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Modada Nüfuz Pazarlaması: Mikro Instabloggerların Ürün Yerleştirme Uygulamaları

Yıl 2018, , 382 - 412, 30.01.2018


Moda ve moda ürünleri üzerine bilgilerini, kullanıma
yönelik deneyim ve değerlendirmelerini tüketicilerle paylaşan Instabloggerlar
moda haftalarının vazgeçilmez figürleri haline gelmiştir. Tüketiciler
tarafından güvenilir ve samimi bilgi kaynakları olarak görülen bu Nüfuzlular,
pazarlamacıların ağızdan ağıza reklam uygulamalarının da son dönemdeki ana
aktörleridir. Sosyal ağların yepyeni bir uygulama alanı açtığı ağızdan ağıza
iletişim; ürün yerleştirme taktiğiyle işlerlik, Nüfuz Pazarlaması’yla ise yaygınlık
kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; Mikro Moda Instabloggerlarının ürün
yerleştirme uygulamalarını incelemek, uygulamanın Instagram’daki bileşenlerine
dair tanımlayıcı bir çerçeve sunmak ve bu bileşenler arasındaki ilişkileri
ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma kapsamında, içerik analizi yöntemiyle 273 ürün
yerleştirmeli Instagram paylaşımı incelenmiş ve bulgular paylaşılmıştır.
Belirginlik, anlatısal uyum, interaktivite, diyalog düzeyi, ürün yerleştirme
sıklığı ve etkileşim düzeyi arasındaki ilişkilerin yanı sıra cinsiyet ve hesap
türünün (Yüksek Moda/Sokak Modası) ürün yerleştirme uygulamalarında yarattığı
farklar ortaya konmuştur.     


  • Agraval A. (2016) Why Influencer Marketing Will Explode in 2017, (Erişim: 26.12.2016).
  • Arık A (1992) Psikolojide Bilimsel Yöntem. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Arndt J (1967) Role of Product Related Conversations in the Diffusion of a New Product, Journal of Marketing Research, 4 (3): 291-295.
  • Atabek Ü (2003) İletişim Teknolojileri ve Yerel Medya İçin Olanaklar, Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri ve Medya, Sevda Alankuş (Drl.), 61-90. İstanbul: IPS İletişim Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Babbie E, Wagner W E, ve Zaino J (2015) Adventures in Social Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Balasubramanian S K (1994) Beyond Advertising and Publicity: Hybrid Messages and Public Policy Issues, Journal of Advertising, 23 (4): 29-46.
  • Balasubramanian S K, Karrh J A, ve Patwardhan H (2006) Audience Response to Product Placements, Journal of Advertising, 35 (3): 115-141.
  • Barker S (2016) A Go-To Guide to Instagram Micro-Influencers, https://stories. (Erişim: 12.9.2017).
  • Berger J ve Keller Fay Group (2016) Experticity-KellerFay Influencer Survey, summary_.pdf (Erişim: 9.8.2017).
  • Bertrandias L ve Goldsmith R E (2006) Some Psychological Motivations for Fashion Opinion Leadership and Fashion Opinion Seeking, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 10 (1): 25 – 40.
  • Bourdieu P (2000) Televizyon Üzerine. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • Böke K (2009) Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Alfa.
  • Bunina T (2013) Fashion Blogger’s Methods of Communication of Consumption Experience. Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Aarhus University.
  • Campbell C, Cohen J ve Ma J (2014) Advertisments Just Aren’t Advertisements Anymore, Journal of Advertising Research, 54 (1): 7-10.
  • Caru A ve Cova B (2003) Revisiting Consumption Experience: A more humble but complete view of the concept, Marketing Theory, 3 (2): 267-286.
  • Chaykowski K (2016) Instagram Launches Live Video, Makes Messaging More Ephemeral, https://www.forbes. com/sites/kathleenchaykowski/2016/11/21/ instagram-launches-live-video-makes-messaging-more-ephemeral/#485b2fd9e2f2 (Erişim: 21.11.2016).
