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Eğitimde Felsefi Sorgulama ve Çocuklar İçin Felsefe(P4C)

Yıl 2023, , 1 - 33, 20.10.2023


Düşünen ve sorgulayan bireylerin yetiştirildiği toplum ideali her çağ için önemlidir. Bunun gerçekleşmesi için ise her adımda eğitim ve felsefe birlikteliği gerekmektedir. Felsefe eğitim ortamında merak, şüphe, sorgulamanın gelişimi ve bununla ilgili anlamlar üretmede destek sunmaktadır. Eğitim için sorgulama merak gidericidir ve insani değerleri içine alan ilerlemeyi ifade eder. Bireyden başlayarak toplumun sorgulamayı önemseyen bir farkındalığa sahip olması önemlidir. Felsefi sorgulama farklı bakış açılarının ortaya konmasını, gelişmesini bireylerin ve toplumun düşünme yetilerinin ilerleyişini ve dünya hakkında akıl yürütme yollarını geliştirir. Bu ise hem birey hem de toplum için gereklidir. Çünkü bireyden başlayan ve tüm toplumun bilinçlenmesini destekleyen bir eğitim anlayışı insanlık için daha değerlidir. Çalışma öncelikli olarak eğitim ve felsefe ilişkisinden hareket ederek düşünme, anlam üretme, sorma, sorgulama, sorgulama topluluğu ve felsefi sorgulama kavramlarına odaklanmaktadır. Bununla beraber sözü edilen bu kavramların felsefe tarihindeki anlamlarına yönelik bir analiz yapma amacı da vardır. Sonrasında ise bireylerin ve toplumun sorgulama ve felsefi sorgulama becerilerinin gelişimine yönelik değerli bir örneği temsil eden Çocuklar İçin Felsefe(P4C) yaklaşımı üzerinde durulacaktır. “Nedir” ve “Neden?” sorusu üzerinden felsefi sorgulamanın önemine yönelik tespitler yapılacaktır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Artigue, M., & Blomhøj, M. (2013). Conceptualizing inquiry-based education in mathematics. Zdm Mathematics Education. 45(6), 797-810.
  • Burbules, N. C., & Warnick, B. R. (2012). Philosophical inquiry. In Handbook of complementary methods in education research. (pp. 489-502). Newyork: Routledge.
  • Cam, P. (2014). Philosophy for children, values education and the inquiring society. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 46(11), 1203-1211.
  • Camus, A. (1998). Sisifos Söyleni, (çev. T. Yücel.). (Altıncı Basım). İstanbul: Can Yayınları
  • Cevizci, A. (2010). Eğitim Sözlüğü, İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • Deleuze, G. & Guattari, F. (1994). What Is Philosophy? New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Dewey, J. (1910). How We Think? New York: D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS.
  • Dewey, J. (1938). Logic: The Theory of Inquiry, New York:Henry Holt and Company.
  • Dewey, J. (1996). Demokrasi ve Eğitim, (çev.T. Yılmaz) İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Basım Evi.
  • Dirican, R. (2022). “Çocuklarla Felsefenin Eleştirisi,” Temaşa Felsefe Dergisi. (17), 48-62.
  • Duran, M. S. (2022). Bir Faaliyet Olarak Felsefe ve Düşünce. Temaşa Erciyes Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Dergisi. (18), 68-85.
  • Dobber, M., & van Oers, B. (2015). The role of the teacher in promoting dialogue and polylogue during inquiry activities in primary education. Mind, Culture, and Activity. 22(4), 326-341.
  • Figueiredo, F. F. (2022). On the theoretical foundations of the ‘Philosophy for Children’programme. Journal of Philosophy of Education. 56(2), 210-226.
  • Fisher, R. (1998). Teaching Thinking: Philosophical Enquiry in the Classroom. London: Cassell.
  • Fisher, R. (2007). Dialogic teaching: Developing thinking and metacognition through philosophical discussion. Early Child Development and Care. 177(6–7), 615–631.
  • Fisher, R. (2013). Teaching thinking: Philosophical enquiry in the classroom, (4th edition), London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Gatley, J. (2020). Philosophy for children and the extrinsic value of academic philosophy. Metaphilosophy51(4), 548-563.
