Adequacy and Accessibility Analysis of Open and Green Spaces in Osmaniye Center
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 100 - 113, 22.12.2021
Deniz Çolakkadıoğlu
Barış Kahveci
Sezen Savran
The scarcity of open and green spaces, which should be an integral part of the urban fabric and urban planning, is not a big metropolitan city problem in Turkey anymore but is a challenging problem of even medium and small-sized cities, one of which is the Osmaniye city today. This study examined the neighborhood-level quantitative adequacy and accessibility of the current and future open and green spaces in Osmaniye city center. The analyses were performed using ArcGIS 10.0 software following the Spatial Plans Construction Regulation. Accordingly, it was found that there were 48 open and green spaces with an area of 278566.33 m2 in the Osmaniye city center, which had 1.15 m2 open and green spaces per person. It was concluded that no neighborhood had enough open and green space. Children playgrounds were the fewest open and green spaces in the research area, and more than half of Osmaniye city center lacked access to children playground. Therefore, suggestions were made to solve the open and green spaces' unavailability and access problems in neighborhoods considering the study results.
- Ersoy, M. (2007). Urban planning theories, Introduction to Planning Theory, 9(34), p. 440, İmge Publishing, ISBN: 9789755335216.
- Gül, A., and Küçük, V. (2001). The research of Isparta and the open-green areas in urban, Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Forestry, 2(1), 27-48, ISSN: 1302-7085.
- Aydemir, Ş., Erkonak S., Aydemir, D., Beyazlı, N., Ökten, A.M., Öksüz, C., Sancar, Y., and Türk, A. (2004). Urban planning and design, Chapter 12, 284-298, Akademi Publishing, ISBN:975-95396-7-5. Trabzon.
- Nowak, D.J., Crane, D.E., and Stevens, J.C. (2006). Air pollution removal by urban trees and shrubs in the United States, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 4(3), 115-123, DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2006.01.007.
- Wentworth, J. (2016). Green space and health, The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology,
- Dunnett, N., Swanwick, C., and Woolley, H. (2002). Improving urban parks, play areas and green spaces, London Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (Urban Research Report), ISBN 1851125760.
- Walker, C. (2004). The public value of urban parks, beyond recreation: A broder view of urban parks, The Urban Institute, (Research Report),
- Sherer, P.M. (2003). The benefits of parks:Why America needs more city parks and open space, The Trust for Public Land, Needs_More_City_Parks_and_Open_Space/link/54f89dcb0cf28d6deca2bb7b/download.
- Handley, J., Pauleit, S., and Gill, S. (2008). Landscape, sustainability and the city, 2nd Edition Published by Taylor & Francis Edited By, Maggie Roe, 336, ISBN 9780415404433,
- Uz. Ö. (2005). Research for green spaces in Eskişehir city center using remote sensing and GIS, Master Thesis, Anadolu University the Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, Eskisehir.
- Manavoğlu, E., and Ortaçeşme, V. (2015). A multi-criteria analysis of the green spaces in Antalya and the development of planning strategies, Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture, 28(1), 11-19.
- Davies, C., MacFarlane, R., McGloin, C., and Roe, M. (2015). Green infrastructure planning guide version:1.1, Technical Report, 43, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1191.3688.
- Kurtaslan, B., and Yazgan, M. (2005). Evaluation of open and green areas of Kayseri urban complex with a system approach, Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 20 (1), 69-80.
- Özcan, K. (2006). The role of open-green spaces in sustainable urban development: The case of Kırıkkale, Turkey, Ecology, 15(60), 37-45.
- Doygun, H., and İlter, A.A. (2007). Investigating adequacy of existing and proposed active green spaces in Kahramanmaras city, Ecology, 65, p. 21-27.
- Ergan, D. (2011). Urban green spaces in the context of urban deprivation: The example of Osmaniye, Master Thesis, Yıldız Technical University, the Institute of Science and Technology, City and Regional Planning Department, Urban Transformation and Planning Program, 176, Istanbul.
- Yenice, M. (2012). A spatial sufficiency and accessibility analysis for urban green spaces: A case study for Burdur, Turkey, Turkish Journal of Forestry, 13(1), 41-47.
- Yücesu, Ö., Korkut, A., and Kiper, T. (2017). Analysis of open-green areas of Kırklareli city and a system proposal, ARTİUM, p 5(2), 22-37.
- Hepcan, Ç., and Hepcan, Ş. (2018). Urban green infrastructure analysis: The case of Bornova, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 31(1), 37-43, DOI: 10.29136/mediterranean.378073.
- Olgun, R., and Yılmaz, T. (2019). Evaluation of presence of urban green space in the case of Niğde City, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 32 (1), 11-20.
- Olgun, R. (2019). Urban green space system proposal for the medium-sized cities: The case of Niğde City”, Artium, 7(1), 57-69, DOI: 10.29136/mediterranean.486732
- TÜİK, 2020. Turkish Statistical Institute. Statistics Data Portal, Osmaniye Central District Population Data,
- The Amendment of the Spatial Plans Construction Regulation, 2017.
