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Son Sınıf Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Eğitim Becerilerinin 360 Derece Değerlendirilmesi: Retrospektif Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2025,


Amaç: Bu araştırmada, son sınıf hemşirelik öğrencilerinin eğitim becerilerinin 360 derece değerlendirme yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada, hemşirelik son sınıf öğrencilerinin (n = 205) öğretim elemanı, klinik rehber, kendi ve akranları tarafından eğitim becerileri değerlendirme puanları retrospektif olarak analiz edilmiştir. Veriler, Ağustos 2022 ve Ekim 2022 tarihleri arasında dersin arşivlenmiş öğrenci dosyalarından retrospektif olarak toplanmıştır. İstatistiksel analiz için SPSS for Windows v. 22.0 kullanıldı. İstatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi olarak P<.05 kabul edildi.

Bulgular: Öğrencilerin %90,7’si (n=186) kız, %9,3’ü (n=19) erkektir. Eğitim becerileri değerlendirme formundaki ortalama ve standart sapma puanları; öğretim elemanı değerlendirmesi için 92,88±7,65, klinik rehber değerlendirmesi için 94,67±7,56, öz değerlendirme için 96,38±10,23 ve akran değerlendirmesi için 97,57±8,60 olarak bulunmuştur. Öğretim elemanı ve klinik rehber değerlendirmeleri arasında pozitif ve zayıf düzeyde anlamlı bir korelasyon mevcuttu (r=,352; P<,001), ancak öğretim elemanı değerlendirmesinin öz değerlendirme veya akran değerlendirmesi ile anlamlı bir ilişkisi yoktu (P>,05). Öz değerlendirme ile akran değerlendirmesi arasında pozitif yönde orta düzeyde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu görüldü (r=,634; P<,001).

Sonuç: Öğrenciler öz değerlendirme ve akran değerlendirmesinde daha yüksek puanlar verme eğilimindedir. Bu nedenle, değerlendiriciler arasında değerlendirme konusunda fikir birliği eksikliğini önlemek ve tutarlı bir değerlendirme sağlamak için değerlendiricilerin belirlenmiş kurallara uymaları ve uygun eğitimden geçmeleri önerilir.


