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Eğitimde Akıllı Telefon Uygulaması Kullanımı

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 1, 542 - 570, 30.04.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı akıllı telefon uygulamalarının öğretmen adaylarının eğitiminde kullanılabilirliğini incelemektir. Bu araştırmada, nitel ve nicel araştırma yaklaşımlarının bütünleştirildiği karma yöntem tercih edilmiştir. Araştırmanın uygulaması, 2015-2016 eğitim öğretim yılının bahar döneminde, Sınıf Öğretmenliği programında öğrenim gören 2. Sınıf öğretmen adayları ile Beden Eğitimi ve Oyun Öğretimi dersinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın deneysel çalışmasına 36 kişilik deney (30 Erkek, 6 Kız) ve 36 kişilik kontrol (29 Erkek, 7 Kız) grubu katılmıştır. Araştırmada ayrıca anket ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme kullanılarak da veri toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda öğretmen adaylarının eğitimde akıllı telefon uygulaması kullanılmasını çoğunlukla yararlı buldukları ve gelecekte de yine akıllı telefon uygulaması ile eğitim görmek istedikleri görülmektedir. Ayrıca yapılan çalışmada akıllı telefon uygulamasından yararlanan öğrenciler akademik olarak akıllı telefon uygulamasından yararlanmayan öğrencilerden çok daha başarılı olduğu görülmüştür. Öğretmen adaylarına göre eğitimde akıllı telefon uygulaması kaçırılan derslerin telafi edilebilmesi, tekrar tekrar kullanılabilmesi, öğrenmeyi kolaylaştırması, öğrenimi bireyselleştirmesi ve istenildiği zaman ulaşılabilmesi gibi birçok yarar sağlamaktadır.