  • Golding, C. (2012). Epistemic progress: A construct for understanding and evaluating inquiry. Educational Theory. 62(6), 677-693.
  • Golding, C. (2015). The community of inquiry: Blending philosophical and empirical research. Studies in Philosophy and Education. 34(2), 205-216.
  • Gutek, G. L (2006). Eğitime Felsefi ve İdeolojik Yaklaşımlar, (çev.N. Kale). Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi. Isaac, M. G. (2021). Which concept of concept for conceptual engineering? Erkenntnis. 1-25.
  • Hannon, M. & Nguyen, J. (2022). Understanding philosophy, Inquiry. 1-37.
  • Heidegger, M. (1995). Nedir Bu Felsefe (çev.A. Irgat.). İstanbul: Afa Yayınları.
  • Kennedy, N., & Kennedy, D. (2011). Community of philosophical inquiry as a discursive structure, and its role in school curriculum design. Journal of Philosophy of Education. 45(2), 265-283.
  • Kizel, A. (2016). Philosophy with Children as an educational platform for selfdetermined learning, Cogent Education. 3(1), 1244026. 1-11.
  • Kohan, W. O. (2002). Education, Philosophy and Childhood: The Need to Think an Encounter, Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children.16(1), 4– 11.
  • Laverty, M. J. (2009). Learning our concepts. Journal of Philosophy of Education. 43, 27-40.
  • Lipman, M., Sharp, A.M., & Oscanyan, F. S. (1980). Philosophy in the classroom. Philadelphia: Temple University Press
  • Lipman, M. (1988). Philosophy Goes to School, Philadelphia: PA, Temple University Press.
  • Lipman, M. (1998). Teaching students to think reasonably: Some findings of the philosophy for children program. The Clearing House,.71(5), 277-280.
  • Lipman, M. (2003). Thinking in Education (2.rd Edition.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lipman, M. (2011). Philosophy for Children: Some Assumptions and Implications. Ethics in Progress. 2(1), 3–16.
  • Murris, K. S. (2008). Philosophy with children, the stingray and the educative value of disequilibrium. Journal of Philosophy of Education. 42(3‐4), 667-685.
  • Nozick, R. (1981). Philosophical Explanations. Cambridge:MA, Harvard University Press.
  • Oliverio, S. (2021). Traces of the Intersubject? Note-taking within the Community of Philosophical Inquiry. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 53(13), 1321-1333.
  • Pardales, M. J., & Girod, M. (2006). Community of Inquiry: Its past and present future. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 38(3), 299-309.
  • Peirce, C. S. (1992). Selected Philosophical Writings, Volume 1. (1867-1893) (edit. N. Houser and C. Kloesel,), Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
  • Platon (1999). Diyaloglar 2 (çev. M. Gökberk.), (Dördüncü Basım). İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi,
  • Taşdelen, V. (2017). “Çocuk Kültürü Bağlamında Çocuklarla Felsefe,” Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi. 2(4), 7-18.
  • Scholl, R., Nichols, K., & Burgh, G. (2016). Connecting learning to the world beyond the classroom through collaborative philosophical inquiry. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 44(5), 436-454.
  • Solomon, R. C., & Higgins, K. M. (2016). The big questions: A short introduction to philosophy. (Ninth Edition), Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
  • Sönmez, V. (2012). Eğitim Felsefesi, (11. baskı), Ankara:Anı Yayıncılık
  • Vansieleghem, N., & Kennedy, D. (2011). What is philosophy for children, what is philosophy with children—After Matthew Lipman? Journal of Philosophy of Education. 45(2), 171-182.
  • Warburton, N. (2004). Philosophy The Basics, (Fourthy Edition). New York: Routledge,
  • Westerblad, O. (2022). Deweyan conceptual engineering: reconstruction, concepts, and philosophical inquiry.

