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A Conceptual Assessment of Current Trends in the Restaurant Industry Accompanied with Future Forecasts

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 209 - 219, 30.12.2021


The global structure deeply affects many areas with all its dimensions. Therefore, the common industrial structure adds contemporary trends to our lives. Current and future trends can be examined under factors such as extraordinary situations (pandemic, etc.), technology (industry 4.0, ect.), sustainability phenomenon (environmentally friendly practices, etc.). In this context, restaurant businesses, which are one of the components of the tourism industry, attract attention with their emerging new trends. Modern restaurant business requires the introduction of various aspects of sustainability, innovation, and new approaches in communication with consumers, as well as the implementation of new restaurant trends. It is very important for restaurant businesses to know both themselves and their customers in the current period. And also in this century, to be aware of the dynamics of the current market is indisputable necessity. It is worthwhile for businesses to develop strategies in this direction with the awareness of their strengths and weaknesses. In this context, in this study, it is aimed to evaluate the trends and forecasts in the restaurant industry holistically, to contribute to the literature and to offer suggestions to the relevant stakeholders.


  • Abimbola, T. and Vallaster, C. (2007). Brand, organisational identity and reputation in SMEs: an overview. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 10(4), 341-348.
  • Akar Şahingöz, S. and Güleç, E. (2019). Green generation restaurant movement in restaurants: An example of “La Mancha Restaurant”. Journal of Tourism Theory and Research, 5(2), 292-300.
  • Ansari, F., Erol, S. and Sihn, W. (2018). Rethinking human-machine learning in industry 4.0: How does the paradigm shift treat the role of human learning? Procedia Manuf., 23, 117–122.
  • Bozic, A. and Milosevic, S. (2021). Contemporary trends in the restaurant industry and gastronomy. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 45(5), 905-907.
  • Bradford, T. (2005). Contactless: The Next Payment Wave?. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Payments System Research Briefing.
  • Can, U. (2021). New rules of the new normal and new customer. Can, U.and & Okat, C. (Eds.), In: Customer Management in Food and Beverage Services. Ankara: Detay Publishing, pp. 189-200.
  • Cankül, D. (2019). Innovation practices in businesses: the case of restaurants. Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy and Travel Research, 3(2), 225-240.
  • Çerkez, M. and Kızıldemir, Ö. (2020). Use of artificial intelligence in food and beverage business. Journal of Turkish Tourism Research, 4(2), 1264-1278. DOI: 10.26677/TR1010.2020.394.
  • Çevik, S. and Teber, D. (2021). Development of contactless card payments in Turkey. Journal of BRSA Banking and Financial Markets, 15(2): 203-226. DOI:
  • Elkins, M. (2018). Starting takeout at your restaurant. teslim-servisi-baslatma/ (30.09.2021).
  • Erdemir, M.B. and Özoğlu, B. (2021). The Effect of social media on consumer behavior: Kayseri province example. Third Sector Social Economic Review, 56(2), 1078-1103. doi: 10.15659/3.sektor-sosyal-ekonomi.21.05.1583.
  • Eryılmaz, B. and Zengin, B. (2014). A Research on the boutique hotels' social media use: facebook sample. Kastamonu University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 4(2), 42-59.
  • Furstenau L. B., Sott M. K., Kipper L. M., Machado E. L., Lopez-Robles J. R., Dohan M. S., Cobo, M.J., Zahid, A., Abbasi, Q.H., and Imran, M.A. (2020). Link between sustainability and industry 4.0: trends, challenges and new perspectives. IEEE Access 8, 140079–140096.
