Philosophy for Children / Philosophy with Children: Philosophical Methods, Applicatıons and Objectives
Yıl 2018,
Sayı: 31, 145 - 173, 30.10.2018
Nihal Petek Boyacı
Filiz Karadağ
Kurtul Gülenç
The activity of philosophy for children or philosophy
with children aims to develop critical and creative thinking in children
through philosophical dialogue. This aim can be achieved by enriching a
group's point of view in a collaborative environment. Different kinds of
philosophical perspectives are at the centre of this interest, which is
organized within the framework of the development goal of critical and creative
thinking capacities, especially for children between 5 and 10 years of age. The aim of this study is to examine the different
perspectives involved in philosophy for children/philosophy with children
approach which is becoming more widespread in recent years, in the context of
philosophical and historical roots, to show these perspectives on different
skill areas in children and to make suggestions by presenting the important
implications for the teachers / facilitatora in the context of these effects.
- AKKOCAOĞLU ÇAYIR, N. (2015). Çocuklar İçin Felsefe Eğitimi Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Hacettepe Üniversitesi: Ankara.
- ASADI, M. (2011). “Teaching of Philosophy and Its Role in Critical Thinking”; An abstract of essays in 2nd National Conference of Association of Philosophy of Education, ss. 37-40, Training and Education Organization (TEO) Studies Researching Center.
- BENADE, L. (2011). “Philosophy for Children (P4C): A New Zealand School-based Action Research Case Study”, New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work, 8(2): 141-155.
- CAMHY, D., IBERER, G. (1988). “Philosophy for Children”, Thinking, 7(4): 22–26.
- CASSIDY, C. (2007). Thinking Children, London: Continuum.
- CASSIDY, C., CHRISTIE, D. (2013). “Philosophy with Children: Talking, Thinking and Learning together”, Early Child Development and Care, 183(8): 1072-1083.
- CLEGHORN, P. (2002). Thinking Through Philosophy. Blackburn, England: Educational Printing Services.
- DANIEL, M., AURIAC, E. (2011). “Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Philosophy for Children”, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43(5): 415-435.
- DANIEL, M., LAFORTUNE, L., PALLASCIO, R., SCHLEIFER, M. (2000). “Developmental Dynamics of a Community of Philosophical Inquiry in an Elementary School Mathematics Classroom”, Thinking, 15(1): 2–10.
- DEMİRTAŞ, V. Y., KARADAĞ, F., GÜLENÇ, K. (2018). “Levels Of The Questions Formulated By Preschool Children During The Philosophical Inquiry Process And The Qualities Of Their Answers: Philosophy With Children”, International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 10(2).
- DEWEY, J. (1983). The Middle Works, 1899-1924: 1921-1922 (Vol. 13), SIU Press.
- DAURER, D. (1999). Staunen, Zweifeln und Betroffensein. Mit Kindern Philosophieren, Basel: Weinheim.
- DOHERR, E. A. (2000). The Demonstration of Cognitive Abilities Central to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Young Children: Examining the Influence of Age and Teaching Method on Degree of Ability, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), University of East Anglia.
- Dyfed County Council (1994). Improving Reading Standards in Primary Schools Project, Wales: Dyfed County Council.
- Education Testing Service (1980). “Appendix B: Experimental Research in Philosophy for Children”, ed. M. Lipman, A. M. Sharp & F. Oscanyon, Philosophy in the Classroom, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
- ENNIS, R. (1985). “Goals for Critical Thinking Curriculum”, Developing Minds, ed. Alexandria Costa, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
- FIELDS, J. (1995). “Empirical Data Research into the Claims for Using Philosophy Techniques with Young Children”, Early Child Development and Care, 107: 115–128.
- FISHER, R. (1996). Stories for Thinking, Oxford: Nash Pollock.
- FISHER, R. (2005). Teaching Children to Think, Nelson Thornes.
- FISHER, R. (2007). “Dialogic Teaching: Developing Thinking and Metacognition through Philosophical Discussion”, Early Child Development and Care, 177 (6-7): 615–631.
