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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 58 - 75, 27.06.2024


Zincir marketler perakendecilik hizmetler pazarında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Zincir marketler, perakendecilik hizmetlerini daha verimli hale getirmekte ve tüketicilere kolaylıklar sağlamaktadır. Dünya genelinde perakende büyük zincir marketler perakende pazarının çoğunu elinde tutmaktadır. Ayrıca zincir marketlerin kendilerine ait olan perakendeci markaları da rekabette üretici markalarının önüne geçmektedir. Zincir marketler kazandıkları rekabetçi üstünlükleri kaybetmemek için marka yatırımlarına devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye perakendecilik sektörünün pazar yapısı analizi, zincir marketlerin markalaşmaları ve performansları araştırılmaktadır. Araştırmada kullanılan veriler ikincil kaynaklardan elde edilerek analiz edilmiş ve yorumlanmıştır. Özel olarak Türkiye’de en yüksek pazar payına sahip BİM’e ait marka ve performans göstergeleri arasındaki ilişki korelasyon analizi ile test edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularında Türkiye perakende sektöründe ilk üç zincir marketlerin pazarın neredeyse yarısına sahip olduğu ve pazar yoğunlaşmasının yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Perakendeci markalarının sayısının giderek arttığı ve tüketicilerde mağaza sadakati oluşturarak zincir marketlerin pazar payı artışına katkıda bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Son olarak BİM’in performans göstergelerinden marka değeri ile kar oranları arasında negatif yönlü ilişki, satışlar ile marka sayıları arasında pozitif yönlü anlamlı ilişki tespit edilmiştir.


  • Altıntaş, H. M., Kılıç, S., Senol, G., & Bahar Isin, F. (2010). Strategic objectives and competitive advantages of private label products: Manufacturers’ perspective. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 38(10), 773-788.
  • Ailawadi, K. L., Pauwels, K., & Steenkamp, J.-B. E. M. (2008). Private-Label use and store loyalty. Journal of Marketing, 72(6), 19–30.
  • Beneke, J., & Carter, S. (2015). The development of a consumer value proposition of private label brands and the application thereof in a South African retail context. Journal of Retailing and consumer services, 25, 22-35.
  • BİM Birleşik Mağazalar A.Ş Hisse Senedi | BIMAS (t.y.). t r / a n a l i z / h i s s e /Sayfalar/sirket-karti.aspx?hisse=BIMAS, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Boyle, P. J., & Lathrop, E. S. (2013). The value of private label brands to US consumers: an objective and subjective assessment. Journal of retailing and Consumer Services, 20(1), 80-86.
  • BRAND FINANCE TURKEY 100 2023 (2023)., Erişim t a r i h i : 04.09.2023.
  • Brigham, E. F., Houston, J. F. (2016). Fundamentals of Financial Management, 14th edition, Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Enflasyonu yükseltmekle suçlanan zincir marketlerin şube sayıları enflasyonla birlikte patladı (2022)., Erişim Tarihi: 30.10.2023.
  • Fornari, E., Fornari, D., Grandi, S., & Menegatti, M. (2013). The influence of retailing-mix levers on private label market share: The case of the Italian FMCG market. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(6), 617-624.
  • Gielens, K., Ma, Y., Namin, A., Sethuraman, R., Smith, R. J., Bachtel, R. C., & Jervis, S. (2021). The future of private labels: towards a smart private label strategy. Journal of Retailing, 97(1), 99-115. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.jretai.2020.10.007.
  • Global Powers of Retailing 2022 (2022). shared/legacy/docs/analysis/2022/gx-global-powers-of-retailing-2022.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Halstead, D., & Ward, C. B. (1995). Assessing the vulnerability of private label brands. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 4(3), 38-48.
  • Honarmandi, Z., Sepasi, S., & Azar, A. (2019). Comparing the impact of brand value on corporate profit in B2B and B2C businesses: A case study. Iranian Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) http://ijms. ut. ac. ir, 12(1).
  • Hsiao, C. Y., & Hsieh, M. W. (2019). How to interact brand and management strategy to create firm value. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Management Sciences (pp. 38-42). Industry News: PRIVATE LABEL THRIVES IN EUROPE (t.y.). industry-news/private-label-today, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • İpek, İ., Biçakcioğlu-Peynirci, N., & İlter, B. (2016). Private label usage and store loyalty: The moderating impact of shopping value. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 31, 72-79. jretconser.2016.03.011.
  • Jin, B., & Gu Suh, Y. (2005). Integrating effect of consumer perception factors in predicting private brand purchase in a Korean discount store context. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(2), 62-71. http://
  • Joshi, A., & Hanssens, D. M. (2004). Advertising spending and market capitalization. MSI report, (04-110).
