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An Intervention Method for Environmental Literacy: A Trainers Workshop of Lifelong Learning

Yıl 2020, , 263 - 280, 15.06.2020


Çevre okuryazarlığı, herhangi bir toplumda, çevre bilincinin oluşması için ihtiyaç duyulan olgudur. Çevre okuryazarlığı ayrıca, çevre duyarlılığı ile sürdürülebilir ve akıllı çevre ve kentleşmenin yaratılmasında önemli bir girdidir. Kavrama dair kesin bir tanımlama ve uygulama bulunmamaktadır. Çevre okuryazarlığı kavramı anlaşılamadığından, toplumsal bilincin oluşturulması yönünde gerekli eylem ve faaliyetlerde yetersizlikler gözlenmektedir. Çevre okuryazarlığına sahip olmayan toplumlarda; çevreye yönelik olumsuz etkileri olan eylemleri veya tahribatları destekleyen veya yapan, çevre hakkını önemsemeyen ve korumayı öncelik haline getirmeyen bireylerin, idarecilerin ve politikacıların var olması kaçınılmazdır. Sürdürülebilir ve akıllı bir çevrenin, toplumun ve kentleşmenin yaratılabilmesi için yaygın ve kısa vadede en fazla bireye ulaşabilen etkili bir eğitim türü olan hayat boyu öğrenme eğitimiyle topluma müdahale edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu makale, çevre okuryazarlığının kavramı ve kavramsal dönüşüme dair eleştirel bir düşünden başlayarak, eğiticilerin eğitimi yoluyla çevre okuryazarlığının arttırılmasına yönelik bir yöntem geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Makalenin hedefi; kamu düzenini sağlama, toplumsal gelişimi ve kentleşmeyi şekillendirme ve çevreyi korumadan sorumlu olan karar vericiler, bu alanda akademik üretim yapan bilim insanları ile sivil toplum kuruluşlarının yöneticilerine pratik, pragmatik ve uygulanabilir bir sonuç önermesinde bulunmaktır. Betimleyici tanımlama yöntemiyle ve multidisipliner bakış açısıyla hazırlanan makalede; çevre ve kentsel planlama disiplini çerçevesinde çevre okuryazarlığı kavramı, literatür ve internet taramasından elde edilen bulgularla aktarılmaktadır. Çevre okuryazarlığı literatürünün haritalaması, Türkiye’deki ilgili akademik çalışmalara vurgu yapılarak verilmiştir. Makalede, kavramsal analizi müteakip, okuryazarlığa müdahaleci bir uygulama faaliyeti olarak, hayat boyu öğrenme eğitimi kapsamında eğiticilerin eğitimine yönelik yazar tarafından geliştirilen atölye betimlenmiştir. Atölye önermesi, çevre konusundaki eğiticilere, STK liderlerine, fon sağlayıcılarına, karar vericilere ve meslek insanlarına tavsiye niteliğindedir. Atölye, çevrenin nasıl öğretilmesi, gösterilmesi ve korunması gerektiği olgusunu yeniden şekillendirecek biçimde tasarlanmıştır. Atölyenin içerik önermesi sonrasında, makalenin sonuç kısmında, öneri eğitim yönteminin uygulanması halinde, olası katkılarına dair genel bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Brennan, A. (1994) “Environmental Literacy and Educational Ideal” Environmental Values 3, No.1,: 3-16.
  • McBride, B. B., Brewer, C. A. Berkowitz, A. R. & Borrie, W. T. (2013). “Environmental literacy, ecological literacy, ecoliteracy: What do we mean and how did we get here?” ECOSPHERE, May, Volume 4 (5). 1-20.
  • CMU (n.d.) (2014). What is Environmental Literacy? Environment. Decision Making, Science, And Technology, Carnegie Mellon University,
  • Coppola, N.W. (1999). Greening the technology curriculum: A model for environmental literacy. The Journal of Technology Studies, 25(2), 39-46.
  • Coyle, K. (2005). Enviromental Literacy in America. The National Enviromental Education and Training Foundation. Washington DC. September.
  • Daudi, S.S. (1999). “Environmental Education as a vehicle to promote environmental literacy in low literate communities of the world” (pp. 85-92) International Workshop on Environmental Education in Asia and Beyond, October, 11-15, Korea.
  • Daudi, S.S. & Heimlich, J.E. (1997). Environmental literacy: what does it really mean? EETAP Resource Library, Access date 14.08.2008.
  • Disinger, J. F., & Roth, C.E. (1992). Environmental literacy. Columbus, Ohio: ERIC/SMEAC Information Reference Center. ED 351201.
  • Erdoğan, M. (2009). Fifth Grade Students’ Environmental Literacy and The Factors Affecting Students’ Environmentally Responsible Behaviors. METU, The Department of Educational Sciences, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. January.
  • Erdoğan, M., Kostova, Z., Marcinkowski, T. (2009). Components of Environmental Literacy in Elementary Science Education Curriculum in Bulgaria and Turkey. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 5(1), 15-26.
  • Erdoğan, M. & Ok, A. (2011). “An Assessment of Turkish Young Pupils’ Environmental Lietracy: A nationwide Survey”. International Journal of Science Education. 33:17, 2375-2406.
  • Goldman, D., Yavetz, B., & Pe’er, S. (2006). “Environmental literacy in teacher training in Israel: Environmental behavior of new students”. Journal of Environmental Education, 38 (1), 3-22.
  • Görmüş, S. (2019). “Environmental Literacy: An Assessment and Evaluation on the Students of Landscape Architecture in Turkey”. No.15. January. 105-117.
  • Harvey, G. (1977). A conceptualization of environmental education. In J. Aldrich, A. Balckburn, and G. Abel (Eds.), A Report on the North American Regional Seminar on Environmental Education (pp. 66-77). Columbus, OH: ERIC / SMEAC. Hernández, B., Suárez, E., Corral-Verdugo, V. & Hees, S. (2012). “The Relationship between Social and Environmental Interdependence as an Explanation of Proenvironmental Behavior”. Human Ecology Review, July, 19 (1): 1-9.
