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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 5, 160 - 171, 22.12.2017


Objectives:  This study aims to put forward the development
of retailing brands, the summarize the importance of those brands for retailers,
and identify the factors affecting their consumption from a holistic point of

Retailing brand literature was reviewed, and the findings were
summarized in terms of both consumers and retailers.

Results: Literature
shows that the quality perception is as important as the price in the retailer
brand (RB) purchase decision but the difference of subjective quality
perception between the producer and retailer brands is still high. The social
risk perception does not adversely affect the RB preference contrary to the
expectation. The preference of RB differs according to the consumer characteristics,
and it increases as the experience and awareness of consumers increase. There
is an opportunity for RBs to be successful in different product categories. On
the other hand, it has been determined that retailers should pay attention to
store image, social responsibility activities and balance of shelf allocation
for RB success.


  • Akbay C., Jones E., (2005), Food Consumption Behavior of Socioeconomic Groups for Private Labels and National Brands. Food Quality and Preference, 16, 621-631
  • Alan D. Jain A. Richardson P. (1996), How Consumers Evaluate Store Brands. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 5 (2), 19 - 28
  • Anselmsson J., Johansson U., Maranon A., Persson N., (2008), The penetration of retailer brands and the impact on consumer prices—A study based on household expenditures for 35 grocery categories, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 15, 42-51
  • Bao Y., Sheng S., Bao Y., Stewart D., (2011), Assessing Quality Perception of Private Labels: Intransient Cues and Consumer Characteristics, Journal Of Consumer Marketing, 28 (6), 448-458
  • Bauer H.H., Heinrich D., Schäfer D. B., (2013), The Effects of Organic Labels on Global, Local, and Private Brands More Hype Than Substance?, Journal of Business Research, 66, 1035-1043
  • Beneke J., Flynn R., Greig T, Mukaiwa M., (2013), The Influence of Perceived Product Quality, Relative Price and Risk on Customer Value and Willingness to Buy: A Study Of Private Label Merchandise, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 22 (3), 218-228
  • Beneke J., Greene A., Lok I., Mallet K., (2012), The Influence of Perceived Risk on Purchase Intention – The Case of Premium Grocery Private Label Brands in South Africa, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 21 (1), 4-14
  • Beneke J., Zimmerman N., (2014), Beyond Private Label Panache: The Effect of Store İmage and Perceived Price on Brand Prestige, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 31 (4), 301 – 311
  • Benito O. G., Partal M. M., (2012), Role of Retailer Positioning and Product Category on the Relationship Between Store Brand Consumption and Store Loyalty, Journal of Retailing, 88 (2), 236-249
  • Boyle P. J., Lathrop E.S., (2013), The Value of Private Label Brands to U.S. Consumers: An Objective and Subjective Assessment, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20, 80-86
  • Braak A., Deleersnyder B., Geyskens I., Dekimpe M. G., (2013), Does Private-Label Production By National-Brand Manufacturers Create Discounter Goodwill? International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30, 343-357
  • Cho Y. S. C., Rha H, Burt S., (2015), The Impact of Customer Awareness of Manufacturer Name Disclosure on Retail Brand Attitudes and Loyalty in Korea, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 128-137
  • Choi S., Fredj K., (2013), Price Competition and Store Competition: Store Brands vs. National Brand, European Journal of Operational Research, 225, 166-178
  • Dawes J., Thiel M. N., (2013), Analyzing the Intensity of Private Label Competition Across Retailers, Journal of Business Research, 66, 60-66
  • Desmet P., (2014), How Retailer Money-Back Guarantees Influence Consumer Preferences for Retailer Versus National Brands, Journal of Business Research, 67, 1971-1978
  • Diallo M. F., (2012), Effects of Store Image and Store Brand Price-Image on Store Brand Purchase Intention: Application to an Emerging Market, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19, 360-367
  • Dursun İ., Kabadayı E. T., Alan A. K., Sezen B., (2011), Store Brand Purchase Intention: Effects of Risk, Quality, Familiarity and Store Brand Shelf Space, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 1190-1200
