Araştırma Makalesi
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The Mediating Role of Work Engagement in the Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on Organizational Commitment

Yıl 2024, , 117 - 138, 31.08.2024


The leader-member exchange theory, which focuses on the bilateral relationship between leaders and employees, aims to maximize business's success by establishing a constructive and positive interaction between the leader and the employee. Work engagement and organizational commitment behaviors, which are desired for increased company performance and productivity, also go through a qualified leader-employee exchange. The higher the quality of the leader-employee relationship, the more organizational commitment and work engagement behaviors are shaped and increased accordingly. In this regard, this study focuses on investigating the effect of the relationship between the leader and its employees on employees' work engagement and organizational commitment, and the mediating role of work engagement in the relationship between leader-member exchange and organizational commitment. The research was conducted among the employees of companies located in Kayseri Organized Industrial Zone. The results of the data collected from 339 employees via survey technique have been revealed that leader-member exchange is related to employees' work engagement and commitment behaviors and affects these behaviors in a significant and positive way. Additionally, work engagement behavior tested with Process Macro Model-4 was found to have a mediating role.


  • Agyemang, C. B., & Ofei, S. B. (2013). Employee work engagement and organizational commitment: A comparative study of private and public sector organizations in Ghana. European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, 1(4), 20-33.
  • Ahuja, S., & Gupta, S. (2019). Organizational commitment and work engagement as a facilitator for sustaining higher education professionals. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(6), 1846-1851.
  • Allen, N. J., & Meyer, J. P. (1990). The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 63(1), 1-18.
  • Azeem, S. M. (2010). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment among employees in the Sultanate of Oman. Psychology, 1(4), 295-300.
  • Babcock-Roberson, M. E., & Strickland, O. J. (2010). The relationship between charismatic leadership, work engagement, and organizational citizenship behaviors. The Journal of Psychology, 144(3), 313-326.
  • Bakker, A. B., Schaufeli, W. B., Leiter, M. P., & Taris, T. W. (2008). Work engagement: An emerging concept in occupational health psychology. Work & Stress, 22(3), 187-200.
  • Bauer, T. N., & Erdogan, B. (2015). The Oxford handbook of leader-member exchange. Oxford University Press.
  • Breevaart, K., Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E., & van, den H. M. (2015). Leader-member exchange, work engagement, and job performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(7), 754-770.
  • Britt, T. W., Dickinson, J. M., Greene-Shortridge, T. M., & McKibben, E. S. (2007). Self-engagement at work. Positive organizational behavior, 143-158.
  • Burch, T. C., & Guarana, C. L. (2014). The comparative influences of transformational leadership and leader–member exchange on follower engagement. Journal of Leadership Studies, 8(3), 6-25.
  • Cao, Y., Liu, J., Liu, K., Yang, M., & Liu, Y. (2019). The mediating role of organizational commitment between calling and work engagement of nurses: A cross-sectional study. International journal of nursing sciences, 6(3), 309-314.
  • Christian, M. S., Garza, A. S., & Slaughter, J. E. (2011). Work engagement: A quantitative review and test of its relations with task and contextual performance. Personnel Psychology, 64(1), 89-136.
  • Ciftci, D. Ö. (2019). Lider üye etkileşiminin işe adanmışlık üzerindeki etkisinde psikolojik güçlendirmenin aracı rolü. Business and Economics Research Journal, 10(1), 167-186.
  • Cropanzano, R., & Mitchell, M. S. (2005). Social exchange theory: An interdisciplinary review. Journal of Management, 31(6), 874-900.
  • Dansereau, F., Graen, G., & Haga, W. (1975). A vertical dyad linkage approach to leadership within formal organizations. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 13, 46-78.
  • Dirlik, O., Topbaş, M. E., & Ömüriş, E. (2023). Leader-member exchange and job performance in municipalities: Mediating effect of organizational commitment. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 18(2), Article 2.
  • Du, B., He, B., Zhang, L., Luo, N., Yu, X., & Wang, A. (2022). From subordinate moqi to work engagement: The role of leader–member exchange in the sustainability context. Sustainability, 15(1), 170.
