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International Strategies of Islamic Financial Institutions: Current Challenges and Future Trends

Yıl 2023, , 202 - 216, 15.10.2023


In an era of growing pressures towards financial ethics, social responsibility and sustainable development, Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) have emerged as new actors on the global financial stage. With their unique characteristics, IFIs offer a different approach to finance. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the international strategies adopted by Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) in their pursuit of global expansion. The current global financial landscape presents unique challenges and opportunities for IFIs in their cross-border operations. In this paper, the drivers, obstacles, and outcomes of IFIs' international strategies are evaluated. IFIs’ approaches to localization, standardization, partnerships, and technological innovations are examined. The article highlights how IFIs, guided by Sharia principles, navigate the complexities of global finance while remaining loyal to Islamic ethical practices. The significance of IFIs' international strategies in facilitating financial inclusion, stability and economic development particularly in Muslim emerging economies is also discussed. Subsequently, the factors that drive IFIs towards international expansion are explored. Increased demand for Sharia-compliant financial services, regulatory reforms, and the advantages of diversification in both product offerings and markets are among important motivators of international expansion for IFIs. How these drivers require IFIs to balance ethical considerations, regulatory compliance and financial performance is highlighted in detail. The challenges and obstacles faced by IFIs in their internationalization phase are analyzed in-depth. Cross-cultural differences, regulatory complexities and the need to achieve Sharia compliance across different contexts come to the fore as important challenges. The study is centered around the variety of international strategies IFIs implement to navigate the global markets. It explains local adaptation strategies that customize products and services to meet the unique preferences of diverse markets. The article also delves into standardization strategies that necessitate common operational principles to achieve economies of scale and ensure Sharia compliance. Furthermore, the article investigates how IFIs enlist technological innovations to improve customer experiences and establish a strong international presence. In this regard, digital platforms, AI-driven solutions and blockchain technology are main facilitators of IFIs in overcoming geographical barriers and providing user-friendly services. The role of strategic partnerships and alliances as a critical component of IFIs' international strategies is explored. Collaborations with local stakeholders enable expertise sharing, resource pooling and market penetration. The article concludes by discussing future trends and prospects for IFIs' international strategies. It pinpoints potential large-scale changes that will have a considerable impact on how IFIs engage in international expansion. The article emphasizes that, amidst all these turbulent conditions, a commitment to Islamic business ethics and social responsibility principles will continue to guide IFIs' strategic decisions as the most important anchors. In summary, this article offers a comprehensive examination of the international strategies pursued by Islamic financial institutions. By delving into the drivers, obstacles, and outcomes of IFIs' global expansion efforts, it provides valuable insights for practitioners, researchers, and policymakers. The article underscores how IFIs, driven by ethical considerations and guided by Sharia principles, can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of international finance while maintaining their commitment to social responsibility and financial inclusion.


  • Alam, Nafis vd. “Ramifications of Varying Banking Regulations on Performance of Islamic Banks”. Borsa Istanbul Review 19/1 (2019), 49-64.
  • Alexakis, Christos - Tsikouras, Alexandros. “Islamic Finance: Regulatory Framework – Challenges Lying Ahead”. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 2/2 (2009), 90-104.
  • Alshater, Muneer M. vd. “Fintech in Islamic Finance Literature: A Review”. Heliyon 8/9 (2022), e10385, 1-24.
  • Alshater, Muneer vd. "Influential and Intellectual Structure of Islamic Finance: A Bibliometric Review." International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 14/2 (2021), 339-365.
  • Alziyadat, Naser - Ahmed, Habib. “Ethical Decision-Making in Islamic Financial Institutions in Light of Maqasid Al-Sharia: A Conceptual Framework”. Thunderbird International Business Review 61/5 (2019), 707-718.
  • Azmat, Saad vd. “Conventional vs Islamic Banking and Macroeconomic Risk: Impact on Asset Price Bubbles”. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 62 (2020), 101351.
  • Baber, Hasnan. “How crisis-proof is Islamic finance? : A Comparative Study Of Islamic Finance And Conventional Finance During And Post Financial Crisis”. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 10/4 (2018), 415-426.
  • Beamish, Paul W. - Lupton, Nathaniel C. “Managing Joint Ventures”. Academy of Management Perspectives 23/2 (2009), 75-94.
  • Bugan, Mehmet Fatih vd. “Emerging Market Portfolios And Islamic Financial Markets: Diversification Benefits And Safe Havens”. Borsa Istanbul Review 22/1 (2022), 77-91.
