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Şehirlerde Daralmanın Sonuçlarının ve Geleceğe İlişkin Öngörülerin Farklı Ülke Örnekleri Çerçevesinde Tartışılması

Yıl 2022, , 943 - 957, 15.06.2022


Avrupa başta olmak üzere 1990’lı yıllardan başlayarak, doğum oranlarının düşmesi ve nüfusun yaşlanması ile demografik dönüşümün ortaya çıkması bazı şehirlerin nüfuslarını kaybetmesine neden olmuştur. Nüfusun öngörülenden fazla azalması vergi gelirlerinin düşmesine, teknik altyapı sistemlerinde kapasite fazlalarının oluşmasına, bakım ve işletim maliyetlerinin artmasına, sosyal donatı alanlarının terk edilmesine ve sonuç olarak da bu alanların çöküntü alanlarına dönüşmesine ve özellikle şehir merkezi dışında yeni yerleşim alanlarının oluşturulması ve şehir merkezinde yaşayan nüfusun bu bölgelere kaymasına neden olmuştur. Kamu politika ve stratejileri de şehirlerin daralması süreçlerinde etkili aktörler olmuşlardır. Literatürde daralma açısından özellikle incelenmiş olan ülkeler seçilerek farklı daralma nedenleri tespit edilmiştir. İstatistiksel veriler ışığında Türkiye’de daralmaya ilişkin veriler toplanarak hem geleceğe ilişkin öngörüler belirlenmiş hem de politikalar incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada hem ekonomik hem de demografik değişimi kapsayan çok boyutlu bir bakış açısıyla daralan şehirleri tartışmak amacıyla temel bir yaklaşım geliştirilmeye ve çözüm önerileri sunulmaya çalışılmıştır. Kentsel daralmanın planlama aşamasından başlayarak öngörülmesi ve kentsel yayılmanın kontrollü bir şekilde gerçekleşmesi gerektiği varsayımı altında; daralmaya başlayan şehirlerde vergilerin düşürülmesi, yeni iş imkanlarının sunulması ve şehirlerin sosyal ve ekonomik açıdan daha cazip hale getirilmesi çözüm önerisi olarak tartışılmıştır.


