Bakım ekiplerinin en kısa yoldan santrallara ulaşımı: hidroelektrik santral örneği
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 576 - 587, 30.06.2021
Tuğba Danışan
Evrencan Özcan
Tamer Eren
Elektrik santralları bir ülkenin enerji arzının karşılanmasına hizmet eden önemli tesislerdir. Elektrik enerji talebinin sürekli olması nedeniyle elektrik üretiminin
de kesintisiz olması gerekmektedir. Bu durum santralların uzun yıllar çalışmasından kaynaklı yıpranmasına yol açmaktadır. Üretimin
sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması için santrallara bazı bakımların yapılması gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle santrallardaki arızaların giderilmesi ve bakımların
yapılması için zaman önemli bir kısıttır. En kısa zamanda bakımlara başlanması sürdürülebilirlik noktasında önem arz etmektedir. Santraldaki mekanik,
elektriksel ve elektronik tüm ekipmanların bakımı, uzman bakım ekipleri tarafından yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’deki elektrik enerjisi talebinin
yaklaşık %31,9’unu karşılayan Hidroelektrik Santrallar (HES) için uygulama yapılmıştır. Çalışmada bakım için görevlendirilen üç ekibin santrallara en kısa
yoldan ulaşması problemi ele alınmıştır. Türkiye’deki HES’ler arasında yıllık üretim miktarı yüksek olan on iki HES için çalışma yapılmıştır. Santrallardaki
bakımlarda görev alabilecek ekipler her santralda bulunmamaktadır. Çalışmaya dahil edilen on iki HES için bakımları yapabilecek sadece üç ekip
bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu üç ekibin santrallara en kısa yoldan ulaşmaları amaçlanmıştır. Problem çözümünde Floyd-Warshall algoritması kullanılmıştır.
C tabanlı bir kod yardımı ile elde edilen çözümler sonucunda bakım ekiplerinin santrallara ulaşımında optimal sonuç veren en kısa yollar bulunmuştur.
- Başeşme, H. (2003). Hidroelektrik santrallar ve hidroelektrik santral tesisleri. EÜAŞ genel müdürlüğü hidrolik santraller dairesi başkanlığı.
- Danışan, T. (2019). Hidroelektrik santrallarda bakım çizelgeleme. Yüksek lisans tezi, Kırıkkale üniversitesi fen bilimleri enstitüsü.
- Dermawan, T. S. (2019). Comparison of dijkstra dan floyd-warshall algorithm to determine the best route of train. IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development), 7(2), 54-58.
- Djojo, M. A. & Karyono, K. (2013, November). Computational load analysis of dijkstra, a*, and floyd-warshall algorithms in mesh network. In 2013 International Conference on Robotics, Biomimetics, Intelligent Computational Systems, 104-108.
- EMO, (2020). Türkiye elektrik enerjisi istatistikleri.
- Esuabana, I., Ikpang, I. N., & Okon, E. O. J. (2018). Shortest transportation route network in nigeria using floyd-warshall’s algorithm. Mathematical theory and modeling, 5, 145-160.
- Floyd, R. W. (1962). Algorithm 97: shortest path. Communications of the ACM, 5(6), 345.
- Hanzl, J., Bartuška, L., Rozhanskaya, E., & Průša, P. (2016). Application of floyd's algorithm on transport network of south bohemian region. Komunikácie: Communications (Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina), 18(2).
- Huang, B., Wu, Q., & Zhan, F. B. (2007). A shortest path algorithm with novel heuristics for dynamic transportation networks. International journal of geographical information science, 21(6), 625-644.
- İnan, T., & Baba, A. F. (2021). Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği). Politeknik Dergisi.
- Jia, C., & Zhang, C., (2020). Joint optimization of maintenance planning and workforce routing for a geographically distributed networked infrastructure. IISE Transactions, 52(7), 732-750.
- Khan, P., Konar, G., & Chakraborty, N. (2014, December). Modification of floyd-warshall's algorithm for shortest path routing in wireless sensor networks. In 2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 1-6.
- Madkour, A., Aref, W. G., Rehman, F. U., Rahman, M. A., & Basalamah, S. (2017). A survey of shortest-path algorithms.
- Mirino, A. E. et al. (2017, October). Best routes selection using dijkstra and floyd-warshall algorithm. In 2017 11th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and System (ICTS), 155-158.
- Özcan, E.C., Danışan, T., & Eren, T. (2019). Hidroelektrik santralların en kritik elektriksel ekipman gruplarının bakım stratejilerinin optimizasyonu için matematiksel bir model önerisi. Pamukkale university journal of engineering sciences, 25(4).
- Özcan, E., Danışan, T., & Eren, T. (2020a). A hybrid model proposal for maintenance scheduling in hydropower plants. Journal of the faculty of engineering and architecture of gazi university, 35(4), 1815-1827.
- Özcan E.C., Danışan T., Yumuşak R., Eren T. (2020b). An artificial neural network model supported with multi criteria decision making approaches for maintenance planning in hydroelectric power plants, Maintenance and reliability, 22 (3), 400-418.
