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Investigation of Healing Garden Design Methods

Yıl 2015, , 15 - 25, 18.06.2015


The witness, of the urbanization increase besides profits which it can have for the habitants in the cities has brought some problems. Besides the problems associated with urban life for citizens it also has a negative impact on individual and community health. It is obligatory that some policy be considered for reduce these negative agents. In the recent years the results which have evidenced the physical environment’s effect on human health are accompanied and caused to emerge of approach called “Health Design”. Influence of this action in the landscape architecture have been raised in forms of “Healing Garden”. The designers of these gardens attempt to design places with complementing the natural and artifical elements that has positive effects on users and supply them with mental and physical health. Today Healing Garden design is a relatively new research topic that is researched in detail. However, studies on this subject in abroad has increased rapidly.This research is based on the healing garden design principles in the world and it identifies the role of analysis and research. The results of this articles show that most of the global cases of the healing garden are related to the medical spaces and the hospitals. However, the need of spaces with the function of healing is felt in the public spaces of cities, too. In this way, designed the gardens causes close communıcation of people with each other so this will lead to more interaction in daily life


  • Akın iyileştirme Tezi, Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 128 s. Ankara. için bahçeleri. Yüksek Lisans Üniversitesi, Fen Barnhart S.K., Perkins N.H., and Fitzsimonds J. 1998. Behaviour A.R. at and Beer 1990. Environmental planning for site development, pp. 372, Routledge, London.
  • Beer A. 2003. How do we know what users of spaces need environmental settings to support the particular needs of those who have difficulties moving around the problems of the elderly. http// www.Thesteelvalleyproject info able bodied
  • Billings K. 2004. Elderly of Yakima, http://online.caup.Washington.edu/course/larc571 / archival/kristen-archival. pdf.
  • Brawley E. 2005. Raising the bar in designing senior environments. The 12th Annual Affordable Convention Center 334 West Spokane Falls BlvdSpokane, Washington. Spokane
  • Bowers D.A. 2003. Incorporating restorative experiential qualities and key landscape attributes to enhance the restorative experience in healing gardens within health care settings, Master Thesis, Washington State University, pp.108. Washington.
  • Bulut Y., Göktuğ, T.H. 2006. Sağlık bulma yönünde çevresel bir etken olarak iyileştirme bahçeleri. Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 23 (2), 9-15.
  • Carpman J.R., Grant M.A. 1993. Design that cares: Planning health facilities for patients and visitors, American Hospital Publishing, USA, 310 s.http://planet.vectorworks.net/2010/04: tarihi. 31.02.2015 Erişim
  • Caspersen C.J., Bloemberg B.P., Saris W.H., Merritt R.K., Kromhou D. 1991. The prevalence of selected physical activitie sand their relation with coronary hearth disease risk factors in elderly men: The Zutphen study, 1985. American Journal of Epidomology, 133 (11), 1078-1092.
  • Chiesura A. 2004. The role of urban parks for the sustainable city. Landscape and Urban Planning 68 (2004), 129–138
  • Cohen U, Wiseman G. D. 1991. Holding on to home designing environments for people with Dementia. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
  • Marcus C.C., Barnes M. 1995. Gardens in healthcare facilities: Uses, therapeutic benefits and design recommendations. Martinez, The Center for Health Design, California.
  • Marcus C.C., Barnes M. 1999. Healing gardens. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Marcus C.C. 2001. Hospital Oasis. Landscape Architecture, 91(10), 36-39.
  • Marcus C.C., Barnes M. 2003. Healing gardens: recommendations. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 27-86. benefits and design
  • Marcus C.C. 2005. Healing gardens in hospitals, University of California, Berkeley, The Architecture of Hospitals.
  • Marcus C.C. 2007. Healing gardens in hospitals, Design and Health Journal, 1(1), 1-27.
  • Gülez S., Öztekin B., Bekçi B. 2001. Hastane bahçeleri, acil servis girişleri sert zemin düzenlemesi: ZKÜ Tıp Fakültesi, Acil girişi örneği. ZKÜ Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(3), 160-173.
  • Elings M. 2006. People-plant interaction: The physiological, psychological and sociological effects of plants on people, farming for health, Eds.: Hassink, J., Majken, V.D., Springer, Netherlands, 43-55.