  • 1. Johnstone SM, Soares L. Principles for developing competency-based education programs. Change. 2014;46(2):12-19.
  • 2. Carraccio C, Englander R, Van Melle E, et al. Advancing competency-based medical education: A charter for clinician-educators. Academic Medicine. 2016;91(5):645-649.
  • 3. Fan JY, Wang YH, Chao LF, Jane SW, Hsu LL. Performance evaluation of nursing students following competency-based education. Nurse Educ Today. 2015;35(1):97-103. 4. Gravina EW. Competency-Based Education and its effect on nursing education: A literature review. Teach Learn Nurs. 2017;12(2):117-121.
  • 5. Hodges AL, Konicki AJ, Talley MH, Bordelon CJ, Holland AC, Galin FS. Competency-based education in transitioning nurse practitioner students from education into practice. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract. 2019;31(11):675-682.
  • 6. Pijl-Zieber EM, Barton S, Konkin J, Awosoga O, Caine V. Competence and competency-based nursing education: Finding our way through the issues. Nurse Educ Today. 2014;34(5):676-678.
  • 7. Bayzat Ç, Sarmasoğlu Kılıkçıer Ş. 360° Assessment in Clinical Training of Nursing and Medical Students: A Scoping Review. JOHUFON. 2021;8(2):134-143.
  • 8. McPhee S, Phillips NM, Ockerby C, Hutchinson AM. Multisource feedback to graduate nurses: a multimethod study. J Clin Nurs. 2017;26(21-22):3442-3456.
  • 9. Cormack C, Jensen E, Durham C, Smith G, Dumas B. The 360-degree evaluation model: A method for assessing competency in graduate nursing students. A pilot research study. Nurse Educ Today. 2018;64:132-137.
  • 10. González-Gil MT, Parro-Moreno AI, Oter-Quintana C, et al. 360-Degree evaluation: Towards a comprehensive, integrated assessment of performance on clinical placement in nursing degrees: A descriptive observational study. Nurse Educ Today. 2020;95(January):104594.
  • 11. Shahid R, Kahlid R, Umar M, Khan S. 360-degree evaluation of postgraduate residents at Rawalpindi Medical University: Appraising the achievement of core competencies by comparing the scores of 1st & 2nd cycles of evaluation. J Rawalpindi Med Coll. 2023;27(1):171-177.
  • 12. Awdishu L, Zheng A, Gerd Granas A, et al. 360-Degree feedback model to enhance interprofessional learning. MedEdPublish. 2018;7:154.
  • 13. Lanz JJ, Gregory P, Harmon L. Assessing physician performance using 360-degree multisource surveys: Do biases exist due to gender, country of training, Native Language, and Age? Divers Equal Health Care. 2021;18(9):451-456.
  • 14. Llapa-Rodriguez EO félia, de Oliveira JKA lbuquerque, Lopes Neto D, de Aguiar Campos MP ontes. Nurses leadership evaluation by nursing aides and technicians according to the 360-degree feedback method. Rev Gaucha Enferm. 2015;36(4):29-36.
  • 15. Sadeghi T, Loripoor M. Usefulness of 360 degree evaluation in evaluating nursing students in Iran. Korean J Med Educ. 2016;28(2):195.
  • 16. Malekzadeh R, Ziapour A, Assadi T. Evaluation of clinical ethics in Iranian hospitals: Employing a 360° approach—A cross-sectional study. Health Sci Rep. 2023;6(6).
  • 17. Hemalatha R, Shakuntala BS. Using multiple assessors to evaluate core competencies of nursing students: A 360 evaluation approach. Nitte University Journal of Health Science. 2013;3(3):13-17.
  • 18. Pooley M, Pizzuti C, Daly M. Optimizing multisource feedback implementation for Australasian physicians. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2019;39(4):228-235.
  • 19. Stevens S, Read J, Baines R, Chatterjee A, Archer J. Validation of multisource feedback in assessing medical performance: A systematic review. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2018;38(4):262-268.
  • 20. Shrivastava S, Shrivastava P. Multisource feedback: Anticipated barriers and the potential solutions during its planning and implementation. Med J Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2020;13:298-299. Doi: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_64_19
  • 21. Ülkü HH, Şenol Y. Determination of Professionalism and Communication Skills by 360 Degree Evaluation Method in Pre-Graduate Medical Education. Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası. 2017;(49):28-38.
  • 22. Oktay C, Senol Y, Rinnert S, Cete Y. Utility of 360-degree assessment of residents in a Turkish academic emergency medicine residency program. Turk J Emerg Med. 2016;17(1):12-15.
  • 23. van der Meulen MW, Arah OA, Heeneman S, oude Egbrink MGA, van der Vleuten CPM, Lombarts KMJMH. When feedback backfires: Influences of negative discrepancies between physicians’ self and assessors’ scores on their subsequent multisource feedback ratings. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2021;41(2):94-103.
  • 24. Sureda E, Chacón-Moscoso S, Sanduvete-Chaves S, Sesé A. A training intervention through a 360◦ multisource feedback model. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18:9137. 25. Han Z, Chan A. Pharmacy students’ perceptions toward peer assessment and its use in teaching patient presentation skills. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2020;12(2):228-236. 26. Sönmez V. Teaching Principles and Methods. 9th ed. Ankara: Anı Publishing; 2017.
  • 27. Demirel Ö. Implementing teaching activities. In: Demirel, Ö, ed. Teaching Principles and Methods the Art of Teaching. 23rd ed. Ankara: Pegem A Publishing; 2017:70-130.
  • 28. Bastable SB. Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice. 5th ed. Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2017.
  • 29. Ghaljeh M, Rezaee N, Arbabisarjou A. Comparison of self-, peer, and teachers’ evaluation about the clinical skills of nursing students at the department of psychiatry. J Educ Health Promot. 2021;10(1):397.
  • 30. Rahimi, Z., Badiyepeymaiejahromi, Z., Taghizadeganzadeh, M. 360-Degree Evaluation of Nursing Students’ Performance. Shiraz E-Med J. 2024;25(11), e148872.
  • 31. Mousavi, S. K., Kamali, M. Clinical self-efficacy of final-year nursing students: A comparison of a 360-degree evaluation method with a conventional method. J Med Edu Dev. 2022;15(47), 27–35.
  • 32. Poorkiani M, Shokrpour N, Faramarzian Z, Bazrafkan L, Keshtkaran Z. A 360-degree evaluation of faculty members’ teaching effectiveness in Larestan Medical Sciences School during COVID-19 pandemic: A pilot study. J Health Sci Surveillance Sys. 2023;11(Supplement):140-146.
  • 33. Berk RA. Using the 360° multisource feedback model to evaluate teaching and professionalism. Med Teach. 2009;31(12):1073-1080.

