Giresun Kantarel Mantarında Tirozinaz Enzim Kinetiğinin İncelenmesi için R Programlama Dili ile Yazılım Geliştirme
Yıl 2024,
, 2069 - 2081, 15.12.2024
Evren Altıok
Maya Mahfuz
Bu çalışmada R programlama dili kullanılarak enzim kinetiği analizi için bir yazılım geliştirilmiştir. Yazılım, Giresun kantarel (Cantharellus cibarius) mantarındaki tirozinaz enzim aktivitesine ait kinetik ölçüm değerleri kullanılarak tasarlanmıştır. Yazılım geliştirme sürecinin ayrıntılı adım adım dokümantasyonu sağlanmıştır. Program, istatistiksel değerlendirmeler içermekte olup Giresun kantarel enzim kinetiğini Michaelis-Menten enzim kinetiği modeli ile açıklamaktadır. Başlangıç reaksiyon hızı değerleri yüksek korelasyon ve regresyon katsayısı (R² > 0.95) ile belirlenmiştir. Yazılım, hız değerlerini substrat konsantrasyonuna karşı çizerek Km ve Vmax değerlerini sırasıyla 0.25 mM ve 0.0016 mM/s olarak hesaplamıştır. Bu değerler, teorik eğrinin çizilmesinde kullanılmış ve deneysel verilerle olan korelasyonu istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, geliştirilen yazılımın verileri hızlı ve minimum hatayla analiz edebileceğini göstermektedir. Açık erişimli ve geliştirilebilir bir araç olarak, yazılım enzim aktivasyonu veya inhibisyonu üzerine yapılan çalışmalarda etkili bir şekilde kullanılabilir ve daha da geliştirilebilir.
Proje Numarası
- Aledo. J. C. (2022). renz: An R package for the analysis of enzyme kinetic data. BMC Bioinformatics. 23(1).
- Bevc. S., Konc. J., Stojan. J., Hodošček. M., Penca. M., Praprotnik. M. and Janežič. D. (2011). ENZO: A web tool for derivation and evaluation of kinetic models of enzyme catalyzed reactions. PLoS ONE. 6(7).
- Flurkey. W. H. and Inlow. J. K. (2017). Use of mushroom tyrosinase to introduce michaelis‐menten enzyme kinetics to biochemistry students. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 45(3). 270–276.
- Halaouli. S., Asther. Mi., Kruus. K., Guo. L., Hamdi. M., Sigoillot. J.-C., Asther. M., and Lomascolo. A. (2005). Characterization of a new tyrosinase from Pycnoporus species with high potential for food technological applications. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 98(2). 332–343.
- Hartvigsen. G. (2021). A Primer in Biological Data Analysis and Visualization Using R. Columbia University Press.
- Johnson. K. A. (2009). Chapter 23 Fitting Enzyme Kinetic Data with KinTek Global Kinetic Explorer. In Methods in Enzymology (Vol. 467. Issue C. pp. 601–626).
- Kanda. K., Sato. T., Ishii. S., Enei. H. and Ejiri. S. (1996). Purification and Properties of Tyrosinase Isozymes from the Gill of Lentinus edodes Fruiting Body. Bioscience. Biotechnology. and Biochemistry. 60. 1273–1278.
- Kaur. R., Sharma. S., Kaur. S. and Sodhi. H. S. (2022). Biochemical characterization with kinetic studies of melanogenic enzyme tyrosinase from white button mushroom. Agaricus bisporus. In Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (Vol. 59).
- Kuzmič. P. (1996). Program DYNAFIT for the Analysis of Enzyme Kinetic Data: Application to HIV Proteinase. In ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY (Vol. 237).
- Muszynska. B., Kała. K., Firlej. A. and Ziaja. K. (2016). Cantharellus cibarius - Culinary-medicinal mushroom content and biological activity. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research. 73. 589–598.
- Peksen. A., Bulam. S. and Ustun. S. (2016). Edible Wild Mushrooms Sold in Giresun Local Markets.
- Rodríguez-Sevilla E., Ramírez-Silva M.-T., Romero-Romo. M., Ibarra-Escutia. P. and Palomar-Pardavé. M. (2014). Electrochemical Quantification of the Antioxidant Capacity of Medicinal Plants Using Biosensors. Sensors. 14(8). 14423–14439.
- Schremmer. S. D., Waser. M. R., Kohn. M. C. and Garfinkel. D. (1984). A computer program for analyzing enzyme kinetic data using graphical display and statistical analysis. Computers and Biomedical Research. 17(3). 289–301.
- Tingley. M. W. (2022). Applied Statistics with R: A Practical Guide for the Life Sciences by Justin C. Touchon. The Quarterly Review of Biology. 97(4). 301–302.