  • Anonymous, (2019). America’s Fastest Shrinking Cities. USA Today,, Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2021
  • Anonymous, (2020). US population by year., Erişim Tarihi: 08.07.2021.
  • Audirac, I. (2009). Urban Shrinkage and Fastmetropolitan Growth (Two Faces of Contemporary Urbanism). Researchgate, 69-80. Erişim Tarihi:24.11.2020.
  • Audirac, I. (2005). Information Technology and Urban Form: challenges to smart growth. International Regional Science Review, 28(2):119-145.
  • Beauregard, R. (2003). Voices of Cecline: The Postwar Fate of US Cities. Routhledge, 320, London.
  • Birg, H. (2004). Die weltbevölkerungsentwicklung: Dynamik und G-gefahren. Mu-nich: Beck.. 2005. Die demographische Zeitenwende: Der Bevölkerungsrückgang inDeutschland und Europa. 4th ed. Munich: C. H. Beck.
  • Burkholder, S. (2012). The New Ecology of Vacancy: Rethinking Land Use in Shrinking Cities. Sustainability, 4(6), 1154-1172.
  • Cunningham - Sabot, E. & Fol, S. (2009). Shrinking Cities in France and Great Britain:Aa Silent Process? Institute of Urban and Regional Development, IURD Monograph Series, 1-169, Berkeley, USA.
  • Großmann, K., Bontie, M., Haase, A. & Mykhnenko, V. (2013). Shrinking Cities: Notes for The Further Research Agenda. Cities, 3,: 221-225.
  • Hartt, M. (2016). Act Small and Think Big: Exploring the Plurality and Complexity of Shrinking Cities. (A thesis presented to the University of Waterloo in fulfillment of the thesis requirement for the degree of Doctor in Philosophy in Planning. Ontario, Canada).
  • Häußermann H. & Siebel W.. (1988). Dieschrumpfende Stadt und dieStadtsoziologie (The shrinking city and urban sociology). In J. Friedrichs (ed.),Soziologische Stadtforschung, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 29, 78–94.
  • Hayır, M. (2015). Yaşayan Bir Organizma Olarak Şehir- Büzüşen Şehir Kavramı ve Leipzig Örneği., Erişim Tarihi: 21.03.2021
  • Hollander, J. B. & Német, J. (2011). The Bounds Of Smart Decline: A Foundational Theory for Planning Shrinking Cities. Housing Policy Debate, 21(3), 349-367.
  • Martinez - Fernandez, C., Audirac, I., Fol, S. & Cunningham - Sabot, E. (2012). Shrinking Cities: Urban Challenges of Globalization. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36(2), 213-225.
  • Nefs, M., Alves, S., Zasada, I. & Haase, D. (2013). Shrinking Cities As Retirement Cities? Opportunities For Shrinking Cities As Green Living Environments for Older Individuals. Environment And Planning, 45, 1455 – 1473.
  • Pallagst, K. (2009). Shrinking Cities in the United States of America. Institute of Urban and Regional Development, IURD Monograph Series, 1- 169, Berkeley, USA.
  • Panagopoulos, T. Guimarães,M. H. & Barreira, A. P. (2015). Influences on Citizens’ Policy Preferences For Shrinking Cities: A Case Study of Four Portuguese Cities. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2(1), 141-170.
  • Rieniets, T. (2009). Shrinking Cities: Causes And Effects of Urban Population Losses in The Twentieth Century. Nature and Culture, 4(3), 231-254.
  • Rybczynski, W. and Linneman, P. D. (1999). How To Save Our Shrinking Cities. Public Interest, Spring 1999; Research Library 30-45.
  • Schett, S. (2011). An Analysis of Shrinking Cities. Urban Ecology, (12),1-17.
  • Schilling, J. & Logan, J. (2008). Greening the Rust Belt: A Green Infrastructure Model for Right Sizing America's Shrinking Cities. Journal of the American Planning Association, 74 (4), 451-466.
  • Südaş, İ. (2004). 17 Ağustos 1999 Marmara Depremi’nin Nüfus ve Yerleşme Üzerindeki Etkileri: Gölcük (Kocaeli) Örneği. Ege Coğrafya Dergisi, 13 (2004), 73-91.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2020)., Erişim Tarihi: 17.06.2021.
  • Wiechmann, T. (2008). Errors Expected — Aligning Urban Strategy with Demographic Uncertainty in Shrinking Cities. International Planning Studies, 13(4), 431-446.
  • Wiechmann T. & Bontje, M. (2013). Responding to Tough Times: Policy and Planning Strategies in Shrinking Cities. European Planning Studies, 23(1), 1-11.
  • Wolff, M., Fol, S. Roth, H. & Cunningham-Sabot, E. (2013). Shrinking Cities: Measuring the Phenomenon in France. Regional and Urban Planning, › cybergeo, Erişim Tarihi: 08.05.2021.

Discussion of the Results and the Projections for the Future of the Shrinking Cities in the Framework of Different Country Cases

Yıl 2022, , 943 - 957, 15.06.2022


Starting from the 1990s, especially in Europe, the drop in birth rates and the aging of the population and the emergence of demographic transformation caused some cities to lose their populations. The decrease in the population more than anticipated has led to a decrease in tax revenues, excess capacity in technical infrastructure systems, increase in maintenance and operating costs, abandonment of social facilities and turning these areas into collapse areas and especially caused the creation of new residential areas outside the city center and the population living in the city center shifting to these regions. Public policies and strategies have also been effective actors in the narrowing of cities. Different causes of shrinking have been identified by selecting the countries that have been particularly examined in terms of shrinking in the literature. In the light of statistical data, data on the contraction in Turkey were collected, both future projections were determined and policies were examined. In this study in order to discuss the shrinking cities with a multidimensional perspective covering both economic and demographic change, a basic approach was developed and solutions were proposed. Urban contraction has to be predicted starting from the planning phase and urban sprawl must take place in a controlled manner. It was discussed as a solution proposal to reduce taxes in cities that are beginning to contract, to offer new job opportunities and to make cities more attractive socially and economically.


