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COVID-19 Döneminde Evden Çalışma ve İş Yaşam Çatışması: Avrupa Sosyal Anketi’nden Cinsiyet Temelli İlk Bulgular

Yıl 2023, , 252 - 276, 11.05.2023


COVID-19, bir sağlık krizi olarak tüm dünyada işgücü piyasalarını ve çalışma kültürünü önemli şekilde dönüştürmüştür. Pandemi önlemleri kapsamında yaygınlaşan evden çalışma, çalışanların yeni bir çalışma düzenine uyum sağlamalarını gerektirmiş, bunun iş ve iş dışındaki alan çatışması üzerine etkileri de hızla görünür hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışma, Avrupa Sosyal Anketi, 10. Etap kapsamında yapılan ve dokuz Avrupa ülkesini kapsayan anket çalışmasını kullanarak, iş yaşam çatışmasına etki eden faktörleri, cinsiyet farkları ve COVID-19’un çalışma biçimlerinde yarattığı farklılıkları dikkate alarak logit model yardımı ile analiz etmektedir. Çalışmanın temel bulgusu, iş yaşam çatışmasını etkileyen faktörlerin kadınlar, erkekler ve ülkelere göre farklılaştığıdır. Kadınlarda iş yaşam çatışmasını etkileyen faktörler, yaş, din, eğitim seviyesi, gelir, aşırı çalışma, evden çalışma sıklığı, iş arkadaşlarıyla dijital iletişim, hükümetin COVID-19 sürecinde çocuklu ailelere yönelik politikalarından duyulan memnuniyet ve çocuk sahibi olup olmamaktır. Erkeklerde ise, yaş, dindarlık, eğitim seviyesi, şehir ölçeği, istihdam durumu ve iş arkadaşlarıyla dijital iletişim iş yaşam çatışmasını etkileyen faktörlerdir.

Destekleyen Kurum

Destekleyen kurum bulunmamaktadır.


