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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4, 2239 - 2257, 19.10.2022


The purpose of this study is to reveal whether the excess workload plays a moderator role in the relationship between the role ambiguity of the employees and their perceptions of work alienation. For this purpose, the data obtained through questionnaires from 312 people working in universities, banks, health institutions and different institutions that produce security services operating in Ankara were analyzed. The scales used in the first works in the analyzes are exact analytic factor analysis as AMOS and can be simply redesigned to be able to play a simple analysis game to predict the choice among the choices and test the possible outcomes to be solved. Regression analysis based on Bootstrap was performed with the software. As a result of the findings, it was revealed that the role ambiguity perceptions of the employees affected the level of work alienation significantly and positively, and the perception of overwork had a moderating effect on the relationship between role ambiguity and work alienation.


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  • Agarwal, S. (1993). Influence of formalization on role stress, organizational commitment, and work alienation of salespersons: A cross-national comparative study. Journal of International Business Studies, 24(4), 715-739.
  • Alam, M. A. (2016). Techno-stress and productivity: survey evidence from the aviation industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 50(1), 62-70.
  • Altaf, A., & Awan, M. A. (2011). Moderating affect of workplace spirituality on the relationship of job overload and job satisfaction. Journal of business ethics, 104(1), 93-99.
  • Arroba, T., & James, K. (1990). Reducing the cost of stress: an organisational model. Personnel Review.
  • Aslan, H. (2018). Duygusal emek ile işe yabancılaşma ilişkisinde psikolojik sermayenin etkisi: Otel işletmelerinde bir alan araştırması. Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi.
  • Atik, E. (2015). Otel işletmelerinde iş yükü algısı ve iş yükünün insan kaynakları yönetiminde kullanımı. Yüksek lisans tezi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir.
  • Banton, M. (1965). Roles: An introduction to the study of social relations. New York: Basic Books, Inc.
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  • Basch, J., & Fisher, C. D. (1998). Affective events-emotions matrix: A classification of work events and associated emotions, (1-20). Bond University.
  • Bauer, J. C., & Simmons, P. R. (2000). Role ambiguity: A review and integration of the literature. Journal of Modern Business, 3, 41-47.
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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4, 2239 - 2257, 19.10.2022


Bu çalışmanın amacı, çalışanların rol belirsizliği ile işe yabancılaşma algıları arasındaki ilişkide iş yükü fazlalığının düzenleyici bir rol oynayıp oynamadığının ortaya koyulmasıdır. Bu amaçla, Ankara’da faaliyet gösteren üniversite, banka, sağlık kuruluşları ile güvenlik hizmeti üreten farklı kurumlarda çalışan, 312 kişiden anket yoluyla elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiştir. Analizlerde ilk olarak çalışma kapsamında kullanılan ölçeklere AMOS kullanılarak doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmış olup, ardından değişkenler arası korelasyon analizi ve çalışma bağlamında ortaya koyulan hipotezleri test etmek amacıyla hiyerarşik regresyon analizi yapılmış ve iş yükü fazlalığının düzenleyicilik rolü oynayıp oynamadığını ortaya koyabilmek adına SPSS Process v3.5 Macro yazılımı ile Bootstrap yöntemini esas alan regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Bulgular neticesinde, çalışanların rol belirsizliği algılarının işe yabancılaşma düzeyini anlamlı ve pozitif olarak etkilediği ve iş yükü fazlalığı algısının rol belirsizliği ile işe yabancılaşma arasındaki ilişkide düzenleyici bir etkiye sahip olduğu ortaya koyulmuştur.


