A Study in the Covid-19 Process on Determining the Moderated Mediation Effect of Consumer Confidence Between Perceived Financial Well-Being, Prosocial Consumer Ethnocentrism Tendencies and Domestic Product Purchase Behaviour
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: COVID-19 Special Issue, 398 - 412, 31.10.2020
The aim of this study is to test whether the consumer confidence index evaluations have a moderated mediation effect among the variables in the relationship between the perceived financial well-being, prosocial consumer ethnocentrism, and domestic product purchasing behavior during the Covid-19 epidemic economic crisis. In this context, the data collected from 513 people were analyzed with the SPSS Process. Results show that reduced perceived financial well-being has a direct effect on prosocial consumer ethnocentrism and consumer confidence. However, the effect of perceived financial well-being and prosocial consumer ethnocentrism on domestic product purchasing is also statistically significant. But, the moderated mediation effect of consumer confidence between perceived financial well-being, prosocial consumer ethnocentrism, and domestic product purchasing behavior isn't statistically significant. As a major disadvantage of the research, it can be shown that it has a homogeneous sample since it was conducted in a limited time. In future studies, it is thought that the financial literacy levels of consumers can be included in the model and contribute to the theoretical model.
Abrantes-Braga, F. D. M. A., & Veludo-de-Oliveira, T. (2019). Development and validation of financial well-being related scales. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(4), 1025–1040.
Ang, S. H., Leong, S. M., & Kotler, P. (2000). The Asian apocalypse: crisis marketing for consumers and businesses. Long Range Planning, 33(1), 97–119.
Balabanis, G., Diamantopoulos, A., Mueller, R. D., & Melewar, T. C. (2001). The impact of nationalism, patriotism and internationalism on consumer ethnocentric tendencies. Journal of International Business Studies, 32(1), 157–175.
Berdysheva, E., & Romanova, R. (2017). Rethinking prices during an economic crisis: Calculation as a new mode of consumer behaviour in Russia. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(4), 397–403.
Beşel, F., & Yardımcıoğlu, F. (2016). Tüketici Güven Endeksi ile Makro Değişkenler Arasındaki İlişki. ICPESS (International Congress on Politic, Economic and Social Studies), (1).
Brüggen, E. C., Hogreve, J., Holmlund, M., Kabadayi, S., & Löfgren, M. (2017). Financial well-being: A conceptualization and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 79, 228–237.
Bufe, S., Sun, S., Roll, S. P., Kondratjeva, O., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2019). How do Changing Financial Circumstances Relate to Financial Well-Being? Evidence from a National Survey.
Castilhos, R. B., Fonseca, M. J., & Bavaresco, V. (2017). Consumption, crisis, and coping strategies of lower class families in Brazil: A sociological account. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(4), 379–388.
Cotsomitis, J. A., & Kwan, A. C. C. (2006). Can consumer confidence forecast household spending? Evidence from the European commission business and consumer surveys. Southern Economic Journal, 597–610.
Curtin, R. T. (1982). Indicators of consumer behavior: The University of Michigan surveys of consumers. Public Opinion Quarterly, 46(3), 340–352.
Dees, S., & Brinca, P. S. (2013). Consumer confidence as a predictor of consumption spending: Evidence for the United States and the Euro area. International Economics, 134, 1–14.
Durmuşkaya, S., & Kavas, Y. B. (2018). Akademik Gelişim Ve Finansal Okuryazarlık Arasındaki İlişkinin Tespiti Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Yonetim ve Ekonomi, 25(3), 925.
Gezer, T., & Tuncer, G. (2020). Terminology of Consumer Confidence Index. BİLTÜRK Ekonomi ve İlişkili Çalışmalar Dergisi, 2(1), 340–359.
Gönen, E., & Özmete, E. (2007). Finansal refah: finansal yönetim sürecinden duyulan tatmin, finansal davranışlar ile öz-saygı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 11(11), 57–69.
Gürbüz, S. (2019). Amos ile Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (Birinci Ba). Seçkin Yayıncılık.
Gürhan-Canli, Z., Sarial-Abi, G., & Hayran, C. (2018). Consumers and Brands across the Globe: Research Synthesis and New Directions. Journal of Marketing, 26(1), 96–117. https://doi.org/10.1509/jim.17.0063
Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2010). Multivariate data analysis (Vol. 5). Prentice hall Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Halbesleben, J. R. B., Neveu, J.-P., Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., & Westman, M. (2014). Getting to the “COR” understanding the role of resources in conservation of resources theory. Journal of Management, 40(5), 1334–1364.