  • Hsu, S. J. (1997). An assessment of environmental literacy and analysis of predictors of responsible environmental behavior held by secondary teachers in Hualien country of Taiwan. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. (Ohio State University) (UMI Number: 9731641).
  • Ibitz, A. (2017). “The Promotion of Environmental Literacy under an Attention Economy Perspective”, Interface, Issue 2, Spring, 51-73. DOI: 10.6667/interface.2.2017.27
  • Joseph, B. (2009). Environmental Studies, New Delhi. Tata McGra-Hill. 2nd Ed.
  • Kasperiuniene, J. & Daukilas, S. (2017). “Smart Educational technology in the learning process at a rural vocational training institution: a case study”, Conference: Rural development. Bio economy challenges. DOI:10.15544/RD.2017.128.
  • Kellert, S.R. & Derr, V. (1998). A national study of the wilderness experience. New Haven, CT: Yale University.
  • Kışoğlu, M., Gürbüz, H., Sülün, A., Alaş, A. & Erkol, M. (2010). “Environmental Literacy and Evaluation of Studies Conducted On Environmental Literacy in Turkey.” International Online Journal of Educational Sciences. January, 2 (3), 772-791.
  • Norris, S. (2012). Reading for Evidence and Interpreting Visualizations in Mathematics and Science Education. Springer Science & Business Media. September.
  • Orr, D.W. (1990). “Environmental education and ecological literacy”. The Education Digest, 55(9), 49-53.
  • Orr, D. W. (1992). Ecological literacy: education and transition to a postmodern world. SUNY Press, Albany, New York, USA. Roth, C. E. (1968). On the road to conservation. Massachusetts Audubon, 38–41.
  • Roth, C.E. (1992). Environmental literacy: Its roots, evolution and directions in the 1990s. (ERIC Reproduction Service No. ED348 235).
  • Schatz, C. (1996). When Bambi meets Godzilla: Bringing environmental education and outdoor recreation together. ERIC Digest No. ED404088.
  • Schneider, S. H. (1997). "Defining Environmental Literacy." Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 12 (11), 457. Scholz, R. W. & Binder, C. R. (2011). Environmental Literacy in Science and Society: From Knowledge to Decision. 1st Edition. Cambridge University Press.
  • Simmons, D. (1995). Working paper # 2: Developing a framework for national environmental education standards. In papers on the Development of Environmental Education Standards (pp. 53-58). Troy, OH: NAAEE.
  • Singh, M. (2013). “Educational practice in India and its foundations in Indian heritage: a synthesis of the East and West?”, Comparative Education. 49:1, 88-106, DOI: 10.1080/03050068.2012.740222
  • Volk, T. & McBeth, W. (1997). Environmental literacy in the Unites States: What should be… What is…Getting from here to there. A report funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and submitted to the Environmental Education and Training Partnership, NAAEE. Washington, DC: U.S. EPA.
  • Volk, T. & McBeth, W. (2005). Environmental literacy in the Unites States. In H. Hungerford, B. Bluhm, T. Volk and J. Ramsey (Eds.) Essential Readings in Environmental Education (pp.75-80). Campaign, IL: Stipes Publishing Company.
  • Wilke, R. (1995). Literacy model development and framework. In R. Wilke (ed.), Environmental Education Literacy/Needs Assessment Project: Assessing Environmental Literacy of Students and Environmental Education Needs of Teachers; Final Report for 1993-1995 (pp.5-6). (Report to NCEET/University of Michigan under U.S. EPA Grant NT901935-01-2). Stevens Point, WI: University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point.
  • Yavetz, B., Goldman, D. & Pe’er, S. (2009). Environmental Literacy of pre-service teachers in Israel: a comparison between students at the onset and end of their studies. Environmental Education Research. 15:4, 393-415, DOI: 10.1080/13504620902928422
  • Internet sources: Adopt A Highway Maintenance Corporation (, (20.02.2020). Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute (ALWRI) (, 20.02.2020). Carnegie Mellon University (, (20.02.2020). Climate Change Agreement ( (22.01.2020). Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe, (20.02.2020). ELC, 22.01.2020 ( (22.01.2020). Envirolink Network (www.envirolink), (20.02.2020). Environment & Society Portal (, (20.02.2020). Environmental Information System(ENVIS) ( (20.02.2020) European Commission (, (20.02.2020). Georgia Department of Natural Resources (, 20.02.2020) Idaho Environment Education Association (, (20.02.2020). Montreal-protocol, ( National Geographic, Changing Climate, Environmental Literacy Teacher Guide Series. https://www.national (22.01.2020). NC EE, What is Environmental Education, (25.01.2020). NIILM University (, (20.02.2020). Promise of Place (, (20.02.2020). Pune Institute of Business Management (PIBM) (, (20.02.2020). The Cape Fear River Assembly (CFRA) ( (20.02.2020). The EU Education and Training, ( (20.12.2019). The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), India (, (20.02.2020). The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (, (20.02.2020). The protection and use of biodiversity (https//, (23.12.2019). The prevention of desertification ( (23.12.2019). UN Enviroment (April 21, 2017) Earth Day: Environmental literacy more important than ever ( (23.12.2019). UN News (April 22, 2017) Mother Earth Day: Environmental and climate literacy vital for a cleaner, greener planet, says UN ( (21.01.2020). Universidade Católica Portuguesa Faculty of Human Sciences (, (20.02.2020). (January 25, 2020), (environment literacy). Wetland Services, Oregon Environmental Literacy Program (25.01.2020), Ozone-destroying substances (( (24.01.2020). Wikipedia, Anthropocene ( (21.01.2020)., 20.02.2020.