  • Kumar, R., Sujit, K. S., Waheed, K. A., & Fernandez, M. (2021). Are brand value and firm value related? An empirical examination. Global Business Review, 097.215.0921995479. http://dx.doi. org/10.1177/097.215.0921995479.
  • Lamey, L., Deleersnyder, B., Dekimpe, M. G., & Steenkamp, J. B. E. (2007). How business cycles contribute to private-label success: Evidence from the United States and Europe. Journal of Marketing, 71(1), 1-15.
  • Liesse, J. (1993). Private label nightmare. Advertising Age, April 12, pp. 4-5.
  • Market Cap Explained (2023). capitalization%2C%20or%20market%20cap,by%20company%20officers%20and%20insiders. , Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Martos-Partal, M., & González-Benito, Ó. (2011). Store brand and store loyalty: The moderating role of store brand positioning. Marketing Letters, 22, 297-313. Matsumura, H., Ueda, T., & Sagane, Y. (2019). Data on the correlations among brand value, market capitalization, and consolidated overseas sales ratios of Japanese companies. Data in Brief, 23, 103808.
  • Near-Term Resilience, Persıstent Challenges (2023). Issues/2023/07/10/world-economic-outlook- update-july-2023, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023. Organize Perakendecilik ve Fiyatlandırılmaya Etki Eden Unsurlar (t.y.). report-stratejico.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Pearce, J., & Wu, L. (2022). Brand Reallocation, Concentration, and Growth. Available at SSRN 4279983.
  • Perakendenin Geleceği Mevcut Durum, Beklentiler ve Politika Önerileri (2021). raporlar/item/download/9616_08419201b053741c294bbdfc213b041d , Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Pindyck, R., & Rubinfeld, D. (2013). Microeconomics 8th ed. (8th). New Jersey: Pearson.
  • Putri, N., & Budyastuti, T. (2021). The effect of investment decisions, dividend policy and profitability on firm value in the ındonesian manufacturing companies. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), 5(4), 47-53.
  • Richardson, P.S., Jain, A.K. and Dick, A. (1996). Household store brand proneness: a framework. Journal of Retailing, Vol. 72 No. 2, pp. 159-85.
  • Sarıdoğan, H. Ö. (2021). Piyasa yoğunlaşması: Yapısalcı yaklaşım bağlamında bilişim sektörü üzerine bir uygulama. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(21), 67- 81.
  • Seenivasan, S., Sudhir, K., & Talukdar, D. (2016). Do store brands aid store loyalty?. Management Science, 62(3), 802-816.
  • Sektör Raporları (2022)., Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Sektörden Haberler: Özel Markalı Ürünlere Talep Artıyor (2022)., Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Simon, C. J., & Sullivan, M. W. (1993). The measurement and determinants of brand equity: A financial approach. Marketing Science, 12(1), 28-52.
  • Steenkamp, J.-B.E.M. and Dekimpe, M.G. (1997), The increasing power of store brands: building loyalty and market share. Long Range Planning, 30(6), 917-30.
  • Pangestuti, D. C., Muktiyanto, A., & Geraldina, I. (2022). Role of profitability, business risk, and intellectual capital in increasing firm value. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, 37(3), 311-338.
  • Tarihsel Fiyat Bilgileri (t.y.). aspx, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Taşci, H., & Baş, M. (2018). Marka, marka değeri ve değerleme yöntemleri: Interbrand ile brand finance yöntemleri ve 2017 en değerli dünya marka sıralamalarının karşılaştırmalı analizi. Third Sector Social Economic Review, 53(3), 710.
  • The Soaring Value of Intangible Assets in the S&P 500 (2020)., Erişim tarihi: 07.09.2023.
  • Türkiye HTM Perakendeciliği Sektör İncelemesi Nihai Raporu (2022). , Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Türkiye Perakende Sektörüne Bakış (2022)., Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Ulubağ, A. (2015). Perakende Sektöründe Yoğunlaşma Analizi: Denizli İlinde Bir Uygulama, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Denizli.
  • Verbeke, W., Farris, P., & Thurik, R. (1998). Consumer response to the preferred brand out‐of‐stock situation. European Journal of Marketing, 32(11/12), 1008-1028.
  • WIPO NICE Classification (t.y.). &explanatory_notes=show&gors=&lang=en&menulang=en&mode=flat&notion=&pagination= no&version=20230101, Erişim tarihi: 05.09.2023.
  • World Economic Situation and Prospects: June 2023 Briefing, No. 172 (2023). desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-situation-and-prospects-june-2023-briefing-no-172/, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Yang, T. Y., Yang, Y. T., Chen, J. R., & Lu, C. C. (2019). Correlation between owner brand and firm value–Case study on a private brand in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Management Review, 24(3), 232-237. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.apmrv.2018.06.002.
