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Yıl 2022, , 217 - 235, 28.02.2022


Çalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışmanın amacı, 5. ve 6. sınıf bilişim teknolojileri ve yazılım dersindeki donanım birimlerinin görevlerini ve veri iletimini anlatan eğitsel dijital bir oyunun, farklı oyuncu tiplerine uygun tasarlanması ve geliştirilmesidir.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışma tasarım tabanlı araştırma yöntemlerinden gelişimsel araştırma yöntemi ile yürütülmüştür. Oyun tasarım sürecinde gelişimsel araştırma yöntemine uygun olarak ürün tasarımı, geliştirme ve değerlendirme aşamaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ürün tasarımı ve geliştirme çalışmaları tasarım tabanlı araştırmaya uygun olarak üç aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. Her aşamada yapılan çalışmalar 14 kişilik uzman ekip tarafından değerlendirilmiş, oyunda gerekli düzeltmeler yapılarak bir sonraki aşamaya geçilmiştir.
Bulgular: Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında oyun kurgusuna yönelik değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Bu aşamada senaryo yazımı, senaryonun oyuncu tiplerine göre hazırlanması ve senaryo çizimleri ile ilgili veriler elde edilmiştir. Gerekli düzenlemeler yapıldıktan sonra ikinci aşamaya geçilmiştir. İkinci aşamada oyunun üç boyutlu tasarım çalışmalarına yönelik değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Bu aşamada farklı oyuncu tiplerinin puan toplama şekli, süre, farklı oyuncu tiplerinin kullandığı aksesuarların görevleri, oyuncunun oyundaki birimlere ulaşma şekilleri ve karakterlerin tasarımı ile ilgili veriler elde edilmiştir. Uzman değerlendirmesinden sonra düzenlemeler yapılarak üçüncü aşamaya geçilmiştir. Üçüncü aşamada oyundaki geri bildirim, karakterlerin birbiriyle etkileşimi ve ekrana gelen diyalog pencereleri ile ilgili veriler elde edilerek, düzenlemeler yapılmıştır.
Önemli Vurgular: Bu çalışmada eğitsel dijital oyun tasarım sürecindeki aşamalar belirlenmiş, çalışma sonunda müfredattaki kazanımlara ve farklı oyuncu tiplerine uygun üç boyutlu eğitsel bir oyun geliştirilmiştir.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK 1001 118R034 no’ lu “Ortaokul Öğrencileri için Programlama Öğretimine Yönelik Oyun Tabanlı Uyarlanabilir Bir Ortamın Geliştirilmesi ve Öğrencilerin Bilgi İşlemsel Düşünme Becerisine Etkisinin İncelenmesi” projesi kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir.


