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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 331 - 340, 01.01.2009


Learning a language is very important in our global world. People should know at least one foreign language to enter the global market place. English is the leading foreign language in many countries, including Turkey. Parents attitudes towards the language affect their children’s success in learning the language. Many studies have indicated that parents play an important role in maintaining their children’s language ability as well as in participating for the success of school and learning. The aim of this study was to investigate the parental attitudes towards English education for Kindergarten students. In this study a questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. To determine valid and reliable results the pilot administration was done to see the possible problems which might occur. The result of the pilot study indicates that the questionnaire has . 97 reliability. 46 parents who are sending their children to a Kindergarten which has English education were selected randomly for the main study. The main study was carried out at Neşeli Adımlar Kindergarten during the first term of the 2006–2007 Academic year. The results demonstrated that most parents strongly support immersion of English for their children in Kindergartens whereas; they have negative attitudes with respect to the qualifications of teachers.


  • 1. Chase, K. (1997) A second Language Before Second Grade. Teaching Pre K8, 28 (October) 46-47.
  • 2. Cotton, K. & Wikelund, K. R. (2007) Parent Involment in Education. School Improvement Research Series (ED 285895)
  • 3. (Nisan 2007)
  • 4. Feestra, H. (1969) Parent and Teacher Attitudes. Their Role in Second Language Acquisition. Canadian Modern Language Review, 26, 5–13
  • 5. Finney, R. (1996) Foreign Language Education in Elementary Schools: Revitalizing and Maintaining a Workable Program (ED 408842)
  • 6. (Mayıs 2007)
  • 7. Gardner, R. (1968) Attitudes and Motivation: Their role in Second-Language Learning. TESOL Quarterly, 2 (3), 141–150
  • 8. Gardner, R. & Lambert, W. (1972) Attitudes and Motivation in Second-Language Learning. Rowley, MA: Newbury House
  • 9. Gardner, R. C. (1975) Attitudes and Motivation: their role in second language acquisition. M: J. W Oller & J. C. Richards (Eds.) Focus on the learner: pragmatic perspectives for the language teacher (Rowley, MA, Newbury House)
  • 10. Gardner, R. C. (1985) Social Psychology and Second Language Learning. London: Edward Arnold
  • 11. Hayman, J. Jr., Johnson, J. Jr. & Mayers, A. (1964) Denver-Stanford Project on the context of Instructional Television (ED 018168)
  • 12. (Mayıs 2007)
  • 13. Karahan, Firdevs (2007) Language Attitudes of Turkish Students towards the English Language and its use in Turkish Context. Journal of Arts and Sciences Nb. 7: Mayıs
  • 14. Lambert, W. & Klineberg, O. (1967) Children’s views of foreign peoples:A cross-Cultural Study. New York: Appleton-Century-Crafts
  • 15. Oskamp. S. (1977) Attitudes and Opinions. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall
  • 16. Rosenbush, Marcia H. (1987) Foreign Language Learning and Children: The Parental Role (ED 289366)
  • 17. (Kasım 2007) 18. 19. Wong, Fillmore, and L. (2000) Loss of Family Languages: Should educators be concerned? Theory into practice. 39 (4), 203-210.
  • 20. Young, A. S. (1994) Motivational State and Process within the Socio-Linguistic Context. Birmingham: Aston University.


Yıl 2009, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 331 - 340, 01.01.2009


Global dünyamızda yabancı dil öğrenmenin önemi çok büyük. İnsanların en az bir dil bilmeye ihtiyaçları var. İngilizce birçok ülkede yabancı dil öğreniminde lider konumdadır, buna Türkiye’de dâhildir. Ailelerin tutumu çocukların dil öğrenme başarılarında etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı kreşlerde İngilizce eğitim verilmesine ailelerin tutumlarını araştırmaktır. Bu çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak anket kullanılmıştır. Geçerli ve güvenilir sonuçlar almak ve çıkabilecek problemleri belirlemek üzere ana çalışmadan önce pilot çalışma uygulanmıştır. Pilot çalışma anketin .97 geçerliliğe sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Ana çalışma için çocuklarını İngilizce eğitim veren kreşlere gönderen 46 aile rastgele seçilmiştir. Uygulama 2006–2007 Akademik yılında Neşeli Adımlar kreşinde yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar göstermiştir ki çoğu aile kreşlerde İngilizce eğitime destek vermektedir, ancak öğretmenlerin kaliteleriyle ilgili olumsuz tutumları vardır


  • 1. Chase, K. (1997) A second Language Before Second Grade. Teaching Pre K8, 28 (October) 46-47.
  • 2. Cotton, K. & Wikelund, K. R. (2007) Parent Involment in Education. School Improvement Research Series (ED 285895)
  • 3. (Nisan 2007)
  • 4. Feestra, H. (1969) Parent and Teacher Attitudes. Their Role in Second Language Acquisition. Canadian Modern Language Review, 26, 5–13
  • 5. Finney, R. (1996) Foreign Language Education in Elementary Schools: Revitalizing and Maintaining a Workable Program (ED 408842)
  • 6. (Mayıs 2007)
  • 7. Gardner, R. (1968) Attitudes and Motivation: Their role in Second-Language Learning. TESOL Quarterly, 2 (3), 141–150
  • 8. Gardner, R. & Lambert, W. (1972) Attitudes and Motivation in Second-Language Learning. Rowley, MA: Newbury House
  • 9. Gardner, R. C. (1975) Attitudes and Motivation: their role in second language acquisition. M: J. W Oller & J. C. Richards (Eds.) Focus on the learner: pragmatic perspectives for the language teacher (Rowley, MA, Newbury House)
  • 10. Gardner, R. C. (1985) Social Psychology and Second Language Learning. London: Edward Arnold
  • 11. Hayman, J. Jr., Johnson, J. Jr. & Mayers, A. (1964) Denver-Stanford Project on the context of Instructional Television (ED 018168)
  • 12. (Mayıs 2007)
  • 13. Karahan, Firdevs (2007) Language Attitudes of Turkish Students towards the English Language and its use in Turkish Context. Journal of Arts and Sciences Nb. 7: Mayıs
  • 14. Lambert, W. & Klineberg, O. (1967) Children’s views of foreign peoples:A cross-Cultural Study. New York: Appleton-Century-Crafts
  • 15. Oskamp. S. (1977) Attitudes and Opinions. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall
  • 16. Rosenbush, Marcia H. (1987) Foreign Language Learning and Children: The Parental Role (ED 289366)
  • 17. (Kasım 2007) 18. 19. Wong, Fillmore, and L. (2000) Loss of Family Languages: Should educators be concerned? Theory into practice. 39 (4), 203-210.
  • 20. Young, A. S. (1994) Motivational State and Process within the Socio-Linguistic Context. Birmingham: Aston University.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Z.müge Tavil Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1

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