  • Alden, J. (2013). Accommodating mobile learning in college programs. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 17(1), 109-122.
  • Ally, M. (2009). Mobile learning: Transforming the delivery of education and training. Edmonton, Canada: Athabasca University Press.
  • Bomhold, C. R. (2013). Educational use of smart phone technology: A survey of mobile phone application use by undergraduate university students. Program, 47(4), 424-436.
  • Canova, G., Volkamer, M., Bergmann, C., Borza, R. (2014, September). NoPhish: an anti-phishing education app. İçinde International Workshop on Security and Trust Management, (188-192). Springer, Cham.
  • Cavus, N., & Ibrahim, D. (2008). A mobile tool for learning English words. İçinde 5th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Systems. Lefke, North Cyprus.
  • Chen, B., & Denoyelles, A. (2013). Exploring students’ mobile learning practices in higher education. Educause Review, 7(1), 36-43.
  • Clough, G., Jones, A. C., McAndrew, P., Scanlon, E. (2008). Informal learning with PDAs and smartphones. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(5), 359-371.
  • COMSCORE (2017). The 2017 U.S. mobile app report. Erişim adresi: 1 Eylül 2017 tarihinde.
  • Conti, J. P. (2008). Future phones. Engineering and Technology, 3(3), 72-76.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Incorporated.
  • Dahlstrom, E., Brooks, C., Grajek, S., Reeves, J. (2012). Study of undergraduate students and information technology 2012. Research Report). Louisville, CO: EDUCASE Center for Applied Research.
  • Dixit, S., Ojampera, T., Nee, R. & Prasad, R. (2011) Introduction to globalization of mobile and wireless communications: today and in 2020. İçinde: Prasa, R. Dixit, S.van Nee, R. & Ojanpera, T. (eds) Globalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications Signals and Communication Technology (ss. 1-8). Springer Science and Business Media
  • Dresselhaus, A., & Shrode, F. (2012). Mobile technologies & academics: do students use mobile technologies in their academic lives and are librarians ready to meet this challenge?. Information Technology and Libraries, 31(2), 82-101.
  • Dukic, Z., Chiu, D. K., Lo, P. (2015). How useful are smartphones for learning? Perceptions and practices of Library and Information Science students from Hong Kong and Japan. Library Hi Tech, 33(4), 545-561.
  • Fossas-Olalla, M., Minguela-Rata, B., Fernández-Menéndez, J., Giménez-Fernández, E. (2017). Learning experience using an app in Bachelor Degree. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 8, 92-100.
  • Garver Mastrian, K., McGonigle, D., Mahan, W. L., Bixler, B. (2011). Integrating technology in nursing education. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
  • Hang, A., De Luca, A., Hartmann, J., Hussmann, H. (2013). Oh app, where art thou?: on app launching habits of smartphone users. İçinde 15th international conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services (392-395). ACM.
  • Hao, S., Cui, M., Dennen, V. P., Türel, Y. K., Mei, L. (2017). Analysis of mobile learning as an innovation in higher education: a comparative study of three countries. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 11(4), 314-339.
  • Hughes, J. K., & Kearney, P. (2017). Impact of an iDevice application on student learning in an occupational therapy kinesiology course. mHealth, 3, 43.
  • Johnson, R. B., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Educational researcher, 33(7), 14-26.
  • Kim, J., Ilon, L., Altmann, J. (2013). Adapting smartphones as learning technology in a Korean university. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 17(1), 5-16.
  • Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Shield, L. (2008). An overview of mobile assisted language. Learning: From content delivery to supported collaboration and interaction. ReCALL, 20(3), 249–252
  • Lin, M.F.G., Fulford, C. & Nakayama, N. (2011). Educational Mobile Apps Scavenger Hunt: Challenges, Possibilities, and Beyond. İçinde S. Barton, J. Hedberg & K. Suzuki (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011--Global Conference on Learning and Technology (ss. 190-199). Melbourne, Australia: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
  • Litchfield, S. (2010). Defining the smartphone - part 1. All About Symbian. Erişim adresi: 10.09.2017 tarihinde. Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • Neuneier, S., & Lochmann, G. (2015). A Teacher-Customizable Smartphone-Game for Primary School Teaching. İçinde Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (ss. 1-7). MAC Praque Consulting S.R.O.
  • Nihalani, P. K., & Mayrath, M. C. (2010). Statistics I. Findings from using an iPhone app in a higher education course. White Paper.
  • Norris, C., Hossain, A., Soloway, E. (2011). Using smartphones as essential tools for learning. Educational Technology, 51(3), 18-25.
  • Nunez, J. J. R. (2013). Smartphone-Based School Atlases? Cartographica, 48(2), 126–133.
  • Oliveira, D., Pedro, l., & Santos, C. (2017). The use of mobile applications in higher education: prevalence and perspectives–the university of aveiro case. İçinde Proceedings of INTED2017 Conference, (ss.7278-7287). Valencia, Spain.
  • Patton, M. Q. (1990). Qualitative evaluation and research methods. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, inc. PC Magazine. (2017). Smartphone definition from PC Magazine encyclopedia. Erişim adresi: 10.10.2017 tarihinde. Penhold, J. (2013). Students access school nurses through smartphone apps. Primary Health Care, 23(7), 8-10.
  • PR Newswire. (2013). Free Customizable Smartphone App Helps Schools Deliver Important Information to Students and Parents. PR Newswire US.
  • Rosen, L. D. (2011). Teaching the iGeneration. Educational Leadership, 68(5), 10-15.
  • Samet, H., Adelfio, M. D., Fruin, B. C., Lieberman, M. D., Teitler, B. E. (2011, November). Porting a web-based mapping application to a smartphone app. İçinde Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on advances in geographic information systems (ss. 525-528). ACM.
  • Shaw, C. M., & Tan, S. A. (2015). Integration of Mobile Technology in Educational Materials Improves Participation: creation of a novel smartphone application for resident education. Journal of surgical education, 72(4), 670-673. Statista. (2017). Number of apps available in leading app stores as of March 2017. Erişim adresi: 10.10.2017 tarihinde.
  • Subramanya, S., & Farahani, A. (2012). Point-of-view article on: Design of a smartphone app for learning concepts in mathematics and engineering. International Journal of Innovation Science, 4(3), 173-184. Vázquez-Cano, E. (2014). Mobile distance learning with smartphones and apps in higher education. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 14(4), 1505-1520.
  • Vicente, F. M. D. S. (2013). WelcomeUA: desenvolvimento de interface e avaliação de usabilidade (Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro).
  • Wai, I. S. H., Ng, S. S. Y., Chiu, D. K., Ho, K. K., Lo, P. (2018). Exploring undergraduate students’ usage pattern of mobile apps for education. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 50(1), 34-47.
  • Williams, A. J., & Pence, H. E. (2011). Smart phones, a powerful tool in the chemistry classroom. Journal of Chemical Education, 88(6), 683-686.
  • Woodcock, B., Middleton, A., & Nortcliffe, A. (2012). Considering the Smartphone Learner: developing innovation to investigate the opportunities for students and their interest. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1(1), 1-15.
  • Wu, Q. (2015). Designing a smartphone app to teach English (L2) vocabulary. Computers & Education, 85, 170-179.
  • Young, J. R. (2011). Top smartphone apps to improve teaching, research, and your life. The Education Digest, 76(9), 12.