  • Al-Jubari, Ibrahim, Aissa Mosbah, ve Suha Fouad Salem. “Employee Well-Being During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Adaptability, Work-Family Conflict, and Organizational Response.” SAGE Open, 2022.
  • Allgood, Michelle, Ulrich Thy Jensen, ve Justin M. Stritch. “Work-Family Conflict and Burnout Amid COVID-19: Exploring the Mitigating Effects of Instrumental Leadership and Social Belonging.” Review of Public Personnel Administration, Haziran 2022.
  • Amran, Ali, Meiliani Luckieta, Doni Purnama Alamsyah, ve Adi Suparwo. “Work-Life Balanced to Decrease Work-Family Conflict During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Economic Journal Trikonomika , Haziran 2022. Burke, Ronald J. “Some Antecedents of Work-Family Conflict.” Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, Ocak 1988.
  • Cinamon, Rachel Gali. “Anticipated Work-Family Conflict: Effects of Gender, Self-Efficacy and Family Background.” The Career Development Quarterly, 2006: 202-215.
  • Dockery, Alfred M., ve Sherry Bawa. “When two worlds collude: Working from home and family functioning in Australia.” International Labour Review, Aralık 2018: 609-630.
  • Duxburry, Linda, Christopher Higgins, ve Catherine Lee. “Work-Family Conflict: A Comparison by Gender, Family Type, and Perceived Control.” Journal of Family Issues, 1994: 449-466.
  • Eurofound. Covid 19: Implications for employment and working life. Publications Office of the European Union, 2021. Eurofound. Living, working and COVID-19. Publications Office of the European Union, 2020.
  • European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure (ESS ERIC). ESS10 - integrated file, edition 2.1 [Data set]. Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research., 2022.
  • Jones, Fiona, Ronald J. Burke ve Mina Westman. “Research Perspectives: Managing the Work-Home Interface.” Work-Life Balance: A Psychological Perspective içinde, Editör Rothbard, Nancy P., ve Tracy L. Dumas , 71-89. New York: Psychology Press, 2006.
  • Graham, Melissa, Victoria Weale, Katrina A Lambert, Natasha Kinsman, Rwth Stuckey, ve Jodi Oakman. “Working at Home: The Impacts of COVID-19 on Health, Family-Work-Life Conflict, Gender, and Parental Responsibilities.” J Occup Environ Med, 2021: 938-943.
  • Green, William H. Econometric Analysis. 4. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000.
  • Greenhaus, Jeffrey H., Karen M. Collins, ve Jason D. Shaw. “The Relation Between Work–Family Balance and Quality of Life.” Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2003: 510-531.
  • Greenhaus, Jeffrey H., ve Nicholas J. Beutell. “Sources of Conflict between Work and Family Roles.” The Academy of Management Review, Ocak 1985: 76-88.
  • Gujarati, D. N. Basic Econometrics. 4. New York: United State Military Academy, 1995.
  • Hamilton, Henrieta Skurak, Sanna Malinen, Katharina Naswall, ve Joana C Kuntz. “Employee wellbeing: The role of psychological detachment on the relationship between engagement and work–life conflict.” Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2021: 116-141.
  • Hjálmsdóttir, Andrea, ve Valgeour Bjarnadóttir. ““I have turned into a foreman here at home”: Families and work–life balance in times of COVID‐19 in a gender equality paradise.” Gender Work and Organization, Ekim 2020.
  • Hofäcker, Dirk, ve Stefanie König. “Flexibility and work-life conflict in times of crisis: A gender perspective.” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Ağustos 2013: 613-635.
  • Kinman, G., ve F. Jones. “A Life Beyond Work? Job Demands, Work-Life Balance, and Wellbeing in UK Academics.” Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 2008: 41-60.
  • Landivar, Liana C., Leah Ruppanner, William J. Scarborough, ve Caitlyn Collins. “Early Signs Indicate that Covid-19 is Exacerbating Gender Inequality in the Labor Force.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 2020, 6 b.
  • Lo, Susanna, Raymond Stone, ve NG W. Catherine. “Work-Family Conflict and Coping Strategies Adopted by Female Married Professionals in Hong Kong.” Women in Management Review, 2003: 182-190.
  • Luhr, Sigrid, Daniel Schneider, ve Kristen Harknett. “Parenting Without Predictability: Precarious Schedules, Parental Strain, and Work-Life Conflict.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, Ağustos 2022: 24-44.
  • Lunau, Thorsten, Clare Bambra, Terje A. Eikemo, Kjetil A. van der Wel, ve Nico Dragano. “A balancing act? Work–life balance, health and well-being in European welfare states.” European Journal of Public Health, Haziran 2014: 422-427.
  • Mascherini, Massimiliano, ve Sanna Nivakoski. “Gender Differences in the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Employment, Unpaid Work and Well-Being in the EU.” Intereconomics, 2021: 254-260. Mcginnity, Frances. “Work-Life Conflict in Europe.” Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-being içinde. Şubat: Springer, 2021.
  • Mohammed, Munther Al-Hammouri, ve Jehad A. Rababah. “Work-family conflict, family work conflicts and work-related quality of life: The effect of rotating versus fixed shifts.” Empirical Research Quantitative, 2022.
  • Morgenroth, Thekla, Michelle K. Ryan, Floor Rink, ve Christopher T. Begeny. “The (in)compatibility of identities: Understanding gender differences in work–life conflict through the fit with leaders.” British Journal of Social Psychology, 2021.
  • Petts, Richard J., Daniel L. Carlson, ve Joanna R. Pepin. “A gendered pandemic: Childcare, homeschooling, and parents' employment during COVID-19.” Gender, Work and Organization, Aralık 2020: 515-534.
  • Qian, Yue, ve Sylvia Fuller. “COVID-19 and the Gender Employment Gap among Parents of Young Children.” Canadian Public Policy, 2020: 89-101.
  • Schieman, Scott, J Badawy Philip, Milkie Melissa A., ve Alex Bierman. “Work-Life Conflict During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 5 Ocak 2021: 1-19.
  • Singh, J. “Individual and Organizational Strategies to Balance Work-life with Indian Way.” Global Journal of Management and Business Studies, 2013: 203-210.
  • Singh, Jitendra Kumar, ve Mini Jain. “A Study of Employees' Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Their Performance .” Journal of Indian Research, Aralık 2013: 105-111.
  • Skinner, Natalie, ve Barbara Pocock. “Work-life conflict: Is work time or work overload more important?” Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2008: 303-315.
  • Tremblay, Richard E., ve diğerleri. “Physical aggression during early childhood: trajectories and predictors.” Pediatrics, 2004: 43-50.
  • Voydanoff, Patricia. “Work Role Characteristics, Family Structure Demands, and Work/Family Conflict.” Journal of Marriage and Family, 1988: 749-761.