  • Chen Y (2016) The Rise of Micro-Influencers on Instagram, marketing/micro-influencers/ (Erişim: 9.8.2017).
  • Chu S ve Kim Y (2011) Determinants of Consumer Engagement in Electronic Word of Mouth, Journal of Advertising Research, 30 (1): 47-75.
  • Cohen J W (1988) Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Cowley E ve Barron C (2008) When Product Placement Goes Wrong: The Effects of Program Liking and Placement Prominence, Journal of Advertising, 37(1): 89-98.
  • Darden W R ve Reynolds F D (1972) Predicting Opinion Leadership for Men's Apparel Fashions, Journal of Marketing Research, 9: 324-328.
  • D’Astous A ve Chartier F (2000) A study of Factors Affecting Consumer Ealuations and Memory of Product Placements in Movies, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 22 (2): 31-40.
  • Dens N, De Pelsmacker P, Wouters M ve Purnawirawan N (2012) Do You Like What You Recognize?, Journal of Advertising, 41 (3): 35-53.
  • Dickey I J ve Lewis W F (2011) An Overview of Digital Media and Advertising, Digital Media and Advertising içinde, Matthew S. Eastin, Terry Daugherty ve Neal M. Burns (Eds.), 1-31. New York: Information Science Reference.
  • Dietrich G (2014) Dürüstlük Çağı: Dijital Dünyada İletişim ve İtibar Yönetimi. İstanbul: The Kitap.
  • Edelman (2017) Trust Barometer, 1-17. (Erişim: 25.07.2017)
  • Ferraro R ve Avery R J (2000) Brand Appearances on Prime-time Television, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 22 (2): 1-15.
  • Findlay R (2012) At one Remove From Reality: Style Bloggers and Outfit Posts, Australasian Journal of Popular Culture, 1 (2): 197-208.
  • Griffith E (2011) Bloggers Mean Business, Adweek, http://www.adweek. com/digital/bloggers-mean-business-134757/ (Erişim: 8.8.2017)
  • Gupta P B ve Lord K R (1998) Product Placement in Movies: The Effect of Prominence and Mode on Audience Recall, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 20 (1): 47-59. Huisman D (2003) Sokrates İnternet’te. İstanbul: Su Yayınları.
  • Ifb (2013) The Instagram Habits of Mega-Popular Fashion Bloggers, (Erişim: 9.8.2017)
  • Jawdat L (2014) Personal Style Blogs: Remediation in the Fashion System, https://blogs.commons. (Erişim: 3.8.2017)
  • Johnston A (2016) How to Create an Instagram Marketing Strategy, https://sprout (Erişim: 8 .8.2017)
  • Kantar Millward Brown (2017) AdReaction: Engaging Gen X, Y and Z, http:// (Erişim: 1 .8. 2017)
  • Karrh J A (1998) Brand Placement: A Review, Journal Of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 20 (1): 31-49.
  • Katz E. ve Lazarsfeld P F (1955) Personal Influence: The Part Played by People in the Flow of Mass Communication. New York: Free Press.
  • Kawamura Y (2005). Fashion-ology. Oxford, New York: Berg.
  • Kim J E, Lloyd S ve Cervellon M E (2016) Narrative-transportation Storylines in Luxury Brand Advertising: Motivating Consumer Engagement, Journal of Business Research, 69 (1): 304-313.
  • Krippendorff K H (2013) Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology. Los Angeles, London: Sage Publications.
  • Kumar V ve Gupta S (2016) Conceptualizing the Evolution and Future of Advertising, Journal of Advertising, 45 (3): 302-317.
  • Kurutz S (2011) Fashion Bloggers, Posted and Represented, http://www.nytimes. com/2011/09/29/fashion/fashion-bloggers-get-agents.html (Erişim: 6.8.2017)
  • La Ferle C ve Edwards S M (2006) Product Placement: How Brands Appear on Television, Journal of Advertising, 35 (4): 65-86.