  • Gagić, S. (2016). Restaurant innovativeness: a case study of Vojvodina. The Eroupean Journal of Applied Economics, 13(2), 57-69. DOI: 10.5937/ejae13-10503.
  • Huang, Y., Hui, S., Inman, J. J. and Suher, J. (2011). The effect of in-store travel distance on unplanned purchase with applications to store layout and mobile shopping apps. Advances in Consumer Research, 136-137. DOI:10.1509/jm.11.0436.
  • IBM (t.y.). What is Industry 4.0?. (12.10.2021).
  • İnan, M. and Biçek, E. (2016). Mobile Approach to Restaurant Management Processes: An Android Application. XVIII. Academic Informatics Conference, Aydın.
  • Kardeş Çolakoğlu, N., and Ulema, Ş. (2021). How do the best ones use social media: example of instagram, Journal of Turkish Tourism Research, 5(2): 877-891. DOI: 10.26677/TR1010.2021.743.
  • Khamidovich, Z.K. (2021). Pandemic and trends in the restaurant business in 2021. Central Asian Studies, 2(6), 54-61.
  • Kurtz, J. (2020). Top foodservice trends of 2021. (26.09.2021).
  • Küçük, Z. K. and Ekren, N. (2020). A Review on systems designed for the smart kitchen. International Periodical of Recent Technologies in AppliedEngineering, 2(1), 25-34. DOI: 10.35333/porta.2020.210.
  • Lee, C., Sardeshmukh, S. R. and Hallak, R. (2016). A Qualitative study of innovation in the restaurant industry. An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1-10.
  • Leung, R. and Loo, P.T. (2020): Co-creating interactive dining experiences via interconnected and interoperable smart technology, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, DOI: 10.1080/19761597.2020.1822748.
  • Licciardello, F. (2017). Packaging, blessing in disguise. review on its diverse contribution to food sustainability. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 65, 32–39. DOI10.1016/j.tifs.2017.05.003.
  • Mangold, W.G. and Faulds, D.J. (2009) Social media: the new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Journal of Business Horizons, 52, 357-365.
  • NRA (National Restaurant Association) (2019). Restaurant industry 2030. (01.09.2021).
  • Norris, C. L., Taylor, S., Jr. and Taylor, D. C. (2021). (in press). Pivot! How the restaurant industry adapted during COVID-19 restrictions. International Hospitality Review, ahead-of-print. Advance online publication. https://
  • Özgüneş, R. E. and Bozok, D. (2017). (Is?) Virtual opponent of tourism sector: augmented reality. International Journal of Turkic World Tourism Studies, 2(2), 146-160.
  • Paket Mutfak (2020). Ghost Kitchen. (10.10.2021).
  • Preston-Whyte, R. (1999). Restaurant trends in Durban, South Africa. Tourism Geographies, 1:4, 443-459.
  • Protel (2017). How Developments in Payment Systems Will Affect Quick Service Restaurants. (15.10.2021).
  • Sarıışık, M., Çavuş, Ş. and Karamustafa, K., (2019). Professional Restaurant Management: Principles, Practices and Case Studies. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
  • Severson, K. and Yaffe-Bellany, D. (2020). Independent Restaurants Brace for the Unknown. The New York Times. 03/20/dining/local-restaurants-coronavirus.html. (20.12.2020).
  • Sigala, M. (2020). Tourism and COVID-19: Impacts and implications for advancing and resetting industry and research. Journal of Business Research, 117: 312-321. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.06.015.
  • SproutQR (2021). Are QR codes dead? QR code statistics say no. (10.10.2021).
  • Şengül, O. (2021). Digital Marketing. İstanbul: Ceres Publishing.
  • ThinkTech (2021). Robots Today and in the Near Future. (20.10.2021).
  • ThinkTech (2020). The Future of Working Life After Covid 19. (20.10.2021).
  • Tütüncü, Ş. (2020). The Green Restaurant Movement in the Scope of Sustainability. (20.10.2021).
  • Yeşilyurt, B. and Kurnaz, A. (2021). A New application in the restaurant industry in the covid 19 pandemia process: cloud kitchens. Journal of Tourism and Research,10(2), 47-62.