Working from Home and Work-Life Conflict amidst COVID-19: Preliminary Gender-Based Findings from the European Social Survey

Yıl 2023, , 252 - 276, 11.05.2023


As a health crisis, COVID-19 has significantly transformed labor markets and working culture around the world. Working from home, which has become widespread within the scope of pandemic measures, required employees to adapt to a new working order, and its effects on the conflict between work and non-work areas quickly became visible. This study analyzes the factors affecting work-life conflict with the help of logit model, taking into account the gender differences and the differences created by COVID-19 in working styles, using European Values Survey, Round 10 and covering nine European countries. The main finding of the study is that the factors affecting work-life conflict differ according to women, men, and countries. Factors affecting work-life conflict in women are age, religion, education level, income, overworking, frequency of working from home, digital communication with colleagues, satisfaction with the government's policies towards families with children during the COVID process, and whether or not they have children. For men, age, religiosity, education level, city scale, employment status and digital communication with colleagues are factors that affect work-life conflict.


  • Al-Jubari, Ibrahim, Aissa Mosbah, ve Suha Fouad Salem. “Employee Well-Being During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Adaptability, Work-Family Conflict, and Organizational Response.” SAGE Open, 2022.
  • Allgood, Michelle, Ulrich Thy Jensen, ve Justin M. Stritch. “Work-Family Conflict and Burnout Amid COVID-19: Exploring the Mitigating Effects of Instrumental Leadership and Social Belonging.” Review of Public Personnel Administration, Haziran 2022.
  • Amran, Ali, Meiliani Luckieta, Doni Purnama Alamsyah, ve Adi Suparwo. “Work-Life Balanced to Decrease Work-Family Conflict During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Economic Journal Trikonomika , Haziran 2022. Burke, Ronald J. “Some Antecedents of Work-Family Conflict.” Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, Ocak 1988.
  • Cinamon, Rachel Gali. “Anticipated Work-Family Conflict: Effects of Gender, Self-Efficacy and Family Background.” The Career Development Quarterly, 2006: 202-215.
  • Dockery, Alfred M., ve Sherry Bawa. “When two worlds collude: Working from home and family functioning in Australia.” International Labour Review, Aralık 2018: 609-630.
  • Duxburry, Linda, Christopher Higgins, ve Catherine Lee. “Work-Family Conflict: A Comparison by Gender, Family Type, and Perceived Control.” Journal of Family Issues, 1994: 449-466.
  • Eurofound. Covid 19: Implications for employment and working life. Publications Office of the European Union, 2021. Eurofound. Living, working and COVID-19. Publications Office of the European Union, 2020.
  • European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure (ESS ERIC). ESS10 - integrated file, edition 2.1 [Data set]. Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research., 2022.
  • Jones, Fiona, Ronald J. Burke ve Mina Westman. “Research Perspectives: Managing the Work-Home Interface.” Work-Life Balance: A Psychological Perspective içinde, Editör Rothbard, Nancy P., ve Tracy L. Dumas , 71-89. New York: Psychology Press, 2006.
  • Graham, Melissa, Victoria Weale, Katrina A Lambert, Natasha Kinsman, Rwth Stuckey, ve Jodi Oakman. “Working at Home: The Impacts of COVID-19 on Health, Family-Work-Life Conflict, Gender, and Parental Responsibilities.” J Occup Environ Med, 2021: 938-943.
  • Green, William H. Econometric Analysis. 4. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000.
  • Greenhaus, Jeffrey H., Karen M. Collins, ve Jason D. Shaw. “The Relation Between Work–Family Balance and Quality of Life.” Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2003: 510-531.
  • Greenhaus, Jeffrey H., ve Nicholas J. Beutell. “Sources of Conflict between Work and Family Roles.” The Academy of Management Review, Ocak 1985: 76-88.