An Intervention Method for Environmental Literacy: A Trainers Workshop of Lifelong Learning

Yıl 2020, , 263 - 280, 15.06.2020


Environmental literacy is needed by any society in order to achieve environmental awareness. It is also an important component of environmental responsiveness and the creation of a sustainable and smart environment and urbanization. There is of a lack precise definition of or implementation for environmental literacy. Since the concept of environmental literacy has not been properly understood, the relevant actors are unable to develop necessary actions and activities for achieving social awareness. For a sustainable and smart environment, societies, and urbanization, there is a need for social intervention by means of lifelong learning education—a widespread and effective form of education that is capable of reaching large numbers of individuals in the short term. This article, starting point of which is the critical consideration of the environmental literacy concept and its conceptual transformation, aims to contribute to environmental literacy by developing a method of implementation through training of trainers. The objective is to present a practical, pragmatic and workable concluding recommendation to decision makers responsible for ensuring public order, shaping the development of society, urbanization and protecting the environment, to researchers involved in academic production in this area, and to the administrators of relevant civil society organizations. Using a descriptive methodology and multidisciplinary perspective, the article explains the environmental literacy concept, in the context of the disciplines of environment and urban planning, with the aid of the findings obtained through a review of the literature and an internet search. An environmental literacy literature mapping is presented with an emphasis on the related Turkish academic studies. Following this conceptual analysis, the article describes the workshop developed by the author for the training of trainers in life-long learning education, which is seen as a mean of intervention with regard to literacy. The workshop has been designed in such a way to reconfigure the matter of how the environment is taught, represented and protected. After making an activity content proposal, the article concludes with a general evaluation of the possible contributions, which the proposed educational method could make when implemented.