360-Degree Evaluation of Educational Skills of Senior Nursing Students: A Retrospective Study

Yıl 2025,


Objective: To assess the educational skills of senior nursing students using the 360-degree evaluation method.

Methods: This study retrospectively analyzed the scores of senior nursing students (n = 205) in terms of their educational skill evaluation by the instructor, preceptor, self, and peers. Data were collected retrospectively from the archived student files of the course between August 2022 and October 2022. SPSS for Windows v. 22.0 was used for statistical analysis. P<.05 was accepted as the statistical significance level.

Results: Of the students, 90.7% (n=186) were female, and 9.3% (n=19) were male. The mean and standard deviation scores on the education skills evaluation form were found to be 92.88 ± 7.65 for instructor evaluation, 94.67±7.56 for preceptor evaluation, 96.38±10.23 for self- evaluation, and 97.57±8.60 for peer-evaluation. There was a positive and weakly significant correlation between instructor and preceptor evaluations (r=.352; P<.001), but instructor evaluation did not have a significant correlation with self-evaluation or peer-evaluation (P>.05). A positive and moderately significant correlation was observed between self-evaluation and peer-evaluation (r=.634; P<.001).

Conclusion: The students tend to give higher scores in self-evaluation and peer-evaluation. Therefore, it is recommended that evaluators adhere to established rules and undergo proper training to prevent a lack of agreement in evaluation among raters and ensure a consistent assessment.