  • Hartig T., Mang M., Evans G. W. 1991. Restorative effects of natural environment experiences. Environment and Behavior, 23(1), 3- 26.
  • Hill C.O., Relf P.D. 1983. Gardening as an outdoor activity Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 3 (1), 47-54. geriatric institutions.
  • Kaplan, R., Kaplan, S., R. Ryan. 1998. “Restorative environments” in with people in Mind. (pp. 67-77). Island Press
  • Kaplan R. 1973. Some psychological penefits of Gardening. Environment and Behavior, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 145-61.
  • Kaplan R., Kaplan S. 1989. The Experience Psychological of Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Perspective,
  • Keller S., Derr V. 1998. National study of outdoor wilderness experience. Washington, DC: Island Press
  • Kendle A. D., Rohde C. R. E. 1995. Relative importance of uncontrolled and ordered nature for people in urban areas. In: J. De Waal (Ed), Ecological Aspect of Green Areas in Urban Environments, Proceedings of the 1995 IFPRA World Conference (3-8 September), 55-58, Bruge, Belgium.
  • Lang J. 1987. CreatingArchitecturalTheory: The Role of the Behavioral Sciences in Environmental, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, pp. 352. Olds, A.R. 1989. Psychological and physiological harmony in child care center design. Children’s Environments Quarterly 6, no. 4:13.
  • Olmsted F.L. 1865. The value and care of parks. Report to the Congress of the State of California (Reprinted in Landscape Architecture, 17, 20-23).
  • Özgüner H. 2004. Doğal peyzajın insanların psikolojik ve fiziksel sağlığı üzerine etkileri, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi yayınları, No:2, 97-107, Isparta.
  • Pinson M. 2013. The role of altered window views on feelings and preferences of pediatric patients parents, and Master Thesis, Science and Management,
  • Sakıcı Ç., Var M. 2014. Ruh ve sinir hastalıkları hastane bahçelerinin (Açık alan terapi üniteleri) düzenlenmesi kriterleri. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 101- 112.
  • Salahesh N., Irani Behbahani H., Pouya S., Pouya S. 2013. The principles and practicalities evaluation of the healing gardens with the aim of increasing the idea of healing in urban spaces, International Environmental Planning (ICEPM), 26 November 2013, Tahran, Iran. & Management
  • Sherman Sandra A., Mardelle McCuskey Shepley, James W. Varni. 2005. Children’s environments and health- related quality of life: Evidence environmental design. Children, Youth and Environments, 15(1), 186-223. healthcare
  • Stefano S. 2004. Child therapy in the great outdoors: perspectives book series). The Analytic Press, INC., London. view, relational
  • Tennessen C. M., Cimprich B. 1995. Views to nature: Effects on attention. Environmental Psychology, 15(1), 77-85.
  • Ulrich R. S. 1979. Visual landscapes and psychological well-being. Landscape Research, 4 (1), 17-23.
  • Ulrich R. S. 1981. Natural versus urban scenes: Some psychological effects. Environment and Behaviour, 13(5), 523-556.
  • Ulrich R. S., Parsons R. 1992. Influences of passive experiences with plants on individual well-being and health. In: D. Relf (Ed), The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-Being and Social Development, Timber Press, Oregon.
  • Ulrich R. S. 1999. Effects of gardens on health outcomes: Theory and research. In C. Cooper-Marcus & M. Barnes (Eds.), Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations. New York: John Wiley, pp. 27-86.
  • Stigsdotter A. 2005. Landscape Architecture and Health. Evidence-based health-promoting design and planning.Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Landscape Agricultural Science Department of Landscape Planning, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, pp. 37, Alnarp. Horticulture and
  • Zeisel J., Tyson M. 1999. Alzheimer’s treatment gardens, (with) in Cooper Marcus, C and Barnes, M. (eds.), Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Recommendations. Pp. 611, John Wiley & Sons. and Design
  • Whitehouse S.,Varni J.W., Seid M., Cooper- Marcus Mehlenbeck R.S. 2001. Evaluating a children’s hospital garden environment. Utilization and Consumer Satisfaction. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21 (2001), 301-314. Jacobs J.R.,
  • Wohlwill J.F. 1983. The concept of nature: A psychologist’s view, Behaviourand The Natural Environments, Eds: Altman, I., Wohlwill, J.F., Human Behavior and the Environment, New York: Plenum, Vol. 6, Behavior and the Natural Environment 5-38.
  • URL http://skparrott.wordpress.com /2010/06/26/garden-of-healing-and-renewal-in- clarkston-michigan/ (son erişim tarihi 12 Şubat 2014).
  • URL http://www.acehsa.org/10- breathtaking-hospital-patient-gardens/(son erişim tarihi 12 Şubat 2014).
  • URL http://www.lucasgarde- s.schools.nsw.edu.au/ (son erişim tarihi 11 Aralık 2013).