Hampson, Daniel P, Grimes, A., Banister, E., & McGoldrick, P. J. (2018). A typology of consumers based on money attitudes after major recession. Journal of Business Research, 91, 159–168.
Hampson, Daniel P, & McGoldrick, P. J. (2017). Antecedents of consumer price consciousness in a turbulent economy. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(4), 404–414.
Hampson, Daniel Peter, Ma, S. (Sara), & Wang, Y. (2018). Perceived financial well-being and its effect on domestic product purchases: An empirical investigation in Brazil. International Marketing Review, 35(6), 914–935. https://doi.org/10.1108/IMR-12-2017-0248
He, J., & Wang, C. L. (2015). Cultural identity and consumer ethnocentrism impacts on preference and purchase of domestic versus import brands: An empirical study in China. Journal of Business Research, 68(6), 1225–1233.
Hirsh, J. B., Kang, S. K., & Bodenhausen, G. V. (2012). Personalized persuasion: Tailoring persuasive appeals to recipients’ personality traits. Psychological Science, 23(6), 578–581.
Hobfoll, S. E. (2001). The influence of culture, community, and the nested‐self in the stress process: advancing conservation of resources theory. Applied Psychology, 50(3), 337–421.
Hogg, M. A., Abrams, D., Otten, S., & Hinkle, S. (2004). The social identity perspective: Intergroup relations, self-conception, and small groups. Small Group Research, 35(3), 246–276.
Huang, Y., Phau, I., & Lin, C. (2010). Consumer animosity, economic hardship, and normative influence. European Journal of Marketing.
Hunneman, A., Verhoef, P. C., & Sloot, L. M. (2015). The impact of consumer confidence on store satisfaction and share of wallet formation. Journal of Retailing, 91(3), 516–532.
Jonkman, J., Boukes, M., & Vliegenthart, R. (2020). When Do Media Matter Most? A Study on the Relationship between Negative Economic News and Consumer Confidence across the Twenty-Eight EU States. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 25(1), 76–95.
Josiassen, A. (2011). Consumer disidentification and its effects on domestic product purchases: An empirical investigation in the Netherlands. Journal of Marketing, 75(2), 124–140.
Karagöz, D., & Aktaş, S. (2015). Evaluation of consumer confidence index of central bank of Turkey consumer tendency survey. The Online Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3), 31–36.
Kaytaz, M., & Gul, M. C. (2014). Consumer response to economic crisis and lessons for marketers: The Turkish experience. Journal of Business Research, 67(1), 2701–2706.
Klein, J. G., Ettenson, R., & Morris, M. D. (1998). The animosity model of foreign product purchase: An empirical test in the People’s Republic of China. Journal of Marketing, 62(1), 89–100.
Lee, W.-N., Hong, J.-Y., & Lee, S.-J. (2003). Communicating with American consumers in the post 9/11 climate: An empirical investigation of consumer ethnocentrism in the United States. International Journal of Advertising, 22(4), 487–510.
Ludvigson, S. C. (2004). Consumer confidence and consumer spending. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(2), 29–50.
Moschis, G. P. (2007). Stress and consumer behavior. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35(3), 430–444.
Netemeyer, R. G., Warmath, D., Fernandes, D., & Lynch, J. G. (2018). How Am i Doing? Perceived Financial Well-Being, Its Potential Antecedents, and Its Relation to Overall Well-Being. Journal of Consumer Research, 45(1), 68–89. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucx109
O’Neill, B., Prawitz, A., Sorhaindo, B., Kim, J., & Garman, E. T. (2006). Changes in health, negative financial events, and financial distress/financial well-being for debt management program clients. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 17(2).
O’Neill, B., Sorhaindo, B., Xiao, J. J., & Garman, E. T. (2005). Financially distressed consumers: Their financial practices, financial well-being, and health. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 16(1).
OECD. (2020). OECD Economic Outlook (June 2020). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1787/16097408
Ou, Y.-C., de Vries, L., Wiesel, T., & Verhoef, P. C. (2014). The role of consumer confidence in creating customer loyalty. Journal of Service Research, 17(3), 339–354.
Ponchio, M. C., Cordeiro, R. A., & Gonçalves, V. N. (2019). Personal factors as antecedents of perceived financial well-being: evidence from Brazil. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(4), 1004–1024.
