Percieved Language Learning Difficulties by Preparatory School Students: A Case Study
Yıl 2022,
, 36 - 47, 28.02.2022
Demet Özmat
Funda Dörtkulak
Ufuk Akdemir
The aim of this study is to determine the difficulties that students of English as a foreign language experience in the language learning process. The study also reveals the relationship between language learning difficulties students experience and their achievements, gender and academic levels. The study group of this descriptive study consists of 340 preparatory unit students. “Foreign Language Learning Difficulties Scale” developed by Özmat (2017) is used for quantitative data and a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers was used as a qualitative data source. According to the results of the study, it was determined that the difficulties that preparatory students have at the highest level in the language learning process are related to the learning resources, and the difficulties they experience at the minimum level are related to the learning environment (physical and psychological). It was determined that the students had moderate difficulty stemming from teaching learning process and from themselves. The qualitative results of the research also support the results obtained from the scale. It was observed that students did not experience much difficulty related to disciplinary or classroom management issues. In addition, students stated that they needed more student-centered practices in class. There was no significant relationship between students' difficulty level, achievement test and gender. It was determined that the difficulties experienced by the students studying at lower levels are higher than the students studying at the higher levels. According to the results of the research, suggestions were made for language learning process and foreign language teaching in preparatory schools.
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- Ma, X., Wannaruk, A., & Lei, Z. (2019). Exploring the Relationship Between Learning Motivation and L2 WTC in an EFL Classroom Among Thai EFL Learners. English Language Teaching, 12(7), 33.
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The Economic Policy Reseach Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV). (2013). Türkiye’deki devlet okullarında İngilizce dilinin öğretimine ilişkin ulusal ihtiyaç analizi. Retrieved from (December, 11, 2018)
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Hazırlık Öğrencilerinin Dil Öğrenmeyi Zorlaştıran Faktörlere İlişkin Algıları ve Başarıları Arasındaki İlişki –Bir Vakıf Üniversitesi Örneği
Yıl 2022,
, 36 - 47, 28.02.2022
Demet Özmat
Funda Dörtkulak
Ufuk Akdemir
Hazırlık Öğrencilerinin Dil Öğrenmeyi Zorlaştıran Faktörlere İlişkin Algıları ve Başarıları Arasındaki İlişki –Bir Vakıf Üniversitesi Örneği
- Chen, S. C. (2010). Multilingualism in Taiwan. in International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 205, 79-104
- Chou, M. hsuan. (2014). Assessing English vocabulary and enhancing young English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ motivation through games, songs, and stories. Education 3-13.
- Chua, H. W. (2020). The Effect of Task-based Language Teaching in Learning Motivation The Effect of Task-based Language Teaching in Learning Motivation. 2 (December 2019), 41–48.
- De Paepe, L., Zhu, C., & Depryck, K. (2019). Development and implementation of online Dutch L2 courses in adult education: educators’ and providers’ perceptions of constraints and critical success factors. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 13(3), 277–291.
- Demirtaş, Z., & Erdem, S. (2015). 5. Sınıf İngilizce Dersi Öğretim Programı: Güncellenen Programın Bir Önceki Programla Karşılaştırılması ve Programa İlişkin Öğretmen Görüşleri. Sakarya University Journal of Education.
- EF EPI. (Education First English Proficiency Index) (2015). The world’s largest ranking of countries by English skills. Retrieved from (December, 10, 2019).
- Green, S. B., Lissitz, R. W., & Mulaik, S. A. (1977). Limitations of coefficient alpha as an index of test unidimensionality1. Educational and Psychological Measurement.
- Hogan, J., Dolan, P., Donnelly, P. (2009) ‘Introduction’, in J. Hogan, P. Dolan and P. Donnelly (eds) Approaches to Qualitative Research: Theory and Its Practical Application, pp. 1-18. Cork: Oak Tree Press.
- Kandemir, A., & Tok, Ş. (2017). An evaluation of 2nd grade English curriculum within a participant oriented program evaluation approach. Milli Eğitim Dergisi , 46 (215) , 27-67 . Retrieved from
- Kozikoğlu, İ., & Kanat, F. (2018). Lise Öğrencilerinin İngilizce Dersine Katılım Durumlarının İngilizce Dersine Yönelik Tutum ve İngilizce Konuşma Kaygısına Göre Yordanması. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 26(5), 1643–1652.
- Krippendorff, K. (2004). Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology (2nd ed.). Organizational Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- Kurtuluş, F., & Arsal, S. (2019). English Education Needs of the Preparatory School Students. Kastamonu Education Journal, 27, 1005–1014.
- Liu, D. (2003). The Most Frequently Used Spoken American English Idioms: A Corpus Analysis and Its Implications. TESOL Quarterly.
- Liu, H. J., & Cheng, S. H. (2014). Assessing language anxiety in efl students with varying degrees of motivation. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 11(2), 285–299.
- Ma, X., Wannaruk, A., & Lei, Z. (2019). Exploring the Relationship Between Learning Motivation and L2 WTC in an EFL Classroom Among Thai EFL Learners. English Language Teaching, 12(7), 33.
- MacIntyre, P. D., & Gardner, R. C. (1989). Anxiety and Second‐Language Learning: Toward a Theoretical Clarification. Language Learning.
- Mai, L. T. (2011). An investigation into factors that hinder the participation of univeristy students in English speaking lessons. 1(1), 1–13.
- Masgoret, A.-M., & Gardner, R. C. (2003). Attitudes, Motivation, and Second Language Learning: A Meta-Analysis of Studies Conducted by Gardner and Associates. Language Learning.
- McDonough, J., Shaw, C., & Masuhara, H. (2013). Evaluating ELT materials. Materials and Methods in ELT: A Teacher’s Guide.
- Muijs, D. (2014). Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS. In Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS.
- Özmat, D. (2017). Factors that Make Learning English Language Difficult. (Unpublished Doctorate Dissertation) Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
- Scott, C. T. (1965). Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The English Journal, 54(5), 414–418.
- Solak, E., & Cakır, R. (2015). Exploring the effect of materials designed with augmented reality on language learners’ vocabulary learning. Journal of Educators Online, 13(2), 50–72.
- Spector, P. (2015). Summated Rating Scale Construction: An Introduction. Aging.
The Economic Policy Reseach Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV). (2013). Türkiye’deki devlet okullarında İngilizce dilinin öğretimine ilişkin ulusal ihtiyaç analizi. Retrieved from (December, 11, 2018)
- Woodside, A. G. (2010). Bridging the chasm between survey and case study research: Research methods for achieving generalization, accuracy, and complexity. Industrial Marketing Management.
- Zhang, H., Dai, Y., & Wang, Y. (2020). Motivation and second foreign language proficiency: The mediating role of foreign language enjoyment. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(4), 1–13.
- Zuck, J. G., Rivers, W. M., & Temperley, M. S. (1980). A Practical Guide to the Teaching of English as a Second or Foreign Language. TESOL Quarterly.