  • Akgün, E., Nuhoğlu, P., Tüzün, H., Kaya, G., & Çınar, M. (2011). Bir Eğitsel Oyun Tasarımı Modelinin Geliştirilmesi. Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama, 1(1), 41-61.
  • Aleem, S., Capretz, L. F., & Ahmed, F. (2016). Game development software engineering process life cycle: A systematic review. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 4(6), 1–30. doi:10.1186/s40411-016-0032-7
  • Archambault, D., Gaudy, T., Miesenberger, K., Natkin, S., & Ossmann, R. (2008, June). Towards generalised accessibility of computer games. In International Conference on Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment (pp. 518-527). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Aslan, S., & Balcı, O. (2015). GAMED: digital educational game development methodology. Simulation, 91(4), 307-319. doi: 10.1177/0037549715572673
  • Bağcı, H., & Çoklar A. N. (2014). The evaluation of Ceıt teacher candidates in terms of computer games, educational use of computer games and game design qualifications. Kuramsal Eğitim Bilim Dergisi 7(2), 195-211.
  • Bartle, R. (1996). Hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades: Players who suit MUDs. Journal of MUD research, 1(1), 1-27.
  • Bilgili, S. (2020). Oyun Programlama Başarısının Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü. Samsun.
  • Bozkurt, A., & Genç-Kumtepe, E. (2014). Oyunlaştırma, Oyun Felsefesi ve Eğitim: Gamification. Akademik Bilişim, 14, 147-156.
  • Byun, J., & Loh, C. S. (2015). Audial engagement: Effects of game sound on learner engagement in digital game-based learning environments. Computers in Human Behavior, 46, 129–138. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2014.12.052
  • Connolly, T. C., Boyle, E. A., Hainey, T., Macarthur, E., & Boyle, J. M. (2012). A systematic literature review of empirical evidence on computer games and serious games. Computers & Education, 59(2), 661- 686. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2012.03.004
  • Desurvire, H., Caplan, M., & Toth, J. A. (2004, April). Using heuristics to evaluate the playability of games. In CHI'04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 1509-1512). 24-29 April, Vienna, Austria.
  • Devary, S. (2008). Educational gaming, interactive edutaintment. Distance learning, 5, 35-4.
  • Dimaraki, E. V., Schmoelz, A., & Koulouris, P. (2013). Scenarios as pedagogical devices: designing activities for game-based learning. ICERI2013 Proceedings, 3203-3209.
  • Dimitriadou, A., Djafarova, N., Turetken, O., Verkuyl, M., & Ferworn, A. (2020). Challenges in Serious Game Design and Development: Educators’ Experiences. Simulation&Gaming, 00(0). 1-21. doi:1046878120944197.
  • Ferro, L. S., Walz, S. P., & Greuter, S. (2013, September). Towards personalised, gamified systems: an investigation into game design, personality and player typologies. In Proceedings of The 9th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment: Matters of Life and Death (p. 7). ACM.
  • Güler,O., & Erdem. O. A. (2014). Mesleki eğitimde etkileşimli 3b eğitimin uygulanması ve stereoskopik 3B teknolojisi kullanımı. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 7(3), 1-11. doi: 10.12973/bid.2019
  • Hainey, T., Connolly, T. M., Boyle, E. A., Wilson, A., & Razak, A. (2016). A systematic literature review of games-based learning empirical evidence in primary education. Computers & Education, 102, 202-223. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2016.09.001
  • Hong, J. C., Cheng, C. L., Hwang, M. Y., Lee, C. K., & Chang, H. Y. (2009). Assessing the educational values of digital games. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25, 423–437.
  • Ike, T. C. & Hoe, T, W. (2020). Exploring the Link Between the Psychological Needs and the Elements of Game Design for Educational Games. Journal of ICT in Education, 7(2), 65-73.
  • Indraprastha, A., & Shinozaki, M. (2009). The investigation on using Unity3D game engine in urban design study. Journal of ICT Research and Applications, 3(1), 1-18.
  • Jemmali, C., Kleinman, E., Bunian, S., Almeda, M. V., Rowe, E., & El-Nasr, M. S. (2019). Using game design mechanics as metaphors to enhance learning of introductory programming concepts. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games - FDG ’19 (pp.1–5). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/3337722.3341825
  • Kallio, K. P., Mäyrä, F., & Kaipainen, K. (2011). At least nine ways to play: Approaching gamer mentalities. Games and Culture, 6(4), 327-353.
  • Kiili, K. (2005). Digital game-based learning: Towards an experiential gaming model. The Internet and higher education, 8(1), 13-24. doi: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2004.12.001
  • Kocadere, S. A., Özhan, Ş. Ç., Bayrak, F., & Nuhoğlu, P. (2019). Herkül’ün hikâyesi: eğitsel bir oyun geliştirme modeli önerisi. Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama, 9(1), 230-250.
