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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 1113 - 1122, 15.07.2016


Turkish Education during Ottoman rule in the Mitrovica in Kosovo Turkish education was own befor arrival empire Ottoman in Kosovo . From that time until the withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire from the Balkans , without any difference compared to other areas of teaching , has been maintained at the same level in Kosovo . In almost all cities of Kosovo ,especially Mitrovica, even in larger villages have continued their education even opened . XIX.century yearbooks was published from that time was known the all Turkish education institutions in Kosovo ,what kind of schools and how these schools are working who are working in who is teaching , the number of students reached their information . During the Ottoman Empire Just in Kosovo in this yearbook was education in the Turkish language in the Kosovo schools ,began, in 1896 we can see that with the publication of the Law Schools. After this date, Kosovo is working to explain the development of their training .


  • Demir, N. (2010) ; Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivlerine Göre 1877-1912 Yılları Arasında Kosova’da Eğitim ve Öğretim (Education in Kosovo Among 1877-1912 According to the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives) ZfWT Vol. 2, No. 3 (2010) : 5-26
  • Recepagiç,Y. (1970 Zhvilimi i Arsimitdhe i SistemitShkollortéKombésiséSqiptarénéTeritorin e JugoslavéséSotme Deri néVitin1918” , Priştine. s. 111, 112, 113, 116.
  • Topsakal, C., Koro, B. (2007), Kosova’da Yaşayan Türkçe Eğitim, Bay Yayınları, Prizren – Kosova.
  • Durmuşçelebi, M., Koro, B. (2012), XX.Yüzyılda Kosova’da Türkçe Öğretim Programları- nın Uygulanması, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı: 32: 137-154.
  • Sofuoğlu, E., Topsakal, C. (2007), Osmanlı Devleti’nin Kosova Eğitim Sistemi’ne Yönelik Yönetimsel Düzenlemeleri, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: IV, Sayı: I: 60-80.
  • Ergül, H.F. (2009), Kosova’da Türkçe Eğitim ve Sınıf Öğretmeni Yetiştirme İhtiyacı, Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 13: 39-51.
  • Kostič, K. Naši novi gradovi na jugu, Svetlost, Beograd, 1922.
  • Murati, S. Prošlost Titove Mitrovice u zbirkama zavičajnog muzeja, Progres – Djordjević, Titova Mitrovica, 1989.
  • Safçı, N. (2004), “Kosova’da Türkçe Eğtim ve Öğretime Genel Bir Bakış” , Ankara Kültür Merkezi’nde düzenlenen 3.Uluslararası Türk Kültürü Sempozyumu’nda okunan bildiri.
  • Mitroviça Türk okulunun ilk müdürlerinden biri olan Cafer Deda’nın el yazıları
  • Eski öğretmenler Fatime Kimezür, Remzi Zekeriya, Erol Zekeriya’nın hatıraları.
  • Mektebi Ruşdiye-Türk okulu EXTENDED ABSRACT
  • Mitrovica is a town in the north of Kosovo, situated on the bank of the Iber river. During
  • the period of Yugoslavia the town was called Kosovo Mitrovica, where aside its name it has
  • undergone the changes in its structure as well. Ethnicity of this town was the subject of Semsettin
  • Sami’s work. According to his writings, the population of 5000 mostly Muslims, Albanians and
  • Bosnians has dealt with various craftwork, made grindstones, built tekkes (dervish lodges)
  • and cohabitated without any problems. We did not found any information on the education
  • before Ottomans except the education in churches. Turks known for their interest in culture,
  • in Ottoman period built mektebs (schools) and madrassas wherever they went, did various
  • activities in the name of education and culture. Ottoman administration did not strive with education until Tanzimat, it passed the management of education to Waqfs; thus schools being under the management of waqf had the dominance of religious and social aspects. Religious schools of Islam had the objective of teaching read –write, Koran and the rules of Islam religion. While in madrassas except
  • Islam religion there were taught Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Mathematics and other subjects. The
  • first written document on Turkish Educational Institutions in Kosovo is Foundation Certificate
  • Charter (vakıfname) written in 1513 by Suzi Celebi. Turkish education in Kosovo started with arrival of Ottomans. From this period on until
  • withdrawal of the Ottomans from Balkans, education in Kosovo continued on the same level
  • as other regions. Almost in every town of Kosovo, even the bigger villages as well had schools.