  • Charles, Amelie vd. “Risk and Ethical Investment: Empirical Evidence From Dow Jones Islamic Indexes”. Research in International Business and Finance 35 (2015), 33-56.
  • Danlami, Muhammad Rabiu vd. “CAMELS, Risk-Sharing Financing, Institutional Quality And Stability Of Islamic Banks: Evidence From 6 OIC Countries”. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 13/8 (2022), 1155-1175.
  • Denyer, David vd. “Developing Design Propositions Through Research Synthesis”. Organization Studies 29/3 (2008), 393-413.
  • Dinar Standard. State of the Global Islamic Economy Report. Dubai: Dinar Standard, 2022.
  • El-Hawary, Dahlia vd. “Diversity in the Regulation of Islamic Financial Institutions”. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 46/5 (2007), 778-800.
  • El-Komi, Mohamed – Croson, Rachel. “Experiments in Islamic Microfinance”. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 95 (2013), 252-269.
  • Elmelki, Anas - Ben Arab, Mounira. “Ethical Investment and the Social Responsibilities of the Islamic Banks”. International Business Research 2/2 (2009), p123.
  • Elmuti, Dean - Kathawala, Yunus. “An Overview of Strategic Alliances”. Management Decision 39/3 (2001), 205-218.
  • Franzoni, Simona - Ait Allali, Asma. “Principles of Islamic Finance and Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility: What Convergence?” Sustainability 10/3 (2018), 637.
  • Garavan, Thomas N. vd. “An Ecosystems Perspective on International Human Resource Development: A Meta-Synthesis of the Literature”. Human Resource Development Review 18/2 (2019), 248-288.
  • Harahap, Burhanudin vd. “Islamic Law, Islamic Finance, and Sustainable Development Goals: A Systematic Literature Review”. Sustainability 15/8 (2023), 6626.
  • Hassan, M. Kabir - Raza Rabbani, Mustafa. “Sharia Governance Standards And The Role Of AAOIFI: A Comprehensive Literature Review And Future Research Agenda”. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 14/5 (2022), 677-698.
  • Hoorn, André van - Maseland, Robbert. “How Institutions Matter for International Business: Institutional Distance Effects vs Institutional Profile Effects”. Journal of International Business Studies 47/3 (2016), 374-381.
  • Imam, Patrick - Kpodar, Kangni. “Islamic Banking: How Has It Expanded?” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 49/6 (2013), 112-137.
  • Iman, Nofie. “Financial Innovations in Islamic countries: The Road to Perdition or Salvation?” Journal of Islamic Marketing 11/6 (2019), 1579-1600.
  • ICD, Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, ICD-Refinitiv Islamic Finance Development Report. London: Refinitiv Publishing, 2022.
  • Kashif, Muhammad vd. “Customer Perceived Service Quality and Loyalty İn Islamic Banks: A Collectivist Cultural Perspective”. The TQM Journal 28/1 (2016), 62-78.
  • Kumar, Rajesh. “Managing Ambiguity in Strategic Alliances”. California Management Review 56/4 (2014), 82-102.
  • Mansour, Walid vd. “Islamic Banking and Customers’ Preferences: The Case of The UK”. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 2/3 (2010), 185-199.
  • Meirovich, Gavriel. “The Impact of Cultural Similarities and Differences on Performance in Strategic Partnerships: An Integrative Perspective”. Journal of Management & Organization 16/1 (2010), 127-139.
  • Mohr, Jakki - Spekman, Robert. “Characteristics of Partnership Success: Partnership Attributes, Communication Behavior, and Conflict Resolution Techniques”. Strategic Management Journal 15/2 (1994), 135-152.
  • Ng, Adam vd. “On Building Social Capital for Islamic Finance”. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 8/1 (2015), 2-19.
  • Oladapo, Ibrahim Abiodun vd. “Customers’ Perceptions Of Fintech Adaptability In The Islamic Banking Sector: Comparative Study On Malaysia and Saudi Arabia”. Journal of Modelling in Management 17/4 (2021), 1241-1261.
  • Rabbani, Mustafa Raza vd. “FinTech, Blockchain and Islamic Finance: An Extensive Literature Review”. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 8/2 (2020), 65-86.
  • Sahabuddin, Mohammad vd. “Digitalization, Innovation and Sustainable Development: An Evidence of Islamic Finance Perspective”. International Journal of Asian Social Science 9/12 (2019), 651-656.