Proje Numarası



  • Brennan, A. (1994) “Environmental Literacy and Educational Ideal” Environmental Values 3, No.1,: 3-16.
  • McBride, B. B., Brewer, C. A. Berkowitz, A. R. & Borrie, W. T. (2013). “Environmental literacy, ecological literacy, ecoliteracy: What do we mean and how did we get here?” ECOSPHERE, May, Volume 4 (5). 1-20.
  • CMU (n.d.) (2014). What is Environmental Literacy? Environment. Decision Making, Science, And Technology, Carnegie Mellon University,
  • Coppola, N.W. (1999). Greening the technology curriculum: A model for environmental literacy. The Journal of Technology Studies, 25(2), 39-46.
  • Coyle, K. (2005). Enviromental Literacy in America. The National Enviromental Education and Training Foundation. Washington DC. September.
  • Daudi, S.S. (1999). “Environmental Education as a vehicle to promote environmental literacy in low literate communities of the world” (pp. 85-92) International Workshop on Environmental Education in Asia and Beyond, October, 11-15, Korea.
  • Daudi, S.S. & Heimlich, J.E. (1997). Environmental literacy: what does it really mean? EETAP Resource Library, Access date 14.08.2008.
  • Disinger, J. F., & Roth, C.E. (1992). Environmental literacy. Columbus, Ohio: ERIC/SMEAC Information Reference Center. ED 351201.
  • Erdoğan, M. (2009). Fifth Grade Students’ Environmental Literacy and The Factors Affecting Students’ Environmentally Responsible Behaviors. METU, The Department of Educational Sciences, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. January.
  • Erdoğan, M., Kostova, Z., Marcinkowski, T. (2009). Components of Environmental Literacy in Elementary Science Education Curriculum in Bulgaria and Turkey. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 5(1), 15-26.
  • Erdoğan, M. & Ok, A. (2011). “An Assessment of Turkish Young Pupils’ Environmental Lietracy: A nationwide Survey”. International Journal of Science Education. 33:17, 2375-2406.
  • Goldman, D., Yavetz, B., & Pe’er, S. (2006). “Environmental literacy in teacher training in Israel: Environmental behavior of new students”. Journal of Environmental Education, 38 (1), 3-22.
  • Görmüş, S. (2019). “Environmental Literacy: An Assessment and Evaluation on the Students of Landscape Architecture in Turkey”. No.15. January. 105-117.
  • Harvey, G. (1977). A conceptualization of environmental education. In J. Aldrich, A. Balckburn, and G. Abel (Eds.), A Report on the North American Regional Seminar on Environmental Education (pp. 66-77). Columbus, OH: ERIC / SMEAC. Hernández, B., Suárez, E., Corral-Verdugo, V. & Hees, S. (2012). “The Relationship between Social and Environmental Interdependence as an Explanation of Proenvironmental Behavior”. Human Ecology Review, July, 19 (1): 1-9.
  • Hsu, S. J. (1997). An assessment of environmental literacy and analysis of predictors of responsible environmental behavior held by secondary teachers in Hualien country of Taiwan. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. (Ohio State University) (UMI Number: 9731641).
  • Ibitz, A. (2017). “The Promotion of Environmental Literacy under an Attention Economy Perspective”, Interface, Issue 2, Spring, 51-73. DOI: 10.6667/interface.2.2017.27
  • Joseph, B. (2009). Environmental Studies, New Delhi. Tata McGra-Hill. 2nd Ed.
  • Kasperiuniene, J. & Daukilas, S. (2017). “Smart Educational technology in the learning process at a rural vocational training institution: a case study”, Conference: Rural development. Bio economy challenges. DOI:10.15544/RD.2017.128.
  • Kellert, S.R. & Derr, V. (1998). A national study of the wilderness experience. New Haven, CT: Yale University.
  • Kışoğlu, M., Gürbüz, H., Sülün, A., Alaş, A. & Erkol, M. (2010). “Environmental Literacy and Evaluation of Studies Conducted On Environmental Literacy in Turkey.” International Online Journal of Educational Sciences. January, 2 (3), 772-791.
  • Norris, S. (2012). Reading for Evidence and Interpreting Visualizations in Mathematics and Science Education. Springer Science & Business Media. September.
  • Orr, D.W. (1990). “Environmental education and ecological literacy”. The Education Digest, 55(9), 49-53.
  • Orr, D. W. (1992). Ecological literacy: education and transition to a postmodern world. SUNY Press, Albany, New York, USA. Roth, C. E. (1968). On the road to conservation. Massachusetts Audubon, 38–41.
  • Roth, C.E. (1992). Environmental literacy: Its roots, evolution and directions in the 1990s. (ERIC Reproduction Service No. ED348 235).
