Background: In this study, it is aimed to investigate the effect of iloprost treatment on the eye, which is a prostaglandin analogue, given to rats after the ovarian ischemia-reperfusion model and to contribute to the literature.
Materials and Methods: A total of 32 female Sprague Dawley rats were used for the experiment. Rats were divided into four groups of eight rat search: control group, ischemia group (I), ischemia-reperfusion (I-R) group, I-R/I. Except for the control group, torsion procedure was performed on all rats. 3-hour torsion in the ischemia group, 3-hour torsion and 3-hour detorsion in the I-R group, 3 hour torsion, 3 hour detorsion and 60 mn intravenous iloprost infusion in the I-R/I. After the procedures in each group, the eye tissues were taken for histopathological examination.
Results: In the histopathological examination of the corneal layer, many large gaps and (decreased collagen cross-linking) were detected between the stromal collagen fiber bundles in group I, I-R and I-R/I unlike the control group. In the histopathological examination of the retinal layer and stroma of the iris, nohemoragicarea and inflammation findings were observed in the examinations performed in all groups, but vascular dilatation was found in groups I, I-R and I-R/I when compared to the control group. A higher increase in vascular dilatation was detected in group I-R/I compared to the other groups.
Conclusions: After I/R, although histopathological changes in the eye tissue such as morphological disorders in the stromal collagen fiber bundles of the corneal layer and vascular dilatation in the stroma of iris are supported by the literature, the protective effect of iloprost on tissue damage has not been fully determined.