Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2019, , 360 - 374, 15.12.2019


On February 25, 1921 the Soviet
Russia had occupied Georgia. After the establishment of the Soviet rule, the
country had undergone massive repressions, as the Bolshevik’s had persecuted
all the individuals with different political ideas. This was expressed in forms
of taking citizens rights of voting away from them (Sosiashvili
, 2011:49), making them exile or in
certain occasions their physical liquidation. The Bolshevik terror has had
struck upon the higher circles of the society. The citizens, who had been
deprived of the belongings, were punished on the grounds of being "a
nobleman and an enemy of the working class", they were deprived of any
property, houses, livestock, etc., The sources kept at the archives gives us
heavy and unvarnished information about the situation in Georgia. The
Bolsheviks took away the property of the Georgian noblemen and gave it to the
The bolshevik government also attacked the Orthodox Church along with other
religious minorities (Sosiashvili, 2014:224). 
During the 20s of the XX century more than 1000 churches had been
closed. Prior to the repressions in the country there had been approximately
1350 churches, where 1700 priests, 1527 monks and 280 nuns had served. The
number had decreased to couple of dozens (Japaridze, 2009:115).
The presented
sources allows us to see the clear-cut picture about the repressions in the
country during the I quarter of the XX century, which had had an astonishing
blow on the Georgian society. Unfortunately, the Bolshevik terror had not
stopped there, as it became regular to persecute citizens in the later years,
whereas the “Red Terror” took away the lives of many other innocent people.


  • Alimbarashvili, I.,(2012),Works,Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2013),Anti-religious politics of Soviet Government in Shida Kartli (During the 20s of the XX century), Tbilisi.
  • History of Georgian Diplomacy,(2004), Chrestomathy, Tbilisi.
  • Japaridze, A., (2009), (Metropolitan), the history of the Georgian Apostolic Church, Tbilisi.
  • Shiolashvili, N., (2012), The unknown manuscript of the Catolicos-Patriarche of Georgia Ambrosi-dialogue with the representative of the Worker’s Organization of England, Cotes; Collection “Scholar with Poetic sense” (Giorgi Nadiradze – 80), Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2011), History of Ditsi, Tbilisi.
  • Vardosanidze, S., (2009), His Holyness and Beatitude Catolicos-Patriarche of Georgia Ambrosi (1921-1927), Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2013), educational aspect of the „Red Terror” against religions confession exiting in Georgia, International Conference on education and learning technologies, Edulearn 13 Abstracts  ISBN: 978-84-616-3823-9.Barcelona.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2014) Catholic Church in Shida Kartli during the Bolshevik repressions (according to the unknown sources), International Scientificdedicated to the Acad. Mariam Lortkipanidze, Iv. Javakhsishvili Tbilisi State University, Conference proceedings, Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2014),About the establishment of the religious organization of Jews, International Scientific Conference “Tbilisi-Jerusalem”, David Baazov Museum of History of Jews of Georgia, Tbilisi.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Case N25, Description N1;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Case N101, Description N1;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N26; Description N1, document N416.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N26; Reg. N3, Case N186.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Reg. N1, N101;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Reg. N1, N95;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Reg. N1, N84;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N9; Reg. N1, N82;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, case N38;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Description. N1, Case N10;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N23,
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N33,
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N54;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N27.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N37;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N52, p. 11.
  • Tsiteli Kartli, Newspaper (1924),N13, December 7. Gori.


