Rasgele Sıkıştırma Yoluyla Weibull Dağılımının Yeni Bir Karakterizasyonu
Yıl 2004,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 1 - 7, 15.04.2004
Sevgi Yurt Öncel
Fazıl Aliev Alioğlu
Funda Aygün
Bu çalışmada Wesolowski ve Ahsanullah (2003) tarafından öne sürülen rasgele sıkıştırma tekniği ele alınmıştır. Rekor değerlerin dağılım fonksiyonu için yeni bir ardışık ilişki bulunmuş ve bu ilişki yardımıyla Weibull dağılımı için yeni bir karakterizasyon verilmiştir.
- AHSANULLAH, M. (1995), Record Statistics, Nova Science Publishers Inc. Commack, NY. CHANDLER, K.N. (1952), the distribution and frequency of record values, J.Roy. Statist. Soc. Series B, 14, 220-228.
- CHANDLER, K.N. (1952), The Distribution and Frequency of Record Values, J.Roy. Statist. Soc. Series B, 14, 220-228.
- ARNOLD. B.C.. BALAKRISHNAN, N. and NAGARAJA, H.N., (1998), Records, John Wi1ey&Sons. New York.
- BALAKRISHNAN, N. and RAO, C.R. (1998), Handbook of Statistics,16.
- NEVZOROV, V.B. (2001), Records: Mathematical Theory. Translations of Mathematical Monographs 194. American Mathematical Society Providence.
- WESOLOWSKI, J. and AHSANULLAH, M. (2003), Switching Order Statistics Through Random Power Contractious, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, in Pres.
A New Characterizations of Weibull Distribution Via Random Contractions
Yıl 2004,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 1 - 7, 15.04.2004
Sevgi Yurt Öncel
Fazıl Aliev Alioğlu
Funda Aygün
In this paper we investigate a random contraction scheme proposed by Wesolowski and Ahsanullah (2003). The distributional recurrence relations found for the distribution functions of record statistics. This reccurrence relations leads to new characterizations of Weibull distributions.
- AHSANULLAH, M. (1995), Record Statistics, Nova Science Publishers Inc. Commack, NY. CHANDLER, K.N. (1952), the distribution and frequency of record values, J.Roy. Statist. Soc. Series B, 14, 220-228.
- CHANDLER, K.N. (1952), The Distribution and Frequency of Record Values, J.Roy. Statist. Soc. Series B, 14, 220-228.
- ARNOLD. B.C.. BALAKRISHNAN, N. and NAGARAJA, H.N., (1998), Records, John Wi1ey&Sons. New York.
- BALAKRISHNAN, N. and RAO, C.R. (1998), Handbook of Statistics,16.
- NEVZOROV, V.B. (2001), Records: Mathematical Theory. Translations of Mathematical Monographs 194. American Mathematical Society Providence.
- WESOLOWSKI, J. and AHSANULLAH, M. (2003), Switching Order Statistics Through Random Power Contractious, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, in Pres.