  • Lee M ve Faber R J (2007) Effects of Product Placement in On-line Games on Brand Memory: A Perspective of the Limited-Capacity Model Attention, Journal of Advertising, 36 (4), 75-90. Lehu J M ve Bressoud E (2009) Recall of Brand Placement in Movies: Interactions Between Prominence and Plot Connection in Real Conditions of Exposure, Recherce et Aplications en Marketing, 24 (1): 7-26.
  • Levy A (2017) Influencers: A fashion and retail focus, https:// www.launch (Erişim: 2.8.2017).
  • Linqua (2016) State of Influencer Marketing 2017, pdf (Erişim: 1.8.2017).
  • Lister M, Dovey J, Giddings S, Grant I ve Kelly K (2009) New Media: A Critical Introduction. New York: Routledge.
  • Liu S, Chou C ve Liao H (2015) An Exploratory Study of Product Placement in Social Media, Internet Research, 25 (2): 300-316.
  • Lynn T, Jaramillo A ve Muzellec L (2014) Extending the Product Placement Research Agenda: The Impact of Hypervideo on Interactivity and Timing of Product Placement Decisions, The Marketing Review, 14 (4): 339-360.
  • Markerly (2016) Instagram Marketing: Does Influencer Size Matter?, (Erişim: 9.8.2017).
  • McQuarrie E, Miller J ve Phillips B J (2012) The Megaphone Effect: Taste and Audience in Fashion Blogging, Journal of Consumer Research, 40: 136-158.
  • Nielsen (2015) Global Trust in Advertising: Winning Strategies for an Evolving Media Landscape, 1-20. https:// apac/docs/reports/2015/nielsen-global-trust-in-advertising-report-september-2015.pdf (Erişim: 31.07.2017)
  • O’Cass A (2000) An Assessment of Consumers Product, Purchase Decision, Advertising and Consumption Involvement in Fashion Clothing, Journal of Economic Psychology, 21: 545-576.
  • Öztürk E, Şener G ve Suher H K (2016) Sosyal Medya Çağında Ürün Yerleştirme: Instagram ve Instabloggerlar Üzerine Bir İçerik Analizi, Global Media Journal TR Edition, 6 (12): 355-386.
  • Pallant J (2013) SPSS Survival Manual. New York: Open University Press.
  • Pergelova A, Prior D ve Rialp J (2010) Assessing Advertising Efficiency: Does the Internet Play a Role?, Journal of Advertising, 39 (3): 39-54.
  • Phelan H (2013) How Personal Style Bloggers are Ranking in Millions, (Erişim: 6.8.2017)
  • Rogers E M (1962) Diffusion of Innovations. New York: Free Press.
  • Romaniuk J (2007) Word of Mouth and the Viewing of Tv Programs, Journal of Advertising Research, 47 (4): 462-471.
  • Rosen E (2000) The Anatomy of Buzz: How to Create Word of Mouth Marketing. New York: Random House.
  • Rossi A (2016) Key Elements for Sustaining and Enhancing Influence for Fashion Bloggers. Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kent State University.
  • Russell C A (2002) Investigating the Effectiveness of Product Placements in Television Shows: The role of Modality and Plot Connection Congruence on Brand Memory and Attitude, Journal of Consumer Research, 29 (3): 306-319.
  • Russell C A ve Belch M (2005) A Managerial Investigation into the Product Placement Industry, Journal of Advertising Research, 45 (1): 73-92.
  • Ryan D ve Jones C (2009) Understanding Digital Marketing. Philadelphia: Kogan Page.
  • Schivinski B, Christodoulides G ve Dabrowski D (2016) Measuring Consumers’ Engagement With Brand-Related Social Media Content, Journal of Advertising Research, 56 (1): 64-80.
  • Sedeke K ve Aurora P (2012) Top Ranking Fashion Blogs and Their Role in the Current Fashion Industry, http://firstmonday. org/ojs/index. php/fm/article/view /4314/3739 (Erişim tarihi: 8.8.2017)
  • Sharma S (2016) Beauty Under the Influence, 46-48, /business/marketing/Beauty-Under-the-Influence-392484651.html (Erişim: 3.8.2017)
  • Schultz D (2016) The Future of Advertising or Whatever We’re Going to Call It, Journal of Advertising, 45 (3): 276-285.