  • Duchon, D., Green, S. G., & Taber, T. D. (1986). Vertical dyad linkage: A longitudinal assessment of antecedents, measures, and consequences. Journal of applied psychology, 71(1), 56.
  • Dulebohn, J. H., Bommer, W. H., Liden, R. C., Brouer, R. L., & Ferris, G. R. (2012). A Meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of leader-member exchange: Integrating the past with an eye toward the future. Journal of Management, 38(6), 1715-1759.
  • Epitropaki, O., & Martin, R. (2005). From ideal to real: A longitudinal study of the role of implicit leadership theories on leader–member exchanges and employee outcomes. The Journal of applied psychology, 90, 659-676.
  • Ercan, S. (2019). Lider-üye etkileşimi, yenilikçi iş davranışı, işe adanmışlık, örgütsel özdeşleşme ilişkisinde örgütsel adaletin rolü [Doktora tezi, Maltepe Üniversitesi].
  • Genceli, M. (1990). Durbin-watson testinin irdelenmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Maliye Araştırma Merkezi Konferansları Dergisi, 33.
  • Gerstner, C., & Day, D. (1997). Meta-analytic review of leader–member exchange theory: Correlates and construct issues. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 827-844.
  • Graen, G. B., & Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Relationship-based approach to leadership: Development of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years: Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective. The Leadership Quarterly, 6(2), 219-247.
  • Green, S. G., Anderson, S. E., & Shivers, S. L. (1996). Demographic and organizational influences on leader–member exchange and related work attitudes. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 66(2), 203-214.
  • Gutermann, D., Lehmann‐Willenbrock, N., Boer, D., Born, M., & Voelpel, S. C. (2017). How leaders affect followers’ work engagement and performance: Integrating Leader−member exchange and crossover theory. British Journal of Management, 28(2), 299-314.
  • Günaydın, C. (2021). Lider-üye etkileşimi ile işe adanmışlık ilişkisi ve bir araştırma.
  • Gürbüz, S. (2021). AMOS ile yapısal eşitlik modellemesi, Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Gürbüz, S., & Şahin, F. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri-feselefe-yöntem-analiz (5. Baskı) Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Hanaysha, J. (2016). Testing the effects of employee engagement, work environment, and organizational learning on organizational commitment. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 229, 289-297.
  • Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., & Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business-unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(2), 268-279.
  • Ilies, R., Nahrgang, J. D., & Morgeson, F. P. (2007). Leader-member exchange and citizenship behaviors: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(1), 269-277.
  • Jacobs, S., Renard, M., & Snelgar, R. J. (2014). Intrinsic rewards and work engagement in the South African retail industry. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 40(2), 1-13.
  • Jung, H. S., Song, M. K., & Yoon, H. H. (2021). The effects of workplace loneliness on work engagement and organizational commitment: Moderating roles of leader-member exchange and coworker exchange. Sustainability, 13(2), Article 2.
  • Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of Management Journal, 33(4), 692-724.
  • Kayseri Valiliği. (2024). Ekonomi, sanayi.
  • Khalid, A., & Khalid, S. (2015). Relationship between organizational commitments, employee engagement and career satisfaction a case of university of Gujrat, Pakistan. Journal of South Asian Studies, 3(3), 323-330.
  • Kim, W., Kim, J., Woo, H., Park, J., Jo, J., Park, S.-H., & Lim, S. Y. (2017). The relationship between work engagement and organizational commitment: Proposing research agendas through a review of empirical literature. Human Resource Development Review, 16(4), 350-376.
  • Koyuncu, M., Burke, R. J., & Fiksenbaum, L. (2006). Work engagement among women managers and professionals in a Turkish bank: Potential antecedents and consequences. Equal opportunities international, 25(4), 299-310.
  • Kwon, I.-W. G., & Banks, D. W. (2004). Factors related to the organizational and professional commitment of internal auditors. Managerial Auditing Journal, 19(5), 606-622.
  • Lee, J. (2005). Effects of leadership and leader‐member exchange on commitment. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(8), 655-672.