- Herzele, A., and Wiedemann, T. (2003). A monitoring tool for provision of accessible and attractive urban green spaces, landscape and urban planning, 63, 109-126.
- Altunkasa M.F. (2004). Urban development and green spaces in Adana, Adana City Council Environmental Report, 17, Adana.
- Oh.K., and Jeong, S. (2007). Assessing the spatial distribution of urban parks using GIS, Landscape and Urban Planning, 82(1), 25-32, DOI:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2007.01.014.
- Kellett, J., and Matthew, W.R. (2009). Creating active communities: How can open and public spaces in urban and suburban environments support active living? Adelaide: Active living coalition, a literature review, Report by the Institute for Sustainable Systems and Technologies, University of South Australia to SA Active Living Coalition.
- Duncan, D.T., Aldstadt, J., Whalen, J., Melly S., and Gortmaker, S. (2011). Validation of walk score for estimating neighborhood walkability: An analysis of four US metropolitan areas, Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 8, 4160–4179.
- Van Herzele, A., and Wiedemann, T. (2003). A monitoring tool for accessible and attractive green spaces, Landscape and Urban Planning, 63, 109-126.
- Osmaniye Governorship (2020). Project Announcements,
- Hepcan, Ş. (2013). Analyzing the pattern and connectivity of urban green spaces: A case study of Izmir, Turkey, Urban Ecosystems, 16, 279-293.
- Ortaçeşme,V., Yıldırım, E., E. and Manavoğlu, E. (2005). An evaluation of green spaces in Antalya city in terms of urban green spaces functions, Congress on Civil Engineering Problems of Antalya Region 2, 539-549,
- Onder, S., Polat, A.T., and Korucu, S. (2011). The evaluation of existing and proposed active green spaces in Konya Selçuklu District, Turkey, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(3), 738-747. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR10.326.
- Aklıbaşında, M. (2019). Determining the active green areas and their adequacy by using satellite images and GIS: The case study of Nevşehir city (Turkey), Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28, 7274-7281.
Alkan, Y. (2020). Evaluation of active green areas in line with user perceptions: Çanakkale (TURKEY), Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 29, 7532-7538.
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 100 - 113, 22.12.2021
Deniz Çolakkadıoğlu
Barış Kahveci
Sezen Savran
Kentsel dokunun ve kent planlamasının vazgeçilmez unsuru olması gereken açık ve yeşil alanların yetersizliği, ülkemizde sadece büyük metropol kentlerin sorunu olmaktan çıkıp günümüzde orta ve küçük ölçekli kentlerde bile hissedilir hale gelmiştir. Bu kentlerden biri de Osmaniye kentidir. Bu çalışmada Osmaniye kent merkezindeki mevcut ve planlanan açık yeşil alanların mahalle düzeyinde nicel yeterliliği ve erişilebilirliği analiz edilmiştir. Analizler ArcGIS 10.0 bilgisayar yazılımı kullanarak Mekansal Planlar Yapım Yönetmeliği’ndeki sınıflandırmaya göre gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda Osmaniye kent merkezinde 278566.33m2’lik alana sahip 48 adet açık ve yeşil alan olduğu ve kişi başına 1.15 m2 açık yeşil alan düştüğü belirlenmiştir. Mahalleler düzeyinde ise hiçbir mahallenin yeterli açık ve yeşil alana sahip olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma alanında erişim yoksunluğu en fazla olan açık yeşil alan sınıfı çocuk parklarıdır. Osmaniye kent merkezinin yarısından fazlasının çocuk parkı erişiminden yoksun olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın sonucunda açık ve yeşil alan yoksunluğu ve erişim sorunu yaşanan mahalleler için öneriler geliştirilmiştir.
- Ersoy, M. (2007). Urban planning theories, Introduction to Planning Theory, 9(34), p. 440, İmge Publishing, ISBN: 9789755335216.
- Gül, A., and Küçük, V. (2001). The research of Isparta and the open-green areas in urban, Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Forestry, 2(1), 27-48, ISSN: 1302-7085.
- Aydemir, Ş., Erkonak S., Aydemir, D., Beyazlı, N., Ökten, A.M., Öksüz, C., Sancar, Y., and Türk, A. (2004). Urban planning and design, Chapter 12, 284-298, Akademi Publishing, ISBN:975-95396-7-5. Trabzon.
- Nowak, D.J., Crane, D.E., and Stevens, J.C. (2006). Air pollution removal by urban trees and shrubs in the United States, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 4(3), 115-123, DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2006.01.007.
- Wentworth, J. (2016). Green space and health, The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology,
- Dunnett, N., Swanwick, C., and Woolley, H. (2002). Improving urban parks, play areas and green spaces, London Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (Urban Research Report), ISBN 1851125760.