Philosophical Inquiry in Education and Philosophy for Children(P4C)

Yıl 2023, , 1 - 33, 20.10.2023


The ideal of society in which thinking and inquiry individuals are raised is important for every age. For this to happen, education and philosophy must be together at every step. Philosophy offers support in education in the development of curiosity, doubt, questioning, and understanding. For education, inquiry is intriguing and expresses progress involving human values. Starting with the individual, it is important for the society to have an awareness that cares about inquirining. Philosophical inquiry develops the presentation of different perspectives, the development of individuals and society's thinking abilities and the ways of reasoning about the world. This is necessary for both the individual and society. Because an understanding of education that starts with the individual and supports the awareness of the whole society is more valuable for humanity. The study primarily focuses on the concepts of thinking, producing meaning, questioning, inquiry, community of inquiry and philosophical inquiry, starting from the relationship between education and philosophy. However, there is also the purpose of making an analysis of the meanings of these concepts in the history of philosophy. Afterwards, the Philosophy for Children (P4C) approach, which represents a valuable example of the development of inquiry and philosophical inquiry skills of individuals and society, will be emphasized. “What” and “Why?” Through this question, determinations will be made about the importance of philosophical inquiry.

Proje Numarası



  • Artigue, M., & Blomhøj, M. (2013). Conceptualizing inquiry-based education in mathematics. Zdm Mathematics Education. 45(6), 797-810.
  • Burbules, N. C., & Warnick, B. R. (2012). Philosophical inquiry. In Handbook of complementary methods in education research. (pp. 489-502). Newyork: Routledge.
  • Cam, P. (2014). Philosophy for children, values education and the inquiring society. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 46(11), 1203-1211.
  • Camus, A. (1998). Sisifos Söyleni, (çev. T. Yücel.). (Altıncı Basım). İstanbul: Can Yayınları
  • Cevizci, A. (2010). Eğitim Sözlüğü, İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • Deleuze, G. & Guattari, F. (1994). What Is Philosophy? New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Dewey, J. (1910). How We Think? New York: D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS.
  • Dewey, J. (1938). Logic: The Theory of Inquiry, New York:Henry Holt and Company.
  • Dewey, J. (1996). Demokrasi ve Eğitim, (çev.T. Yılmaz) İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Basım Evi.
  • Dirican, R. (2022). “Çocuklarla Felsefenin Eleştirisi,” Temaşa Felsefe Dergisi. (17), 48-62.
  • Duran, M. S. (2022). Bir Faaliyet Olarak Felsefe ve Düşünce. Temaşa Erciyes Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Dergisi. (18), 68-85.
  • Dobber, M., & van Oers, B. (2015). The role of the teacher in promoting dialogue and polylogue during inquiry activities in primary education. Mind, Culture, and Activity. 22(4), 326-341.
  • Figueiredo, F. F. (2022). On the theoretical foundations of the ‘Philosophy for Children’programme. Journal of Philosophy of Education. 56(2), 210-226.
  • Fisher, R. (1998). Teaching Thinking: Philosophical Enquiry in the Classroom. London: Cassell.
  • Fisher, R. (2007). Dialogic teaching: Developing thinking and metacognition through philosophical discussion. Early Child Development and Care. 177(6–7), 615–631.
  • Fisher, R. (2013). Teaching thinking: Philosophical enquiry in the classroom, (4th edition), London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Gatley, J. (2020). Philosophy for children and the extrinsic value of academic philosophy. Metaphilosophy51(4), 548-563.
  • Golding, C. (2012). Epistemic progress: A construct for understanding and evaluating inquiry. Educational Theory. 62(6), 677-693.
  • Golding, C. (2015). The community of inquiry: Blending philosophical and empirical research. Studies in Philosophy and Education. 34(2), 205-216.
  • Gutek, G. L (2006). Eğitime Felsefi ve İdeolojik Yaklaşımlar, (çev.N. Kale). Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi. Isaac, M. G. (2021). Which concept of concept for conceptual engineering? Erkenntnis. 1-25.
  • Hannon, M. & Nguyen, J. (2022). Understanding philosophy, Inquiry. 1-37.
  • Heidegger, M. (1995). Nedir Bu Felsefe (çev.A. Irgat.). İstanbul: Afa Yayınları.
  • Kennedy, N., & Kennedy, D. (2011). Community of philosophical inquiry as a discursive structure, and its role in school curriculum design. Journal of Philosophy of Education. 45(2), 265-283.
  • Kizel, A. (2016). Philosophy with Children as an educational platform for selfdetermined learning, Cogent Education. 3(1), 1244026. 1-11.
  • Kohan, W. O. (2002). Education, Philosophy and Childhood: The Need to Think an Encounter, Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children.16(1), 4– 11.
  • Laverty, M. J. (2009). Learning our concepts. Journal of Philosophy of Education. 43, 27-40.
  • Lipman, M., Sharp, A.M., & Oscanyan, F. S. (1980). Philosophy in the classroom. Philadelphia: Temple University Press
  • Lipman, M. (1988). Philosophy Goes to School, Philadelphia: PA, Temple University Press.
  • Lipman, M. (1998). Teaching students to think reasonably: Some findings of the philosophy for children program. The Clearing House,.71(5), 277-280.
  • Lipman, M. (2003). Thinking in Education (2.rd Edition.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lipman, M. (2011). Philosophy for Children: Some Assumptions and Implications. Ethics in Progress. 2(1), 3–16.
  • Murris, K. S. (2008). Philosophy with children, the stingray and the educative value of disequilibrium. Journal of Philosophy of Education. 42(3‐4), 667-685.
  • Nozick, R. (1981). Philosophical Explanations. Cambridge:MA, Harvard University Press.
  • Oliverio, S. (2021). Traces of the Intersubject? Note-taking within the Community of Philosophical Inquiry. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 53(13), 1321-1333.
  • Pardales, M. J., & Girod, M. (2006). Community of Inquiry: Its past and present future. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 38(3), 299-309.
  • Peirce, C. S. (1992). Selected Philosophical Writings, Volume 1. (1867-1893) (edit. N. Houser and C. Kloesel,), Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
  • Platon (1999). Diyaloglar 2 (çev. M. Gökberk.), (Dördüncü Basım). İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi,
  • Taşdelen, V. (2017). “Çocuk Kültürü Bağlamında Çocuklarla Felsefe,” Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi. 2(4), 7-18.
  • Scholl, R., Nichols, K., & Burgh, G. (2016). Connecting learning to the world beyond the classroom through collaborative philosophical inquiry. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 44(5), 436-454.
  • Solomon, R. C., & Higgins, K. M. (2016). The big questions: A short introduction to philosophy. (Ninth Edition), Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
  • Sönmez, V. (2012). Eğitim Felsefesi, (11. baskı), Ankara:Anı Yayıncılık
  • Vansieleghem, N., & Kennedy, D. (2011). What is philosophy for children, what is philosophy with children—After Matthew Lipman? Journal of Philosophy of Education. 45(2), 171-182.
  • Warburton, N. (2004). Philosophy The Basics, (Fourthy Edition). New York: Routledge,
  • Westerblad, O. (2022). Deweyan conceptual engineering: reconstruction, concepts, and philosophical inquiry.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Felsefe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hasret Kökten 0000-0001-5496-1980

