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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 33 - 66, 17.05.2018


study handles the arguments on emergence, development and transformation of
welfare state in developed Western countries with regard to state intervention
and marketisation. Welfare state, which emerged by
the end of 19th century in Western Europe, found a basis of practise in
developed capitalist countries, following the Second World War. The increasing
social expenditure of that period, the social protection measures, the social
welfare services and the graduated tax rates intended to avoid the social risks
are the basic policies that are used in descibing the interventionist state
approach. Petrol shocks and crises, which took place in 1970’s, caused severe
critisism of generous welfare expenditures made by the Western Europen
governments, as a result of which, the welfare state faced strong pressure for
downsizing. Welfare states, whose financial and fiscal sustainability was being
critised, had to struggle againsy the transformation of economic structure
caused by the increasing internationalisation and competiton on one hand, anf
the effects of the demographic crisis that took place together with thr
trnasformation in social structure. Meanwhile, severe discussions on decrease
of the social expenditures and replacement of social welfare with the market
economy went on. Though the studies on welfare state commonly argue that
welfare state was downsizing or being eliminated, this study suggests that
welfare state has not got weaker, the social expenditures keep on rising, state
intervention is still affective, though not highly, in redistribution of the
welfare, marketisation takes place only in several welfare services, sowelfare
state will maintain its influence in the future, as well.


  • Abel-Smith, Brian. (1992). “The Beveridge Report: Its Origins and Outcomes”, International Social Security Review, Vol. 45, No: 1-2, p. 5–16. Allmand, Christopher. (1988). The Hundred Years War: England and France at War, c.1300-c.1450, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ashworth, William. (1987). A Short History of the International Economy Since 1850,London: Longman. Ball, Robert Myers. (1978). Social Security, New York: Columbia University Press. Barr, Nicholas. (2004). Economics of the Welfare State, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Briggs, Asa. (2000). “The Welfare State in Historical Perspective”, C. Pierson ve F. G. Castles (Ed.). The Welfare State: A Reader içinde. USA: Blackwell Publishing. Castilla, Alvaro J. de Regil. (2001). “Keynesian Economics and The Welfare State”. TJSGA/TLWNSI Essay (4), p. 1-19. Clayton, Richard. & Jonas Pontusson (1998).”Welfare-State Retrenchment Revisited: Entitlement Cuts, Public Sector Restructuring and Inegalitarian Trends in Advanced Capitalist Societies”, World Politics, Vol. 51, No. 1, p. 67-98. Crouzet, François. (1982). The Victorian Economy, London: Routledge. Duiker, William J. ve Jackson J. Spielvogel. (2008). The Essential World History, Vol. 2, Belmont: Wadsworth. Durdu, Zafer. (2009). “Modern Devletin Dönüşümünde Bir Ara Dönem: Sosyal Refah Devleti”, Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (İLKE), (22), 37-50 Esping-Andersen, Gosta. (1990). The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, UK: Polity Press. Ferrera, Maurizio. (2007). “The European Welfare State: Golden Achievements, Silver Prospects”, (02/09/2011) Field, Frank. (1996). “Stakeholder Welfare”, (08/09/2011). Flora, Peter. ve Arnold. J. Heidenheimer. (1981). “The Historical Core and Changing Boundaries of the Welfare State”, P. Flora ve A. J. Heidenheimer (Ed.). The Development of Welfare States in Europe and America içinde. New Jersey: The State University. Flora, Peter. ve Jens Alber. (2009). “Modernization, Democratization