Şifa Bahçesi Tasarım Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması

Yıl 2015, , 15 - 25, 18.06.2015


Günümüzde kentsel gelişim yaklaşımı insanlar açısından olumlu etkiler yaratmaktadır. Ancak bu olumlu etkilerin yanında gelişen şehir hayatının beraberinde getirdiği sıkıntılar, kişisel ve toplumsal açıdan sağlığı olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bu olumsuzlukları azaltmak için gerekli önlemlerin dikkatle ele alınması gerekmektedir. Son yıllarda, insan sağlığı üzerinde yapısal çevrenin etkisi konusunda yapılan araştırmalar dünya kamuoyunda çok ilgi çekmiş, bu durum beraberinde“sağlık tasarımı” yaklaşımının ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. Peyzaj mimarisinde de bu hareketin etkisi “Şifa Bahçesi” kavramı ile gündeme gelmiştir. Şifa bahçesi tasarımcıları doğal ve yapay elemanlarla mekânlar oluşturarak kullanıcılar üzerinde olumlu etkiler yaratmaktadır. Oluşturulan mekanlar insanların fiziksel ve ruhsal açıdan sağlıklı olmalarını sağlamaktadır. Şifa bahçeleri tasarımı günümüzde oldukça yeni bir konu olup detaylı olarak araştırmalar bulunmamaktadır. Ancak yurt dışında konu ile ilgili çalışmaları hızla artmıştır. Bu araştırmada dünyadaki şifa bahçelerinin tasarım ilkelerine göre araştırma ve analiz rolü tanımlanmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar dünyada uygulanan örneklerin birçoğunun hastane alanlarında ve tedavi merkezlerinde yapıldığını göstermektedir. Ancak “şifa konsepti” ile tasarlanan mekanlara daha çok kentin yoğun olarak kullanıldığı ortamlarda ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu şekilde tasarlanan bahçelerde; insanların birbirleriyle yakın ilişkilerde bulunarak günlük hayatlarında daha fazla etkileşim halinde olmaları beklenmektedir.