Proje Numarası YOK
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 18 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Kökten, H. (2023). Eğitimde Felsefi Sorgulama ve Çocuklar İçin Felsefe(P4C). Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 22(3), 1-33.
AMA Kökten H. Eğitimde Felsefi Sorgulama ve Çocuklar İçin Felsefe(P4C). Kaygı. Ekim 2023;22(3):1-33. doi:10.20981/kaygi.1291864
Chicago Kökten, Hasret. “Eğitimde Felsefi Sorgulama Ve Çocuklar İçin Felsefe(P4C)”. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 22, sy. 3 (Ekim 2023): 1-33.
EndNote Kökten H (01 Ekim 2023) Eğitimde Felsefi Sorgulama ve Çocuklar İçin Felsefe(P4C). Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 22 3 1–33.
IEEE H. Kökten, “Eğitimde Felsefi Sorgulama ve Çocuklar İçin Felsefe(P4C)”, Kaygı, c. 22, sy. 3, ss. 1–33, 2023, doi: 10.20981/kaygi.1291864.
ISNAD Kökten, Hasret. “Eğitimde Felsefi Sorgulama Ve Çocuklar İçin Felsefe(P4C)”. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 22/3 (Ekim 2023), 1-33.
JAMA Kökten H. Eğitimde Felsefi Sorgulama ve Çocuklar İçin Felsefe(P4C). Kaygı. 2023;22:1–33.
MLA Kökten, Hasret. “Eğitimde Felsefi Sorgulama Ve Çocuklar İçin Felsefe(P4C)”. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, c. 22, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 1-33, doi:10.20981/kaygi.1291864.
Vancouver Kökten H. Eğitimde Felsefi Sorgulama ve Çocuklar İçin Felsefe(P4C). Kaygı. 2023;22(3):1-33.

e-ISSN: 2645-8950