  • Summers J O (1970) The Identity of Women's Clothing Fashion Opinion Leaders, Journal of Marketing Research, 7: 178-85.
  • Tabachnick B G ve Fidel L S (2014) Using Multivariate Statistics. Essex: Pearson.
  • Tomoson (2016) Influencer Marketing Study, influencer-marketing-study/ (Erişim: 3.8.2017)
  • Turner G (2010) Ordinary People and the Media: The Demotic Turn. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
  • Utz S (2010) Show Me Your Friends and I Will Tell You What Type of Person You Are: How One’s Profile, Number of Friends, and Type of Friends Influencer Impression Formation on Social Network Sites, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 15 (2): 314-335.
  • Uzunoğlu E ve Kip S M (2014) Brand communication through digital influencers: Leveraging blogger engagement, International Journal of Information Management, 34: 592-602.
  • Van Reijmersdal E, Neijens P C ve Smit E G (2007) Effects of Television Brand Placement on brand Image, Psychology and Marketing, 24 (5): 403-420.
  • Van Dyck F (2014) Yeni Nesil Reklamcılık: Dijital Çağ İçin Kurallar. İstanbul: The Kitap.
  • Vineyard C L (2014) The Relationship Between Fashion Blogs and Intention to Purchase and Word of Mouth Behavior. Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  • Wei M, Fischer E ve Main K J (2008) An Examination of the Effects of Activating Persuasion Knowledge on Consumer Response to Brands Engaging in Covert Marketing, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 27 (1): 34-44.
  • Weimann G (1994) The Influentials: People Who Influence People. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
  • Yuping L ve Shrum L J (2002) What is Interactivity and is it Always Such a Good Thing, Journal of Advertising, 31 (4): 53-64.
  • Zhu J ve Tan B (2007) Effectiveness of Blog Advertising: Impact of Communicator Expertise, Advertising Intent, and Product Involvement, ICIS 2007 Proceedings.


Yıl 2018, , 382 - 412, 30.01.2018


Instabloggers who share their knowledge, their consumption related experience and opinion about fashion and fashion products became indispensable figures of fashion weeks. These fashion influencers whom consumers find trustworthy and sincere are also considered to be the main actors of WOM advertisements by marketers. And thanks to social networks WOM communication has found new grounds, has widened its use via product placements as part of Influencer Marketing incentives.The aim of this study is to examine product placements of micro fashion Instabloggers, to provide working definitions for the product placements’ constituent elements on Instagram and to unfold the relationships between those constituent elements. Within the confines of this study, 273 Instagram posts that involved product placements were examined through content analysis. The relationships between prominence, narrative congruity, interactivity, level of conversation, placement intensity and engagement as well as the differences that gender and account type (high fashion vs. street fashion) create regarding product placement practice were presented in the findings.


  • Agraval A. (2016) Why Influencer Marketing Will Explode in 2017, (Erişim: 26.12.2016).
  • Arık A (1992) Psikolojide Bilimsel Yöntem. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Arndt J (1967) Role of Product Related Conversations in the Diffusion of a New Product, Journal of Marketing Research, 4 (3): 291-295.
  • Atabek Ü (2003) İletişim Teknolojileri ve Yerel Medya İçin Olanaklar, Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri ve Medya, Sevda Alankuş (Drl.), 61-90. İstanbul: IPS İletişim Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Babbie E, Wagner W E, ve Zaino J (2015) Adventures in Social Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Balasubramanian S K (1994) Beyond Advertising and Publicity: Hybrid Messages and Public Policy Issues, Journal of Advertising, 23 (4): 29-46.
  • Balasubramanian S K, Karrh J A, ve Patwardhan H (2006) Audience Response to Product Placements, Journal of Advertising, 35 (3): 115-141.