- Walker, C. (2004). The public value of urban parks, beyond recreation: A broder view of urban parks, The Urban Institute, (Research Report),
- Sherer, P.M. (2003). The benefits of parks:Why America needs more city parks and open space, The Trust for Public Land, Needs_More_City_Parks_and_Open_Space/link/54f89dcb0cf28d6deca2bb7b/download.
- Handley, J., Pauleit, S., and Gill, S. (2008). Landscape, sustainability and the city, 2nd Edition Published by Taylor & Francis Edited By, Maggie Roe, 336, ISBN 9780415404433,
- Uz. Ö. (2005). Research for green spaces in Eskişehir city center using remote sensing and GIS, Master Thesis, Anadolu University the Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, Eskisehir.
- Manavoğlu, E., and Ortaçeşme, V. (2015). A multi-criteria analysis of the green spaces in Antalya and the development of planning strategies, Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture, 28(1), 11-19.
- Davies, C., MacFarlane, R., McGloin, C., and Roe, M. (2015). Green infrastructure planning guide version:1.1, Technical Report, 43, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1191.3688.
- Kurtaslan, B., and Yazgan, M. (2005). Evaluation of open and green areas of Kayseri urban complex with a system approach, Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 20 (1), 69-80.
- Özcan, K. (2006). The role of open-green spaces in sustainable urban development: The case of Kırıkkale, Turkey, Ecology, 15(60), 37-45.
- Doygun, H., and İlter, A.A. (2007). Investigating adequacy of existing and proposed active green spaces in Kahramanmaras city, Ecology, 65, p. 21-27.
- Ergan, D. (2011). Urban green spaces in the context of urban deprivation: The example of Osmaniye, Master Thesis, Yıldız Technical University, the Institute of Science and Technology, City and Regional Planning Department, Urban Transformation and Planning Program, 176, Istanbul.
- Yenice, M. (2012). A spatial sufficiency and accessibility analysis for urban green spaces: A case study for Burdur, Turkey, Turkish Journal of Forestry, 13(1), 41-47.
- Yücesu, Ö., Korkut, A., and Kiper, T. (2017). Analysis of open-green areas of Kırklareli city and a system proposal, ARTİUM, p 5(2), 22-37.
- Hepcan, Ç., and Hepcan, Ş. (2018). Urban green infrastructure analysis: The case of Bornova, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 31(1), 37-43, DOI: 10.29136/mediterranean.378073.
- Olgun, R., and Yılmaz, T. (2019). Evaluation of presence of urban green space in the case of Niğde City, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 32 (1), 11-20.
- Olgun, R. (2019). Urban green space system proposal for the medium-sized cities: The case of Niğde City”, Artium, 7(1), 57-69, DOI: 10.29136/mediterranean.486732
- TÜİK, 2020. Turkish Statistical Institute. Statistics Data Portal, Osmaniye Central District Population Data,
- The Amendment of the Spatial Plans Construction Regulation, 2017.
- Herzele, A., and Wiedemann, T. (2003). A monitoring tool for provision of accessible and attractive urban green spaces, landscape and urban planning, 63, 109-126.
- Altunkasa M.F. (2004). Urban development and green spaces in Adana, Adana City Council Environmental Report, 17, Adana.
- Oh.K., and Jeong, S. (2007). Assessing the spatial distribution of urban parks using GIS, Landscape and Urban Planning, 82(1), 25-32, DOI:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2007.01.014.
- Kellett, J., and Matthew, W.R. (2009). Creating active communities: How can open and public spaces in urban and suburban environments support active living? Adelaide: Active living coalition, a literature review, Report by the Institute for Sustainable Systems and Technologies, University of South Australia to SA Active Living Coalition.
- Duncan, D.T., Aldstadt, J., Whalen, J., Melly S., and Gortmaker, S. (2011). Validation of walk score for estimating neighborhood walkability: An analysis of four US metropolitan areas, Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 8, 4160–4179.
- Van Herzele, A., and Wiedemann, T. (2003). A monitoring tool for accessible and attractive green spaces, Landscape and Urban Planning, 63, 109-126.
- Osmaniye Governorship (2020). Project Announcements,
- Hepcan, Ş. (2013). Analyzing the pattern and connectivity of urban green spaces: A case study of Izmir, Turkey, Urban Ecosystems, 16, 279-293.
- Ortaçeşme,V., Yıldırım, E., E. and Manavoğlu, E. (2005). An evaluation of green spaces in Antalya city in terms of urban green spaces functions, Congress on Civil Engineering Problems of Antalya Region 2, 539-549,
- Onder, S., Polat, A.T., and Korucu, S. (2011). The evaluation of existing and proposed active green spaces in Konya Selçuklu District, Turkey, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(3), 738-747. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR10.326.
- Aklıbaşında, M. (2019). Determining the active green areas and their adequacy by using satellite images and GIS: The case study of Nevşehir city (Turkey), Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28, 7274-7281.
Alkan, Y. (2020). Evaluation of active green areas in line with user perceptions: Çanakkale (TURKEY), Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 29, 7532-7538.