and the Development of Welfare States in Western Europe”, P. Flora ve A. J. Heidenheimer (Ed.). The Development of Welfare States in Europe and America içinde. New Jersey: The State University, 37-80. Fraser, Derek. (1984). The Evolution of the British Welfare State, London: Palgrave Galasso, Vincenzo. (2006). The Political Future of Social Security in Aging Societies, London: The MIT Press. Galbraith, John Kenneth. (1954). The Great Crash, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. Genschel, Philipp. (2004). “Globalization and the Welfare State: A Retrospective”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.11, No. 4, p. 613–636. Gilbert, Neil. (2002). Transformation of the Welfare State: The Silent Surrender of Public Responsibility, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Glennerster, Howard. (2000). British Social Policy Since 1945, Washington: Blackwell Publishers. Graebner, William. (1980). A History of Retirement, USA: Yale University Press. Grigg, David. B. (1980). Population Growth and Agrarian Change: An Historical Perspective, UK: Cambridge University Press. Güran, Tevfik. (2011). İktisat Tarihi, İstanbul: Der Yayınları. Hay, James Roy. (1975). The Origins of the Liberal Welfare Reforms 1906-1914,London: Macmillan. Hennock, Peter. E. (2007). The Origin of the Welfare State in Englandand Germany, 1850-1914: Social Policies Compared, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hills, John. (1998). “Thatcherism, New Labour and the Welfare State”, Case Paper No:13, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion. Holden, Chris. (2003). “Decommodification and the Workfare State”, Political Studies Review, Vol.1, p. 303-316. Huber, Evelyne. & John D. Stephens (1998). "Internationalization and the Social Democratic Model." Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 31, No. 3, p. 353-397. Iversen Torben. & Anne Wren. (1998). “Equality, Employment and Budgetary Restraint: TheTrilemma of the Service Economy”, World Politics,Vol. 50, No. 4, p. 507-546. Krugman, Paul. (1995). “Growing World Trade: Causes and Consequences”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1995, No: 1, p. 327-377. Maddison, Angus. (1982). Phases of Capitalist Development, Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress. Malthus, Thomas Robert. (1798). An Essay on the Principle of Population ,London: J. Johnson. Marglin, Stephen. (2000). “Lessons of the Golden Age: An Overview”, The Golden Age of Capitalism: Reinterpreting the Postwar Experience, Ed. Marglin, Stephen. A., Juliet B. Schor.Oxford: Oxford University Press. Meyer, Traute. (1994). “The German and British Welfare States As Employers: Patriarchial or Emancipatory”, Gendering Welfare States, Ed. D. Sainsbury, London: Sage Publications, p. 82–100. Middleton, Roger. (2000). The British Economy Since 1945, London: PalgraveMacmillan. Mishra, Ramesh. (1999). Globalization and the Welfare State,London: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Mitrovic, Branislav. (2008). “Globalization and the Welfare State”, Economics and Organization, Vol. 5, No 3, p. 179 – 184. O’Brien, Martin. (2010). “Exploring Older Male Worker Labour Force Participation Across OECD Countries in the Context of Ageing Populations: A Reserve Army of Labour?”, (07/09/2011). OECD (2010). “Tax Revenue Trends, 1965-2009”, OECD Revenue Statistics 2010, OECD Publishing. OECD (2011). Pensions at a Glance 2011: Retirement-Income Systems in OECD and G20 Countries, OECD Publications. Özdemir, Süleyman. (2007). Küreselleşme Sürecinde Refah Devleti, İstanbul: İTO Yayınları. Parker, Barbara. & Leonard Chusmir. (1990). “A Generational and Sex Based View of Managerial Work Values”, Psychological Reports,Vol. 66, p. 947-950. Pierson, Christopher. (1991). Beyond the Welfare State, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania University Press. Pierson, Paul. (1996). “The New Politics of theWelfare State”, World Politics,Vol. 48, p. 143–179. Przeworski, Adam. (1985). Capitalism and Social Democracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Razin, Assaf. & Efraim Sadka & Phillip Swagel. (2001). The Aging Population and the Size of the Welfare State, NBER Working Paper, No. 8405, 1-23. Scharpf, Fritz. W. (2000). “Economic Changes, Vulnerabilities, and Institutional Capabilities”, F. W. Scharpf ve V. A. Schmidt (Ed.).Welfare and Work in the Open Economy içinde. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 1-36. Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin. (2007). “Welfare State Transformations in Comparative Perspective: Shifting Boundaries of ‘Public’ and ‘Private’ Social Policy?”, Political Studies Association’s Annual Conference, University of Bath. Skidelsky, Robert. (2009). Keynes: Thereturn of the Master, London: Penguin. Skidelsky, Robert. ve Jacob Alexander. (1993). John Maynard Keynes: The Economist as Saviour: 1920-1937, London: Macmillan. Smith, Adam. (1776). Wealth of Nations, London. Starke, Peter. (2006). “The Politics of Welfare State Retrenchment: A Literature Review”, Social Policy & Administration, Vol. 40, No. 1, p. 104–120. Stein, Herbert. (1966). “Pre-Revolutionary Fiscal Policy: The Regime of Herbert Hoover”, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 9, p. 189-223. Swank, Duane. (2002). Global Capital, Political Institutions, and Policy Change in Developed Welfare States, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Timmins, Nicholas. (1995). The Five Giants: A Biography of the Welfare State, London: Harper Collins Publication. Townsend, Peter. (2002). The Restoration of Universalism, Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Development. Weaver, Carolyn. L. (1982). The Crisis in Social Security, Durham: Duke University Press. Yeates, Nicholas. (2001). GlobalizationandSocialPolicy, London: SAGE Publications. Yeniçeri, Celal. (2009). İslamın Emeğe Bakışı ve Emek Hayatını Düzenlemesi, İstanbul: Çamlıca Yayınları.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 33 - 66, 17.05.2018


Bu çalışmada, tarihsel perspektifte gelişmiş
Batılı ülkelerde refah devletinin ortaya çıkışı, gelişimi ve dönüşümü ile
ilgili tartışmalar devlet müdahalesi ve piyasalaşma çerçevesinde incelenmiştir.
Batı Avrupa’da 19. Yüzyılın sonlarında ortaya çıkan refah devleti, İkinci Dünya
Savaşı’ndan sonra gelişmiş kapitalist ülkelerde uygulama zemini bulmuştur. Bu
dönemde artan sosyal harcamalar, sosyal korumaya ilişkin önlemler, sosyal refah
hizmetleri ve sosyal riskleri önlemede kullanılan artan oranlı vergi
uygulamaları müdahaleci devlet anlayışını betimleyen temel politikalardır.
1970'li yıllarda ortaya çıkan petrol şokları ve krizler özellikle Batı Avrupa’da
hükümetlerin cömert refah harcamalarının eleştirilmesine neden olmuş ve refah
devletleri bu süreçte küçülme yönünde baskılara maruz kalmıştır. Finansal ve
mali açıdan sürdürülebilirliği eleştiri konusu olan refah devletleri bir yandan
uluslararasılaşma ve rekabetin artmasıyla oluşan iktisadi yapıda yaşanan
dönüşüm, diğer taraftan demografik kriz ve sosyal yapıda meydana gelen
dönüşümün etkileriyle mücadele etmek durumunda kalmıştır. Bu doğrultuda sosyal
harcamaların azaltılması ve refah devleti yerine piyasasının geçmesi
tartışmaları yoğun bir şekilde devam etmiştir. Refah devleti ile ilgili yapılan
çalışmalarda her ne kadar refah devletinin geri çekildiği ya da tasfiye
edildiği gibi iddialar yaygın bir şekilde dillendirilse de bu çalışmada, refah
devletinin güç kaybetmediği, sosyal harcamaların yükselmeye devam ettiği,
devlet müdahalesinin yoğun olmasa da refah dağıtımında halen etkin olduğu,
piyasalaşmanın sadece bazı refah hizmetlerinde ortaya çıktığı, dolayısıyla
gelecekte de refah devletinin etkinliğini koruyacağı ileri sürülmektedir.