- Pandika, I.K.L.D., Irawan, B., & Setianingsih, C. (2018, December). Application of optimization heavy traffic path with floyd-warshall algorithm. In 2018 International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communications (ICCEREC), 57-62.
- Polat, Sezai, Hacer Şekerci. (2015). Dünyada ve ülkemizde önemli elektrik çöküntüleri." IV. Elektrik tesisat ulusal kongre ve sergisi bildirileri.
- Pradhan, A., & Mahinthakumar, G. (2013). Finding all-pairs shortest path for a large-scale transportation network using parallel Floyd-Warshall and parallel Dijkstra algorithms. Journal of computing in civil engineering, 27(3), 263-273.
- Qing, G., Zheng, Z., & Yue, X. (2017, May). Path-planning of automated guided vehicle based on improved Dijkstra algorithm. In 2017 29th
Chinese control and decision conference (CCDC) ,7138-7143.
- Ramadhan, Z., Siahaan, A.P.U., & Mesran, M. (2018, July). Prim and floyd-warshall comparative algorithms in shortest path problem. In proceedings of the joint workshop ko2pi and the 1st ınternational conference on advance & scientific innovation, 47-58.
- Swathika, O.G., & Hemamalini, S. (2016). Prims-aided dijkstra algorithm for adaptive protection in microgrids. IEEE journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, 4(4), 1279-1286.
- Tang, K., Qian, M., & Duan, L. (2017, June). Choosing the fastest route for urban distribution based on big data of vehicle travel time. In 2017 international conference on service systems and service management, 1-4.
- Tang, K., Pan, C., & Qian, M. (2019, August). Manufacturing/remanufacturing logistics network optimization based on floyd algorithm. In journal of physics: conference series, 1288(1), 012026.
- Triana, Y. S., & Syahputri, I. (2018). Implementation floyd-warshall algorithm for the shortest path of garage. International journal of innovative science and research technology, 3(2), 871-878.
- Weisstein, Eric. (2009), Floyd-warshall algorithm, Wolfram MathWorld.
- Xu, R., Miao, D., Liu, L., & Panneerselva, J. (2017, June). An optimal travel route plan for yangzhou based on the improved floyd algorithm. In 2017 IEEE international conference on internet of things (ithings) and IEEE green computing and communications (greencom) and IEEE cyber, physical and social computing (cpscom) and IEEE smart data (smartdata), 168-177.
- Yanwei, Z., Gengyu, W., Fangzhi, G., Chen, X., Shedong, R., & Zhiwei, X. (2019). Optimal coordination path selecting method for conduction transformation based on floyd algorithm. Procedia computer science, 162, 227-234.
- Yumuşak, R., (2020). Hidroelektrik santrallarda bakım strateji seçimi. Yüksek lisans tezi, Kırıkkale üniversitesi fen bilimleri enstitüsü.
- Zuo, X. F., & SHEN, W. (2017). Improved algorithm about muti-shortest path problem based on floyd algorithm. Computer science, 44(5), 120-124.
Transportation of Maintenance Teams to Power Plants from the Shortest Way: Example of A Hydroelectric Power Plant
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 576 - 587, 30.06.2021
Tuğba Danışan
Evrencan Özcan
Tamer Eren
Power plants are important facilities that serve to meet the energy supply of a country. Since the demand for electrical energy is continuous, electricity
generation must also be uninterrupted. This situation causes the power plants to wear out due to long years of operation. In order to ensure the sustainability of
production, some maintenance should be done to the power plants. For this reason, time is an important constraint for repairing breakdowns and performing
maintenance in power plants. Starting maintenance as soon as possible is important in terms of sustainability. The maintenance of all mechanical, electrical
and electronic equipment in the plant is carried out by expert maintenance teams. In this study, applications were made for Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), which
meet approximately 31.9% of the electricity demand in Turkey. In this study, the problem of three teams assigned for maintenance reaching the plants in the
shortest path was discussed. This study was made for twelve HPPs with high annual production amounts were carried out among HPPs in Turkey. The teams
that can take part in the maintenance of the plants are not available in every power plant. There are only three teams that can do maintenance for the twelve
HPPs included in the study. These three teams were aimed to reach the power plants from the shortest path to do the necessary maintenance.
- Başeşme, H. (2003). Hidroelektrik santrallar ve hidroelektrik santral tesisleri. EÜAŞ genel müdürlüğü hidrolik santraller dairesi başkanlığı.
- Danışan, T. (2019). Hidroelektrik santrallarda bakım çizelgeleme. Yüksek lisans tezi, Kırıkkale üniversitesi fen bilimleri enstitüsü.
- Dermawan, T. S. (2019). Comparison of dijkstra dan floyd-warshall algorithm to determine the best route of train. IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development), 7(2), 54-58.
- Djojo, M. A. & Karyono, K. (2013, November). Computational load analysis of dijkstra, a*, and floyd-warshall algorithms in mesh network. In 2013 International Conference on Robotics, Biomimetics, Intelligent Computational Systems, 104-108.
- EMO, (2020). Türkiye elektrik enerjisi istatistikleri.