  • Fen Y. S., May L. S., Ghee W. Y., (2012), Store Brand Proneness: Effects of Perceived Risks, Quality and Familiarity, Australasian Marketing Journal, 20, 48-58
  • Fornari E., Fornari D., Grandi S., Menegatti M., (2013), The Influence of Retailing-Mix Levers on Private Label Market Share: The Case of the Itaian FMCG Market, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20, 617-624
  • Jara M., Cliquet G., (2012), Retail Brand Equity: Conceptualization and Measurement, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19, 140-149
  • Liljander V., Polsa P., Riel A., (2009), Modelling Consumer Responses to an Apparel Store Brand: Store Image As a Risk Reducer, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16, 281-290
  • Manzur E., Olavarrieta S., Hidalgo P., Farías P., Uribe R., (2011), Store Brand and National Brand Promotion Attitudes Antecedents, Journal of Business Research, 64, 286-291
  • Mejri C. A., Bhatli D., (2014), CSR: Consumer Responses to The Social Quality of Private Labels, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21, 357-363
  • Mieres C. C., Martin A. M. D., Gutierrez J. A. T, (2006 / a), Influence of Perceived Risk on Store Brand Proneness, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 34 (10), 761-772
  • Mieres C. C., Martin A. M. D., Gutierrez J. A. T, (2006 / b), Antecedents of The Difference in Perceived Risk Between Store Brands and National Brands, European Journal of Marketing, 40 (1/2), 61-82
  • Ngobo P. V., (2011), Private Label Share, Branding Strategy and Store loyalty, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18, 259-270
  • Olbrich R., Grewe G., (2013), Proliferation of Private Labels in The Groceries Sector: The İmpact on Category Performance, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20, 147-153
  • Olsen N. V., Menichelli E., Meyer C., Næs T., (2011), Consumers Liking of Private Labels. An Evaluation of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Orange Juice Cues, Appetite, 56, 770-777
  • Olson E. L., (2012), Supplier Inferences to Enhance Private Label Perceptions, Journal of Business Research, 65, 100-105
  • Porral C. C., Lang M. F., (2015), Private Labels. The Role of Manufacturer Identification, Brand Loyalty and Image on Purchase İntention, British Food Journal, 117 (82), 506 – 522
  • Porral C. C., Mangin J. P. L., (2014), Private Label Brands: Major Perspective of Two Customer-Based Brand Equity Models, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 24 (4), 431-452
  • Porral C. C., Martinez F., V. A., Juanatey B., O., Lévy M., J. P., (2013), What Matters to Store Brand Equity? An Approach to Spanish Large Retailing in a Downturn Context, Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 19 (3), 136-146
  • Romero M. J. M., Giner E. M. C., Sánchez C. A., (2014), Relationship Marketing Management: Its Importance in Private Label Extension, Journal of Business Research, 67, 667-672
  • Rubio N., Oubiña J., Villaseñor N., (2014), Brand Awareness–Brand Quality Inference and Consumer’s Risk Perception in Store Brands of Food Products, Food Quality and Preference, 32, 289-298
  • Sethuraman R., Gielens K., (2014), Determinants of Store Brand Share, Journal of Retailing, 90 (2), 141-153
  • Sinha I., Batra R., (1999), Price Consciousness on Private Label Purchase, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 16, 237-251
  • Thiel M. N., Romaniuk J., (2011), The Nature and İncidence of Private Label Rejection, Australasian Marketing Journal, 19, 93-99
  • Thiel M. N., Romaniuk J., (2012), Value-For-Money Perceptions of Supermarket and Private Labels, Australasian Marketing Journal, 20, 171-177
  • Thiel M. N., Sharp B., Dawes J., Romaniuk J., (2010), Competition for Memory Retrieval Between Private Label and National Brands, Journal of Business Research, 63, 1142-1147
  • Wu P. C.S., Yeh G. Y. Y., Hsiao C. R., (2011), The Effect of Store Image and Service Quality on Brand Image and Purchase Intention for Private Label Brands, Australasian Marketing Journal, 19, 30-39
  • Yang D., (2012), The Strategic Management of Store Brand Perceived Quality, Physics Procedia, 24, 1114-1119
  • Zippel C., Wilkinson J., Vogler T., (2013), The Influence of Private Labels on Retailer Cooperation, Australasian Marketing Journal, 21, 271-277


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 5, 160 - 171, 22.12.2017


Bu çalışma,
perakendeci markaların gelişimini irdelemek ve bu markaların tüketimini
etkileyen faktörleri bütüncül bir bakış açısı ile ortaya koymak  ve bu markaların perakendeci için yarattığı
faydaları saptamak amacını gütmektedir.