  • Lee, J., & Ok, C. Michael. (2016). Hotel employee work engagement and its consequences. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(2), 133-166.
  • Lee, J.-A., & Lee, G.-J. (2016). The relationship among leader-member exchange (lmx), empowerment, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and customer orientation: Focused on the jeju-air. Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management, 44(4), 983-997.
  • Liden, R. C., & Maslyn, J. M. (1998). Multidimensionality of leader-member exchange: An empirical assessment through scale development. Journal of management, 24(1), 43-72.
  • Liden, R. C., Wayne, S. J., & Stilwell, D. (1993). A longitudinal study on the early development of leader-member exchanges. Journal of applied psychology, 78(4), 662.
  • Lo, M.-C., Ramayah, T., Min, H. W., & Songan, P. (2010). The relationship between leadership styles and organizational commitment in Malaysia: Role of leader-member exchange. İçinde Whither South East Asian Management? (ss. 76-100). Routledge.
  • Macey, W. H., & Schneider, B. (2008). The meaning of employee engagement. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1(1), 3-30.
  • Morrow, P. C., Suzuki, Y., Crum, M. R., Ruben, R., & Pautsch, G. (2005). The role of leader‐member exchange in high turnover work environments. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 20(8), 681-694.
  • Mowday, R. T., Steers, R. M., & Porter, L. W. (1979). The measurement of organizational commitment. Journal of vocational behavior, 14(2), 224-247.
  • Nystrom, P. C. (1990). Vertical exchanges and organizational commitments of American Business Managers. Group & Organization Studies, 15(3), 296-312.
  • Porter, L. W., Mowday, R. T., & Steers, R. M. (1979). The measurement of organizational commitment. Journal of vocational behavior, 14(2), 224-247.
  • Porter, L. W., Steers, R. M., Mowday, R. T., & Boulian, P. V. (1974). Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover among psychiatric technicians. Journal of applied psychology, 59(5), 603.
  • Putri, W. H., & Setianan, A. R. (2019). Job enrichment, organizational commitment, and intention to quit: The mediating role of employee engagement. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 17(2), 518.
  • Radstaak, M., & Hennes, A. (2017). Leader–member exchange fosters work engagement: The mediating role of job crafting. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 43(0), Article 0.
  • Randall, D. M. (1990). The consequences of organizational commitment: Methodological investigation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 11(5), 361-378.
  • Schaufeli, W. B., Bakker, A. B., & Salanova, M. (2006). The measurement of work engagement with a short questionnaire: A cross-national study. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66(4), 701-716.
  • Schaufeli, W. B., Salanova, M., González-romá, V., & Bakker, A. B. (2002). The measurement of engagement and burnout: A two sample confirmatory factor analytic approach. Journal of Happiness Studies, 3(1), 71-92.
  • Strom, D. L., Sears, K. L., & Kelly, K. M. (2014). Work engagement: The roles of organizational justice and leadership style in predicting engagement among employees. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 21(1), 71-82.
  • Şap, Ö. (2016). Bilgi yönetim ortamı ile işe adanmışlık örgütsel bağlılık ve algılanan bireysel performans ilişkisi: Bir araştırma [Doktora tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi].
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (Pearson new international edition, sixth edition). Pearson.
  • Truckenbrodt, Y. B. (2000). The relationship between leader-member exchange and commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Acquisition Review Quarterly, 7(3), 233.
  • Uysal, İ., & Kiliç, A. (2022). Normal dağılım ikilemi. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 12(1), Article 1.
  • Yukl, G. (2010). Leadership in organizations, Seventh (7th) Edition. New York: Pearson Education.