  • Kuzu, A., Çankaya, S., & Mısırlı, A. (2011). Tasarım tabanlı araştırma ve öğrenme ortamlarının tasarımı ve geliştirilmesinde kullanımı. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 1(1), 19-35.
  • Labschütz, M., Krösl, K., Aquino, M., Grashäftl, F., & Kohl, S. (2011). Content creation for a 3D game with Maya and Unity 3D. Proceedings of CESCG 2011: The 15th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics Vienna University, 2- 4 May, 2011, Viničn, Slovakia 1-8.
  • Lester, J. C., Spires, H. A., Nietfeld, J. L., Minogue, J., Mott, B.W., & Lobene, E. V. (2014). Designing game-based learning environments for elementary science education: A narrative-centered learning perspective. Information Sciences, 264, 4-18. doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2013.09.005
  • Manero, B., Torrente, J., Freire, M., & Fernández-Manjón, B. (2016). An instrument to build a gamer clustering framework according to gaming preferences and habits. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 353–363.doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.03.085
  • McKenney S., Reeves T.C. (2014) Educational Design Research. In Spector J., Merrill M., Elen J., Bishop M. (Eds) Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology. Springer, New York, NY. Doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-3185-5_11
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Part 1, On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6. doi:10.1108/10748120110424816
  • Prensky, M. (2004). Digital game-based learning, ACM Computers in Entertainment, 1(1), 1-4.
  • Qian, M., & Clark, K. R. (2016). Game-based Learning and 21st century skills: A review of recent research. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 50-58. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.05.023
  • Richey, R. C., & Klein, J. D. (2005). Developmental research methods: Creating knowledge from instructional design and development practice. Journal of Computing in higher Education, 16(2), 23-38.
  • Ronimus, M., Kujala, J., Tolvanen, A., & Lyytinen, H. (2014). Children’s engagement during digital game-based learning of reading: The effects of time, rewards, and challenge. Computers & Education, 71, 237–246.doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2013.10.008
  • Shi, Y. R., & Shih, J. L. (2015). Game factors and game-based learning design model. International Journal of Computer Games Technology, Volume 2015, (549684), 1-11. doi: 10.1155/2015/549684
  • Song, M., & Zhang, S. (2008). EFM: A Model for Educational Game Design, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Z. Pan et al. (Eds.): Edutainment 2008, Springer US. 509-517.
  • Soyluçiçek, S. (2019). Dijital Oyunların Sanatsal Gücü; Konsept Tasarımı Süreci. Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, (23), 315-327.
  • Sung, H. Y., & Hwang, G. J. (2018). Facilitating effective digital game-based learning behaviors and learning performances of students based on a collaborative knowledge construction strategy. Interactive Learning Environments, 26(1), 118-134. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2017.1283334
  • Squire. K. (2003). Video games in education. International Journal of Intelligent. Games & Simulation 2(1), 49-62
  • Sweetser, P., & Wyeth, P. (2005). GameFlow: a model for evaluating player enjoyment in games. Computers in Entertainment, 3(3), 1-24. doi:10.1145/1077246.1077253.
  • Taşdemir, Ş., & Şüyun, S. B. (2016). Bilgisayar Oyun Tasarımı ve Eğitsellik Kazandırılmasına Yönelik Bir Yaklaşım. Selçuk-Teknik Dergisi, 15(2), 113-124.
  • Tuunanen, J., & Hamari, J. (2012). Meta-synthesis of player typologies. Proceedings of Nordic Digra 2012 Conference: Games in Culture and Society, Tampere, Finland.
  • Van Eck, R. (2015). Digital game-based learning: Still restless, after all these years. Teaching, Leadership & Professional Practice Faculty Publications, 50(6), 13-28.
  • Vasudevamurt, V. B., & Uskov, A. (2015, May). Serious game engines: Analysis and applications. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT). 440-445.
  • Xu, Y., Poole, E. S., Miller, A. D., Eiriksdottir, E., Kestranek, D., Catrambone, R., & Mynatt, E. D. (2012). This is not a one-horse race: Understanding player types in multiplayer pervasive health games for youth. In Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on computer supported cooperative work (pp.843–852). Seattle, Washington DC: ACM. doi:10.1145/2145204.2145330
  • Young, M. F., Slota, S., Cutter, A. B., Jalette, G., Mullin, G., Lai, B., et al. (2012). Our princess is in another castle: A review of trends in serious gaming for education. Review of Educational Research, 82(1), 61-89. doi: 10.3102/0034654312436980
  • Zarraonandia, T., Diaz, P., Aedo, I., & Ruiz, M. R. (2015). Designing educational games through a conceptual model based on rules and scenarios. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 74(13), 4535–4559. doi:10.1007/s11042-013-1821-1