- FISHER, R. (2008). Teaching Thinking: Philosophical Enquiry in the Classroom, London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- GHAEDI, Y., MAHDIAN, M., FOMANI, F. K. (2015). “Identifying Dimensions of Creative Thinking in Preschool Children during Implementation of Philosophy for Children (P4C) Program: A Directed Content Analysis”, American Journal of Educational Research, 3(5): 547-551.
- GIMENEZ-DASI, M., QUINTANILLA, L., DANIEL, M. F. (2013). “Improving Emotion Comprehension and Social Skills in Early Childhood through Philosophy for Children”, Childhood & Philosophy, 9(17): 63-89.
- GUILFORD, J., (1962). “Creativity: Its measurement and Development” A Source Book for Creative Thinking, ed. J. J. Parnes ve H. F. Harding, New York: Scribners.
- HAAS, H. (1980). “Appendix B: Experimental Research in Philosophy for Children”, Philosophy in the Classroom, ed. M. Lipman, A.M. Sharp & F. Oscanyon, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
- HAYNES, J. (2002). Children as Philosophers. London: Routledge.
- HOSSEINI, A.A.S. (2008). Creative Learning, Creative Class. Tehran: Madrese Publicat.
- IMANI, H., AHGHAR, G., NARAGHI, M. S. (2016). “The Role of Philosophy for Children (P4C) Teaching Approach for Improving the Reading Comprehension Skills of Guidance School Female Students”, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 1(1): 54-59.
- Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (2002), IAPC research: experimentation and qualitative information. [Erişim tarihi: 15 Ocak 2017.].
- JACKSON, E.T. (1989). A guide for Teachers [Erişim tarihi: 7 Haziran 2015, Çevrim-içi:].
- KARADAĞ, F., DEMİRTAŞ, V. Y., YILDIZ, T. (2017). “Development of Critical Thinking Scale through Philosophical Inquiry for Children 5-6 Years Old”, International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 9(4).
- KENNEDY, C. H. (2005). Single-case Designs for Educational Research, USA: Pearson.
- LIPMAN, M. (1995). “Caring as Thinking”, Inquiry: Critical Thinking across the Disciplines, 15(1): 1–13.
- LIPMAN, M. (1988). “Critical Thinking-What Can It Be?”, Educational Leadership, 46(1): 38-43.
- LIPMAN, M. (2003). Thinking in Education, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- LIPMAN, M., SHARP, A. M. (1980). Social Inquiry: Instructional Manual to Accompany MARK, Montclair: First Mountain Foundation.
- LIPMAN, M., SHARP, A. M., OSCANYAN, F. (1980). Philosophy in the Classroom, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
- LIPMAN, M., BIERMAN, J. (1980). “Appendix B: Experimental Research in Philosophy for Children”, Philosophy in the Classroom, ed. M. Lipman, A. M. Sharp & F. Oscanyon, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
- MAHDIZADE, E., (2009). “The effect of Developing Math Creativity on Math Performance, Motivational Beliefs, Cognitive Involvement and Academic Stability in Math of Female Students of the third of Guidance School”, (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Eğitsel Psikoloji, Tehran Universitesi, Tahran.
- MARAASHI, M. et al. (2007). “The Review of the Impact of Community of Inquiry on Fostering of Reasoning Skills in Female Students (Grade 8) in Secondary Schools”, Quarterly of Curricula Studies, 7: 95-122.
- McCALL, C., 1990. “Young Children Generate Philosophical Ideas”, Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children, 8(2): 22–41.
- McCALL, C. C. (2008). “Three Methods of Philosophical Dialogue: Differences and Similarities between Nelson’s Socratic Method, Lipman’s P4C Method, McCall’s CoPI Method”, [].
- McCALL, C. C. (2013). Transforming Thinking: Philosophical Inquiry in the Primary and Secondary Classroom, Routledge [Düşünmeyi Dönüştürmek: İlk ve Orta Sınıflarda Felsefi Sorgulama, çev. Kurtul Gülenç & Nihal Petek Boyacı, 2017].