  • 1. Johnstone SM, Soares L. Principles for developing competency-based education programs. Change. 2014;46(2):12-19.
  • 2. Carraccio C, Englander R, Van Melle E, et al. Advancing competency-based medical education: A charter for clinician-educators. Academic Medicine. 2016;91(5):645-649.
  • 3. Fan JY, Wang YH, Chao LF, Jane SW, Hsu LL. Performance evaluation of nursing students following competency-based education. Nurse Educ Today. 2015;35(1):97-103. 4. Gravina EW. Competency-Based Education and its effect on nursing education: A literature review. Teach Learn Nurs. 2017;12(2):117-121.
  • 5. Hodges AL, Konicki AJ, Talley MH, Bordelon CJ, Holland AC, Galin FS. Competency-based education in transitioning nurse practitioner students from education into practice. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract. 2019;31(11):675-682.
  • 6. Pijl-Zieber EM, Barton S, Konkin J, Awosoga O, Caine V. Competence and competency-based nursing education: Finding our way through the issues. Nurse Educ Today. 2014;34(5):676-678.
  • 7. Bayzat Ç, Sarmasoğlu Kılıkçıer Ş. 360° Assessment in Clinical Training of Nursing and Medical Students: A Scoping Review. JOHUFON. 2021;8(2):134-143.
  • 8. McPhee S, Phillips NM, Ockerby C, Hutchinson AM. Multisource feedback to graduate nurses: a multimethod study. J Clin Nurs. 2017;26(21-22):3442-3456.
  • 9. Cormack C, Jensen E, Durham C, Smith G, Dumas B. The 360-degree evaluation model: A method for assessing competency in graduate nursing students. A pilot research study. Nurse Educ Today. 2018;64:132-137.
  • 10. González-Gil MT, Parro-Moreno AI, Oter-Quintana C, et al. 360-Degree evaluation: Towards a comprehensive, integrated assessment of performance on clinical placement in nursing degrees: A descriptive observational study. Nurse Educ Today. 2020;95(January):104594.
  • 11. Shahid R, Kahlid R, Umar M, Khan S. 360-degree evaluation of postgraduate residents at Rawalpindi Medical University: Appraising the achievement of core competencies by comparing the scores of 1st & 2nd cycles of evaluation. J Rawalpindi Med Coll. 2023;27(1):171-177.
  • 12. Awdishu L, Zheng A, Gerd Granas A, et al. 360-Degree feedback model to enhance interprofessional learning. MedEdPublish. 2018;7:154.
  • 13. Lanz JJ, Gregory P, Harmon L. Assessing physician performance using 360-degree multisource surveys: Do biases exist due to gender, country of training, Native Language, and Age? Divers Equal Health Care. 2021;18(9):451-456.
  • 14. Llapa-Rodriguez EO félia, de Oliveira JKA lbuquerque, Lopes Neto D, de Aguiar Campos MP ontes. Nurses leadership evaluation by nursing aides and technicians according to the 360-degree feedback method. Rev Gaucha Enferm. 2015;36(4):29-36.
  • 15. Sadeghi T, Loripoor M. Usefulness of 360 degree evaluation in evaluating nursing students in Iran. Korean J Med Educ. 2016;28(2):195.
  • 16. Malekzadeh R, Ziapour A, Assadi T. Evaluation of clinical ethics in Iranian hospitals: Employing a 360° approach—A cross-sectional study. Health Sci Rep. 2023;6(6).
  • 17. Hemalatha R, Shakuntala BS. Using multiple assessors to evaluate core competencies of nursing students: A 360 evaluation approach. Nitte University Journal of Health Science. 2013;3(3):13-17.
  • 18. Pooley M, Pizzuti C, Daly M. Optimizing multisource feedback implementation for Australasian physicians. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2019;39(4):228-235.
  • 19. Stevens S, Read J, Baines R, Chatterjee A, Archer J. Validation of multisource feedback in assessing medical performance: A systematic review. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2018;38(4):262-268.
  • 20. Shrivastava S, Shrivastava P. Multisource feedback: Anticipated barriers and the potential solutions during its planning and implementation. Med J Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2020;13:298-299. Doi: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_64_19
  • 21. Ülkü HH, Şenol Y. Determination of Professionalism and Communication Skills by 360 Degree Evaluation Method in Pre-Graduate Medical Education. Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası. 2017;(49):28-38.
  • 22. Oktay C, Senol Y, Rinnert S, Cete Y. Utility of 360-degree assessment of residents in a Turkish academic emergency medicine residency program. Turk J Emerg Med. 2016;17(1):12-15.
  • 23. van der Meulen MW, Arah OA, Heeneman S, oude Egbrink MGA, van der Vleuten CPM, Lombarts KMJMH. When feedback backfires: Influences of negative discrepancies between physicians’ self and assessors’ scores on their subsequent multisource feedback ratings. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2021;41(2):94-103.
  • 24. Sureda E, Chacón-Moscoso S, Sanduvete-Chaves S, Sesé A. A training intervention through a 360◦ multisource feedback model. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18:9137. 25. Han Z, Chan A. Pharmacy students’ perceptions toward peer assessment and its use in teaching patient presentation skills. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2020;12(2):228-236. 26. Sönmez V. Teaching Principles and Methods. 9th ed. Ankara: Anı Publishing; 2017.
  • 27. Demirel Ö. Implementing teaching activities. In: Demirel, Ö, ed. Teaching Principles and Methods the Art of Teaching. 23rd ed. Ankara: Pegem A Publishing; 2017:70-130.
  • 28. Bastable SB. Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice. 5th ed. Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2017.
  • 29. Ghaljeh M, Rezaee N, Arbabisarjou A. Comparison of self-, peer, and teachers’ evaluation about the clinical skills of nursing students at the department of psychiatry. J Educ Health Promot. 2021;10(1):397.
  • 30. Rahimi, Z., Badiyepeymaiejahromi, Z., Taghizadeganzadeh, M. 360-Degree Evaluation of Nursing Students’ Performance. Shiraz E-Med J. 2024;25(11), e148872.
  • 31. Mousavi, S. K., Kamali, M. Clinical self-efficacy of final-year nursing students: A comparison of a 360-degree evaluation method with a conventional method. J Med Edu Dev. 2022;15(47), 27–35.
  • 32. Poorkiani M, Shokrpour N, Faramarzian Z, Bazrafkan L, Keshtkaran Z. A 360-degree evaluation of faculty members’ teaching effectiveness in Larestan Medical Sciences School during COVID-19 pandemic: A pilot study. J Health Sci Surveillance Sys. 2023;11(Supplement):140-146.
  • 33. Berk RA. Using the 360° multisource feedback model to evaluate teaching and professionalism. Med Teach. 2009;31(12):1073-1080.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik Eğitimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fatma Orgun 0000-0002-2351-7227

Nilay Özkütük 0000-0003-1405-4600

Gülsüm Çonoğlu 0000-0001-8606-3149

Cemre Paylan Akkoç 0000-0002-7612-4005

Yusuf Türköz 0000-0002-1718-6265

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 8 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

AMA Orgun F, Özkütük N, Çonoğlu G, Paylan Akkoç C, Türköz Y. 360-Degree Evaluation of Educational Skills of Senior Nursing Students: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Nursology. Published online 01 Mart 2025. doi:10.17049/jnursology.1415483