  • Barker S (2016) A Go-To Guide to Instagram Micro-Influencers, https://stories. (Erişim: 12.9.2017).
  • Berger J ve Keller Fay Group (2016) Experticity-KellerFay Influencer Survey, summary_.pdf (Erişim: 9.8.2017).
  • Bertrandias L ve Goldsmith R E (2006) Some Psychological Motivations for Fashion Opinion Leadership and Fashion Opinion Seeking, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 10 (1): 25 – 40.
  • Bourdieu P (2000) Televizyon Üzerine. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • Böke K (2009) Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Alfa.
  • Bunina T (2013) Fashion Blogger’s Methods of Communication of Consumption Experience. Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Aarhus University.
  • Campbell C, Cohen J ve Ma J (2014) Advertisments Just Aren’t Advertisements Anymore, Journal of Advertising Research, 54 (1): 7-10.
  • Caru A ve Cova B (2003) Revisiting Consumption Experience: A more humble but complete view of the concept, Marketing Theory, 3 (2): 267-286.
  • Chaykowski K (2016) Instagram Launches Live Video, Makes Messaging More Ephemeral, https://www.forbes. com/sites/kathleenchaykowski/2016/11/21/ instagram-launches-live-video-makes-messaging-more-ephemeral/#485b2fd9e2f2 (Erişim: 21.11.2016).
  • Chen Y (2016) The Rise of Micro-Influencers on Instagram, marketing/micro-influencers/ (Erişim: 9.8.2017).
  • Chu S ve Kim Y (2011) Determinants of Consumer Engagement in Electronic Word of Mouth, Journal of Advertising Research, 30 (1): 47-75.
  • Cohen J W (1988) Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Cowley E ve Barron C (2008) When Product Placement Goes Wrong: The Effects of Program Liking and Placement Prominence, Journal of Advertising, 37(1): 89-98.
  • Darden W R ve Reynolds F D (1972) Predicting Opinion Leadership for Men's Apparel Fashions, Journal of Marketing Research, 9: 324-328.
  • D’Astous A ve Chartier F (2000) A study of Factors Affecting Consumer Ealuations and Memory of Product Placements in Movies, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 22 (2): 31-40.
  • Dens N, De Pelsmacker P, Wouters M ve Purnawirawan N (2012) Do You Like What You Recognize?, Journal of Advertising, 41 (3): 35-53.
  • Dickey I J ve Lewis W F (2011) An Overview of Digital Media and Advertising, Digital Media and Advertising içinde, Matthew S. Eastin, Terry Daugherty ve Neal M. Burns (Eds.), 1-31. New York: Information Science Reference.
  • Dietrich G (2014) Dürüstlük Çağı: Dijital Dünyada İletişim ve İtibar Yönetimi. İstanbul: The Kitap.
  • Edelman (2017) Trust Barometer, 1-17. (Erişim: 25.07.2017)
  • Ferraro R ve Avery R J (2000) Brand Appearances on Prime-time Television, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 22 (2): 1-15.
  • Findlay R (2012) At one Remove From Reality: Style Bloggers and Outfit Posts, Australasian Journal of Popular Culture, 1 (2): 197-208.
  • Griffith E (2011) Bloggers Mean Business, Adweek, http://www.adweek. com/digital/bloggers-mean-business-134757/ (Erişim: 8.8.2017)
  • Gupta P B ve Lord K R (1998) Product Placement in Movies: The Effect of Prominence and Mode on Audience Recall, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 20 (1): 47-59. Huisman D (2003) Sokrates İnternet’te. İstanbul: Su Yayınları.
  • Ifb (2013) The Instagram Habits of Mega-Popular Fashion Bloggers, (Erişim: 9.8.2017)
  • Jawdat L (2014) Personal Style Blogs: Remediation in the Fashion System, https://blogs.commons. (Erişim: 3.8.2017)
  • Johnston A (2016) How to Create an Instagram Marketing Strategy, https://sprout (Erişim: 8 .8.2017)
  • Kantar Millward Brown (2017) AdReaction: Engaging Gen X, Y and Z, http:// (Erişim: 1 .8. 2017)
  • Karrh J A (1998) Brand Placement: A Review, Journal Of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 20 (1): 31-49.