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  • Agarwal, S. (1993). Influence of formalization on role stress, organizational commitment, and work alienation of salespersons: A cross-national comparative study. Journal of International Business Studies, 24(4), 715-739.
  • Alam, M. A. (2016). Techno-stress and productivity: survey evidence from the aviation industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 50(1), 62-70.
  • Altaf, A., & Awan, M. A. (2011). Moderating affect of workplace spirituality on the relationship of job overload and job satisfaction. Journal of business ethics, 104(1), 93-99.
  • Arroba, T., & James, K. (1990). Reducing the cost of stress: an organisational model. Personnel Review.
  • Aslan, H. (2018). Duygusal emek ile işe yabancılaşma ilişkisinde psikolojik sermayenin etkisi: Otel işletmelerinde bir alan araştırması. Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi.
  • Atik, E. (2015). Otel işletmelerinde iş yükü algısı ve iş yükünün insan kaynakları yönetiminde kullanımı. Yüksek lisans tezi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir.
  • Banton, M. (1965). Roles: An introduction to the study of social relations. New York: Basic Books, Inc.
  • Baron RM, Kenny DA (1986) The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. J Pers Soc Psychol, 51:1173-82
  • Basch, J., & Fisher, C. D. (1998). Affective events-emotions matrix: A classification of work events and associated emotions, (1-20). Bond University.
  • Bauer, J. C., & Simmons, P. R. (2000). Role ambiguity: A review and integration of the literature. Journal of Modern Business, 3, 41-47.
  • Beauchamp, M. R., Bray, S. R., Eys, M. A., & Carron, A. V. (2003). The effect of role ambiguity on competitive state anxiety. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 25(1), 77-92.
  • Beehr, T. A., & Newman, J. E. (1978). Job stress, employee health, and organizational effectiveness: A facet analysis, model, and literature review 1. Personnel psychology, 31(4), 665-699.
  • Bernardin, H. J. (2010). Human Resource Management: An experiential approach (5th ed.). New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
  • Biddle, B. J. (1986). Recent developments in role theory. Annual review of sociology, 12(1), 67-92.
  • Bobbitt H. R., Breinholt R. R, McNaul J. (1974), Organizational Behavior: Understanding and Prediction, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey.
  • Bowling, N. A., Alarcon, G. M., Bragg, C. B., & Hartman, M. J. (2015). A meta-analytic examination of the potential correlates and consequences of workload. Work & Stress, 29(2), 95-113.
  • Brookings, J.B., B. Bolton, C.E. Brown and A. McEvoy (1985). Self reported job burnout among female human service professionals. J. Occup.Behav., 6, 143–50.
  • Brunetto, Y., Farr‐Wharton, R., & Shacklock, K. (2011). Supervisor‐nurse relationships, teamwork, role ambiguity and well‐being: Public versus private sector nurses. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 49(2), 143-164.
  • Bonjean, C. M., & Grimes, M. D. (1970). Bureaucracy and alienation: A dimensional approach. Social Forces, 48(3), 365-373.
  • Burke, M. J., Brief, A. P., & George, J. M. (1993). The role of negative affectivity in understanding relations between self-reports of stressors and strains: a comment on the applied psychology literature. Journal of Applied psychology, 78(3), 402.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2008). Bilimsel arastirma yöntemleri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Cam, E. (2004). Çalışma yaşamında stres ve kamu kesiminde kadın çalışanlar. Journal of Human Sciences, 1(1) 1-10. Caplan, R. D., & Jones, K. W. (1975). Effects of work load, role ambiguity, and type A personality on anxiety, depression, and heart rate. Journal of applied psychology, 60(6), 713
  • Chenhall, R. H., & Brownell, P. (1988). The effect of participative budgeting on job satisfaction and performance: Role ambiguity as an intervening variable. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 13(3), 225-233.
  • Chiaburu, D. S., Thundiyil, T., & Wang, J. (2014). Alienation and its correlates: A meta-analysis. European Management Journal, 32(1), 24-36.
  • Cordes, C. L., & Dougherty, T. W. (1993). A review and an integration of research on job burnout. Academy of management review, 18(4), 621-656.
  • Crank, J. P., Regoli, R., Hewitt, J. D., & Culbertson, R. G. (1995). Institutional and organizational antecedents of role stress, work alienation, and anomie among police executives. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 22(2), 152-171.
  • Daft, R. L. (2010). New era of management, 9th Edition, South-Western, Cengage Learning, Canada.