Lider-Üye Etkileşiminin Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerindeki Etkisinde İşe Adanmışlığın Aracılık Rolü

Yıl 2024, , 117 - 138, 31.08.2024


Liderler ve çalışanlar arasındaki ikili ilişkiye odaklanan lider-üye etkileşimi teorisi, liderle çalışan arasında yapıcı ve olumlu bir etkileşim kurulmasıyla işletmenin başarısını en üst seviyeye çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. İşletmelerde performans artışı ve verimlilik için istenilen bir durum olan işe adanmışlık ve örgütsel bağlılık davranışları da nitelikli bir lider-çalışan etkileşiminden geçmektedir. Lider-çalışan ilişkisinin kalitesi ne kadar yüksek olursa örgütsel bağlılık ve adanmışlık davranışları da ona göre şekillenerek artmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda bu çalışma, liderle çalışanları arasındaki ilişkinin çalışanların işe adanmışlığı ve örgütsel bağlılığı üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaya ve lider-üye etkileşimi ile örgütsel bağlılık ilişkisinde işe adanmışlığın aracı rolüne odaklanmaktadır. Araştırma, Kayseri Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde bulunan işletme çalışanlarına yapılmıştır. 339 çalışandan anket tekniği ile toplanan verilerin sonuçları; lider-üye etkileşiminin çalışanların işe adanmışlık ve bağlılık davranışları ile ilişkili olduğunu ve bu davranışları anlamlı ve pozitif bir şekilde etkilediğini ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca Process Makro Model-4 ile test edilen işe adanmışlık davranışının, aracı rolü olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Etik Beyan

Bu araştırma için Kayseri Üniversitesi Etik Kurulundan E.99974 sayılı ve 65/2024 form no’lu etik kurul onay belgesi alınmıştır.


  • Agyemang, C. B., & Ofei, S. B. (2013). Employee work engagement and organizational commitment: A comparative study of private and public sector organizations in Ghana. European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, 1(4), 20-33.
  • Ahuja, S., & Gupta, S. (2019). Organizational commitment and work engagement as a facilitator for sustaining higher education professionals. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(6), 1846-1851.
  • Allen, N. J., & Meyer, J. P. (1990). The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 63(1), 1-18.
  • Azeem, S. M. (2010). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment among employees in the Sultanate of Oman. Psychology, 1(4), 295-300.
  • Babcock-Roberson, M. E., & Strickland, O. J. (2010). The relationship between charismatic leadership, work engagement, and organizational citizenship behaviors. The Journal of Psychology, 144(3), 313-326.
  • Bakker, A. B., Schaufeli, W. B., Leiter, M. P., & Taris, T. W. (2008). Work engagement: An emerging concept in occupational health psychology. Work & Stress, 22(3), 187-200.
  • Bauer, T. N., & Erdogan, B. (2015). The Oxford handbook of leader-member exchange. Oxford University Press.
  • Breevaart, K., Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E., & van, den H. M. (2015). Leader-member exchange, work engagement, and job performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(7), 754-770.
  • Britt, T. W., Dickinson, J. M., Greene-Shortridge, T. M., & McKibben, E. S. (2007). Self-engagement at work. Positive organizational behavior, 143-158.
  • Burch, T. C., & Guarana, C. L. (2014). The comparative influences of transformational leadership and leader–member exchange on follower engagement. Journal of Leadership Studies, 8(3), 6-25.
  • Cao, Y., Liu, J., Liu, K., Yang, M., & Liu, Y. (2019). The mediating role of organizational commitment between calling and work engagement of nurses: A cross-sectional study. International journal of nursing sciences, 6(3), 309-314.
  • Christian, M. S., Garza, A. S., & Slaughter, J. E. (2011). Work engagement: A quantitative review and test of its relations with task and contextual performance. Personnel Psychology, 64(1), 89-136.
  • Ciftci, D. Ö. (2019). Lider üye etkileşiminin işe adanmışlık üzerindeki etkisinde psikolojik güçlendirmenin aracı rolü. Business and Economics Research Journal, 10(1), 167-186.
  • Cropanzano, R., & Mitchell, M. S. (2005). Social exchange theory: An interdisciplinary review. Journal of Management, 31(6), 874-900.
  • Dansereau, F., Graen, G., & Haga, W. (1975). A vertical dyad linkage approach to leadership within formal organizations. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 13, 46-78.
  • Dirlik, O., Topbaş, M. E., & Ömüriş, E. (2023). Leader-member exchange and job performance in municipalities: Mediating effect of organizational commitment. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 18(2), Article 2.