  • Gujarati, D. N. Basic Econometrics. 4. New York: United State Military Academy, 1995.
  • Hamilton, Henrieta Skurak, Sanna Malinen, Katharina Naswall, ve Joana C Kuntz. “Employee wellbeing: The role of psychological detachment on the relationship between engagement and work–life conflict.” Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2021: 116-141.
  • Hjálmsdóttir, Andrea, ve Valgeour Bjarnadóttir. ““I have turned into a foreman here at home”: Families and work–life balance in times of COVID‐19 in a gender equality paradise.” Gender Work and Organization, Ekim 2020.
  • Hofäcker, Dirk, ve Stefanie König. “Flexibility and work-life conflict in times of crisis: A gender perspective.” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Ağustos 2013: 613-635.
  • Kinman, G., ve F. Jones. “A Life Beyond Work? Job Demands, Work-Life Balance, and Wellbeing in UK Academics.” Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 2008: 41-60.
  • Landivar, Liana C., Leah Ruppanner, William J. Scarborough, ve Caitlyn Collins. “Early Signs Indicate that Covid-19 is Exacerbating Gender Inequality in the Labor Force.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 2020, 6 b.
  • Lo, Susanna, Raymond Stone, ve NG W. Catherine. “Work-Family Conflict and Coping Strategies Adopted by Female Married Professionals in Hong Kong.” Women in Management Review, 2003: 182-190.
  • Luhr, Sigrid, Daniel Schneider, ve Kristen Harknett. “Parenting Without Predictability: Precarious Schedules, Parental Strain, and Work-Life Conflict.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, Ağustos 2022: 24-44.
  • Lunau, Thorsten, Clare Bambra, Terje A. Eikemo, Kjetil A. van der Wel, ve Nico Dragano. “A balancing act? Work–life balance, health and well-being in European welfare states.” European Journal of Public Health, Haziran 2014: 422-427.
  • Mascherini, Massimiliano, ve Sanna Nivakoski. “Gender Differences in the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Employment, Unpaid Work and Well-Being in the EU.” Intereconomics, 2021: 254-260. Mcginnity, Frances. “Work-Life Conflict in Europe.” Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-being içinde. Şubat: Springer, 2021.
  • Mohammed, Munther Al-Hammouri, ve Jehad A. Rababah. “Work-family conflict, family work conflicts and work-related quality of life: The effect of rotating versus fixed shifts.” Empirical Research Quantitative, 2022.
  • Morgenroth, Thekla, Michelle K. Ryan, Floor Rink, ve Christopher T. Begeny. “The (in)compatibility of identities: Understanding gender differences in work–life conflict through the fit with leaders.” British Journal of Social Psychology, 2021.
  • Petts, Richard J., Daniel L. Carlson, ve Joanna R. Pepin. “A gendered pandemic: Childcare, homeschooling, and parents' employment during COVID-19.” Gender, Work and Organization, Aralık 2020: 515-534.
  • Qian, Yue, ve Sylvia Fuller. “COVID-19 and the Gender Employment Gap among Parents of Young Children.” Canadian Public Policy, 2020: 89-101.
  • Schieman, Scott, J Badawy Philip, Milkie Melissa A., ve Alex Bierman. “Work-Life Conflict During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 5 Ocak 2021: 1-19.
  • Singh, J. “Individual and Organizational Strategies to Balance Work-life with Indian Way.” Global Journal of Management and Business Studies, 2013: 203-210.
  • Singh, Jitendra Kumar, ve Mini Jain. “A Study of Employees' Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Their Performance .” Journal of Indian Research, Aralık 2013: 105-111.
  • Skinner, Natalie, ve Barbara Pocock. “Work-life conflict: Is work time or work overload more important?” Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2008: 303-315.
  • Tremblay, Richard E., ve diğerleri. “Physical aggression during early childhood: trajectories and predictors.” Pediatrics, 2004: 43-50.
  • Voydanoff, Patricia. “Work Role Characteristics, Family Structure Demands, and Work/Family Conflict.” Journal of Marriage and Family, 1988: 749-761.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Hakan İnke 0000-0002-6702-6809