- Esuabana, I., Ikpang, I. N., & Okon, E. O. J. (2018). Shortest transportation route network in nigeria using floyd-warshall’s algorithm. Mathematical theory and modeling, 5, 145-160.
- Floyd, R. W. (1962). Algorithm 97: shortest path. Communications of the ACM, 5(6), 345.
- Hanzl, J., Bartuška, L., Rozhanskaya, E., & Průša, P. (2016). Application of floyd's algorithm on transport network of south bohemian region. Komunikácie: Communications (Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina), 18(2).
- Huang, B., Wu, Q., & Zhan, F. B. (2007). A shortest path algorithm with novel heuristics for dynamic transportation networks. International journal of geographical information science, 21(6), 625-644.
- İnan, T., & Baba, A. F. (2021). Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği). Politeknik Dergisi.
- Jia, C., & Zhang, C., (2020). Joint optimization of maintenance planning and workforce routing for a geographically distributed networked infrastructure. IISE Transactions, 52(7), 732-750.
- Khan, P., Konar, G., & Chakraborty, N. (2014, December). Modification of floyd-warshall's algorithm for shortest path routing in wireless sensor networks. In 2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 1-6.
- Madkour, A., Aref, W. G., Rehman, F. U., Rahman, M. A., & Basalamah, S. (2017). A survey of shortest-path algorithms.
- Mirino, A. E. et al. (2017, October). Best routes selection using dijkstra and floyd-warshall algorithm. In 2017 11th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and System (ICTS), 155-158.
- Özcan, E.C., Danışan, T., & Eren, T. (2019). Hidroelektrik santralların en kritik elektriksel ekipman gruplarının bakım stratejilerinin optimizasyonu için matematiksel bir model önerisi. Pamukkale university journal of engineering sciences, 25(4).
- Özcan, E., Danışan, T., & Eren, T. (2020a). A hybrid model proposal for maintenance scheduling in hydropower plants. Journal of the faculty of engineering and architecture of gazi university, 35(4), 1815-1827.
- Özcan E.C., Danışan T., Yumuşak R., Eren T. (2020b). An artificial neural network model supported with multi criteria decision making approaches for maintenance planning in hydroelectric power plants, Maintenance and reliability, 22 (3), 400-418.
- Pandika, I.K.L.D., Irawan, B., & Setianingsih, C. (2018, December). Application of optimization heavy traffic path with floyd-warshall algorithm. In 2018 International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communications (ICCEREC), 57-62.
- Polat, Sezai, Hacer Şekerci. (2015). Dünyada ve ülkemizde önemli elektrik çöküntüleri." IV. Elektrik tesisat ulusal kongre ve sergisi bildirileri.
- Pradhan, A., & Mahinthakumar, G. (2013). Finding all-pairs shortest path for a large-scale transportation network using parallel Floyd-Warshall and parallel Dijkstra algorithms. Journal of computing in civil engineering, 27(3), 263-273.
- Qing, G., Zheng, Z., & Yue, X. (2017, May). Path-planning of automated guided vehicle based on improved Dijkstra algorithm. In 2017 29th
Chinese control and decision conference (CCDC) ,7138-7143.
- Ramadhan, Z., Siahaan, A.P.U., & Mesran, M. (2018, July). Prim and floyd-warshall comparative algorithms in shortest path problem. In proceedings of the joint workshop ko2pi and the 1st ınternational conference on advance & scientific innovation, 47-58.
- Swathika, O.G., & Hemamalini, S. (2016). Prims-aided dijkstra algorithm for adaptive protection in microgrids. IEEE journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, 4(4), 1279-1286.
- Tang, K., Qian, M., & Duan, L. (2017, June). Choosing the fastest route for urban distribution based on big data of vehicle travel time. In 2017 international conference on service systems and service management, 1-4.
- Tang, K., Pan, C., & Qian, M. (2019, August). Manufacturing/remanufacturing logistics network optimization based on floyd algorithm. In journal of physics: conference series, 1288(1), 012026.
- Triana, Y. S., & Syahputri, I. (2018). Implementation floyd-warshall algorithm for the shortest path of garage. International journal of innovative science and research technology, 3(2), 871-878.
- Weisstein, Eric. (2009), Floyd-warshall algorithm, Wolfram MathWorld.
- Xu, R., Miao, D., Liu, L., & Panneerselva, J. (2017, June). An optimal travel route plan for yangzhou based on the improved floyd algorithm. In 2017 IEEE international conference on internet of things (ithings) and IEEE green computing and communications (greencom) and IEEE cyber, physical and social computing (cpscom) and IEEE smart data (smartdata), 168-177.
- Yanwei, Z., Gengyu, W., Fangzhi, G., Chen, X., Shedong, R., & Zhiwei, X. (2019). Optimal coordination path selecting method for conduction transformation based on floyd algorithm. Procedia computer science, 162, 227-234.
- Yumuşak, R., (2020). Hidroelektrik santrallarda bakım strateji seçimi. Yüksek lisans tezi, Kırıkkale üniversitesi fen bilimleri enstitüsü.
- Zuo, X. F., & SHEN, W. (2017). Improved algorithm about muti-shortest path problem based on floyd algorithm. Computer science, 44(5), 120-124.