Prawitz, A., Garman, E. T., Sorhaindo, B., O’Neill, B., Kim, J., & Drentea, P. (2006). InCharge financial distress/financial well-being scale: Development, administration, and score interpretation. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 17(1).
Rose, G. M., & Orr, L. M. (2007). Measuring and exploring symbolic money meanings. Psychology & Marketing, 24(9), 743–761.
Sharma, P. (2011). Country of origin effects in developed and emerging markets: Exploring the contrasting roles of materialism and value consciousness. Journal of International Business Studies, 42(2), 285–306.
Siamagka, N.-T., & Balabanis, G. (2015). Revisiting consumer ethnocentrism: review, reconceptualization, and empirical testing. Journal of International Marketing, 23(3), 66–86.
Tunalı, H., & Özkan, İ. E. (2016). TÜRKİYE’DE TÜKETİCİ GÜVEN ENDEKSİ VE TÜKETİCİ FİYAT ENDEKSİ ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİNİN AMPİRİK ANALİZİ. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 54–67.
Vlaev, I., & Elliott, A. (2014). Financial well-being components. Social Indicators Research, 118(3), 1103–1123.
Wheeler, S. C., Petty, R. E., & Bizer, G. Y. (2005). Self-schema matching and attitude change: Situational and dispositional determinants of message elaboration. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(4), 787–797.
Wilcox, J. A. (2007). Forecasting components of consumption with components of consumer sentiment. Business Economics, 42(4), 22–32.
Younas, W., Javed, T., Kalimuthu, K. R., Farooq, M., Khalil-ur-Rehman, F., & Raju, V. (2019). Impact of Self-Control, Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior on Financial Well-Being. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 5(1), 211–218.
Zhou, X., Vohs, K. D., & Baumeister, R. F. (2009). The symbolic power of money: Reminders of money alter social distress and physical pain. Psychological Science, 20(6), 700–706.
Zurawicki, L., & Braidot, N. (2005). Consumers during crisis: responses from the middle class in Argentina. Journal of Business Research, 58(8), 1100–1109.
Tüketici Güveninin, Algılanan Finansal Refah, Toplum Yanlısı Etnosentrik Eğilimler ve Yerli Ürün Satın Alma Davranışı Arasındaki Düzenleyicilik Etkisinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: COVID-19 Special Issue, 398 - 412, 31.10.2020
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Covid-19 salgını ile yaşanan ekonomik kriz döneminde, tüketicilerin algıladıkları finansal refah düzeyi, toplum yanlısı etnosentrik eğilimleri ve yerel ürün satın alma davranışı arasındaki ilişkide tüketici güven endeksine yönelik değerlendirmelerinin söz konusu değişkenler arasında düzenleyicilik etkisine sahip olup olmadığını test etmektir. Bu bağlamda, 513 kişiden toplanan veriler, SPSS Process yardımı ile yapılan düzenleyicilik etkisi analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Analizler sonucunda, algılanan finansal refahın azalmasının toplum yanlısı etnosentrik eğilimler ile tüketici güveni üzerindeki direkt etkilerinin anlamlı olduğu görülmüştür. Bununla beraber, algılanan finansal refahın azalmasının ve toplum yanlısı etnosentrik eğilimlerin yerel ürün satın alma üzerindeki etkisi de istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır. Tüketici güveninin, algılanan finansal refah, toplum yanlısı etnosentrik eğilimler ve yerli ürün satın alma davranışı arasındaki düzenleyicilik etkisinden ise bahsedilememektedir. Araştırmanın önemli dezavantajı olarak, kısıtlı bir zamanda yapılmış olması dolayısıyla homojen bir örneğe sahip olması gösterilebilir. Gelecek çalışmalarda, tüketicilerin finansal okuryazarlık düzeylerinin modele dahil edilerek teorik modele katkı yapılabileceği düşünülmektedir.
Abrantes-Braga, F. D. M. A., & Veludo-de-Oliveira, T. (2019). Development and validation of financial well-being related scales. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(4), 1025–1040.
Ang, S. H., Leong, S. M., & Kotler, P. (2000). The Asian apocalypse: crisis marketing for consumers and businesses. Long Range Planning, 33(1), 97–119.