  • Du, B., He, B., Zhang, L., Luo, N., Yu, X., & Wang, A. (2022). From subordinate moqi to work engagement: The role of leader–member exchange in the sustainability context. Sustainability, 15(1), 170.
  • Duchon, D., Green, S. G., & Taber, T. D. (1986). Vertical dyad linkage: A longitudinal assessment of antecedents, measures, and consequences. Journal of applied psychology, 71(1), 56.
  • Dulebohn, J. H., Bommer, W. H., Liden, R. C., Brouer, R. L., & Ferris, G. R. (2012). A Meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of leader-member exchange: Integrating the past with an eye toward the future. Journal of Management, 38(6), 1715-1759.
  • Epitropaki, O., & Martin, R. (2005). From ideal to real: A longitudinal study of the role of implicit leadership theories on leader–member exchanges and employee outcomes. The Journal of applied psychology, 90, 659-676.
  • Ercan, S. (2019). Lider-üye etkileşimi, yenilikçi iş davranışı, işe adanmışlık, örgütsel özdeşleşme ilişkisinde örgütsel adaletin rolü [Doktora tezi, Maltepe Üniversitesi].
  • Genceli, M. (1990). Durbin-watson testinin irdelenmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Maliye Araştırma Merkezi Konferansları Dergisi, 33.
  • Gerstner, C., & Day, D. (1997). Meta-analytic review of leader–member exchange theory: Correlates and construct issues. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 827-844.
  • Graen, G. B., & Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Relationship-based approach to leadership: Development of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years: Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective. The Leadership Quarterly, 6(2), 219-247.
  • Green, S. G., Anderson, S. E., & Shivers, S. L. (1996). Demographic and organizational influences on leader–member exchange and related work attitudes. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 66(2), 203-214.
  • Gutermann, D., Lehmann‐Willenbrock, N., Boer, D., Born, M., & Voelpel, S. C. (2017). How leaders affect followers’ work engagement and performance: Integrating Leader−member exchange and crossover theory. British Journal of Management, 28(2), 299-314.
  • Günaydın, C. (2021). Lider-üye etkileşimi ile işe adanmışlık ilişkisi ve bir araştırma.
  • Gürbüz, S. (2021). AMOS ile yapısal eşitlik modellemesi, Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Gürbüz, S., & Şahin, F. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri-feselefe-yöntem-analiz (5. Baskı) Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Hanaysha, J. (2016). Testing the effects of employee engagement, work environment, and organizational learning on organizational commitment. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 229, 289-297.
  • Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., & Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business-unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(2), 268-279.
  • Ilies, R., Nahrgang, J. D., & Morgeson, F. P. (2007). Leader-member exchange and citizenship behaviors: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(1), 269-277.
  • Jacobs, S., Renard, M., & Snelgar, R. J. (2014). Intrinsic rewards and work engagement in the South African retail industry. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 40(2), 1-13.
  • Jung, H. S., Song, M. K., & Yoon, H. H. (2021). The effects of workplace loneliness on work engagement and organizational commitment: Moderating roles of leader-member exchange and coworker exchange. Sustainability, 13(2), Article 2.
  • Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of Management Journal, 33(4), 692-724.
  • Kayseri Valiliği. (2024). Ekonomi, sanayi.
  • Khalid, A., & Khalid, S. (2015). Relationship between organizational commitments, employee engagement and career satisfaction a case of university of Gujrat, Pakistan. Journal of South Asian Studies, 3(3), 323-330.
  • Kim, W., Kim, J., Woo, H., Park, J., Jo, J., Park, S.-H., & Lim, S. Y. (2017). The relationship between work engagement and organizational commitment: Proposing research agendas through a review of empirical literature. Human Resource Development Review, 16(4), 350-376.
  • Koyuncu, M., Burke, R. J., & Fiksenbaum, L. (2006). Work engagement among women managers and professionals in a Turkish bank: Potential antecedents and consequences. Equal opportunities international, 25(4), 299-310.
  • Kwon, I.-W. G., & Banks, D. W. (2004). Factors related to the organizational and professional commitment of internal auditors. Managerial Auditing Journal, 19(5), 606-622.