  • Schatz, C. (1996). When Bambi meets Godzilla: Bringing environmental education and outdoor recreation together. ERIC Digest No. ED404088.
  • Schneider, S. H. (1997). "Defining Environmental Literacy." Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 12 (11), 457. Scholz, R. W. & Binder, C. R. (2011). Environmental Literacy in Science and Society: From Knowledge to Decision. 1st Edition. Cambridge University Press.
  • Simmons, D. (1995). Working paper # 2: Developing a framework for national environmental education standards. In papers on the Development of Environmental Education Standards (pp. 53-58). Troy, OH: NAAEE.
  • Singh, M. (2013). “Educational practice in India and its foundations in Indian heritage: a synthesis of the East and West?”, Comparative Education. 49:1, 88-106, DOI: 10.1080/03050068.2012.740222
  • Volk, T. & McBeth, W. (1997). Environmental literacy in the Unites States: What should be… What is…Getting from here to there. A report funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and submitted to the Environmental Education and Training Partnership, NAAEE. Washington, DC: U.S. EPA.
  • Volk, T. & McBeth, W. (2005). Environmental literacy in the Unites States. In H. Hungerford, B. Bluhm, T. Volk and J. Ramsey (Eds.) Essential Readings in Environmental Education (pp.75-80). Campaign, IL: Stipes Publishing Company.
  • Wilke, R. (1995). Literacy model development and framework. In R. Wilke (ed.), Environmental Education Literacy/Needs Assessment Project: Assessing Environmental Literacy of Students and Environmental Education Needs of Teachers; Final Report for 1993-1995 (pp.5-6). (Report to NCEET/University of Michigan under U.S. EPA Grant NT901935-01-2). Stevens Point, WI: University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point.
  • Yavetz, B., Goldman, D. & Pe’er, S. (2009). Environmental Literacy of pre-service teachers in Israel: a comparison between students at the onset and end of their studies. Environmental Education Research. 15:4, 393-415, DOI: 10.1080/13504620902928422
  • Internet sources: Adopt A Highway Maintenance Corporation (, (20.02.2020). Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute (ALWRI) (, 20.02.2020). Carnegie Mellon University (, (20.02.2020). Climate Change Agreement ( (22.01.2020). Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe, (20.02.2020). ELC, 22.01.2020 ( (22.01.2020). Envirolink Network (www.envirolink), (20.02.2020). Environment & Society Portal (, (20.02.2020). Environmental Information System(ENVIS) ( (20.02.2020) European Commission (, (20.02.2020). Georgia Department of Natural Resources (, 20.02.2020) Idaho Environment Education Association (, (20.02.2020). Montreal-protocol, ( National Geographic, Changing Climate, Environmental Literacy Teacher Guide Series. https://www.national (22.01.2020). NC EE, What is Environmental Education, (25.01.2020). NIILM University (, (20.02.2020). Promise of Place (, (20.02.2020). Pune Institute of Business Management (PIBM) (, (20.02.2020). The Cape Fear River Assembly (CFRA) ( (20.02.2020). The EU Education and Training, ( (20.12.2019). The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), India (, (20.02.2020). The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (, (20.02.2020). The protection and use of biodiversity (https//, (23.12.2019). The prevention of desertification ( (23.12.2019). UN Enviroment (April 21, 2017) Earth Day: Environmental literacy more important than ever ( (23.12.2019). UN News (April 22, 2017) Mother Earth Day: Environmental and climate literacy vital for a cleaner, greener planet, says UN ( (21.01.2020). Universidade Católica Portuguesa Faculty of Human Sciences (, (20.02.2020). (January 25, 2020), (environment literacy). Wetland Services, Oregon Environmental Literacy Program (25.01.2020), Ozone-destroying substances (( (24.01.2020). Wikipedia, Anthropocene ( (21.01.2020)., 20.02.2020.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çevre Bilimleri, Mimarlık
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Şirin Gülcen Eren 0000-0002-2038-3905

Proje Numarası yok
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Şubat 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Eren, Ş. G. (2020). An Intervention Method for Environmental Literacy: A Trainers Workshop of Lifelong Learning. Kent Akademisi, 13(2), 263-280.

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