  • Katz E. ve Lazarsfeld P F (1955) Personal Influence: The Part Played by People in the Flow of Mass Communication. New York: Free Press.
  • Kawamura Y (2005). Fashion-ology. Oxford, New York: Berg.
  • Kim J E, Lloyd S ve Cervellon M E (2016) Narrative-transportation Storylines in Luxury Brand Advertising: Motivating Consumer Engagement, Journal of Business Research, 69 (1): 304-313.
  • Krippendorff K H (2013) Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology. Los Angeles, London: Sage Publications.
  • Kumar V ve Gupta S (2016) Conceptualizing the Evolution and Future of Advertising, Journal of Advertising, 45 (3): 302-317.
  • Kurutz S (2011) Fashion Bloggers, Posted and Represented, http://www.nytimes. com/2011/09/29/fashion/fashion-bloggers-get-agents.html (Erişim: 6.8.2017)
  • La Ferle C ve Edwards S M (2006) Product Placement: How Brands Appear on Television, Journal of Advertising, 35 (4): 65-86.
  • Lee M ve Faber R J (2007) Effects of Product Placement in On-line Games on Brand Memory: A Perspective of the Limited-Capacity Model Attention, Journal of Advertising, 36 (4), 75-90. Lehu J M ve Bressoud E (2009) Recall of Brand Placement in Movies: Interactions Between Prominence and Plot Connection in Real Conditions of Exposure, Recherce et Aplications en Marketing, 24 (1): 7-26.
  • Levy A (2017) Influencers: A fashion and retail focus, https:// www.launch (Erişim: 2.8.2017).
  • Linqua (2016) State of Influencer Marketing 2017, pdf (Erişim: 1.8.2017).
  • Lister M, Dovey J, Giddings S, Grant I ve Kelly K (2009) New Media: A Critical Introduction. New York: Routledge.
  • Liu S, Chou C ve Liao H (2015) An Exploratory Study of Product Placement in Social Media, Internet Research, 25 (2): 300-316.
  • Lynn T, Jaramillo A ve Muzellec L (2014) Extending the Product Placement Research Agenda: The Impact of Hypervideo on Interactivity and Timing of Product Placement Decisions, The Marketing Review, 14 (4): 339-360.
  • Markerly (2016) Instagram Marketing: Does Influencer Size Matter?, (Erişim: 9.8.2017).
  • McQuarrie E, Miller J ve Phillips B J (2012) The Megaphone Effect: Taste and Audience in Fashion Blogging, Journal of Consumer Research, 40: 136-158.
  • Nielsen (2015) Global Trust in Advertising: Winning Strategies for an Evolving Media Landscape, 1-20. https:// apac/docs/reports/2015/nielsen-global-trust-in-advertising-report-september-2015.pdf (Erişim: 31.07.2017)
  • O’Cass A (2000) An Assessment of Consumers Product, Purchase Decision, Advertising and Consumption Involvement in Fashion Clothing, Journal of Economic Psychology, 21: 545-576.
  • Öztürk E, Şener G ve Suher H K (2016) Sosyal Medya Çağında Ürün Yerleştirme: Instagram ve Instabloggerlar Üzerine Bir İçerik Analizi, Global Media Journal TR Edition, 6 (12): 355-386.
  • Pallant J (2013) SPSS Survival Manual. New York: Open University Press.
  • Pergelova A, Prior D ve Rialp J (2010) Assessing Advertising Efficiency: Does the Internet Play a Role?, Journal of Advertising, 39 (3): 39-54.
  • Phelan H (2013) How Personal Style Bloggers are Ranking in Millions, (Erişim: 6.8.2017)
  • Rogers E M (1962) Diffusion of Innovations. New York: Free Press.