  • Lee, J. (2005). Effects of leadership and leader‐member exchange on commitment. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(8), 655-672.
  • Lee, J., & Ok, C. Michael. (2016). Hotel employee work engagement and its consequences. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(2), 133-166.
  • Lee, J.-A., & Lee, G.-J. (2016). The relationship among leader-member exchange (lmx), empowerment, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and customer orientation: Focused on the jeju-air. Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management, 44(4), 983-997.
  • Liden, R. C., & Maslyn, J. M. (1998). Multidimensionality of leader-member exchange: An empirical assessment through scale development. Journal of management, 24(1), 43-72.
  • Liden, R. C., Wayne, S. J., & Stilwell, D. (1993). A longitudinal study on the early development of leader-member exchanges. Journal of applied psychology, 78(4), 662.
  • Lo, M.-C., Ramayah, T., Min, H. W., & Songan, P. (2010). The relationship between leadership styles and organizational commitment in Malaysia: Role of leader-member exchange. İçinde Whither South East Asian Management? (ss. 76-100). Routledge.
  • Macey, W. H., & Schneider, B. (2008). The meaning of employee engagement. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1(1), 3-30.
  • Morrow, P. C., Suzuki, Y., Crum, M. R., Ruben, R., & Pautsch, G. (2005). The role of leader‐member exchange in high turnover work environments. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 20(8), 681-694.
  • Mowday, R. T., Steers, R. M., & Porter, L. W. (1979). The measurement of organizational commitment. Journal of vocational behavior, 14(2), 224-247.
  • Nystrom, P. C. (1990). Vertical exchanges and organizational commitments of American Business Managers. Group & Organization Studies, 15(3), 296-312.
  • Porter, L. W., Mowday, R. T., & Steers, R. M. (1979). The measurement of organizational commitment. Journal of vocational behavior, 14(2), 224-247.
  • Porter, L. W., Steers, R. M., Mowday, R. T., & Boulian, P. V. (1974). Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover among psychiatric technicians. Journal of applied psychology, 59(5), 603.
  • Putri, W. H., & Setianan, A. R. (2019). Job enrichment, organizational commitment, and intention to quit: The mediating role of employee engagement. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 17(2), 518.
  • Radstaak, M., & Hennes, A. (2017). Leader–member exchange fosters work engagement: The mediating role of job crafting. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 43(0), Article 0.
  • Randall, D. M. (1990). The consequences of organizational commitment: Methodological investigation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 11(5), 361-378.
  • Schaufeli, W. B., Bakker, A. B., & Salanova, M. (2006). The measurement of work engagement with a short questionnaire: A cross-national study. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66(4), 701-716.
  • Schaufeli, W. B., Salanova, M., González-romá, V., & Bakker, A. B. (2002). The measurement of engagement and burnout: A two sample confirmatory factor analytic approach. Journal of Happiness Studies, 3(1), 71-92.
  • Strom, D. L., Sears, K. L., & Kelly, K. M. (2014). Work engagement: The roles of organizational justice and leadership style in predicting engagement among employees. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 21(1), 71-82.
  • Şap, Ö. (2016). Bilgi yönetim ortamı ile işe adanmışlık örgütsel bağlılık ve algılanan bireysel performans ilişkisi: Bir araştırma [Doktora tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi].
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (Pearson new international edition, sixth edition). Pearson.
  • Truckenbrodt, Y. B. (2000). The relationship between leader-member exchange and commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Acquisition Review Quarterly, 7(3), 233.
  • Uysal, İ., & Kiliç, A. (2022). Normal dağılım ikilemi. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 12(1), Article 1.
  • Yukl, G. (2010). Leadership in organizations, Seventh (7th) Edition. New York: Pearson Education.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Fatma Hümeyra Haskebabçı 0000-0002-9223-292X

Ebru Aykan 0000-0003-3537-5235

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 22 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Haskebabçı, F. H., & Aykan, E. (2024). Lider-Üye Etkileşiminin Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerindeki Etkisinde İşe Adanmışlığın Aracılık Rolü. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, 12(2), 117-138.