  • Saleh, Md Abu vd. “Quality And İmage Of Banking Services: A Comparative Study Of Conventional And Islamic Banks”. International Journal of Bank Marketing 35/6 (2017), 878-902.
  • Salman, Asma – Nawaz, Huma. “Islamic Financial System And Conventional Banking: A Comparison”. Arab Economic and Business Journal 13/2 (2018), 155-167.
  • Schiuma, Giovanni - Carlucci, Daniela. “Managing Strategic Partnerships with Universities in Innovation Ecosystems: A Research Agenda”. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 4/3 (2018), 1-13.
  • Scuotto, Veronica vd. “Uncovering The Micro-Foundations of Knowledge Sharing in Open Innovation Partnerships: An Intention-Based Perspective Of Technology Transfer”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 152 (2020), 119906.
  • Soderberg, Anne-Marie vd. “Developing Offshoring Capabilities for the Contemporary Offshoring Organization. “Global Software Development: Commitment, Trust and Cultural Sensitivity in Strategic Partnerships”. Journal of International Management 19/4 (2013), 347-361.
  • Toumi, Kaouther. “Islamic ethics, capital structure and profitability of banks; what makes Islamic banks different?” International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 13/1 (2019), 116-134.
  • Tranfield, David vd. “Towards a Methodology for Developing Evidence-Informed Management Knowledge by Means of Systematic Review”. British Journal of Management 14/3 (2003), 207-222.
  • Wan Ahmad, Wan Marhaini vd. “Are Non-Muslims Willing To Patronize Islamic Financial Services?” Journal of Islamic Marketing 10/3 (2019), 743-758.
  • Yazid, Ahmad Shukri - Kofarnaisa, Farouk Umar. “Sophisticated Strategic İnformation Systems And Strategic Performance of Islamic Banks: A Review of Literature”. International Journal of Business Information Systems 30/1 (2019), 79-91.
  • Yu, Chin-Hsien vd. “Demand For Green Finance: Resolving Financing Constraints on Green Innovation in China”. Energy Policy 153 (2021), 112255.
  • Zhang, Junfeng vd. “Product Development Strategy, Product Innovation Performance, and the Mediating Role of Knowledge Utilization: Evidence from Subsidiaries in China”. Journal of International Marketing 17/2 (2009), 42-58.

İslami Finans Kurumlarının Uluslararası Stratejileri: Mevcut Zorluklar ve Gelecek Trendler

Yıl 2023, , 202 - 216, 15.10.2023


Finansal etik, sosyal sorumluluk ve sürdürülebilir kalkınmaya yönelik baskıların arttığı bir çağda, İslami Finans Kuruluşları (İFK'lar) küresel finans sahnesinde yeni aktörler olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. İFK'lar, kendilerine has özellikleriyle finans alanına farklı bir yaklaşım sunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, İslami Finans Kuruluşlarının küresel genişleme arayışlarında benimsedikleri uluslararası stratejilerin kapsamlı bir analizini sunmaktadır. Mevcut küresel finans ortamı, İFK'lar için sınır ötesi faaliyetlerinde karşılarına çıkan zorluklar ve fırsatlar sunmaktadır. Bu makalede, İFK'ların uluslararası stratejilerinin itici güçleri, engelleri ve sonuçları değerlendirilmektedir. İFK'ların yerelleşme, standardizasyon, ortaklıklar ve teknolojik yeniliklere yaklaşımları incelenmektedir. Makale, İslami ilkeler tarafından yönlendirilen İFK'ların etik uygulamalara sadık kalarak küresel finansın karmaşıklıklarıyla nasıl baş ettiklerini vurgulamaktadır. İFK'ların uluslararası stratejilerinin özellikle gelişmekte olan Müslüman ülke ekonomilerinde finansal kapsayıcılığı, istikrarı ve ekonomik kalkınmayı kolaylaştırmadaki önemi de tartışılmaktadır. Daha sonra, İFK'ları uluslararası genişlemeye iten faktörler araştırılmaktadır. İslami ilkelere uyumlu finansal hizmetlere yönelik artan talep, düzenleyici reformlar ve hem ürün tekliflerinde hem de pazarlarda çeşitlendirmenin avantajları, İFK'lar için uluslararası genişlemenin önemli motivasyonları arasındadır. Bu itici güçlerin İFK'ların etik hususlar, mevzuata uyum ve finansal performans arasında