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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 109 - 137, 01.12.2016


Günümüzde hemen hemen her alanda kullanılan esneklik, anahtar bir kavrama
dönüşmüş durumdadır. Esnekliğin, işverenlerin hızla değişen piyasa taleplerine uyum
sağlamasına yardımcı olması ve çalışanlara iş-yaşam dengesi için seçenekler sunması bu
kavrama önem kazandırmaktadır. Kadınların işgücü piyasasına artan katılımı ve emek
piyasalarındaki dönüşümle tartışılan iş ve aile yaşam dengesi, bu dengeyi sağlayacak
politika ve uygulamaları gündeme getirmiştir. Buna bağlı olarak esneklikle ilgili
tartışmalar başlamış, ebeveyn izni ve çocuk bakım politikaları kadar esnek çalışma da,
iş-yaşam dengesi politikalarının en önemli düzenlemelerinden biri haline gelmiştir. Bu
çalışma esnek çalışmanın iş-yaşam dengesine katkısını değerlendirmektedir. Bu
makalede sağlıklı bir iş yaşam dengesi açısından esnek çalışmanın önemli fakat yeterli
olmadığı, olumsuzları azaltacak çeşitli tedbirlerin alınması gerektiği ileri sürülmektedir.


  • Anxo, D.- Franz, C.-Kümmerling, A. (2010). Comparative Analysis of Working Time in the European Union, A Report based on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin.
  • Anxo, D.- Fagan, C.- McCann, D.-Messenger, J.C. (2004). Introduction: Working Time in Industrialized Coıntries, Working Time and Workers’ Preferences in Industrialized Countries: Finding The Balance, (Ed: Messenger J.C), Routledge, London.
  • Brinkley, I. (2013). Flexibility or Insecurity? Exploring the Rise in Zero Hours Contracts, The Work Foundation Report.
  • Buddelmeyer H. – Mourre G.-Ward-Warmedinger M. (2008). Why Do Europeans Work Part-Time? A Cross-Country Panel Analysis, European Central Bank, Working Paper Series, No. 872.
  • Buehler, C. - O’Brien, M. (2011). Mothers’ Part-Time Employment: Associations With Mother and Family Well-Being, Journal of Family Psychology, 25 (6), 895–906.
  • Di Torella, E. C. –Masselot, A. (2010). Reconciling Work and Family Life in EU Law and Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • EC, (2010). Flexible Work Arrangements Help Both Employers And Employees, Says New European Commission Study, IP/10/1377, EC, Brussels. 1-6.
  • EFILWC, (2011). Reconciliation of work Private and Family Life in the European Union, Dublin.
  • Elke V. - Clasen, J. (2009). Flexicurity–A State of The Art Review, The Reconciliation of Work and Welfare in Europe, Working Papers 1.


Yıl 2016, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 109 - 137, 01.12.2016


Currently flexibility is a key concept term used almost in all fields. This concept is of
increasing importance for in labour relations since it enables employers adapt to the
rapidly changing market demands and provides employees with options concerning
work-life balance. Due to the transformation of work and employment relations along
with enhancing women’s participation in the labour market have motivated the policy
and practices of work life balance. As a result the discussions about flexibility of work
and employment relations as well as work-life -balance have been in the top of the
academic and industrial agenda. This study seeks to evaluate the role and prominence of
the flexible patterns of work in connection with the practices of work-life balance. It
claimsthatflexibleworkingisimportantbut isnotsufficienttoattainasuccessfulwork-
life balance. Therefore some policies should be developed in other to alleviate its negative


  • Anxo, D.- Franz, C.-Kümmerling, A. (2010). Comparative Analysis of Working Time in the European Union, A Report based on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin.
  • Anxo, D.- Fagan, C.- McCann, D.-Messenger, J.C. (2004). Introduction: Working Time in Industrialized Coıntries, Working Time and Workers’ Preferences in Industrialized Countries: Finding The Balance, (Ed: Messenger J.C), Routledge, London.
  • Brinkley, I. (2013). Flexibility or Insecurity? Exploring the Rise in Zero Hours Contracts, The Work Foundation Report.
  • Buddelmeyer H. – Mourre G.-Ward-Warmedinger M. (2008). Why Do Europeans Work Part-Time? A Cross-Country Panel Analysis, European Central Bank, Working Paper Series, No. 872.
  • Buehler, C. - O’Brien, M. (2011). Mothers’ Part-Time Employment: Associations With Mother and Family Well-Being, Journal of Family Psychology, 25 (6), 895–906.
  • Di Torella, E. C. –Masselot, A. (2010). Reconciling Work and Family Life in EU Law and Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • EC, (2010). Flexible Work Arrangements Help Both Employers And Employees, Says New European Commission Study, IP/10/1377, EC, Brussels. 1-6.
  • EFILWC, (2011). Reconciliation of work Private and Family Life in the European Union, Dublin.
  • Elke V. - Clasen, J. (2009). Flexicurity–A State of The Art Review, The Reconciliation of Work and Welfare in Europe, Working Papers 1.
Toplam 9 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Nurgün Kul Parlak

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kul Parlak, N. (2016). İŞ-YAŞAM DENGESİ AÇISINDAN ESNEK ÇALIŞMANIN ANALİZİ. Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2), 109-137.