  • Anonymous, (2019). America’s Fastest Shrinking Cities. USA Today,, Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2021
  • Anonymous, (2020). US population by year., Erişim Tarihi: 08.07.2021.
  • Audirac, I. (2009). Urban Shrinkage and Fastmetropolitan Growth (Two Faces of Contemporary Urbanism). Researchgate, 69-80. Erişim Tarihi:24.11.2020.
  • Audirac, I. (2005). Information Technology and Urban Form: challenges to smart growth. International Regional Science Review, 28(2):119-145.
  • Beauregard, R. (2003). Voices of Cecline: The Postwar Fate of US Cities. Routhledge, 320, London.
  • Birg, H. (2004). Die weltbevölkerungsentwicklung: Dynamik und G-gefahren. Mu-nich: Beck.. 2005. Die demographische Zeitenwende: Der Bevölkerungsrückgang inDeutschland und Europa. 4th ed. Munich: C. H. Beck.
  • Burkholder, S. (2012). The New Ecology of Vacancy: Rethinking Land Use in Shrinking Cities. Sustainability, 4(6), 1154-1172.
  • Cunningham - Sabot, E. & Fol, S. (2009). Shrinking Cities in France and Great Britain:Aa Silent Process? Institute of Urban and Regional Development, IURD Monograph Series, 1-169, Berkeley, USA.
  • Großmann, K., Bontie, M., Haase, A. & Mykhnenko, V. (2013). Shrinking Cities: Notes for The Further Research Agenda. Cities, 3,: 221-225.
  • Hartt, M. (2016). Act Small and Think Big: Exploring the Plurality and Complexity of Shrinking Cities. (A thesis presented to the University of Waterloo in fulfillment of the thesis requirement for the degree of Doctor in Philosophy in Planning. Ontario, Canada).
  • Häußermann H. & Siebel W.. (1988). Dieschrumpfende Stadt und dieStadtsoziologie (The shrinking city and urban sociology). In J. Friedrichs (ed.),Soziologische Stadtforschung, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 29, 78–94.
  • Hayır, M. (2015). Yaşayan Bir Organizma Olarak Şehir- Büzüşen Şehir Kavramı ve Leipzig Örneği., Erişim Tarihi: 21.03.2021
  • Hollander, J. B. & Német, J. (2011). The Bounds Of Smart Decline: A Foundational Theory for Planning Shrinking Cities. Housing Policy Debate, 21(3), 349-367.
  • Martinez - Fernandez, C., Audirac, I., Fol, S. & Cunningham - Sabot, E. (2012). Shrinking Cities: Urban Challenges of Globalization. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36(2), 213-225.
  • Nefs, M., Alves, S., Zasada, I. & Haase, D. (2013). Shrinking Cities As Retirement Cities? Opportunities For Shrinking Cities As Green Living Environments for Older Individuals. Environment And Planning, 45, 1455 – 1473.
  • Pallagst, K. (2009). Shrinking Cities in the United States of America. Institute of Urban and Regional Development, IURD Monograph Series, 1- 169, Berkeley, USA.
  • Panagopoulos, T. Guimarães,M. H. & Barreira, A. P. (2015). Influences on Citizens’ Policy Preferences For Shrinking Cities: A Case Study of Four Portuguese Cities. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2(1), 141-170.
  • Rieniets, T. (2009). Shrinking Cities: Causes And Effects of Urban Population Losses in The Twentieth Century. Nature and Culture, 4(3), 231-254.
  • Rybczynski, W. and Linneman, P. D. (1999). How To Save Our Shrinking Cities. Public Interest, Spring 1999; Research Library 30-45.
  • Schett, S. (2011). An Analysis of Shrinking Cities. Urban Ecology, (12),1-17.
  • Schilling, J. & Logan, J. (2008). Greening the Rust Belt: A Green Infrastructure Model for Right Sizing America's Shrinking Cities. Journal of the American Planning Association, 74 (4), 451-466.
  • Südaş, İ. (2004). 17 Ağustos 1999 Marmara Depremi’nin Nüfus ve Yerleşme Üzerindeki Etkileri: Gölcük (Kocaeli) Örneği. Ege Coğrafya Dergisi, 13 (2004), 73-91.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2020)., Erişim Tarihi: 17.06.2021.
  • Wiechmann, T. (2008). Errors Expected — Aligning Urban Strategy with Demographic Uncertainty in Shrinking Cities. International Planning Studies, 13(4), 431-446.
  • Wiechmann T. & Bontje, M. (2013). Responding to Tough Times: Policy and Planning Strategies in Shrinking Cities. European Planning Studies, 23(1), 1-11.
  • Wolff, M., Fol, S. Roth, H. & Cunningham-Sabot, E. (2013). Shrinking Cities: Measuring the Phenomenon in France. Regional and Urban Planning, › cybergeo, Erişim Tarihi: 08.05.2021.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derleme Makalesi

Yeşim Aliefendioğlu 0000-0002-0859-7150

Esra Ural Keskin 0000-0003-2778-9024

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Aliefendioğlu, Y., & Ural Keskin, E. (2022). Şehirlerde Daralmanın Sonuçlarının ve Geleceğe İlişkin Öngörülerin Farklı Ülke Örnekleri Çerçevesinde Tartışılması. Kent Akademisi, 15(2), 943-957.

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi

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