  • DiPietro, R. B., & Pizam, A. (2008). Employee alienation in the quick service restaurant industry. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 32(1), 22-39.
  • Doğan, A., Demir, R., Türkmen, E. (2016). Rol Belirsizliğinin, Rol Çatışmasının Ve Sosyal Desteğin Tükenmişliğe Etkisi: Devlet Ve Vakıf Üniversitelerinde Çalışan Akademik Personelin Tükenmişlik Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 30(1), 37-67.
  • Dwomoh, G., Gyamfi, L. A., & Luguterah, A. W. (2019). Effect of organizational citizenship behaviour on performance of employees of kumasi technical university: Moderating role of work overload. Journal of Management and Economic Studies, 1(2), 18-34.
  • Erdem, H., Kılınç, E. ve Demirci, D. (2016). Çalışanlarda İş Yükü Fazlalığın Algılanan İstihdam Edilebilirlik Üzerine Etkisi, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(58), 772-784.
  • Fiske, S. T., & Taylor, S. E. (1991). Social cognition. Mcgraw-Hill Book Company.
  • Fried, Y., Ben‐David, H. A., Tiegs, R. B., Avital, N., & Yeverechyahu, U. (1998). The interactive effect of role conflict and role ambiguity on job performance. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 71(1), 19-27.
  • Greenglass, E. R., Burke, R. J., & Fiksenbaum, L. (2001). Workload and burnout in nurses. Journal of community & applied social psychology, 11(3), 211-215.
  • Gopher, D., & Donchin, E. (1986). Workload: An examination of the concept.
  • Hancock, P. A., & Meshkati, N. (Eds.). (1988). Human mental workload (139-183). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  • Hancock, P. A., & Matthews, G. (2019). Workload and performance: Associations, insensitivities, and dissociations. Human factors, 61(3), 374-392.
  • Hirschfeld, R. R., & Feild, H. S. (2000). Work centrality and work alienation: Distinct aspects of a general commitment to work. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 21(7), 789-800.
  • Hirschfeld, R. R., Feild, H. S. ve Bedeian, A. G. (2000). Work Alienation As An Individual Difference Construct For Predicting Workplace Adjustment: A Test In Two Samples, Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 30 (9), 1880-1902.
  • Hart, S. G., & Wickens, C. D. (1990). Workload assessment and prediction. In Manprint (257-296). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Hayes, A.F. (2018). Partial, conditional, and moderated moderated mediation: Quantification, inference, and interpretation. Communication Monographs, 85, 4-40.
  • Huey, B. M., & Wickens, C. D. (1993). Workload transition: Implications for individual and team performance. National Research Council Washington DC.
  • Imoisili, O. A. (1985). Task complexity, budget style of evaluating performance and managerial stress: An empirical Investigation. Doktora Tezi, University of Pittsburgh.
  • Jones ML (1993). Role conflict: Cause of burnout or energizer? Soc. Work, 38: 136-141.
  • Kahn, R. L., Wolfe, D. M., Quinn, R. P., Snoek, J. D., & Rosenthal, R. A. (1964). Organizational stress: Studies in role conflict and ambiguity.
  • Karwowski, W., & Yates, J. W. (1986). Reliability of the psychophysical approach to manual lifting of liquids by females. Ergonomics, 29(2), 237-248.
  • Katz, D. & Kahn, R. L. (1978). The social psychology of organizations (second edition). New York: John Wiley.
  • Kim, H., & Stoner, M. (2008). Burnout and turnover intention among social workers: Effects of role stress, job autonomy and social support. Administration in Social work, 32(3), 5-25.
  • Kramer, A., Humphrey, D., Sirevaag, E., & Mecklinger, A. (1990). Real-time measurement of mental workload: A feasibility study. In NASA, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Third Annual Workshop on Space Operations Automation and Robotics.
  • Leiter, M. P., & Maslach, C. (2005). 36 A mediation model of job burnout. Research companion to organizational health psychology, 544.
  • Luthans, F. (2011). Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Apporach. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
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Toplam 82 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Finans
Bölüm İşletme Finans

Pınar Fayganoğlu 0000-0001-9447-4896

Rukiye Can Yalçın 0000-0003-4500-6935

Memduh Beğenirbaş 0000-0003-0917-0973

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Ekim 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Nisan 2022
Kabul Tarihi 17 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Fayganoğlu, P., Can Yalçın, R., & Beğenirbaş, M. (2022). ROL BELİRSİZLİĞİNİN İŞE YABANCILAŞMAYA ETKİSİNDE İŞ YÜKÜ FAZLALIĞININ DÜZENLEYİCİ ROLÜ. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21(4), 2239-2257.