nasıl bir denge kurmasını gerektirdiği ayrıntılı olarak incelenmektedir. İFK'ların uluslararasılaşma aşamasında karşılaştıkları zorluklar ve engeller derinlemesine analiz edilmektedir. Kültürler arası farklılıklar, düzenleyici çerçevelerde farklılıklar ve farklı bağlamlarda İslami ilkelere uyum sağlama ihtiyacı önemli zorluklar olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. Çalışma, İFK'ların küresel piyasalarda başarılı olmak için uyguladıkları çeşitli uluslararası stratejiler etrafında odaklanmaktadır. Ürün ve hizmetleri farklı pazarların kendine özgü tercihlerine uygun şekilde özelleştiren yerel adaptasyon stratejilerini açıklamaktadır. Makale aynı zamanda ölçek ekonomilerine ulaşmak ve İslami ilkelere uygunluğu sağlamak için ortak operasyonel ilkeler gerektiren standardizasyon stratejilerini de incelemektedir. Makale ayrıca, İFK'ların müşteri deneyimlerini iyileştirmek ve güçlü bir uluslararası varlık oluşturmak için teknolojik yeniliklerden nasıl faydalandığını araştırmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, dijital platformlar, yapay zekâ odaklı çözümler ve blok zinciri teknolojisi, coğrafi engelleri aşma ve kullanıcı dostu hizmetler sunma konusunda İFK'ların ana yardımcılarıdır. İFK'ların uluslararası stratejilerinin kritik bir bileşeni olarak stratejik ortaklıkların ve ittifakların rolü incelenmiştir. Yerel paydaşlarla yapılan iş birlikleri uzmanlık paylaşımı, kaynak havuzu oluşturma ve pazara nüfuz etmeyi mümkün kılmaktadır. Makale, İFK'ların uluslararası stratejileri için gelecekteki eğilimleri ve beklentileri tartışarak sona ermektedir. İFK'ların uluslararası genişlemeye nasıl katıldıkları üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahip olacak potansiyel büyük ölçekli değişikliklere işaret edilmektedir. Tüm bu çalkantılı koşulların ortasında, İslami iş etiği ve sosyal sorumluluk ilkelerine bağlılığın en önemli çıpalar olarak İFK'ların stratejik kararlarına rehberlik etmeye devam edeceği vurgulanmaktadır. Özetle, bu çalışma İslami finans kuruluşlarının izlediği uluslararası stratejilerin kapsamlı bir incelemesini sunmaktadır. İFK'ların küresel genişleme çabalarının itici güçlerini, engellerini ve sonuçlarını inceleyerek uygulayıcılar, araştırmacılar ve politika yapıcılar için değerli içgörüler sunmaktadır. Makale, etik kaygılarla hareket eden ve İslami ilkeler tarafından yönlendirilen İFK'ların, sosyal sorumluluk ve finansal kapsayıcılığa olan bağlılıklarını sürdürürken uluslararası finansın geleceğini şekillendirmede nasıl önemli bir rol oynayabileceklerinin altını çizmektedir.


  • Alam, Nafis vd. “Ramifications of Varying Banking Regulations on Performance of Islamic Banks”. Borsa Istanbul Review 19/1 (2019), 49-64.
  • Alexakis, Christos - Tsikouras, Alexandros. “Islamic Finance: Regulatory Framework – Challenges Lying Ahead”. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 2/2 (2009), 90-104.
  • Alshater, Muneer M. vd. “Fintech in Islamic Finance Literature: A Review”. Heliyon 8/9 (2022), e10385, 1-24.
  • Alshater, Muneer vd. "Influential and Intellectual Structure of Islamic Finance: A Bibliometric Review." International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 14/2 (2021), 339-365.
  • Alziyadat, Naser - Ahmed, Habib. “Ethical Decision-Making in Islamic Financial Institutions in Light of Maqasid Al-Sharia: A Conceptual Framework”. Thunderbird International Business Review 61/5 (2019), 707-718.
  • Azmat, Saad vd. “Conventional vs Islamic Banking and Macroeconomic Risk: Impact on Asset Price Bubbles”. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 62 (2020), 101351.
  • Baber, Hasnan. “How crisis-proof is Islamic finance? : A Comparative Study Of Islamic Finance And Conventional Finance During And Post Financial Crisis”. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 10/4 (2018), 415-426.
  • Beamish, Paul W. - Lupton, Nathaniel C. “Managing Joint Ventures”. Academy of Management Perspectives 23/2 (2009), 75-94.