  • Abel-Smith, Brian. (1992). “The Beveridge Report: Its Origins and Outcomes”, International Social Security Review, Vol. 45, No: 1-2, p. 5–16. Allmand, Christopher. (1988). The Hundred Years War: England and France at War, c.1300-c.1450, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ashworth, William. (1987). A Short History of the International Economy Since 1850,London: Longman. Ball, Robert Myers. (1978). Social Security, New York: Columbia University Press. Barr, Nicholas. (2004). Economics of the Welfare State, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Briggs, Asa. (2000). “The Welfare State in Historical Perspective”, C. Pierson ve F. G. Castles (Ed.). The Welfare State: A Reader içinde. USA: Blackwell Publishing. Castilla, Alvaro J. de Regil. (2001). “Keynesian Economics and The Welfare State”. TJSGA/TLWNSI Essay (4), p. 1-19. Clayton, Richard. & Jonas Pontusson (1998).”Welfare-State Retrenchment Revisited: Entitlement Cuts, Public Sector Restructuring and Inegalitarian Trends in Advanced Capitalist Societies”, World Politics, Vol. 51, No. 1, p. 67-98. Crouzet, François. (1982). The Victorian Economy, London: Routledge. Duiker, William J. ve Jackson J. Spielvogel. (2008). The Essential World History, Vol. 2, Belmont: Wadsworth. Durdu, Zafer. (2009). “Modern Devletin Dönüşümünde Bir Ara Dönem: Sosyal Refah Devleti”, Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (İLKE), (22), 37-50 Esping-Andersen, Gosta. (1990). The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, UK: Polity Press. Ferrera, Maurizio. (2007). “The European Welfare State: Golden Achievements, Silver Prospects”, (02/09/2011) Field, Frank. (1996). “Stakeholder Welfare”, (08/09/2011). Flora, Peter. ve Arnold. J. Heidenheimer. (1981). “The Historical Core and Changing Boundaries of the Welfare State”, P. Flora ve A. J. Heidenheimer (Ed.). The Development of Welfare States in Europe and America içinde. New Jersey: The State University. Flora, Peter. ve Jens Alber. (2009). “Modernization, Democratization and the Development of Welfare States in Western Europe”, P. Flora ve A. J. Heidenheimer (Ed.). The Development of Welfare States in Europe and America içinde. New Jersey: The State University, 37-80. Fraser, Derek. (1984). The Evolution of the British Welfare State, London: Palgrave Galasso, Vincenzo. (2006). The Political Future of Social Security in Aging Societies, London: The MIT Press. Galbraith, John Kenneth. (1954). The Great Crash, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. Genschel, Philipp. (2004). “Globalization and the Welfare State: A Retrospective”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.11, No. 4, p. 613–636. Gilbert, Neil. (2002). Transformation of the Welfare State: The Silent Surrender of Public Responsibility, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Glennerster, Howard. (2000). British Social Policy Since 1945, Washington: Blackwell Publishers. Graebner, William. (1980). A History of Retirement, USA: Yale University Press. Grigg, David. B. (1980). Population Growth and Agrarian Change: An Historical Perspective, UK: Cambridge University Press. Güran, Tevfik. (2011). İktisat Tarihi, İstanbul: Der Yayınları. Hay, James Roy. (1975). The Origins of the Liberal Welfare Reforms 1906-1914,London: Macmillan. Hennock, Peter. E. (2007). The Origin of the Welfare State in Englandand Germany, 1850-1914: Social Policies Compared, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hills, John. (1998). “Thatcherism, New Labour and the Welfare State”, Case Paper No:13, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion. Holden, Chris. (2003). “Decommodification and the Workfare State”, Political Studies Review, Vol.1, p. 303-316. Huber, Evelyne. & John D. Stephens (1998). "Internationalization and the Social Democratic Model." Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 31, No. 3, p. 353-397. Iversen Torben. & Anne Wren. (1998). “Equality, Employment and Budgetary Restraint: TheTrilemma of the Service Economy”, World Politics,Vol. 50, No. 4, p. 507-546. Krugman, Paul. (1995). “Growing World Trade: Causes and Consequences”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1995, No: 1, p. 327-377. Maddison, Angus. (1982). Phases of Capitalist Development, Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress. Malthus, Thomas Robert. (1798). An Essay on the Principle of Population ,London: J. Johnson. Marglin, Stephen. (2000). “Lessons of the Golden Age: An Overview”, The Golden Age of Capitalism: Reinterpreting the Postwar Experience, Ed. Marglin, Stephen. A., Juliet B. Schor.Oxford: Oxford University Press. Meyer, Traute. (1994). “The German and British Welfare States As Employers: Patriarchial or Emancipatory”, Gendering Welfare States, Ed. D. Sainsbury, London: Sage Publications, p. 82–100. Middleton, Roger. (2000). The British Economy Since 1945, London: PalgraveMacmillan. Mishra, Ramesh. (1999). Globalization and the Welfare State,London: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Mitrovic, Branislav. (2008). “Globalization and the Welfare State”, Economics and Organization, Vol. 5, No 3, p. 179 – 184. O’Brien, Martin. (2010). “Exploring Older Male Worker Labour Force Participation Across OECD Countries in the Context of Ageing Populations: A Reserve Army of Labour?”, (07/09/2011). OECD (2010). “Tax Revenue Trends, 1965-2009”, OECD Revenue Statistics 2010, OECD Publishing. OECD (2011). Pensions at a Glance 2011: Retirement-Income Systems in OECD and G20 Countries, OECD Publications. Özdemir, Süleyman. (2007). Küreselleşme Sürecinde Refah Devleti, İstanbul: İTO Yayınları. Parker, Barbara. & Leonard Chusmir. (1990). “A Generational and Sex Based View of Managerial Work Values”, Psychological Reports,Vol. 66, p. 947-950. Pierson, Christopher. (1991). Beyond the Welfare State, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania University Press. Pierson, Paul. (1996). “The New Politics of theWelfare State”, World Politics,Vol. 48, p. 143–179. Przeworski, Adam. (1985). Capitalism and Social Democracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Razin, Assaf. & Efraim Sadka & Phillip Swagel. (2001). The Aging Population and the Size of the Welfare State, NBER Working Paper, No. 8405, 1-23. Scharpf, Fritz. W. (2000). “Economic Changes, Vulnerabilities, and Institutional Capabilities”, F. W. Scharpf ve V. A. Schmidt (Ed.).Welfare and Work in the Open Economy içinde. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 1-36. Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin. (2007). “Welfare State Transformations in Comparative Perspective: Shifting Boundaries of ‘Public’ and ‘Private’ Social Policy?”, Political Studies Association’s Annual Conference, University of Bath. Skidelsky, Robert. (2009). Keynes: Thereturn of the Master, London: Penguin. Skidelsky, Robert. ve Jacob Alexander. (1993). John Maynard Keynes: The Economist as Saviour: 1920-1937, London: Macmillan. Smith, Adam. (1776). Wealth of Nations, London. Starke, Peter. (2006). “The Politics of Welfare State Retrenchment: A Literature Review”, Social Policy & Administration, Vol. 40, No. 1, p. 104–120. Stein, Herbert. (1966). “Pre-Revolutionary Fiscal Policy: The Regime of Herbert Hoover”, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 9, p. 189-223. Swank, Duane. (2002). Global Capital, Political Institutions, and Policy Change in Developed Welfare States, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Timmins, Nicholas. (1995). The Five Giants: A Biography of the Welfare State, London: Harper Collins Publication. Townsend, Peter. (2002). The Restoration of Universalism, Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Development. Weaver, Carolyn. L. (1982). The Crisis in Social Security, Durham: Duke University Press. Yeates, Nicholas. (2001). GlobalizationandSocialPolicy, London: SAGE Publications. Yeniçeri, Celal. (2009). İslamın Emeğe Bakışı ve Emek Hayatını Düzenlemesi, İstanbul: Çamlıca Yayınları.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

İskender Gümüş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Mayıs 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Şubat 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Gümüş, İ. (2018). TARİHSEL PERSPEKTİFTE REFAH DEVLETİ: DOĞUŞ, YÜKSELİŞ VE YENİDEN YAPILANMA SÜRECİ. Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies, 1(1), 33-66.