- NARAGHI, M. S., GHOBADIYAN, M., NADERI, E. A., SHARIATMADARI, A. (2013). “Philosophy for Children (P4C) Program and Social Growth”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 3(5): 398-406.
- ÖNALAN AKFIRAT, F. (2006). “Sosyal Yeterlilik, Sosyal Beceri ve Yaratıcı Drama”. Yaratıcı Drama Dergisi, 1(1): 39-58.
- PAUL, R. (1990). “Critical and Reflective Thinking: A Philosophical Perspective”, Dimensions of Thinking and Cognitive Instruction, ed. B. F. Jones & L. Idol, ss. 447–495, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
- PAUL, R. (1993). “The Logic of Creative and Critical Thinking”, American Behavioral Scientist, 37(1): 21–39.
- POURTAGHIA, V., HOSSEINIB, A., HEJAZIA, E. (2014). “Effectiveness of Implementing Philosophy for Children program on Students’ Creativity”, Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 3(6): 375-380.
- POTTS, B. (1994). Strategies for Teaching Critical Thinking. ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation, The Catholic University of America, Department of Education, O'Boyle Hall, Washington, OC. ERIC Education Resources Information Center.
- SASEVILLE, M. (1994). “Self-esteem, Logical Skills and Philosophy for Children”, Thinking, 4(2): 30–32.
- SEFEROĞLU, S. S., AKBIYIK, C. (2006). “Eleştirel Düşünme ve Öğretimi”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(30): 193-300.
- SEGAL, J. W., CHIPMAN, S. F., GLASER, R. (2014). Thinking and Leraning Skills: Volume I: Relating Instruction to Research, London: Routledge.
- SEIF, A. A. (2001). Educational Psychology, Learning Psychology and Education, Tehran: Agah publicat.
- SIGURBORSDOTTIR, I. (1998). “Philosophy with Children in Foldaborg: Development Project in Foldaborg, a Preschool in Reykjavik for Children from 1-6 years”, International Journal of Early Childhood, 30(1): 14.
- SPLITTER, L. J., SHARP, A. M. (1995). Teaching for Better Thinking: The Classroom Community of Inquiry, Melbourne, Australia: The Australian Council for Education Research Ltd.
- TOPPING, K. J., TRICKEY, S. (2007). “Collaborative Philosophical Enquiry for School Children: Cognitive Effects at 10–12 years”, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77(2): 271-288.
- TRICKEY, S., TOPPING, K. J. (2004). “‘Philosophy for Children’: a Systematic Review”, Research papers in Education, 19(3): 365-380.
- TRICKEY, S. (2007). “Promoting Social and Cognitive Development in Schools: An Evaluation of ‘Thinking Through Philosophy’”, The 13th International Conference on Thinking Norrköping; Sweden June 17-21; 2007 (No. 021,187-191), Linköping Üniversitesi Elektronik Baskı.
- UNESCO (2007). A School of Freedom, UNESCO, France.
- VANSIELEGHEM, N. (2005). “Philosophy for Children as the Wind of Thinking”, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 39(1): 19-35.
- VANSIELEGHEM, N., KENNEDY, D. (2011). “What is Philosophy for Children, What is Philosophy with Children—after Matthew Lipman”, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 45(2): 171-182.
- VENTER, E., HIGGS, L. G. (2014). “Philosophy for Children in a Democratic Classroom”, Journal of Social Sciences, 41(1): 11-16.
- VYGOTSKY, L. (1985). Thought and Language. çev. E. Hanfmann ve G.Vakar, Cambridge: MIT Press.
- WILLIAMS, S. (1993). Evaluating the effects of Philosophical Enquiry in a Secondary School Derbyshire, England: Derbyshire County Council.