Yıl 2019, , 360 - 374, 15.12.2019


25 февраля 1921
года Советская Россия оккупировала Грузию.После установления советской власти
страна подверглась массовым репрессиям, большевики преследовали всех людей с
различными политическими идеями.Это выражалось в формах лишения граждан права
голоса (Сосиашвили, 2011: 49), изгнания или в некоторых случаях их физической
ликвидации.Большевистский террор обрушился на высшие круги общества. Граждане,
которые были лишены имущества, были наказаны за то, что они являлись
дворянами и врагами
рабочего класса
, они были лишены всякой собственности, домов, скота и т. д. Источники,
хранящиеся в архивах
, дают нам информацию о тяжёлой ситуации в Грузии.Большевики забрали
имущество грузинских дворян и национализировали. Большевистское правительство
также напало на Православную Церковь наряду с другими религиозными меньшинствами
(Сосиашвили, 2014: 224). В течение 20-х годов XX века было закрыто более 1000
церквей.До репрессий в стране насчитывалось около 1350 церквей, где служили
1700 священников, 1527 монахов и 280 монахинь, их число сократилось до нескольких
десятков (Джапаридзе, 2009:115). Представленные
источники позволяют нам увидеть четкую картину репрессий в стране в течение
I квартала XX века, которые нанесли поразительный
удар по грузинскому обществу. К сожалению, большевистский террор на этом не
остановился, поскольку в последующие годы стало обычным делом преследовать
граждан, в то время как
красный террор унёс жизни многих других ни в чём не повинных людей.


  • Alimbarashvili, I.,(2012),Works,Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2013),Anti-religious politics of Soviet Government in Shida Kartli (During the 20s of the XX century), Tbilisi.
  • History of Georgian Diplomacy,(2004), Chrestomathy, Tbilisi.
  • Japaridze, A., (2009), (Metropolitan), the history of the Georgian Apostolic Church, Tbilisi.
  • Shiolashvili, N., (2012), The unknown manuscript of the Catolicos-Patriarche of Georgia Ambrosi-dialogue with the representative of the Worker’s Organization of England, Cotes; Collection “Scholar with Poetic sense” (Giorgi Nadiradze – 80), Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2011), History of Ditsi, Tbilisi.
  • Vardosanidze, S., (2009), His Holyness and Beatitude Catolicos-Patriarche of Georgia Ambrosi (1921-1927), Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2013), educational aspect of the „Red Terror” against religions confession exiting in Georgia, International Conference on education and learning technologies, Edulearn 13 Abstracts  ISBN: 978-84-616-3823-9.Barcelona.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2014) Catholic Church in Shida Kartli during the Bolshevik repressions (according to the unknown sources), International Scientificdedicated to the Acad. Mariam Lortkipanidze, Iv. Javakhsishvili Tbilisi State University, Conference proceedings, Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2014),About the establishment of the religious organization of Jews, International Scientific Conference “Tbilisi-Jerusalem”, David Baazov Museum of History of Jews of Georgia, Tbilisi.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Case N25, Description N1;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Case N101, Description N1;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N26; Description N1, document N416.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N26; Reg. N3, Case N186.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Reg. N1, N101;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Reg. N1, N95;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Reg. N1, N84;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N9; Reg. N1, N82;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, case N38;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Description. N1, Case N10;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N23,
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N33,
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N54;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N27.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N37;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N52, p. 11.
  • Tsiteli Kartli, Newspaper (1924),N13, December 7. Gori.