- Zaidi. K. U., Ali. A. S. and Ali. S. A. (2014). Purification and Characterization of Melanogenic Enzyme Tyrosinase from Button Mushroom. Enzyme Research. 2014. 1–6.
Software Development with the R Programming Language for Studying Tyrosinase Enzyme Kinetics in Giresun Chanterelle Mushrooms
Yıl 2024,
, 2069 - 2081, 15.12.2024
Evren Altıok
Maya Mahfuz
In this study, a software application for enzyme kinetics analysis was developed using the R programming language. The software was designed utilizing the kinetic measurement values of tyrosinase enzyme from Giresun chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) mushrooms. Detailed step-by-step documentation of the software development process is provided. The program includes statistical evaluations and applies the Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics model to describe the enzyme kinetics of Giresun chanterelle. Initial reaction rate values were determined with a high correlation and regression coefficient (R² > 0.95). The software plotted rate values against substrate concentration, yielding Km and Vmax values of 0.25 mM and 0.0016 mM/s, respectively. These values were used to plot the theoretical curve, and its correlation with experimental data was statistically analyzed. The results demonstrate that the developed software can rapidly analyze data with minimal errors. As an open-access and extensible tool, the program can be effectively utilized and further developed for studies on enzyme activation or inhibition.
Etik Beyan
The author declares that this study complies with Research and Publication Ethics.
Destekleyen Kurum
Giresun University
Proje Numarası
- Aledo. J. C. (2022). renz: An R package for the analysis of enzyme kinetic data. BMC Bioinformatics. 23(1).
- Bevc. S., Konc. J., Stojan. J., Hodošček. M., Penca. M., Praprotnik. M. and Janežič. D. (2011). ENZO: A web tool for derivation and evaluation of kinetic models of enzyme catalyzed reactions. PLoS ONE. 6(7).
- Flurkey. W. H. and Inlow. J. K. (2017). Use of mushroom tyrosinase to introduce michaelis‐menten enzyme kinetics to biochemistry students. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 45(3). 270–276.
- Halaouli. S., Asther. Mi., Kruus. K., Guo. L., Hamdi. M., Sigoillot. J.-C., Asther. M., and Lomascolo. A. (2005). Characterization of a new tyrosinase from Pycnoporus species with high potential for food technological applications. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 98(2). 332–343.
- Hartvigsen. G. (2021). A Primer in Biological Data Analysis and Visualization Using R. Columbia University Press.
- Johnson. K. A. (2009). Chapter 23 Fitting Enzyme Kinetic Data with KinTek Global Kinetic Explorer. In Methods in Enzymology (Vol. 467. Issue C. pp. 601–626).
- Kanda. K., Sato. T., Ishii. S., Enei. H. and Ejiri. S. (1996). Purification and Properties of Tyrosinase Isozymes from the Gill of Lentinus edodes Fruiting Body. Bioscience. Biotechnology. and Biochemistry. 60. 1273–1278.
- Kaur. R., Sharma. S., Kaur. S. and Sodhi. H. S. (2022). Biochemical characterization with kinetic studies of melanogenic enzyme tyrosinase from white button mushroom. Agaricus bisporus. In Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (Vol. 59).
- Kuzmič. P. (1996). Program DYNAFIT for the Analysis of Enzyme Kinetic Data: Application to HIV Proteinase. In ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY (Vol. 237).
- Muszynska. B., Kała. K., Firlej. A. and Ziaja. K. (2016). Cantharellus cibarius - Culinary-medicinal mushroom content and biological activity. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research. 73. 589–598.
- Peksen. A., Bulam. S. and Ustun. S. (2016). Edible Wild Mushrooms Sold in Giresun Local Markets.
- Rodríguez-Sevilla E., Ramírez-Silva M.-T., Romero-Romo. M., Ibarra-Escutia. P. and Palomar-Pardavé. M. (2014). Electrochemical Quantification of the Antioxidant Capacity of Medicinal Plants Using Biosensors. Sensors. 14(8). 14423–14439.
- Schremmer. S. D., Waser. M. R., Kohn. M. C. and Garfinkel. D. (1984). A computer program for analyzing enzyme kinetic data using graphical display and statistical analysis. Computers and Biomedical Research. 17(3). 289–301.
- Tingley. M. W. (2022). Applied Statistics with R: A Practical Guide for the Life Sciences by Justin C. Touchon. The Quarterly Review of Biology. 97(4). 301–302.
- Zaidi. K. U., Ali. A. S. and Ali. S. A. (2014). Purification and Characterization of Melanogenic Enzyme Tyrosinase from Button Mushroom. Enzyme Research. 2014. 1–6.