  • With the publication of annuals in XIX century we have information on the Turkish educational
  • institutions, schools, teachers and the number of students. These annuals enlighten us on the
  • Turkish language schools in Kosovo which started in 1896 with the publication of Schools Law.
  • After this date, for the first time schools came under the supervision of government with the
  • certain curricula, separated from religious schools where we see the possibility of registration
  • of girls in the schools on the same level as schools for boys. Based on annuals we are informed on the state of education in Mitrovica during the Ottoman
  • period. There were 145 students, 5 teachers and 4 primary schools in Mitrovica. One of these
  • schools was girls’ primary school with 95 students. First teachers were mainly special teachers
  • coming from outside of Kosovo province where in later periods started engagement of local
  • teachers educated in Istanbul, Edirne, Thessaloniki and later Skopje. The teacher positions
  • were known to be managed by mudarris or hafiz and imams who finished their education in madrasas. Education in Mitrovica was known to be developed in a two-story building on the bank of
  • Lusta river and opposite Isa Bey Mosque. In this work we will try to depict the beginning of
  • Turkish Education in Mitrovica. Apart of İptidadiye (primary) and Rüştiye (ottoman junior high school) schools there was
  • also Sibyan (ottoman elementary-primary) schools in Mitrovica. Registration of the students in
  • these schools started from the age of six. First madrassa of Mitrovica was opened in 1908, the principal of this was school Safet
  • efendi and later Halil-efendi (from Bosnia). This school was private school and its activity
  • started after 1912 where the students of these schools were educated to be teachers and taught
  • in the villages. Religious subjects prevailed in these schools and they were educated in Arabic.
  • From the important mudarris’ (principals) of these schools we can mention Osman-efendi
  • (1908) with his origin from Mitrovica, Suleyman efendi from Peja, Recep and Remzi effendi
  • from Pristina who were the last names to work in this school. Recep effendi’s effort in the
  • madrassa was tremendous. The subjects of Rustiye schools were also applied in this school. Apart from this school Mitrovica Turks had Vocational High School for Women. For a
  • period this school functioned as a French school as well. Most of the students of this High
  • School were aghas and beys children. The objective of these schools was strengthening of
  • apprehension of the trade. This school was known as private school (Hususi mekteb) and Tereki (advancement) school.
  • The teachers of this private school came from Thessaloniki and other well-known centers. The principal of the school Hikmet-efendi was from Thessaloniki and had 5-6 important teachers.
  • Wages of the teachers were secured by wealthy families which were 8 liras per month, on the
  • period’s currency. Private school called Hususi mekteb, worked until 1907-1909. Subjects taught in this school
  • were: French and Turkish language, Geography, Mathematics, History, Physical Education. After finishing Iptidadiye School students continued their education in other schools. This
  • was a kind of rule of the period. Students of this school learned Albanian alphabet through French. There are documents on Kosovo education preserved in Ottoman Archives of Turkish
  • Government Premiership. There are detected around 911 documents related to this subject.
  • Work prepared based on these documents had studied in details the activities related to
  • education in Kosovo between 1877-1912. During the Ottoman period Kosovo had 6 sanjaks
  • and Mitrovica district linked to Pristina sanjak. Information on Mitrovica district are: Ottoman government established modern schools in Kosovo thus contributed in assimilation
  • of Kosovars and prevented their Serbianization, Bulgarization, Rumization and Slavization.
  • Importance given to the education in that period became foundation of today’s Republic of Kosovo.