  • Akın iyileştirme Tezi, Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 128 s. Ankara. için bahçeleri. Yüksek Lisans Üniversitesi, Fen Barnhart S.K., Perkins N.H., and Fitzsimonds J. 1998. Behaviour A.R. at and Beer 1990. Environmental planning for site development, pp. 372, Routledge, London.
  • Beer A. 2003. How do we know what users of spaces need environmental settings to support the particular needs of those who have difficulties moving around the problems of the elderly. http// www.Thesteelvalleyproject info able bodied
  • Billings K. 2004. Elderly of Yakima, http://online.caup.Washington.edu/course/larc571 / archival/kristen-archival. pdf.
  • Brawley E. 2005. Raising the bar in designing senior environments. The 12th Annual Affordable Convention Center 334 West Spokane Falls BlvdSpokane, Washington. Spokane
  • Bowers D.A. 2003. Incorporating restorative experiential qualities and key landscape attributes to enhance the restorative experience in healing gardens within health care settings, Master Thesis, Washington State University, pp.108. Washington.
  • Bulut Y., Göktuğ, T.H. 2006. Sağlık bulma yönünde çevresel bir etken olarak iyileştirme bahçeleri. Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 23 (2), 9-15.
  • Carpman J.R., Grant M.A. 1993. Design that cares: Planning health facilities for patients and visitors, American Hospital Publishing, USA, 310 s.http://planet.vectorworks.net/2010/04: tarihi. 31.02.2015 Erişim
  • Caspersen C.J., Bloemberg B.P., Saris W.H., Merritt R.K., Kromhou D. 1991. The prevalence of selected physical activitie sand their relation with coronary hearth disease risk factors in elderly men: The Zutphen study, 1985. American Journal of Epidomology, 133 (11), 1078-1092.
  • Chiesura A. 2004. The role of urban parks for the sustainable city. Landscape and Urban Planning 68 (2004), 129–138
  • Cohen U, Wiseman G. D. 1991. Holding on to home designing environments for people with Dementia. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
  • Marcus C.C., Barnes M. 1995. Gardens in healthcare facilities: Uses, therapeutic benefits and design recommendations. Martinez, The Center for Health Design, California.
  • Marcus C.C., Barnes M. 1999. Healing gardens. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Marcus C.C. 2001. Hospital Oasis. Landscape Architecture, 91(10), 36-39.
  • Marcus C.C., Barnes M. 2003. Healing gardens: recommendations. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 27-86. benefits and design
  • Marcus C.C. 2005. Healing gardens in hospitals, University of California, Berkeley, The Architecture of Hospitals.
  • Marcus C.C. 2007. Healing gardens in hospitals, Design and Health Journal, 1(1), 1-27.
  • Gülez S., Öztekin B., Bekçi B. 2001. Hastane bahçeleri, acil servis girişleri sert zemin düzenlemesi: ZKÜ Tıp Fakültesi, Acil girişi örneği. ZKÜ Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(3), 160-173.
  • Elings M. 2006. People-plant interaction: The physiological, psychological and sociological effects of plants on people, farming for health, Eds.: Hassink, J., Majken, V.D., Springer, Netherlands, 43-55.
  • Hartig T., Mang M., Evans G. W. 1991. Restorative effects of natural environment experiences. Environment and Behavior, 23(1), 3- 26.
  • Hill C.O., Relf P.D. 1983. Gardening as an outdoor activity Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 3 (1), 47-54. geriatric institutions.
  • Kaplan, R., Kaplan, S., R. Ryan. 1998. “Restorative environments” in with people in Mind. (pp. 67-77). Island Press
  • Kaplan R. 1973. Some psychological penefits of Gardening. Environment and Behavior, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 145-61.
  • Kaplan R., Kaplan S. 1989. The Experience Psychological of Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Perspective,
  • Keller S., Derr V. 1998. National study of outdoor wilderness experience. Washington, DC: Island Press
  • Kendle A. D., Rohde C. R. E. 1995. Relative importance of uncontrolled and ordered nature for people in urban areas. In: J. De Waal (Ed), Ecological Aspect of Green Areas in Urban Environments, Proceedings of the 1995 IFPRA World Conference (3-8 September), 55-58, Bruge, Belgium.
  • Lang J. 1987. CreatingArchitecturalTheory: The Role of the Behavioral Sciences in Environmental, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, pp. 352. Olds, A.R. 1989. Psychological and physiological harmony in child care center design. Children’s Environments Quarterly 6, no. 4:13.
  • Olmsted F.L. 1865. The value and care of parks. Report to the Congress of the State of California (Reprinted in Landscape Architecture, 17, 20-23).
  • Özgüner H. 2004. Doğal peyzajın insanların psikolojik ve fiziksel sağlığı üzerine etkileri, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi yayınları, No:2, 97-107, Isparta.
  • Pinson M. 2013. The role of altered window views on feelings and preferences of pediatric patients parents, and Master Thesis, Science and Management,
  • Sakıcı Ç., Var M. 2014. Ruh ve sinir hastalıkları hastane bahçelerinin (Açık alan terapi üniteleri) düzenlenmesi kriterleri. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 101- 112.
  • Salahesh N., Irani Behbahani H., Pouya S., Pouya S. 2013. The principles and practicalities evaluation of the healing gardens with the aim of increasing the idea of healing in urban spaces, International Environmental Planning (ICEPM), 26 November 2013, Tahran, Iran. & Management
  • Sherman Sandra A., Mardelle McCuskey Shepley, James W. Varni. 2005. Children’s environments and health- related quality of life: Evidence environmental design. Children, Youth and Environments, 15(1), 186-223. healthcare
  • Stefano S. 2004. Child therapy in the great outdoors: perspectives book series). The Analytic Press, INC., London. view, relational
  • Tennessen C. M., Cimprich B. 1995. Views to nature: Effects on attention. Environmental Psychology, 15(1), 77-85.
  • Ulrich R. S. 1979. Visual landscapes and psychological well-being. Landscape Research, 4 (1), 17-23.
  • Ulrich R. S. 1981. Natural versus urban scenes: Some psychological effects. Environment and Behaviour, 13(5), 523-556.
  • Ulrich R. S., Parsons R. 1992. Influences of passive experiences with plants on individual well-being and health. In: D. Relf (Ed), The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-Being and Social Development, Timber Press, Oregon.
  • Ulrich R. S. 1999. Effects of gardens on health outcomes: Theory and research. In C. Cooper-Marcus & M. Barnes (Eds.), Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations. New York: John Wiley, pp. 27-86.
  • Stigsdotter A. 2005. Landscape Architecture and Health. Evidence-based health-promoting design and planning.Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Landscape Agricultural Science Department of Landscape Planning, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, pp. 37, Alnarp. Horticulture and
  • Zeisel J., Tyson M. 1999. Alzheimer’s treatment gardens, (with) in Cooper Marcus, C and Barnes, M. (eds.), Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Recommendations. Pp. 611, John Wiley & Sons. and Design
  • Whitehouse S.,Varni J.W., Seid M., Cooper- Marcus Mehlenbeck R.S. 2001. Evaluating a children’s hospital garden environment. Utilization and Consumer Satisfaction. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21 (2001), 301-314. Jacobs J.R.,
  • Wohlwill J.F. 1983. The concept of nature: A psychologist’s view, Behaviourand The Natural Environments, Eds: Altman, I., Wohlwill, J.F., Human Behavior and the Environment, New York: Plenum, Vol. 6, Behavior and the Natural Environment 5-38.
  • URL http://skparrott.wordpress.com /2010/06/26/garden-of-healing-and-renewal-in- clarkston-michigan/ (son erişim tarihi 12 Şubat 2014).
  • URL http://www.acehsa.org/10- breathtaking-hospital-patient-gardens/(son erişim tarihi 12 Şubat 2014).
  • URL http://www.lucasgarde- s.schools.nsw.edu.au/ (son erişim tarihi 11 Aralık 2013).
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Sima Pouya

