaz A. The Effect of Flipped Classroom Model and Kahoot for Intramuscular Injection Training on Nursing Students’ Knowledge, Skills and Self-Efficacy Levels. Journal of Nursology. Eylül 2024;27(3):237-247. doi:10.17049/jnursology.1420976