Use of Smartphone Apps in Education

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 1, 542 - 570, 30.04.2021


The purpose of this study is to examine the applicability of smartphone apps in the training of pre-service teachers. In this research, a mixed method approach is preferred. The application of the research was carried out in the spring term of the 2015-2016 academic year in the Physical Education and Game Teaching course. The subjects were the prospective teachers at 2nd grade who were studying in the primary school teaching program. The participant number was 36 in each group in the study; i.e. there were 30 females, 6 males in the experimental group while 29 females and 7 males participated in the control group. The data collection procedure involved a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. As a result of the study, it was found that the prospective teachers mostly thought that the use of smartphone apps in education was useful and they wanted to study with smartphone apps in their future education as well. In addition, it was observed that the students who used the smartphone app which was developed for the study were academically far more successful than those who did not use the app. According to the prospective teachers, smartphone apps in education provided many benefits, such as compensation for the missed classes, repeated usage, facilitation and individualization of learning and easy access.


  • Alden, J. (2013). Accommodating mobile learning in college programs. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 17(1), 109-122.
  • Ally, M. (2009). Mobile learning: Transforming the delivery of education and training. Edmonton, Canada: Athabasca University Press.
  • Bomhold, C. R. (2013). Educational use of smart phone technology: A survey of mobile phone application use by undergraduate university students. Program, 47(4), 424-436.
  • Canova, G., Volkamer, M., Bergmann, C., Borza, R. (2014, September). NoPhish: an anti-phishing education app. İçinde International Workshop on Security and Trust Management, (188-192). Springer, Cham.
  • Cavus, N., & Ibrahim, D. (2008). A mobile tool for learning English words. İçinde 5th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Systems. Lefke, North Cyprus.
  • Chen, B., & Denoyelles, A. (2013). Exploring students’ mobile learning practices in higher education. Educause Review, 7(1), 36-43.
  • Clough, G., Jones, A. C., McAndrew, P., Scanlon, E. (2008). Informal learning with PDAs and smartphones. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(5), 359-371.
  • COMSCORE (2017). The 2017 U.S. mobile app report. Erişim adresi: 1 Eylül 2017 tarihinde.
  • Conti, J. P. (2008). Future phones. Engineering and Technology, 3(3), 72-76.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Incorporated.
  • Dahlstrom, E., Brooks, C., Grajek, S., Reeves, J. (2012). Study of undergraduate students and information technology 2012. Research Report). Louisville, CO: EDUCASE Center for Applied Research.
  • Dixit, S., Ojampera, T., Nee, R. & Prasad, R. (2011) Introduction to globalization of mobile and wireless communications: today and in 2020. İçinde: Prasa, R. Dixit, S.van Nee, R. & Ojanpera, T. (eds) Globalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications Signals and Communication Technology (ss. 1-8). Springer Science and Business Media
  • Dresselhaus, A., & Shrode, F. (2012). Mobile technologies & academics: do students use mobile technologies in their academic lives and are librarians ready to meet this challenge?. Information Technology and Libraries, 31(2), 82-101.
  • Dukic, Z., Chiu, D. K., Lo, P. (2015). How useful are smartphones for learning? Perceptions and practices of Library and Information Science students from Hong Kong and Japan. Library Hi Tech, 33(4), 545-561.
  • Fossas-Olalla, M., Minguela-Rata, B., Fernández-Menéndez, J., Giménez-Fernández, E. (2017). Learning experience using an app in Bachelor Degree. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 8, 92-100.
  • Garver Mastrian, K., McGonigle, D., Mahan, W. L., Bixler, B. (2011). Integrating technology in nursing education. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
  • Hang, A., De Luca, A., Hartmann, J., Hussmann, H. (2013). Oh app, where art thou?: on app launching habits of smartphone users. İçinde 15th international conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services (392-395). ACM.
  • Hao, S., Cui, M., Dennen, V. P., Türel, Y. K., Mei, L. (2017). Analysis of mobile learning as an innovation in higher education: a comparative study of three countries. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 11(4), 314-339.
  • Hughes, J. K., & Kearney, P. (2017). Impact of an iDevice application on student learning in an occupational therapy kinesiology course. mHealth, 3, 43.