Özge Erdölek Kozal 0000-0002-5542-6290

Gülçin Gürel Günal 0000-0003-4780-4420

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 2 Haziran 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA İnke, H., Erdölek Kozal, Ö., & Gürel Günal, G. (2023). COVID-19 Döneminde Evden Çalışma ve İş Yaşam Çatışması: Avrupa Sosyal Anketi’nden Cinsiyet Temelli İlk Bulgular. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 18(70), 252-276.
AMA İnke H, Erdölek Kozal Ö, Gürel Günal G. COVID-19 Döneminde Evden Çalışma ve İş Yaşam Çatışması: Avrupa Sosyal Anketi’nden Cinsiyet Temelli İlk Bulgular. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Mayıs 2023;18(70):252-276. doi:10.19168/jyasar.1222897
Chicago İnke, Hakan, Özge Erdölek Kozal, ve Gülçin Gürel Günal. “COVID-19 Döneminde Evden Çalışma Ve İş Yaşam Çatışması: Avrupa Sosyal Anketi’nden Cinsiyet Temelli İlk Bulgular”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 18, sy. 70 (Mayıs 2023): 252-76.
EndNote İnke H, Erdölek Kozal Ö, Gürel Günal G (01 Mayıs 2023) COVID-19 Döneminde Evden Çalışma ve İş Yaşam Çatışması: Avrupa Sosyal Anketi’nden Cinsiyet Temelli İlk Bulgular. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 18 70 252–276.
IEEE H. İnke, Ö. Erdölek Kozal, ve G. Gürel Günal, “COVID-19 Döneminde Evden Çalışma ve İş Yaşam Çatışması: Avrupa Sosyal Anketi’nden Cinsiyet Temelli İlk Bulgular”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 18, sy. 70, ss. 252–276, 2023, doi: 10.19168/jyasar.1222897.
ISNAD İnke, Hakan vd. “COVID-19 Döneminde Evden Çalışma Ve İş Yaşam Çatışması: Avrupa Sosyal Anketi’nden Cinsiyet Temelli İlk Bulgular”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 18/70 (Mayıs 2023), 252-276.
JAMA İnke H, Erdölek Kozal Ö, Gürel Günal G. COVID-19 Döneminde Evden Çalışma ve İş Yaşam Çatışması: Avrupa Sosyal Anketi’nden Cinsiyet Temelli İlk Bulgular. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2023;18:252–276.
MLA İnke, Hakan vd. “COVID-19 Döneminde Evden Çalışma Ve İş Yaşam Çatışması: Avrupa Sosyal Anketi’nden Cinsiyet Temelli İlk Bulgular”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 18, sy. 70, 2023, ss. 252-76, doi:10.19168/jyasar.1222897.
Vancouver İnke H, Erdölek Kozal Ö, Gürel Günal G. COVID-19 Döneminde Evden Çalışma ve İş Yaşam Çatışması: Avrupa Sosyal Anketi’nden Cinsiyet Temelli İlk Bulgular. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2023;18(70):252-76.