Balabanis, G., Diamantopoulos, A., Mueller, R. D., & Melewar, T. C. (2001). The impact of nationalism, patriotism and internationalism on consumer ethnocentric tendencies. Journal of International Business Studies, 32(1), 157–175.
Berdysheva, E., & Romanova, R. (2017). Rethinking prices during an economic crisis: Calculation as a new mode of consumer behaviour in Russia. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(4), 397–403.
Beşel, F., & Yardımcıoğlu, F. (2016). Tüketici Güven Endeksi ile Makro Değişkenler Arasındaki İlişki. ICPESS (International Congress on Politic, Economic and Social Studies), (1).
Brüggen, E. C., Hogreve, J., Holmlund, M., Kabadayi, S., & Löfgren, M. (2017). Financial well-being: A conceptualization and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 79, 228–237.
Bufe, S., Sun, S., Roll, S. P., Kondratjeva, O., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2019). How do Changing Financial Circumstances Relate to Financial Well-Being? Evidence from a National Survey.
Castilhos, R. B., Fonseca, M. J., & Bavaresco, V. (2017). Consumption, crisis, and coping strategies of lower class families in Brazil: A sociological account. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(4), 379–388.
Cotsomitis, J. A., & Kwan, A. C. C. (2006). Can consumer confidence forecast household spending? Evidence from the European commission business and consumer surveys. Southern Economic Journal, 597–610.
Curtin, R. T. (1982). Indicators of consumer behavior: The University of Michigan surveys of consumers. Public Opinion Quarterly, 46(3), 340–352.
Dees, S., & Brinca, P. S. (2013). Consumer confidence as a predictor of consumption spending: Evidence for the United States and the Euro area. International Economics, 134, 1–14.
Durmuşkaya, S., & Kavas, Y. B. (2018). Akademik Gelişim Ve Finansal Okuryazarlık Arasındaki İlişkinin Tespiti Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Yonetim ve Ekonomi, 25(3), 925.
Gezer, T., & Tuncer, G. (2020). Terminology of Consumer Confidence Index. BİLTÜRK Ekonomi ve İlişkili Çalışmalar Dergisi, 2(1), 340–359.
Gönen, E., & Özmete, E. (2007). Finansal refah: finansal yönetim sürecinden duyulan tatmin, finansal davranışlar ile öz-saygı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 11(11), 57–69.
Gürbüz, S. (2019). Amos ile Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (Birinci Ba). Seçkin Yayıncılık.
Gürhan-Canli, Z., Sarial-Abi, G., & Hayran, C. (2018). Consumers and Brands across the Globe: Research Synthesis and New Directions. Journal of Marketing, 26(1), 96–117. https://doi.org/10.1509/jim.17.0063
Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2010). Multivariate data analysis (Vol. 5). Prentice hall Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Halbesleben, J. R. B., Neveu, J.-P., Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., & Westman, M. (2014). Getting to the “COR” understanding the role of resources in conservation of resources theory. Journal of Management, 40(5), 1334–1364.
Hampson, Daniel P, Grimes, A., Banister, E., & McGoldrick, P. J. (2018). A typology of consumers based on money attitudes after major recession. Journal of Business Research, 91, 159–168.
Hampson, Daniel P, & McGoldrick, P. J. (2017). Antecedents of consumer price consciousness in a turbulent economy. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(4), 404–414.
Hampson, Daniel Peter, Ma, S. (Sara), & Wang, Y. (2018). Perceived financial well-being and its effect on domestic product purchases: An empirical investigation in Brazil. International Marketing Review, 35(6), 914–935. https://doi.org/10.1108/IMR-12-2017-0248
He, J., & Wang, C. L. (2015). Cultural identity and consumer ethnocentrism impacts on preference and purchase of domestic versus import brands: An empirical study in China. Journal of Business Research, 68(6), 1225–1233.
Hirsh, J. B., Kang, S. K., & Bodenhausen, G. V. (2012). Personalized persuasion: Tailoring persuasive appeals to recipients’ personality traits. Psychological Science, 23(6), 578–581.
Hobfoll, S. E. (2001). The influence of culture, community, and the nested‐self in the stress process: advancing conservation of resources theory. Applied Psychology, 50(3), 337–421.
Hogg, M. A., Abrams, D., Otten, S., & Hinkle, S. (2004). The social identity perspective: Intergroup relations, self-conception, and small groups. Small Group Research, 35(3), 246–276.