  • Johnson, R. B., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Educational researcher, 33(7), 14-26.
  • Kim, J., Ilon, L., Altmann, J. (2013). Adapting smartphones as learning technology in a Korean university. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 17(1), 5-16.
  • Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Shield, L. (2008). An overview of mobile assisted language. Learning: From content delivery to supported collaboration and interaction. ReCALL, 20(3), 249–252
  • Lin, M.F.G., Fulford, C. & Nakayama, N. (2011). Educational Mobile Apps Scavenger Hunt: Challenges, Possibilities, and Beyond. İçinde S. Barton, J. Hedberg & K. Suzuki (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011--Global Conference on Learning and Technology (ss. 190-199). Melbourne, Australia: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
  • Litchfield, S. (2010). Defining the smartphone - part 1. All About Symbian. Erişim adresi: 10.09.2017 tarihinde. Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • Neuneier, S., & Lochmann, G. (2015). A Teacher-Customizable Smartphone-Game for Primary School Teaching. İçinde Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (ss. 1-7). MAC Praque Consulting S.R.O.
  • Nihalani, P. K., & Mayrath, M. C. (2010). Statistics I. Findings from using an iPhone app in a higher education course. White Paper.
  • Norris, C., Hossain, A., Soloway, E. (2011). Using smartphones as essential tools for learning. Educational Technology, 51(3), 18-25.
  • Nunez, J. J. R. (2013). Smartphone-Based School Atlases? Cartographica, 48(2), 126–133.
  • Oliveira, D., Pedro, l., & Santos, C. (2017). The use of mobile applications in higher education: prevalence and perspectives–the university of aveiro case. İçinde Proceedings of INTED2017 Conference, (ss.7278-7287). Valencia, Spain.
  • Patton, M. Q. (1990). Qualitative evaluation and research methods. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, inc. PC Magazine. (2017). Smartphone definition from PC Magazine encyclopedia. Erişim adresi: 10.10.2017 tarihinde. Penhold, J. (2013). Students access school nurses through smartphone apps. Primary Health Care, 23(7), 8-10.
  • PR Newswire. (2013). Free Customizable Smartphone App Helps Schools Deliver Important Information to Students and Parents. PR Newswire US.
  • Rosen, L. D. (2011). Teaching the iGeneration. Educational Leadership, 68(5), 10-15.
  • Samet, H., Adelfio, M. D., Fruin, B. C., Lieberman, M. D., Teitler, B. E. (2011, November). Porting a web-based mapping application to a smartphone app. İçinde Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on advances in geographic information systems (ss. 525-528). ACM.
  • Shaw, C. M., & Tan, S. A. (2015). Integration of Mobile Technology in Educational Materials Improves Participation: creation of a novel smartphone application for resident education. Journal of surgical education, 72(4), 670-673. Statista. (2017). Number of apps available in leading app stores as of March 2017. Erişim adresi: 10.10.2017 tarihinde.
  • Subramanya, S., & Farahani, A. (2012). Point-of-view article on: Design of a smartphone app for learning concepts in mathematics and engineering. International Journal of Innovation Science, 4(3), 173-184. Vázquez-Cano, E. (2014). Mobile distance learning with smartphones and apps in higher education. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 14(4), 1505-1520.
  • Vicente, F. M. D. S. (2013). WelcomeUA: desenvolvimento de interface e avaliação de usabilidade (Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro).
  • Wai, I. S. H., Ng, S. S. Y., Chiu, D. K., Ho, K. K., Lo, P. (2018). Exploring undergraduate students’ usage pattern of mobile apps for education. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 50(1), 34-47.
  • Williams, A. J., & Pence, H. E. (2011). Smart phones, a powerful tool in the chemistry classroom. Journal of Chemical Education, 88(6), 683-686.
  • Woodcock, B., Middleton, A., & Nortcliffe, A. (2012). Considering the Smartphone Learner: developing innovation to investigate the opportunities for students and their interest. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1(1), 1-15.
  • Wu, Q. (2015). Designing a smartphone app to teach English (L2) vocabulary. Computers & Education, 85, 170-179.
  • Young, J. R. (2011). Top smartphone apps to improve teaching, research, and your life. The Education Digest, 76(9), 12.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sayım Aktay 0000-0002-5301-0099

Gökhan Hamzaçebi 0000-0002-5301-0099

Hüseyin Kara Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2380-0759

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Aktay, S., Hamzaçebi, G., & Kara, H. (2021). Eğitimde Akıllı Telefon Uygulaması Kullanımı. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1), 542-570.

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