  • Romaniuk J (2007) Word of Mouth and the Viewing of Tv Programs, Journal of Advertising Research, 47 (4): 462-471.
  • Rosen E (2000) The Anatomy of Buzz: How to Create Word of Mouth Marketing. New York: Random House.
  • Rossi A (2016) Key Elements for Sustaining and Enhancing Influence for Fashion Bloggers. Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kent State University.
  • Russell C A (2002) Investigating the Effectiveness of Product Placements in Television Shows: The role of Modality and Plot Connection Congruence on Brand Memory and Attitude, Journal of Consumer Research, 29 (3): 306-319.
  • Russell C A ve Belch M (2005) A Managerial Investigation into the Product Placement Industry, Journal of Advertising Research, 45 (1): 73-92.
  • Ryan D ve Jones C (2009) Understanding Digital Marketing. Philadelphia: Kogan Page.
  • Schivinski B, Christodoulides G ve Dabrowski D (2016) Measuring Consumers’ Engagement With Brand-Related Social Media Content, Journal of Advertising Research, 56 (1): 64-80.
  • Sedeke K ve Aurora P (2012) Top Ranking Fashion Blogs and Their Role in the Current Fashion Industry, http://firstmonday. org/ojs/index. php/fm/article/view /4314/3739 (Erişim tarihi: 8.8.2017)
  • Sharma S (2016) Beauty Under the Influence, 46-48, /business/marketing/Beauty-Under-the-Influence-392484651.html (Erişim: 3.8.2017)
  • Schultz D (2016) The Future of Advertising or Whatever We’re Going to Call It, Journal of Advertising, 45 (3): 276-285.
  • Summers J O (1970) The Identity of Women's Clothing Fashion Opinion Leaders, Journal of Marketing Research, 7: 178-85.
  • Tabachnick B G ve Fidel L S (2014) Using Multivariate Statistics. Essex: Pearson.
  • Tomoson (2016) Influencer Marketing Study, influencer-marketing-study/ (Erişim: 3.8.2017)
  • Turner G (2010) Ordinary People and the Media: The Demotic Turn. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
  • Utz S (2010) Show Me Your Friends and I Will Tell You What Type of Person You Are: How One’s Profile, Number of Friends, and Type of Friends Influencer Impression Formation on Social Network Sites, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 15 (2): 314-335.
  • Uzunoğlu E ve Kip S M (2014) Brand communication through digital influencers: Leveraging blogger engagement, International Journal of Information Management, 34: 592-602.
  • Van Reijmersdal E, Neijens P C ve Smit E G (2007) Effects of Television Brand Placement on brand Image, Psychology and Marketing, 24 (5): 403-420.
  • Van Dyck F (2014) Yeni Nesil Reklamcılık: Dijital Çağ İçin Kurallar. İstanbul: The Kitap.
  • Vineyard C L (2014) The Relationship Between Fashion Blogs and Intention to Purchase and Word of Mouth Behavior. Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  • Wei M, Fischer E ve Main K J (2008) An Examination of the Effects of Activating Persuasion Knowledge on Consumer Response to Brands Engaging in Covert Marketing, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 27 (1): 34-44.
  • Weimann G (1994) The Influentials: People Who Influence People. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
  • Yuping L ve Shrum L J (2002) What is Interactivity and is it Always Such a Good Thing, Journal of Advertising, 31 (4): 53-64.
  • Zhu J ve Tan B (2007) Effectiveness of Blog Advertising: Impact of Communicator Expertise, Advertising Intent, and Product Involvement, ICIS 2007 Proceedings.
Toplam 80 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ocak 2018
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Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, E., & Şener, G. (2018). Modada Nüfuz Pazarlaması: Mikro Instabloggerların Ürün Yerleştirme Uygulamaları. Selçuk İletişim, 11(1), 382-412.

Cited By

Mikro E-Etkileyici Kişi Bağlamında Marka Tutumu Oluşumu
Galatasaray Üniversitesi İleti-ş-im Dergisi