Yıl 2014, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 1113 - 1122, 15.07.2016


Kosova’da Türkçe eğitim Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kosova’ya gelmesiyle başlamıştır. Bu dönemde başlayan Türkçe öğretim Osmanlı Devlet’inin Balkanlardan çekilmesine kadar, diğer bölgelere göre herhangi bir fark gözetilmeksizin, Kosova’da da aynı düzeyde sürdürülmüştür. Kosova’nın hemen hemen tüm şehirlerinde, özellikle Mitroviça’da, hatta büyük köylerinde bile Türkçe okullar açılarak eğitime devam edilmiştir. XIX. yüzyılda salnamelerin yayımlanmasıyla Kosova’da Türkçe eğitimin hangi okullarda yapıldığı, öğretmenlerin kimler olduğu ve öğrenci sayıları hakkında bilgilere ulaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, 1896 yılında yayımlanan Okullar Yasası'ndan sonra genelde Kosova’da, özelde Mitroviça’da Türkçe eğitimin seyri incelenmiştir.


  • Demir, N. (2010) ; Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivlerine Göre 1877-1912 Yılları Arasında Kosova’da Eğitim ve Öğretim (Education in Kosovo Among 1877-1912 According to the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives) ZfWT Vol. 2, No. 3 (2010) : 5-26
  • Recepagiç,Y. (1970 Zhvilimi i Arsimitdhe i SistemitShkollortéKombésiséSqiptarénéTeritorin e JugoslavéséSotme Deri néVitin1918” , Priştine. s. 111, 112, 113, 116.
  • Topsakal, C., Koro, B. (2007), Kosova’da Yaşayan Türkçe Eğitim, Bay Yayınları, Prizren – Kosova.
  • Durmuşçelebi, M., Koro, B. (2012), XX.Yüzyılda Kosova’da Türkçe Öğretim Programları- nın Uygulanması, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı: 32: 137-154.
  • Sofuoğlu, E., Topsakal, C. (2007), Osmanlı Devleti’nin Kosova Eğitim Sistemi’ne Yönelik Yönetimsel Düzenlemeleri, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: IV, Sayı: I: 60-80.
  • Ergül, H.F. (2009), Kosova’da Türkçe Eğitim ve Sınıf Öğretmeni Yetiştirme İhtiyacı, Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 13: 39-51.
  • Kostič, K. Naši novi gradovi na jugu, Svetlost, Beograd, 1922.
  • Murati, S. Prošlost Titove Mitrovice u zbirkama zavičajnog muzeja, Progres – Djordjević, Titova Mitrovica, 1989.
  • Safçı, N. (2004), “Kosova’da Türkçe Eğtim ve Öğretime Genel Bir Bakış” , Ankara Kültür Merkezi’nde düzenlenen 3.Uluslararası Türk Kültürü Sempozyumu’nda okunan bildiri.
  • Mitroviça Türk okulunun ilk müdürlerinden biri olan Cafer Deda’nın el yazıları
  • Eski öğretmenler Fatime Kimezür, Remzi Zekeriya, Erol Zekeriya’nın hatıraları.
  • Mektebi Ruşdiye-Türk okulu EXTENDED ABSRACT
  • Mitrovica is a town in the north of Kosovo, situated on the bank of the Iber river. During
  • the period of Yugoslavia the town was called Kosovo Mitrovica, where aside its name it has
  • undergone the changes in its structure as well. Ethnicity of this town was the subject of Semsettin
  • Sami’s work. According to his writings, the population of 5000 mostly Muslims, Albanians and
  • Bosnians has dealt with various craftwork, made grindstones, built tekkes (dervish lodges)
  • and cohabitated without any problems. We did not found any information on the education
  • before Ottomans except the education in churches. Turks known for their interest in culture,
  • in Ottoman period built mektebs (schools) and madrassas wherever they went, did various
  • activities in the name of education and culture. Ottoman administration did not strive with education until Tanzimat, it passed the management of education to Waqfs; thus schools being under the management of waqf had the dominance of religious and social aspects. Religious schools of Islam had the objective of teaching read –write, Koran and the rules of Islam religion. While in madrassas except
  • Islam religion there were taught Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Mathematics and other subjects. The
  • first written document on Turkish Educational Institutions in Kosovo is Foundation Certificate
  • Charter (vakıfname) written in 1513 by Suzi Celebi. Turkish education in Kosovo started with arrival of Ottomans. From this period on until
  • withdrawal of the Ottomans from Balkans, education in Kosovo continued on the same level
  • as other regions. Almost in every town of Kosovo, even the bigger villages as well had schools.