Perakendeci markalara
ilişkin bir literatür taraması yapılmış ve buna istinaden literatürde
perakendeci markalarına ilişkin bulgular hem tüketici hem perakendeci açısından

algısı perakende markaların (PM) tercihinde fiyat kadar önemlidir. Ancak perakendeci
ve üretici markaları ile arasındaki sübjektif kalite algısı farkı hala yüksektir.
Sosyal risk algısının beklenenin aksine PM tercihini olumsuz etkilememektedir.
PM tercihi tüketici özelliklerine göre farklılık göstermekte, bununla birlikte
tüketicinin deneyimi ve aşinalığı arttığında PM tercihi artmaktadır. PM için kategori
genişleme fırsatı vardır. Ancak perakendecilerin kendi markalarının tercihi
için mağaza imajına, sosyal sorumluluk faaliyetlerine, raf tahsisindeki dengeye
önem vermeleri gerekmektedir.


  • Akbay C., Jones E., (2005), Food Consumption Behavior of Socioeconomic Groups for Private Labels and National Brands. Food Quality and Preference, 16, 621-631
  • Alan D. Jain A. Richardson P. (1996), How Consumers Evaluate Store Brands. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 5 (2), 19 - 28
  • Anselmsson J., Johansson U., Maranon A., Persson N., (2008), The penetration of retailer brands and the impact on consumer prices—A study based on household expenditures for 35 grocery categories, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 15, 42-51
  • Bao Y., Sheng S., Bao Y., Stewart D., (2011), Assessing Quality Perception of Private Labels: Intransient Cues and Consumer Characteristics, Journal Of Consumer Marketing, 28 (6), 448-458
  • Bauer H.H., Heinrich D., Schäfer D. B., (2013), The Effects of Organic Labels on Global, Local, and Private Brands More Hype Than Substance?, Journal of Business Research, 66, 1035-1043
  • Beneke J., Flynn R., Greig T, Mukaiwa M., (2013), The Influence of Perceived Product Quality, Relative Price and Risk on Customer Value and Willingness to Buy: A Study Of Private Label Merchandise, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 22 (3), 218-228
  • Beneke J., Greene A., Lok I., Mallet K., (2012), The Influence of Perceived Risk on Purchase Intention – The Case of Premium Grocery Private Label Brands in South Africa, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 21 (1), 4-14
  • Beneke J., Zimmerman N., (2014), Beyond Private Label Panache: The Effect of Store İmage and Perceived Price on Brand Prestige, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 31 (4), 301 – 311
  • Benito O. G., Partal M. M., (2012), Role of Retailer Positioning and Product Category on the Relationship Between Store Brand Consumption and Store Loyalty, Journal of Retailing, 88 (2), 236-249
  • Boyle P. J., Lathrop E.S., (2013), The Value of Private Label Brands to U.S. Consumers: An Objective and Subjective Assessment, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20, 80-86
  • Braak A., Deleersnyder B., Geyskens I., Dekimpe M. G., (2013), Does Private-Label Production By National-Brand Manufacturers Create Discounter Goodwill? International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30, 343-357
  • Cho Y. S. C., Rha H, Burt S., (2015), The Impact of Customer Awareness of Manufacturer Name Disclosure on Retail Brand Attitudes and Loyalty in Korea, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 128-137
  • Choi S., Fredj K., (2013), Price Competition and Store Competition: Store Brands vs. National Brand, European Journal of Operational Research, 225, 166-178
  • Dawes J., Thiel M. N., (2013), Analyzing the Intensity of Private Label Competition Across Retailers, Journal of Business Research, 66, 60-66
  • Desmet P., (2014), How Retailer Money-Back Guarantees Influence Consumer Preferences for Retailer Versus National Brands, Journal of Business Research, 67, 1971-1978
  • Diallo M. F., (2012), Effects of Store Image and Store Brand Price-Image on Store Brand Purchase Intention: Application to an Emerging Market, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19, 360-367
  • Dursun İ., Kabadayı E. T., Alan A. K., Sezen B., (2011), Store Brand Purchase Intention: Effects of Risk, Quality, Familiarity and Store Brand Shelf Space, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 1190-1200
  • Fen Y. S., May L. S., Ghee W. Y., (2012), Store Brand Proneness: Effects of Perceived Risks, Quality and Familiarity, Australasian Marketing Journal, 20, 48-58