- YÜKSEL, G. (2004). Sosyal Beceri Envanteri, Ankara: Asil Yayıncılık
Çocuklar İçin Felsefe / Çocuklarla Felsefe: Felsefi Metotlar, Uygulamalar ve Amaçlar
Yıl 2018,
Sayı: 31, 145 - 173, 30.10.2018
Nihal Petek Boyacı
Filiz Karadağ
Kurtul Gülenç
Çocuklar için
felsefe ya da çocuklarla felsefe etkinliği felsefi diyalog yoluyla çocuklarda
eleştirel ve yaratıcı düşünmenin geliştirilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç,
işbirliğine dayalı bir ortamda bir grubun bakış açısının zenginleştirilmesiyle
gerçekleşebilir. Özellikle 5-10 yaş
arası çocukların eleştirel ve yaratıcı düşünme kapasitelerinin geliştirilme
hedefi çerçevesinde organize olan bu ilginin merkezinde farklı türden felsefi
perspektifler yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı son yıllarda oldukça yaygınlaşan
çocuklar için felsefe/çocuklarla felsefe etkinliği içinde yer alan farklı
pespektifleri felsefi ve tarihsel kökleri eşliğinde ele almak, bu
perspektiflerin çocuklardaki farklı beceri alanlarına etkilerini göstermek ve
bu etkiler bağlamında eğitim alanındaki öğretmenler/kolaylaştırıcılar için
önemli olabilecek sonuçları ortaya koyarak birtakım önerilerde bulunmaktır.
- AKKOCAOĞLU ÇAYIR, N. (2015). Çocuklar İçin Felsefe Eğitimi Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Hacettepe Üniversitesi: Ankara.
- ASADI, M. (2011). “Teaching of Philosophy and Its Role in Critical Thinking”; An abstract of essays in 2nd National Conference of Association of Philosophy of Education, ss. 37-40, Training and Education Organization (TEO) Studies Researching Center.
- BENADE, L. (2011). “Philosophy for Children (P4C): A New Zealand School-based Action Research Case Study”, New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work, 8(2): 141-155.
- CAMHY, D., IBERER, G. (1988). “Philosophy for Children”, Thinking, 7(4): 22–26.
- CASSIDY, C. (2007). Thinking Children, London: Continuum.
- CASSIDY, C., CHRISTIE, D. (2013). “Philosophy with Children: Talking, Thinking and Learning together”, Early Child Development and Care, 183(8): 1072-1083.
- CLEGHORN, P. (2002). Thinking Through Philosophy. Blackburn, England: Educational Printing Services.
- DANIEL, M., AURIAC, E. (2011). “Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Philosophy for Children”, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43(5): 415-435.
- DANIEL, M., LAFORTUNE, L., PALLASCIO, R., SCHLEIFER, M. (2000). “Developmental Dynamics of a Community of Philosophical Inquiry in an Elementary School Mathematics Classroom”, Thinking, 15(1): 2–10.
- DEMİRTAŞ, V. Y., KARADAĞ, F., GÜLENÇ, K. (2018). “Levels Of The Questions Formulated By Preschool Children During The Philosophical Inquiry Process And The Qualities Of Their Answers: Philosophy With Children”, International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 10(2).
- DEWEY, J. (1983). The Middle Works, 1899-1924: 1921-1922 (Vol. 13), SIU Press.
- DAURER, D. (1999). Staunen, Zweifeln und Betroffensein. Mit Kindern Philosophieren, Basel: Weinheim.
- DOHERR, E. A. (2000). The Demonstration of Cognitive Abilities Central to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Young Children: Examining the Influence of Age and Teaching Method on Degree of Ability, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), University of East Anglia.
- Dyfed County Council (1994). Improving Reading Standards in Primary Schools Project, Wales: Dyfed County Council.
- Education Testing Service (1980). “Appendix B: Experimental Research in Philosophy for Children”, ed. M. Lipman, A. M. Sharp & F. Oscanyon, Philosophy in the Classroom, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
- ENNIS, R. (1985). “Goals for Critical Thinking Curriculum”, Developing Minds, ed. Alexandria Costa, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
- FIELDS, J. (1995). “Empirical Data Research into the Claims for Using Philosophy Techniques with Young Children”, Early Child Development and Care, 107: 115–128.
- FISHER, R. (1996). Stories for Thinking, Oxford: Nash Pollock.