Yıl 2019, , 360 - 374, 15.12.2019



25 Şubat 1921’de Sovyet Rusya,
Gürcistan'ı işgal etti. Gürcistan Demokratik Cumhuriyeti Hükümeti ülkeyi terk
etmek zorunda kaldı. Sovyet iktidarının kurulmasından sonra Bolşevikler
tarafından farklı siyasî düşüncelerinden dolayı insanlara şiddetli baskılar uygulandı.
Bundan sonra vatandaşların oy kullanma  
hakları ellerinden alındı (Sosiashvili, 2011: 49). İnsanlar sürgün ve benzeri
olaylarla da katledildiler. Bolşevik terörü toplumun en yüksek çevrelerine
kadar ulaştı. Mülkiyetten yoksun bırakılmış vatandaşlar “işçi sınıfının
düşmanları” ilan edildiler ve cezalandırıldılar. Bunlar bütün mülklerinden,
evlerden, hayvanlardan vb. mahrum edildiler. Arşivlerde muhafaza edilen
kaynaklardan dönemin Gürcistan’ında ne kadar zor bir durumun var olduğu çok net
anlaşılmaktadır. Bolşevikler, Gürcü soyluların mülklerine el koydular ve bu
malları hazineye devrettiler. Ayrıca, Bolşevik Hükümeti, diğer dinî
azınlıkların yanı sıra Ortodoks Kilisesi'ne de saldırdı (Sosiashvili, 2014:
224). 1920'lerde 1000'den fazla kilise kapatıldı. Baskılardan önce, ülkede 1700
papaz, 1527 rahip ve 280 rahibenin hizmet verdiği 1350 kilise vardı ve bunların
büyük kısmı kapatıldı (Dzhaparidze, 2009: 115). Sunulan kaynaklar, 20. yüzyılın
ilk çeyreğinde ülkedeki baskıların Gürcistan toplumuna ne kadar çarpıcı bir
darbe vurduğunu net bir şekilde göstermektedir. Ne yazık ki, Bolşevik terörü bu
noktada durmadı ve sonraki yıllarda vatandaşlara yapılan zülüm daha fazla
yaygınlaştı, “Kızıl Terör” birçok masum insanın hayat hakkını elinden aldı. Bolşevik
terörü Gürcü toplumunun yetişmiş insan gücünü yok etti. Dönemin yaraları birçok
ailenin hayatını tamamen etkiledi.


  • Alimbarashvili, I.,(2012),Works,Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2013),Anti-religious politics of Soviet Government in Shida Kartli (During the 20s of the XX century), Tbilisi.
  • History of Georgian Diplomacy,(2004), Chrestomathy, Tbilisi.
  • Japaridze, A., (2009), (Metropolitan), the history of the Georgian Apostolic Church, Tbilisi.
  • Shiolashvili, N., (2012), The unknown manuscript of the Catolicos-Patriarche of Georgia Ambrosi-dialogue with the representative of the Worker’s Organization of England, Cotes; Collection “Scholar with Poetic sense” (Giorgi Nadiradze – 80), Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2011), History of Ditsi, Tbilisi.
  • Vardosanidze, S., (2009), His Holyness and Beatitude Catolicos-Patriarche of Georgia Ambrosi (1921-1927), Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2013), educational aspect of the „Red Terror” against religions confession exiting in Georgia, International Conference on education and learning technologies, Edulearn 13 Abstracts  ISBN: 978-84-616-3823-9.Barcelona.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2014) Catholic Church in Shida Kartli during the Bolshevik repressions (according to the unknown sources), International Scientificdedicated to the Acad. Mariam Lortkipanidze, Iv. Javakhsishvili Tbilisi State University, Conference proceedings, Tbilisi.
  • Sosiashvili, G., (2014),About the establishment of the religious organization of Jews, International Scientific Conference “Tbilisi-Jerusalem”, David Baazov Museum of History of Jews of Georgia, Tbilisi.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Case N25, Description N1;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Case N101, Description N1;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N26; Description N1, document N416.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N26; Reg. N3, Case N186.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Reg. N1, N101;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Reg. N1, N95;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Reg. N1, N84;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N9; Reg. N1, N82;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, case N38;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N4; Description. N1, Case N10;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N23,
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N33,
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N54;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N27.
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N37;
  • Regional body of Georgian National Archives, Gori Archive, Fund, N3; Description. N1, Case N52, p. 11.
  • Tsiteli Kartli, Newspaper (1924),N13, December 7. Gori.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Giorgi Sosıashvılı 0000-0002-2406-8662

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Kasım 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Sosıashvılı, G. (2019). POLITICALREPRESIONSIN GEORGIADURINGTHE IQUARTETOFTHE XX CENTURY. Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi(44), 360-374.