  • Bugan, Mehmet Fatih vd. “Emerging Market Portfolios And Islamic Financial Markets: Diversification Benefits And Safe Havens”. Borsa Istanbul Review 22/1 (2022), 77-91.
  • Charles, Amelie vd. “Risk and Ethical Investment: Empirical Evidence From Dow Jones Islamic Indexes”. Research in International Business and Finance 35 (2015), 33-56.
  • Danlami, Muhammad Rabiu vd. “CAMELS, Risk-Sharing Financing, Institutional Quality And Stability Of Islamic Banks: Evidence From 6 OIC Countries”. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 13/8 (2022), 1155-1175.
  • Denyer, David vd. “Developing Design Propositions Through Research Synthesis”. Organization Studies 29/3 (2008), 393-413.
  • Dinar Standard. State of the Global Islamic Economy Report. Dubai: Dinar Standard, 2022.
  • El-Hawary, Dahlia vd. “Diversity in the Regulation of Islamic Financial Institutions”. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 46/5 (2007), 778-800.
  • El-Komi, Mohamed – Croson, Rachel. “Experiments in Islamic Microfinance”. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 95 (2013), 252-269.
  • Elmelki, Anas - Ben Arab, Mounira. “Ethical Investment and the Social Responsibilities of the Islamic Banks”. International Business Research 2/2 (2009), p123.
  • Elmuti, Dean - Kathawala, Yunus. “An Overview of Strategic Alliances”. Management Decision 39/3 (2001), 205-218.
  • Franzoni, Simona - Ait Allali, Asma. “Principles of Islamic Finance and Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility: What Convergence?” Sustainability 10/3 (2018), 637.
  • Garavan, Thomas N. vd. “An Ecosystems Perspective on International Human Resource Development: A Meta-Synthesis of the Literature”. Human Resource Development Review 18/2 (2019), 248-288.
  • Harahap, Burhanudin vd. “Islamic Law, Islamic Finance, and Sustainable Development Goals: A Systematic Literature Review”. Sustainability 15/8 (2023), 6626.
  • Hassan, M. Kabir - Raza Rabbani, Mustafa. “Sharia Governance Standards And The Role Of AAOIFI: A Comprehensive Literature Review And Future Research Agenda”. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 14/5 (2022), 677-698.
  • Hoorn, André van - Maseland, Robbert. “How Institutions Matter for International Business: Institutional Distance Effects vs Institutional Profile Effects”. Journal of International Business Studies 47/3 (2016), 374-381.
  • Imam, Patrick - Kpodar, Kangni. “Islamic Banking: How Has It Expanded?” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 49/6 (2013), 112-137.
  • Iman, Nofie. “Financial Innovations in Islamic countries: The Road to Perdition or Salvation?” Journal of Islamic Marketing 11/6 (2019), 1579-1600.
  • ICD, Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, ICD-Refinitiv Islamic Finance Development Report. London: Refinitiv Publishing, 2022.
  • Kashif, Muhammad vd. “Customer Perceived Service Quality and Loyalty İn Islamic Banks: A Collectivist Cultural Perspective”. The TQM Journal 28/1 (2016), 62-78.
  • Kumar, Rajesh. “Managing Ambiguity in Strategic Alliances”. California Management Review 56/4 (2014), 82-102.
  • Mansour, Walid vd. “Islamic Banking and Customers’ Preferences: The Case of The UK”. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 2/3 (2010), 185-199.
  • Meirovich, Gavriel. “The Impact of Cultural Similarities and Differences on Performance in Strategic Partnerships: An Integrative Perspective”. Journal of Management & Organization 16/1 (2010), 127-139.
  • Mohr, Jakki - Spekman, Robert. “Characteristics of Partnership Success: Partnership Attributes, Communication Behavior, and Conflict Resolution Techniques”. Strategic Management Journal 15/2 (1994), 135-152.
  • Ng, Adam vd. “On Building Social Capital for Islamic Finance”. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 8/1 (2015), 2-19.
  • Oladapo, Ibrahim Abiodun vd. “Customers’ Perceptions Of Fintech Adaptability In The Islamic Banking Sector: Comparative Study On Malaysia and Saudi Arabia”. Journal of Modelling in Management 17/4 (2021), 1241-1261.
  • Rabbani, Mustafa Raza vd. “FinTech, Blockchain and Islamic Finance: An Extensive Literature Review”. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 8/2 (2020), 65-86.