  • With the publication of annuals in XIX century we have information on the Turkish educational
  • institutions, schools, teachers and the number of students. These annuals enlighten us on the
  • Turkish language schools in Kosovo which started in 1896 with the publication of Schools Law.
  • After this date, for the first time schools came under the supervision of government with the
  • certain curricula, separated from religious schools where we see the possibility of registration
  • of girls in the schools on the same level as schools for boys. Based on annuals we are informed on the state of education in Mitrovica during the Ottoman
  • period. There were 145 students, 5 teachers and 4 primary schools in Mitrovica. One of these
  • schools was girls’ primary school with 95 students. First teachers were mainly special teachers
  • coming from outside of Kosovo province where in later periods started engagement of local
  • teachers educated in Istanbul, Edirne, Thessaloniki and later Skopje. The teacher positions
  • were known to be managed by mudarris or hafiz and imams who finished their education in madrasas. Education in Mitrovica was known to be developed in a two-story building on the bank of
  • Lusta river and opposite Isa Bey Mosque. In this work we will try to depict the beginning of
  • Turkish Education in Mitrovica. Apart of İptidadiye (primary) and Rüştiye (ottoman junior high school) schools there was
  • also Sibyan (ottoman elementary-primary) schools in Mitrovica. Registration of the students in
  • these schools started from the age of six. First madrassa of Mitrovica was opened in 1908, the principal of this was school Safet
  • efendi and later Halil-efendi (from Bosnia). This school was private school and its activity
  • started after 1912 where the students of these schools were educated to be teachers and taught
  • in the villages. Religious subjects prevailed in these schools and they were educated in Arabic.
  • From the important mudarris’ (principals) of these schools we can mention Osman-efendi
  • (1908) with his origin from Mitrovica, Suleyman efendi from Peja, Recep and Remzi effendi
  • from Pristina who were the last names to work in this school. Recep effendi’s effort in the
  • madrassa was tremendous. The subjects of Rustiye schools were also applied in this school. Apart from this school Mitrovica Turks had Vocational High School for Women. For a
  • period this school functioned as a French school as well. Most of the students of this High
  • School were aghas and beys children. The objective of these schools was strengthening of
  • apprehension of the trade. This school was known as private school (Hususi mekteb) and Tereki (advancement) school.
  • The teachers of this private school came from Thessaloniki and other well-known centers. The principal of the school Hikmet-efendi was from Thessaloniki and had 5-6 important teachers.
  • Wages of the teachers were secured by wealthy families which were 8 liras per month, on the
  • period’s currency. Private school called Hususi mekteb, worked until 1907-1909. Subjects taught in this school
  • were: French and Turkish language, Geography, Mathematics, History, Physical Education. After finishing Iptidadiye School students continued their education in other schools. This
  • was a kind of rule of the period. Students of this school learned Albanian alphabet through French. There are documents on Kosovo education preserved in Ottoman Archives of Turkish
  • Government Premiership. There are detected around 911 documents related to this subject.
  • Work prepared based on these documents had studied in details the activities related to
  • education in Kosovo between 1877-1912. During the Ottoman period Kosovo had 6 sanjaks
  • and Mitrovica district linked to Pristina sanjak. Information on Mitrovica district are: Ottoman government established modern schools in Kosovo thus contributed in assimilation
  • of Kosovars and prevented their Serbianization, Bulgarization, Rumization and Slavization.
  • Importance given to the education in that period became foundation of today’s Republic of Kosovo.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA43HC82PF
Bölüm Derleme Makale

Suzan D. Canhasi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Canhasi, S. D. (2016). TURKISH EDUCATION DURING OTTOMAN RULE IN THE MITROVICA. Kastamonu Education Journal, 22(3), 1113-1122.