Educational Digital Game Design Process For Different Player Types

Yıl 2022, , 217 - 235, 28.02.2022


Purpose: The aim of this study is to design and develop an educational digital game that explains the tasks and data transmission of hardware units in the 5th and 6th grade information technologies and software course, suitable for different player types.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was implemented with a developmental research method, one of the design-based research methods. In the game design process, product design, development, and evaluation phases were carried out in accordance with the developmental research method. Product design and development studies were carried out in three stages in accordance with design-based research. The studies done at each stage was evaluated by a team of 14 experts, the necessary corrections were made in the game and the next stage was passed.
Findings: In the first stage of the study, evaluations were made for the game design. At this stage, data on writing scenario, preparation of the scenario according to player types and scenario drawings were obtained. After the necessary arrangements were made, the second stage was started. In the second stage, evaluations were made for the 3D design studies of the game. At this stage, data were obtained about the way different player types collect points, the duration, the tasks of the accessories used by different player types, the way the player reaches the units in the game and the design of the characters. After the evaluation, arrangements were made, the third stage was started. In the third stage, results about the feedback in the game, the interaction of the characters and the dialogue windows that appear on the screen were obtained and arrangements were made.
Highlights: In this study, the stages in the educational digital game design process were determined, and at the end of the study, a 3D educational game was developed in accordance with the acquirements in the curriculum and different player types.