  • Sahabuddin, Mohammad vd. “Digitalization, Innovation and Sustainable Development: An Evidence of Islamic Finance Perspective”. International Journal of Asian Social Science 9/12 (2019), 651-656.
  • Saleh, Md Abu vd. “Quality And İmage Of Banking Services: A Comparative Study Of Conventional And Islamic Banks”. International Journal of Bank Marketing 35/6 (2017), 878-902.
  • Salman, Asma – Nawaz, Huma. “Islamic Financial System And Conventional Banking: A Comparison”. Arab Economic and Business Journal 13/2 (2018), 155-167.
  • Schiuma, Giovanni - Carlucci, Daniela. “Managing Strategic Partnerships with Universities in Innovation Ecosystems: A Research Agenda”. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 4/3 (2018), 1-13.
  • Scuotto, Veronica vd. “Uncovering The Micro-Foundations of Knowledge Sharing in Open Innovation Partnerships: An Intention-Based Perspective Of Technology Transfer”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 152 (2020), 119906.
  • Soderberg, Anne-Marie vd. “Developing Offshoring Capabilities for the Contemporary Offshoring Organization. “Global Software Development: Commitment, Trust and Cultural Sensitivity in Strategic Partnerships”. Journal of International Management 19/4 (2013), 347-361.
  • Toumi, Kaouther. “Islamic ethics, capital structure and profitability of banks; what makes Islamic banks different?” International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 13/1 (2019), 116-134.
  • Tranfield, David vd. “Towards a Methodology for Developing Evidence-Informed Management Knowledge by Means of Systematic Review”. British Journal of Management 14/3 (2003), 207-222.
  • Wan Ahmad, Wan Marhaini vd. “Are Non-Muslims Willing To Patronize Islamic Financial Services?” Journal of Islamic Marketing 10/3 (2019), 743-758.
  • Yazid, Ahmad Shukri - Kofarnaisa, Farouk Umar. “Sophisticated Strategic İnformation Systems And Strategic Performance of Islamic Banks: A Review of Literature”. International Journal of Business Information Systems 30/1 (2019), 79-91.
  • Yu, Chin-Hsien vd. “Demand For Green Finance: Resolving Financing Constraints on Green Innovation in China”. Energy Policy 153 (2021), 112255.
  • Zhang, Junfeng vd. “Product Development Strategy, Product Innovation Performance, and the Mediating Role of Knowledge Utilization: Evidence from Subsidiaries in China”. Journal of International Marketing 17/2 (2009), 42-58.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Katılım Bankacılığı, İslam Finansı
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ömer Faruk Aladağ 0000-0002-5176-679X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 13 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Aladağ, Ö. F. (2023). International Strategies of Islamic Financial Institutions: Current Challenges and Future Trends. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi, 6(Özel Sayı), 202-216.
AMA Aladağ ÖF. International Strategies of Islamic Financial Institutions: Current Challenges and Future Trends. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi. Ekim 2023;6(Özel Sayı):202-216. doi:10.52637/kiid.1352334
Chicago Aladağ, Ömer Faruk. “International Strategies of Islamic Financial Institutions: Current Challenges and Future Trends”. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 6, sy. Özel Sayı (Ekim 2023): 202-16.
EndNote Aladağ ÖF (01 Ekim 2023) International Strategies of Islamic Financial Institutions: Current Challenges and Future Trends. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 6 Özel Sayı 202–216.
IEEE Ö. F. Aladağ, “International Strategies of Islamic Financial Institutions: Current Challenges and Future Trends”, Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi, c. 6, sy. Özel Sayı, ss. 202–216, 2023, doi: 10.52637/kiid.1352334.
ISNAD Aladağ, Ömer Faruk. “International Strategies of Islamic Financial Institutions: Current Challenges and Future Trends”. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 6/Özel Sayı (Ekim 2023), 202-216.
JAMA Aladağ ÖF. International Strategies of Islamic Financial Institutions: Current Challenges and Future Trends. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi. 2023;6:202–216.
MLA Aladağ, Ömer Faruk. “International Strategies of Islamic Financial Institutions: Current Challenges and Future Trends”. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi, c. 6, sy. Özel Sayı, 2023, ss. 202-16, doi:10.52637/kiid.1352334.
Vancouver Aladağ ÖF. International Strategies of Islamic Financial Institutions: Current Challenges and Future Trends. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi. 2023;6(Özel Sayı):202-16.