A Conceptual Assessment of Current Trends in the Restaurant Industry Accompanied with Future Forecasts

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 209 - 219, 30.12.2021


The global structure deeply affects many areas with all its dimensions. Therefore, the common industrial structure adds contemporary trends to our lives. Current and future trends can be examined under factors such as extraordinary situations (pandemic, etc.), technology (industry 4.0, ect.), sustainability phenomenon (environmentally friendly practices, etc.). In this context, restaurant businesses, which are one of the components of the tourism industry, attract attention with their emerging new trends. Modern restaurant business requires the introduction of various aspects of sustainability, innovation, and new approaches in communication with consumers, as well as the implementation of new restaurant trends. It is very important for restaurant businesses to know both themselves and their customers in the current period. And also in this century, to be aware of the dynamics of the current market is indisputable necessity. It is worthwhile for businesses to develop strategies in this direction with the awareness of their strengths and weaknesses. In this context, in this study, it is aimed to evaluate the trends and forecasts in the restaurant industry holistically, to contribute to the literature and to offer suggestions to the relevant stakeholders.


  • Abimbola, T. and Vallaster, C. (2007). Brand, organisational identity and reputation in SMEs: an overview. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 10(4), 341-348.
  • Akar Şahingöz, S. and Güleç, E. (2019). Green generation restaurant movement in restaurants: An example of “La Mancha Restaurant”. Journal of Tourism Theory and Research, 5(2), 292-300.
  • Ansari, F., Erol, S. and Sihn, W. (2018). Rethinking human-machine learning in industry 4.0: How does the paradigm shift treat the role of human learning? Procedia Manuf., 23, 117–122.
  • Bozic, A. and Milosevic, S. (2021). Contemporary trends in the restaurant industry and gastronomy. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 45(5), 905-907.
  • Bradford, T. (2005). Contactless: The Next Payment Wave?. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Payments System Research Briefing.
  • Can, U. (2021). New rules of the new normal and new customer. Can, U.and & Okat, C. (Eds.), In: Customer Management in Food and Beverage Services. Ankara: Detay Publishing, pp. 189-200.
  • Cankül, D. (2019). Innovation practices in businesses: the case of restaurants. Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy and Travel Research, 3(2), 225-240.
  • Çerkez, M. and Kızıldemir, Ö. (2020). Use of artificial intelligence in food and beverage business. Journal of Turkish Tourism Research, 4(2), 1264-1278. DOI: 10.26677/TR1010.2020.394.
  • Çevik, S. and Teber, D. (2021). Development of contactless card payments in Turkey. Journal of BRSA Banking and Financial Markets, 15(2): 203-226. DOI:
  • Elkins, M. (2018). Starting takeout at your restaurant. teslim-servisi-baslatma/ (30.09.2021).
  • Erdemir, M.B. and Özoğlu, B. (2021). The Effect of social media on consumer behavior: Kayseri province example. Third Sector Social Economic Review, 56(2), 1078-1103. doi: 10.15659/3.sektor-sosyal-ekonomi.21.05.1583.
  • Eryılmaz, B. and Zengin, B. (2014). A Research on the boutique hotels' social media use: facebook sample. Kastamonu University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 4(2), 42-59.
  • Furstenau L. B., Sott M. K., Kipper L. M., Machado E. L., Lopez-Robles J. R., Dohan M. S., Cobo, M.J., Zahid, A., Abbasi, Q.H., and Imran, M.A. (2020). Link between sustainability and industry 4.0: trends, challenges and new perspectives. IEEE Access 8, 140079–140096.
  • Gagić, S. (2016). Restaurant innovativeness: a case study of Vojvodina. The Eroupean Journal of Applied Economics, 13(2), 57-69. DOI: 10.5937/ejae13-10503.