Elif Bayramoğlu Bu kişi benim

Öner Demirel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Haziran 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Pouya, S., Bayramoğlu, E., & Demirel, Ö. (2015). Şifa Bahçesi Tasarım Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 15(1), 15-25. https://doi.org/10.17475/kuofd.40856
AMA Pouya S, Bayramoğlu E, Demirel Ö. Şifa Bahçesi Tasarım Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. Haziran 2015;15(1):15-25. doi:10.17475/kuofd.40856
Chicago Pouya, Sima, Elif Bayramoğlu, ve Öner Demirel. “Şifa Bahçesi Tasarım Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 15, sy. 1 (Haziran 2015): 15-25. https://doi.org/10.17475/kuofd.40856.
EndNote Pouya S, Bayramoğlu E, Demirel Ö (01 Haziran 2015) Şifa Bahçesi Tasarım Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 15 1 15–25.
IEEE S. Pouya, E. Bayramoğlu, ve Ö. Demirel, “Şifa Bahçesi Tasarım Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 15, sy. 1, ss. 15–25, 2015, doi: 10.17475/kuofd.40856.
ISNAD Pouya, Sima vd. “Şifa Bahçesi Tasarım Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 15/1 (Haziran 2015), 15-25. https://doi.org/10.17475/kuofd.40856.
JAMA Pouya S, Bayramoğlu E, Demirel Ö. Şifa Bahçesi Tasarım Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2015;15:15–25.
MLA Pouya, Sima vd. “Şifa Bahçesi Tasarım Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 15, sy. 1, 2015, ss. 15-25, doi:10.17475/kuofd.40856.
Vancouver Pouya S, Bayramoğlu E, Demirel Ö. Şifa Bahçesi Tasarım Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2015;15(1):15-2.

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