  • Fornari E., Fornari D., Grandi S., Menegatti M., (2013), The Influence of Retailing-Mix Levers on Private Label Market Share: The Case of the Itaian FMCG Market, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20, 617-624
  • Jara M., Cliquet G., (2012), Retail Brand Equity: Conceptualization and Measurement, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19, 140-149
  • Liljander V., Polsa P., Riel A., (2009), Modelling Consumer Responses to an Apparel Store Brand: Store Image As a Risk Reducer, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16, 281-290
  • Manzur E., Olavarrieta S., Hidalgo P., Farías P., Uribe R., (2011), Store Brand and National Brand Promotion Attitudes Antecedents, Journal of Business Research, 64, 286-291
  • Mejri C. A., Bhatli D., (2014), CSR: Consumer Responses to The Social Quality of Private Labels, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21, 357-363
  • Mieres C. C., Martin A. M. D., Gutierrez J. A. T, (2006 / a), Influence of Perceived Risk on Store Brand Proneness, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 34 (10), 761-772
  • Mieres C. C., Martin A. M. D., Gutierrez J. A. T, (2006 / b), Antecedents of The Difference in Perceived Risk Between Store Brands and National Brands, European Journal of Marketing, 40 (1/2), 61-82
  • Ngobo P. V., (2011), Private Label Share, Branding Strategy and Store loyalty, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18, 259-270
  • Olbrich R., Grewe G., (2013), Proliferation of Private Labels in The Groceries Sector: The İmpact on Category Performance, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20, 147-153
  • Olsen N. V., Menichelli E., Meyer C., Næs T., (2011), Consumers Liking of Private Labels. An Evaluation of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Orange Juice Cues, Appetite, 56, 770-777
  • Olson E. L., (2012), Supplier Inferences to Enhance Private Label Perceptions, Journal of Business Research, 65, 100-105
  • Porral C. C., Lang M. F., (2015), Private Labels. The Role of Manufacturer Identification, Brand Loyalty and Image on Purchase İntention, British Food Journal, 117 (82), 506 – 522
  • Porral C. C., Mangin J. P. L., (2014), Private Label Brands: Major Perspective of Two Customer-Based Brand Equity Models, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 24 (4), 431-452
  • Porral C. C., Martinez F., V. A., Juanatey B., O., Lévy M., J. P., (2013), What Matters to Store Brand Equity? An Approach to Spanish Large Retailing in a Downturn Context, Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 19 (3), 136-146
  • Romero M. J. M., Giner E. M. C., Sánchez C. A., (2014), Relationship Marketing Management: Its Importance in Private Label Extension, Journal of Business Research, 67, 667-672
  • Rubio N., Oubiña J., Villaseñor N., (2014), Brand Awareness–Brand Quality Inference and Consumer’s Risk Perception in Store Brands of Food Products, Food Quality and Preference, 32, 289-298
  • Sethuraman R., Gielens K., (2014), Determinants of Store Brand Share, Journal of Retailing, 90 (2), 141-153
  • Sinha I., Batra R., (1999), Price Consciousness on Private Label Purchase, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 16, 237-251
  • Thiel M. N., Romaniuk J., (2011), The Nature and İncidence of Private Label Rejection, Australasian Marketing Journal, 19, 93-99
  • Thiel M. N., Romaniuk J., (2012), Value-For-Money Perceptions of Supermarket and Private Labels, Australasian Marketing Journal, 20, 171-177
  • Thiel M. N., Sharp B., Dawes J., Romaniuk J., (2010), Competition for Memory Retrieval Between Private Label and National Brands, Journal of Business Research, 63, 1142-1147
  • Wu P. C.S., Yeh G. Y. Y., Hsiao C. R., (2011), The Effect of Store Image and Service Quality on Brand Image and Purchase Intention for Private Label Brands, Australasian Marketing Journal, 19, 30-39
  • Yang D., (2012), The Strategic Management of Store Brand Perceived Quality, Physics Procedia, 24, 1114-1119
  • Zippel C., Wilkinson J., Vogler T., (2013), The Influence of Private Labels on Retailer Cooperation, Australasian Marketing Journal, 21, 271-277
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Zahid Ecevit

Ulun Akturan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Ecevit, M. Z., & Akturan, U. (2017). PERAKENDECİLER VE TÜKETİCİLER AÇISINDAN PERAKENDECİ MARKALAR: KAVRAMSAL BİR ÇERÇEVE. Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(5), 160-171.