Proje Numarası



  • Akgün, E., Nuhoğlu, P., Tüzün, H., Kaya, G., & Çınar, M. (2011). Bir Eğitsel Oyun Tasarımı Modelinin Geliştirilmesi. Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama, 1(1), 41-61.
  • Aleem, S., Capretz, L. F., & Ahmed, F. (2016). Game development software engineering process life cycle: A systematic review. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 4(6), 1–30. doi:10.1186/s40411-016-0032-7
  • Archambault, D., Gaudy, T., Miesenberger, K., Natkin, S., & Ossmann, R. (2008, June). Towards generalised accessibility of computer games. In International Conference on Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment (pp. 518-527). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Aslan, S., & Balcı, O. (2015). GAMED: digital educational game development methodology. Simulation, 91(4), 307-319. doi: 10.1177/0037549715572673
  • Bağcı, H., & Çoklar A. N. (2014). The evaluation of Ceıt teacher candidates in terms of computer games, educational use of computer games and game design qualifications. Kuramsal Eğitim Bilim Dergisi 7(2), 195-211.
  • Bartle, R. (1996). Hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades: Players who suit MUDs. Journal of MUD research, 1(1), 1-27.
  • Bilgili, S. (2020). Oyun Programlama Başarısının Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü. Samsun.
  • Bozkurt, A., & Genç-Kumtepe, E. (2014). Oyunlaştırma, Oyun Felsefesi ve Eğitim: Gamification. Akademik Bilişim, 14, 147-156.
  • Byun, J., & Loh, C. S. (2015). Audial engagement: Effects of game sound on learner engagement in digital game-based learning environments. Computers in Human Behavior, 46, 129–138. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2014.12.052
  • Connolly, T. C., Boyle, E. A., Hainey, T., Macarthur, E., & Boyle, J. M. (2012). A systematic literature review of empirical evidence on computer games and serious games. Computers & Education, 59(2), 661- 686. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2012.03.004
  • Desurvire, H., Caplan, M., & Toth, J. A. (2004, April). Using heuristics to evaluate the playability of games. In CHI'04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 1509-1512). 24-29 April, Vienna, Austria.
  • Devary, S. (2008). Educational gaming, interactive edutaintment. Distance learning, 5, 35-4.
  • Dimaraki, E. V., Schmoelz, A., & Koulouris, P. (2013). Scenarios as pedagogical devices: designing activities for game-based learning. ICERI2013 Proceedings, 3203-3209.
  • Dimitriadou, A., Djafarova, N., Turetken, O., Verkuyl, M., & Ferworn, A. (2020). Challenges in Serious Game Design and Development: Educators’ Experiences. Simulation&Gaming, 00(0). 1-21. doi:1046878120944197.
  • Ferro, L. S., Walz, S. P., & Greuter, S. (2013, September). Towards personalised, gamified systems: an investigation into game design, personality and player typologies. In Proceedings of The 9th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment: Matters of Life and Death (p. 7). ACM.
  • Güler,O., & Erdem. O. A. (2014). Mesleki eğitimde etkileşimli 3b eğitimin uygulanması ve stereoskopik 3B teknolojisi kullanımı. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 7(3), 1-11. doi: 10.12973/bid.2019
  • Hainey, T., Connolly, T. M., Boyle, E. A., Wilson, A., & Razak, A. (2016). A systematic literature review of games-based learning empirical evidence in primary education. Computers & Education, 102, 202-223. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2016.09.001
  • Hong, J. C., Cheng, C. L., Hwang, M. Y., Lee, C. K., & Chang, H. Y. (2009). Assessing the educational values of digital games. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25, 423–437.
  • Ike, T. C. & Hoe, T, W. (2020). Exploring the Link Between the Psychological Needs and the Elements of Game Design for Educational Games. Journal of ICT in Education, 7(2), 65-73.
  • Indraprastha, A., & Shinozaki, M. (2009). The investigation on using Unity3D game engine in urban design study. Journal of ICT Research and Applications, 3(1), 1-18.
  • Jemmali, C., Kleinman, E., Bunian, S., Almeda, M. V., Rowe, E., & El-Nasr, M. S. (2019). Using game design mechanics as metaphors to enhance learning of introductory programming concepts. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games - FDG ’19 (pp.1–5). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/3337722.3341825
  • Kallio, K. P., Mäyrä, F., & Kaipainen, K. (2011). At least nine ways to play: Approaching gamer mentalities. Games and Culture, 6(4), 327-353.
  • Kiili, K. (2005). Digital game-based learning: Towards an experiential gaming model. The Internet and higher education, 8(1), 13-24. doi: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2004.12.001
  • Kocadere, S. A., Özhan, Ş. Ç., Bayrak, F., & Nuhoğlu, P. (2019). Herkül’ün hikâyesi: eğitsel bir oyun geliştirme modeli önerisi. Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama, 9(1), 230-250.
  • Kuzu, A., Çankaya, S., & Mısırlı, A. (2011). Tasarım tabanlı araştırma ve öğrenme ortamlarının tasarımı ve geliştirilmesinde kullanımı. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 1(1), 19-35.