  • Yeung, M., & Ramasamy, B. (2008). Brand value and firm performance nexus: Further empirical evidence. Journal of Brand Management, 15(5), 322-335.


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 58 - 75, 27.06.2024


Chains have an important place in retailing services market. Chains make retailing services more efficient and provide convenience to consumers. Worldwide, large retail chain markets hold most of the retail market. In addition, retailer brands owned by chain markets are ahead of manufacturer brands in competition. Chains continue to brand investments in order to keep their competitive advantages. In this study, market structure analysis of the Turkish retailing sector, branding and performances of chain markets are investigated. The data used in the research were obtained from secondary data sources, analyzed and interpreted. Specifically, the relationship between the brand and performance indicators of BİM, which has the highest market share in Turkey, was tested with correlation analysis. In the research findings, it was determined that the top three chain markets in the Turkish retail industry have almost half of the market and market concentration is high. It has been determined that the number of retailer brands is increasing and that they contribute to the increase in market share of chain markets by creating store loyalty in consumers. Finally, BİM's performance indicators analysis resulted that a negative relationship between brand value and profit rates, and a positive significant relationship between sales and brand numbers.


  • Altıntaş, H. M., Kılıç, S., Senol, G., & Bahar Isin, F. (2010). Strategic objectives and competitive advantages of private label products: Manufacturers’ perspective. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 38(10), 773-788.
  • Ailawadi, K. L., Pauwels, K., & Steenkamp, J.-B. E. M. (2008). Private-Label use and store loyalty. Journal of Marketing, 72(6), 19–30.
  • Beneke, J., & Carter, S. (2015). The development of a consumer value proposition of private label brands and the application thereof in a South African retail context. Journal of Retailing and consumer services, 25, 22-35.
  • BİM Birleşik Mağazalar A.Ş Hisse Senedi | BIMAS (t.y.). t r / a n a l i z / h i s s e /Sayfalar/sirket-karti.aspx?hisse=BIMAS, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Boyle, P. J., & Lathrop, E. S. (2013). The value of private label brands to US consumers: an objective and subjective assessment. Journal of retailing and Consumer Services, 20(1), 80-86.
  • BRAND FINANCE TURKEY 100 2023 (2023)., Erişim t a r i h i : 04.09.2023.
  • Brigham, E. F., Houston, J. F. (2016). Fundamentals of Financial Management, 14th edition, Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Enflasyonu yükseltmekle suçlanan zincir marketlerin şube sayıları enflasyonla birlikte patladı (2022)., Erişim Tarihi: 30.10.2023.
  • Fornari, E., Fornari, D., Grandi, S., & Menegatti, M. (2013). The influence of retailing-mix levers on private label market share: The case of the Italian FMCG market. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(6), 617-624.
  • Gielens, K., Ma, Y., Namin, A., Sethuraman, R., Smith, R. J., Bachtel, R. C., & Jervis, S. (2021). The future of private labels: towards a smart private label strategy. Journal of Retailing, 97(1), 99-115. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.jretai.2020.10.007.
  • Global Powers of Retailing 2022 (2022). shared/legacy/docs/analysis/2022/gx-global-powers-of-retailing-2022.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Halstead, D., & Ward, C. B. (1995). Assessing the vulnerability of private label brands. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 4(3), 38-48.
  • Honarmandi, Z., Sepasi, S., & Azar, A. (2019). Comparing the impact of brand value on corporate profit in B2B and B2C businesses: A case study. Iranian Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) http://ijms. ut. ac. ir, 12(1).
  • Hsiao, C. Y., & Hsieh, M. W. (2019). How to interact brand and management strategy to create firm value. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Management Sciences (pp. 38-42). Industry News: PRIVATE LABEL THRIVES IN EUROPE (t.y.). industry-news/private-label-today, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • İpek, İ., Biçakcioğlu-Peynirci, N., & İlter, B. (2016). Private label usage and store loyalty: The moderating impact of shopping value. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 31, 72-79. jretconser.2016.03.011.
  • Jin, B., & Gu Suh, Y. (2005). Integrating effect of consumer perception factors in predicting private brand purchase in a Korean discount store context. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(2), 62-71. http://
  • Joshi, A., & Hanssens, D. M. (2004). Advertising spending and market capitalization. MSI report, (04-110).
  • Kumar, R., Sujit, K. S., Waheed, K. A., & Fernandez, M. (2021). Are brand value and firm value related? An empirical examination. Global Business Review, 097.215.0921995479. http://dx.doi. org/10.1177/097.215.0921995479.
  • Lamey, L., Deleersnyder, B., Dekimpe, M. G., & Steenkamp, J. B. E. (2007). How business cycles contribute to private-label success: Evidence from the United States and Europe. Journal of Marketing, 71(1), 1-15.