  • Huang, Y., Hui, S., Inman, J. J. and Suher, J. (2011). The effect of in-store travel distance on unplanned purchase with applications to store layout and mobile shopping apps. Advances in Consumer Research, 136-137. DOI:10.1509/jm.11.0436.
  • IBM (t.y.). What is Industry 4.0?. (12.10.2021).
  • İnan, M. and Biçek, E. (2016). Mobile Approach to Restaurant Management Processes: An Android Application. XVIII. Academic Informatics Conference, Aydın.
  • Kardeş Çolakoğlu, N., and Ulema, Ş. (2021). How do the best ones use social media: example of instagram, Journal of Turkish Tourism Research, 5(2): 877-891. DOI: 10.26677/TR1010.2021.743.
  • Khamidovich, Z.K. (2021). Pandemic and trends in the restaurant business in 2021. Central Asian Studies, 2(6), 54-61.
  • Kurtz, J. (2020). Top foodservice trends of 2021. (26.09.2021).
  • Küçük, Z. K. and Ekren, N. (2020). A Review on systems designed for the smart kitchen. International Periodical of Recent Technologies in AppliedEngineering, 2(1), 25-34. DOI: 10.35333/porta.2020.210.
  • Lee, C., Sardeshmukh, S. R. and Hallak, R. (2016). A Qualitative study of innovation in the restaurant industry. An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1-10.
  • Leung, R. and Loo, P.T. (2020): Co-creating interactive dining experiences via interconnected and interoperable smart technology, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, DOI: 10.1080/19761597.2020.1822748.
  • Licciardello, F. (2017). Packaging, blessing in disguise. review on its diverse contribution to food sustainability. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 65, 32–39. DOI10.1016/j.tifs.2017.05.003.
  • Mangold, W.G. and Faulds, D.J. (2009) Social media: the new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Journal of Business Horizons, 52, 357-365.
  • NRA (National Restaurant Association) (2019). Restaurant industry 2030. (01.09.2021).
  • Norris, C. L., Taylor, S., Jr. and Taylor, D. C. (2021). (in press). Pivot! How the restaurant industry adapted during COVID-19 restrictions. International Hospitality Review, ahead-of-print. Advance online publication. https://
  • Özgüneş, R. E. and Bozok, D. (2017). (Is?) Virtual opponent of tourism sector: augmented reality. International Journal of Turkic World Tourism Studies, 2(2), 146-160.
  • Paket Mutfak (2020). Ghost Kitchen. (10.10.2021).
  • Preston-Whyte, R. (1999). Restaurant trends in Durban, South Africa. Tourism Geographies, 1:4, 443-459.
  • Protel (2017). How Developments in Payment Systems Will Affect Quick Service Restaurants. (15.10.2021).
  • Sarıışık, M., Çavuş, Ş. and Karamustafa, K., (2019). Professional Restaurant Management: Principles, Practices and Case Studies. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
  • Severson, K. and Yaffe-Bellany, D. (2020). Independent Restaurants Brace for the Unknown. The New York Times. 03/20/dining/local-restaurants-coronavirus.html. (20.12.2020).
  • Sigala, M. (2020). Tourism and COVID-19: Impacts and implications for advancing and resetting industry and research. Journal of Business Research, 117: 312-321. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.06.015.
  • SproutQR (2021). Are QR codes dead? QR code statistics say no. (10.10.2021).
  • Şengül, O. (2021). Digital Marketing. İstanbul: Ceres Publishing.
  • ThinkTech (2021). Robots Today and in the Near Future. (20.10.2021).
  • ThinkTech (2020). The Future of Working Life After Covid 19. (20.10.2021).
  • Tütüncü, Ş. (2020). The Green Restaurant Movement in the Scope of Sustainability. (20.10.2021).
  • Yeşilyurt, B. and Kurnaz, A. (2021). A New application in the restaurant industry in the covid 19 pandemia process: cloud kitchens. Journal of Tourism and Research,10(2), 47-62.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Ülker Can 0000-0001-8244-5190

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Can, Ü. (2021). A Conceptual Assessment of Current Trends in the Restaurant Industry Accompanied with Future Forecasts. Journal of New Tourism Trends, 2(2), 209-219.