- FISHER, R. (2005). Teaching Children to Think, Nelson Thornes.
- FISHER, R. (2007). “Dialogic Teaching: Developing Thinking and Metacognition through Philosophical Discussion”, Early Child Development and Care, 177 (6-7): 615–631.
- FISHER, R. (2008). Teaching Thinking: Philosophical Enquiry in the Classroom, London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- GHAEDI, Y., MAHDIAN, M., FOMANI, F. K. (2015). “Identifying Dimensions of Creative Thinking in Preschool Children during Implementation of Philosophy for Children (P4C) Program: A Directed Content Analysis”, American Journal of Educational Research, 3(5): 547-551.
- GIMENEZ-DASI, M., QUINTANILLA, L., DANIEL, M. F. (2013). “Improving Emotion Comprehension and Social Skills in Early Childhood through Philosophy for Children”, Childhood & Philosophy, 9(17): 63-89.
- GUILFORD, J., (1962). “Creativity: Its measurement and Development” A Source Book for Creative Thinking, ed. J. J. Parnes ve H. F. Harding, New York: Scribners.
- HAAS, H. (1980). “Appendix B: Experimental Research in Philosophy for Children”, Philosophy in the Classroom, ed. M. Lipman, A.M. Sharp & F. Oscanyon, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
- HAYNES, J. (2002). Children as Philosophers. London: Routledge.
- HOSSEINI, A.A.S. (2008). Creative Learning, Creative Class. Tehran: Madrese Publicat.
- IMANI, H., AHGHAR, G., NARAGHI, M. S. (2016). “The Role of Philosophy for Children (P4C) Teaching Approach for Improving the Reading Comprehension Skills of Guidance School Female Students”, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 1(1): 54-59.
- Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (2002), IAPC research: experimentation and qualitative information. [Erişim tarihi: 15 Ocak 2017.].
- JACKSON, E.T. (1989). A guide for Teachers [Erişim tarihi: 7 Haziran 2015, Çevrim-içi:].
- KARADAĞ, F., DEMİRTAŞ, V. Y., YILDIZ, T. (2017). “Development of Critical Thinking Scale through Philosophical Inquiry for Children 5-6 Years Old”, International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 9(4).
- KENNEDY, C. H. (2005). Single-case Designs for Educational Research, USA: Pearson.
- LIPMAN, M. (1995). “Caring as Thinking”, Inquiry: Critical Thinking across the Disciplines, 15(1): 1–13.
- LIPMAN, M. (1988). “Critical Thinking-What Can It Be?”, Educational Leadership, 46(1): 38-43.
- LIPMAN, M. (2003). Thinking in Education, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- LIPMAN, M., SHARP, A. M. (1980). Social Inquiry: Instructional Manual to Accompany MARK, Montclair: First Mountain Foundation.
- LIPMAN, M., SHARP, A. M., OSCANYAN, F. (1980). Philosophy in the Classroom, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
- LIPMAN, M., BIERMAN, J. (1980). “Appendix B: Experimental Research in Philosophy for Children”, Philosophy in the Classroom, ed. M. Lipman, A. M. Sharp & F. Oscanyon, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
- MAHDIZADE, E., (2009). “The effect of Developing Math Creativity on Math Performance, Motivational Beliefs, Cognitive Involvement and Academic Stability in Math of Female Students of the third of Guidance School”, (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Eğitsel Psikoloji, Tehran Universitesi, Tahran.
- MARAASHI, M. et al. (2007). “The Review of the Impact of Community of Inquiry on Fostering of Reasoning Skills in Female Students (Grade 8) in Secondary Schools”, Quarterly of Curricula Studies, 7: 95-122.
- McCALL, C., 1990. “Young Children Generate Philosophical Ideas”, Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children, 8(2): 22–41.
- McCALL, C. C. (2008). “Three Methods of Philosophical Dialogue: Differences and Similarities between Nelson’s Socratic Method, Lipman’s P4C Method, McCall’s CoPI Method”, [].