Huang, Y., Phau, I., & Lin, C. (2010). Consumer animosity, economic hardship, and normative influence. European Journal of Marketing.
Hunneman, A., Verhoef, P. C., & Sloot, L. M. (2015). The impact of consumer confidence on store satisfaction and share of wallet formation. Journal of Retailing, 91(3), 516–532.
Jonkman, J., Boukes, M., & Vliegenthart, R. (2020). When Do Media Matter Most? A Study on the Relationship between Negative Economic News and Consumer Confidence across the Twenty-Eight EU States. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 25(1), 76–95.
Josiassen, A. (2011). Consumer disidentification and its effects on domestic product purchases: An empirical investigation in the Netherlands. Journal of Marketing, 75(2), 124–140.
Karagöz, D., & Aktaş, S. (2015). Evaluation of consumer confidence index of central bank of Turkey consumer tendency survey. The Online Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3), 31–36.
Kaytaz, M., & Gul, M. C. (2014). Consumer response to economic crisis and lessons for marketers: The Turkish experience. Journal of Business Research, 67(1), 2701–2706.
Klein, J. G., Ettenson, R., & Morris, M. D. (1998). The animosity model of foreign product purchase: An empirical test in the People’s Republic of China. Journal of Marketing, 62(1), 89–100.
Lee, W.-N., Hong, J.-Y., & Lee, S.-J. (2003). Communicating with American consumers in the post 9/11 climate: An empirical investigation of consumer ethnocentrism in the United States. International Journal of Advertising, 22(4), 487–510.
Ludvigson, S. C. (2004). Consumer confidence and consumer spending. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(2), 29–50.
Moschis, G. P. (2007). Stress and consumer behavior. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35(3), 430–444.
Netemeyer, R. G., Warmath, D., Fernandes, D., & Lynch, J. G. (2018). How Am i Doing? Perceived Financial Well-Being, Its Potential Antecedents, and Its Relation to Overall Well-Being. Journal of Consumer Research, 45(1), 68–89. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucx109
O’Neill, B., Prawitz, A., Sorhaindo, B., Kim, J., & Garman, E. T. (2006). Changes in health, negative financial events, and financial distress/financial well-being for debt management program clients. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 17(2).
O’Neill, B., Sorhaindo, B., Xiao, J. J., & Garman, E. T. (2005). Financially distressed consumers: Their financial practices, financial well-being, and health. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 16(1).
OECD. (2020). OECD Economic Outlook (June 2020). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1787/16097408
Ou, Y.-C., de Vries, L., Wiesel, T., & Verhoef, P. C. (2014). The role of consumer confidence in creating customer loyalty. Journal of Service Research, 17(3), 339–354.
Ponchio, M. C., Cordeiro, R. A., & Gonçalves, V. N. (2019). Personal factors as antecedents of perceived financial well-being: evidence from Brazil. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(4), 1004–1024.
Prawitz, A., Garman, E. T., Sorhaindo, B., O’Neill, B., Kim, J., & Drentea, P. (2006). InCharge financial distress/financial well-being scale: Development, administration, and score interpretation. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 17(1).
Rose, G. M., & Orr, L. M. (2007). Measuring and exploring symbolic money meanings. Psychology & Marketing, 24(9), 743–761.
Sharma, P. (2011). Country of origin effects in developed and emerging markets: Exploring the contrasting roles of materialism and value consciousness. Journal of International Business Studies, 42(2), 285–306.
Siamagka, N.-T., & Balabanis, G. (2015). Revisiting consumer ethnocentrism: review, reconceptualization, and empirical testing. Journal of International Marketing, 23(3), 66–86.
Tunalı, H., & Özkan, İ. E. (2016). TÜRKİYE’DE TÜKETİCİ GÜVEN ENDEKSİ VE TÜKETİCİ FİYAT ENDEKSİ ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİNİN AMPİRİK ANALİZİ. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 54–67.
Vlaev, I., & Elliott, A. (2014). Financial well-being components. Social Indicators Research, 118(3), 1103–1123.
Wheeler, S. C., Petty, R. E., & Bizer, G. Y. (2005). Self-schema matching and attitude change: Situational and dispositional determinants of message elaboration. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(4), 787–797.
Wilcox, J. A. (2007). Forecasting components of consumption with components of consumer sentiment. Business Economics, 42(4), 22–32.