  • Liesse, J. (1993). Private label nightmare. Advertising Age, April 12, pp. 4-5.
  • Market Cap Explained (2023). capitalization%2C%20or%20market%20cap,by%20company%20officers%20and%20insiders. , Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Martos-Partal, M., & González-Benito, Ó. (2011). Store brand and store loyalty: The moderating role of store brand positioning. Marketing Letters, 22, 297-313. Matsumura, H., Ueda, T., & Sagane, Y. (2019). Data on the correlations among brand value, market capitalization, and consolidated overseas sales ratios of Japanese companies. Data in Brief, 23, 103808.
  • Near-Term Resilience, Persıstent Challenges (2023). Issues/2023/07/10/world-economic-outlook- update-july-2023, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023. Organize Perakendecilik ve Fiyatlandırılmaya Etki Eden Unsurlar (t.y.). report-stratejico.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Pearce, J., & Wu, L. (2022). Brand Reallocation, Concentration, and Growth. Available at SSRN 4279983.
  • Perakendenin Geleceği Mevcut Durum, Beklentiler ve Politika Önerileri (2021). raporlar/item/download/9616_08419201b053741c294bbdfc213b041d , Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Pindyck, R., & Rubinfeld, D. (2013). Microeconomics 8th ed. (8th). New Jersey: Pearson.
  • Putri, N., & Budyastuti, T. (2021). The effect of investment decisions, dividend policy and profitability on firm value in the ındonesian manufacturing companies. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), 5(4), 47-53.
  • Richardson, P.S., Jain, A.K. and Dick, A. (1996). Household store brand proneness: a framework. Journal of Retailing, Vol. 72 No. 2, pp. 159-85.
  • Sarıdoğan, H. Ö. (2021). Piyasa yoğunlaşması: Yapısalcı yaklaşım bağlamında bilişim sektörü üzerine bir uygulama. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(21), 67- 81.
  • Seenivasan, S., Sudhir, K., & Talukdar, D. (2016). Do store brands aid store loyalty?. Management Science, 62(3), 802-816.
  • Sektör Raporları (2022)., Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Sektörden Haberler: Özel Markalı Ürünlere Talep Artıyor (2022)., Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Simon, C. J., & Sullivan, M. W. (1993). The measurement and determinants of brand equity: A financial approach. Marketing Science, 12(1), 28-52.
  • Steenkamp, J.-B.E.M. and Dekimpe, M.G. (1997), The increasing power of store brands: building loyalty and market share. Long Range Planning, 30(6), 917-30.
  • Pangestuti, D. C., Muktiyanto, A., & Geraldina, I. (2022). Role of profitability, business risk, and intellectual capital in increasing firm value. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, 37(3), 311-338.
  • Tarihsel Fiyat Bilgileri (t.y.). aspx, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Taşci, H., & Baş, M. (2018). Marka, marka değeri ve değerleme yöntemleri: Interbrand ile brand finance yöntemleri ve 2017 en değerli dünya marka sıralamalarının karşılaştırmalı analizi. Third Sector Social Economic Review, 53(3), 710.
  • The Soaring Value of Intangible Assets in the S&P 500 (2020)., Erişim tarihi: 07.09.2023.
  • Türkiye HTM Perakendeciliği Sektör İncelemesi Nihai Raporu (2022). , Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Türkiye Perakende Sektörüne Bakış (2022)., Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Ulubağ, A. (2015). Perakende Sektöründe Yoğunlaşma Analizi: Denizli İlinde Bir Uygulama, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Denizli.
  • Verbeke, W., Farris, P., & Thurik, R. (1998). Consumer response to the preferred brand out‐of‐stock situation. European Journal of Marketing, 32(11/12), 1008-1028.
  • WIPO NICE Classification (t.y.). &explanatory_notes=show&gors=&lang=en&menulang=en&mode=flat&notion=&pagination= no&version=20230101, Erişim tarihi: 05.09.2023.
  • World Economic Situation and Prospects: June 2023 Briefing, No. 172 (2023). desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-situation-and-prospects-june-2023-briefing-no-172/, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2023.
  • Yang, T. Y., Yang, Y. T., Chen, J. R., & Lu, C. C. (2019). Correlation between owner brand and firm value–Case study on a private brand in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Management Review, 24(3), 232-237. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.apmrv.2018.06.002.
  • Yeung, M., & Ramasamy, B. (2008). Brand value and firm performance nexus: Further empirical evidence. Journal of Brand Management, 15(5), 322-335.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Adnan Kara 0000-0002-9045-0392

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Eylül 2023
Kabul Tarihi 2 Şubat 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kara, A. (2024). ZİNCİR MARKETLERİN TÜRKİYE PERAKENDE SEKTÖRÜNDEKİ ROLÜ. Journal of Research in Business, 9(1), 58-75.