- McCALL, C. C. (2013). Transforming Thinking: Philosophical Inquiry in the Primary and Secondary Classroom, Routledge [Düşünmeyi Dönüştürmek: İlk ve Orta Sınıflarda Felsefi Sorgulama, çev. Kurtul Gülenç & Nihal Petek Boyacı, 2017].
- NARAGHI, M. S., GHOBADIYAN, M., NADERI, E. A., SHARIATMADARI, A. (2013). “Philosophy for Children (P4C) Program and Social Growth”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 3(5): 398-406.
- ÖNALAN AKFIRAT, F. (2006). “Sosyal Yeterlilik, Sosyal Beceri ve Yaratıcı Drama”. Yaratıcı Drama Dergisi, 1(1): 39-58.
- PAUL, R. (1990). “Critical and Reflective Thinking: A Philosophical Perspective”, Dimensions of Thinking and Cognitive Instruction, ed. B. F. Jones & L. Idol, ss. 447–495, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
- PAUL, R. (1993). “The Logic of Creative and Critical Thinking”, American Behavioral Scientist, 37(1): 21–39.
- POURTAGHIA, V., HOSSEINIB, A., HEJAZIA, E. (2014). “Effectiveness of Implementing Philosophy for Children program on Students’ Creativity”, Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 3(6): 375-380.
- POTTS, B. (1994). Strategies for Teaching Critical Thinking. ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation, The Catholic University of America, Department of Education, O'Boyle Hall, Washington, OC. ERIC Education Resources Information Center.
- SASEVILLE, M. (1994). “Self-esteem, Logical Skills and Philosophy for Children”, Thinking, 4(2): 30–32.
- SEFEROĞLU, S. S., AKBIYIK, C. (2006). “Eleştirel Düşünme ve Öğretimi”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(30): 193-300.
- SEGAL, J. W., CHIPMAN, S. F., GLASER, R. (2014). Thinking and Leraning Skills: Volume I: Relating Instruction to Research, London: Routledge.
- SEIF, A. A. (2001). Educational Psychology, Learning Psychology and Education, Tehran: Agah publicat.
- SIGURBORSDOTTIR, I. (1998). “Philosophy with Children in Foldaborg: Development Project in Foldaborg, a Preschool in Reykjavik for Children from 1-6 years”, International Journal of Early Childhood, 30(1): 14.
- SPLITTER, L. J., SHARP, A. M. (1995). Teaching for Better Thinking: The Classroom Community of Inquiry, Melbourne, Australia: The Australian Council for Education Research Ltd.
- TOPPING, K. J., TRICKEY, S. (2007). “Collaborative Philosophical Enquiry for School Children: Cognitive Effects at 10–12 years”, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77(2): 271-288.
- TRICKEY, S., TOPPING, K. J. (2004). “‘Philosophy for Children’: a Systematic Review”, Research papers in Education, 19(3): 365-380.
- TRICKEY, S. (2007). “Promoting Social and Cognitive Development in Schools: An Evaluation of ‘Thinking Through Philosophy’”, The 13th International Conference on Thinking Norrköping; Sweden June 17-21; 2007 (No. 021,187-191), Linköping Üniversitesi Elektronik Baskı.
- UNESCO (2007). A School of Freedom, UNESCO, France.
- VANSIELEGHEM, N. (2005). “Philosophy for Children as the Wind of Thinking”, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 39(1): 19-35.
- VANSIELEGHEM, N., KENNEDY, D. (2011). “What is Philosophy for Children, What is Philosophy with Children—after Matthew Lipman”, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 45(2): 171-182.
- VENTER, E., HIGGS, L. G. (2014). “Philosophy for Children in a Democratic Classroom”, Journal of Social Sciences, 41(1): 11-16.
- VYGOTSKY, L. (1985). Thought and Language. çev. E. Hanfmann ve G.Vakar, Cambridge: MIT Press.
- WILLIAMS, S. (1993). Evaluating the effects of Philosophical Enquiry in a Secondary School Derbyshire, England: Derbyshire County Council.
- YÜKSEL, G. (2004). Sosyal Beceri Envanteri, Ankara: Asil Yayıncılık