Younas, W., Javed, T., Kalimuthu, K. R., Farooq, M., Khalil-ur-Rehman, F., & Raju, V. (2019). Impact of Self-Control, Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior on Financial Well-Being. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 5(1), 211–218.
Zhou, X., Vohs, K. D., & Baumeister, R. F. (2009). The symbolic power of money: Reminders of money alter social distress and physical pain. Psychological Science, 20(6), 700–706.
Zurawicki, L., & Braidot, N. (2005). Consumers during crisis: responses from the middle class in Argentina. Journal of Business Research, 58(8), 1100–1109.
A Study on Determining the Moderated Mediation Effect of Consumer Confidence Between Perceived Financial Well-Being, Prosocial Consumer Ethnocentrism Tendencies and Domestic Product Purchase Behaviour
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: COVID-19 Special Issue, 398 - 412, 31.10.2020
The aim of this study is to test whether the consumer confidence index evaluations have a moderated mediation effect among the variables in the relationship between the perceived financial well-being, prosocial consumer ethnocentrism, and domestic product purchasing behavior during the Covid-19 epidemic economic crisis. In this context, the data collected from 513 people were analyzed with the SPSS Process. Results show that reduced perceived financial well-being has a direct effect on prosocial consumer ethnocentrism and consumer confidence. However, the effect of perceived financial well-being and prosocial consumer ethnocentrism on domestic product purchasing is also statistically significant. But, the moderated mediation effect of consumer confidence between perceived financial well-being, prosocial consumer ethnocentrism, and domestic product purchasing behavior isn't statistically significant. As a major disadvantage of the research, it can be shown that it has a homogeneous sample since it was conducted in a limited time. In future studies, it is thought that the financial literacy levels of consumers can be included in the model and contribute to the theoretical model.
Abrantes-Braga, F. D. M. A., & Veludo-de-Oliveira, T. (2019). Development and validation of financial well-being related scales. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(4), 1025–1040.
Ang, S. H., Leong, S. M., & Kotler, P. (2000). The Asian apocalypse: crisis marketing for consumers and businesses. Long Range Planning, 33(1), 97–119.
Balabanis, G., Diamantopoulos, A., Mueller, R. D., & Melewar, T. C. (2001). The impact of nationalism, patriotism and internationalism on consumer ethnocentric tendencies. Journal of International Business Studies, 32(1), 157–175.
Berdysheva, E., & Romanova, R. (2017). Rethinking prices during an economic crisis: Calculation as a new mode of consumer behaviour in Russia. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(4), 397–403.
Beşel, F., & Yardımcıoğlu, F. (2016). Tüketici Güven Endeksi ile Makro Değişkenler Arasındaki İlişki. ICPESS (International Congress on Politic, Economic and Social Studies), (1).
Brüggen, E. C., Hogreve, J., Holmlund, M., Kabadayi, S., & Löfgren, M. (2017). Financial well-being: A conceptualization and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 79, 228–237.
Bufe, S., Sun, S., Roll, S. P., Kondratjeva, O., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2019). How do Changing Financial Circumstances Relate to Financial Well-Being? Evidence from a National Survey.
Castilhos, R. B., Fonseca, M. J., & Bavaresco, V. (2017). Consumption, crisis, and coping strategies of lower class families in Brazil: A sociological account. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(4), 379–388.
Cotsomitis, J. A., & Kwan, A. C. C. (2006). Can consumer confidence forecast household spending? Evidence from the European commission business and consumer surveys. Southern Economic Journal, 597–610.
Curtin, R. T. (1982). Indicators of consumer behavior: The University of Michigan surveys of consumers. Public Opinion Quarterly, 46(3), 340–352.
Dees, S., & Brinca, P. S. (2013). Consumer confidence as a predictor of consumption spending: Evidence for the United States and the Euro area. International Economics, 134, 1–14.
Durmuşkaya, S., & Kavas, Y. B. (2018). Akademik Gelişim Ve Finansal Okuryazarlık Arasındaki İlişkinin Tespiti Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Yonetim ve Ekonomi, 25(3), 925.
Gezer, T., & Tuncer, G. (2020). Terminology of Consumer Confidence Index. BİLTÜRK Ekonomi ve İlişkili Çalışmalar Dergisi, 2(1), 340–359.
Gönen, E., & Özmete, E. (2007). Finansal refah: finansal yönetim sürecinden duyulan tatmin, finansal davranışlar ile öz-saygı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 11(11), 57–69.
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