  • Labschütz, M., Krösl, K., Aquino, M., Grashäftl, F., & Kohl, S. (2011). Content creation for a 3D game with Maya and Unity 3D. Proceedings of CESCG 2011: The 15th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics Vienna University, 2- 4 May, 2011, Viničn, Slovakia 1-8.
  • Lester, J. C., Spires, H. A., Nietfeld, J. L., Minogue, J., Mott, B.W., & Lobene, E. V. (2014). Designing game-based learning environments for elementary science education: A narrative-centered learning perspective. Information Sciences, 264, 4-18. doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2013.09.005
  • Manero, B., Torrente, J., Freire, M., & Fernández-Manjón, B. (2016). An instrument to build a gamer clustering framework according to gaming preferences and habits. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 353–363.doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.03.085
  • McKenney S., Reeves T.C. (2014) Educational Design Research. In Spector J., Merrill M., Elen J., Bishop M. (Eds) Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology. Springer, New York, NY. Doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-3185-5_11
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Part 1, On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6. doi:10.1108/10748120110424816
  • Prensky, M. (2004). Digital game-based learning, ACM Computers in Entertainment, 1(1), 1-4.
  • Qian, M., & Clark, K. R. (2016). Game-based Learning and 21st century skills: A review of recent research. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 50-58. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.05.023
  • Richey, R. C., & Klein, J. D. (2005). Developmental research methods: Creating knowledge from instructional design and development practice. Journal of Computing in higher Education, 16(2), 23-38.
  • Ronimus, M., Kujala, J., Tolvanen, A., & Lyytinen, H. (2014). Children’s engagement during digital game-based learning of reading: The effects of time, rewards, and challenge. Computers & Education, 71, 237–246.doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2013.10.008
  • Shi, Y. R., & Shih, J. L. (2015). Game factors and game-based learning design model. International Journal of Computer Games Technology, Volume 2015, (549684), 1-11. doi: 10.1155/2015/549684
  • Song, M., & Zhang, S. (2008). EFM: A Model for Educational Game Design, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Z. Pan et al. (Eds.): Edutainment 2008, Springer US. 509-517.
  • Soyluçiçek, S. (2019). Dijital Oyunların Sanatsal Gücü; Konsept Tasarımı Süreci. Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, (23), 315-327.
  • Sung, H. Y., & Hwang, G. J. (2018). Facilitating effective digital game-based learning behaviors and learning performances of students based on a collaborative knowledge construction strategy. Interactive Learning Environments, 26(1), 118-134. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2017.1283334
  • Squire. K. (2003). Video games in education. International Journal of Intelligent. Games & Simulation 2(1), 49-62
  • Sweetser, P., & Wyeth, P. (2005). GameFlow: a model for evaluating player enjoyment in games. Computers in Entertainment, 3(3), 1-24. doi:10.1145/1077246.1077253.
  • Taşdemir, Ş., & Şüyun, S. B. (2016). Bilgisayar Oyun Tasarımı ve Eğitsellik Kazandırılmasına Yönelik Bir Yaklaşım. Selçuk-Teknik Dergisi, 15(2), 113-124.
  • Tuunanen, J., & Hamari, J. (2012). Meta-synthesis of player typologies. Proceedings of Nordic Digra 2012 Conference: Games in Culture and Society, Tampere, Finland.
  • Van Eck, R. (2015). Digital game-based learning: Still restless, after all these years. Teaching, Leadership & Professional Practice Faculty Publications, 50(6), 13-28.
  • Vasudevamurt, V. B., & Uskov, A. (2015, May). Serious game engines: Analysis and applications. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT). 440-445.
  • Xu, Y., Poole, E. S., Miller, A. D., Eiriksdottir, E., Kestranek, D., Catrambone, R., & Mynatt, E. D. (2012). This is not a one-horse race: Understanding player types in multiplayer pervasive health games for youth. In Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on computer supported cooperative work (pp.843–852). Seattle, Washington DC: ACM. doi:10.1145/2145204.2145330
  • Young, M. F., Slota, S., Cutter, A. B., Jalette, G., Mullin, G., Lai, B., et al. (2012). Our princess is in another castle: A review of trends in serious gaming for education. Review of Educational Research, 82(1), 61-89. doi: 10.3102/0034654312436980
  • Zarraonandia, T., Diaz, P., Aedo, I., & Ruiz, M. R. (2015). Designing educational games through a conceptual model based on rules and scenarios. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 74(13), 4535–4559. doi:10.1007/s11042-013-1821-1
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Research Article

Semra Fiş Erümit 0000-0002-7161-8903

Furkan Kalyoncu 0000-0003-2214-3347

Abdullah Kuzu 0000-0002-1030-0424

Hasan Karal 0000-0002-3555-050X

Proje Numarası 118R034
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2022
Kabul Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Fiş Erümit, S., Kalyoncu, F., Kuzu, A., Karal, H. (2022). Educational Digital Game Design Process For Different Player Types. Kastamonu Education Journal, 30(1), 217-235.