Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminin Rekabet Öncelikleri Ve Örgütsel Performansa Etkileri: Türkiye'de Bir Alan Çalışması
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 2010 Sayı: 2, 85 - 94, 01.06.2010
Nusret Göksu
Arif Selim Eren
- Allen, R.S., Dawson, G., Wheatley, K. & White, C.S. (2008). Perceived diversity and organizational performance, Employee Relations. 30(1), 20-33.
- Ayers, J.B., (2001)., Making Supply Chain Management Work: Design, Implementation, Partnerships, Technology, and Profits, 3rd Edition, CRC Press, London, 752p.
- Beamon, BM.,(1998), Supply chain design and analysis: models and methods. International Journal of Production Economics. 55(3) 281–94.
- Chan, F.T.S. & Qi, H.F.,(2003), “An Innovative Performance Measurement Method for Supply Chain Management.”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 8(3), pp. 209-223.
- Chenhall, R.H.,(1996), “Strategies of manufacturing flexibility, manufacturing performance measures and organizational performance: an empirical investigation.” Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 7(5), pp.25–32.
- Chow, W.S., Madu, C.N., Kuei, C., Lu, M.H., Lin, C., and Tseng, H., (2008), “Mastery of operational competencies in the context of supply chain management”, Omega, 36, pp. 665 – 679.
- Cox, A. (1999). “Power, value and supply chain management.” Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 4(4), 167-175.
- Deal, TE, & Kennedy, AA (1982). Corporate cultures: The rites and rituals of corporate life. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
- DeWitt, T., Giunipero, L.C. & Melton, H.L., (2006), “Clusters and supply chain management: the Amish experience”. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. 36(4), pp.289308.
- Foster, W.M. & Washington, M., (2009), Organizational structure and home team performance. Team Performance Management. 15(3/4), pp.158-171.
- Green, K.W. & Inman, R.A., (2007), The impact of JITII-selling on organizational performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 107(7), pp.1018-1035.
- Gunasekaran A, Patel C, and Tirtiroglu E. ,(2001), Performance measures and metrics in a supply chain environment. International Journal of Operations and Production Management . 21(1/2), pp.71–87.
- Halachmi, A. and Bouckaert, G.,(1994), “Performance Measurement, Organizational Technology and Organizational Design.” Work Study. 43(3), 19-25.
- Halley, A., & Beaulieu, M., (2009), “Mastery of operational competencies in the context of supply chain management “, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 14/1, pp. 49–63.
- Hines, P.H., Rich, N. and Hittmeyer, M., (1998), “Competing against ignorance: advantage through knowledge.” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. 28(1),1 pp.843.
- Hobbs, J.E., (1996), “A transaction cost approach to supply chain management.” Supply Chain Management. 1(2), pp.15–27.
- Holmberg S. A., (2000), “Systems perspective on supply chain measurements.” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management . 30(10), pp. 847–68.
- Knolmayer, G., Mertens, P, and Zeier, A., (2000). Supply Chain Management auf Basis von SAPsystemen: Perspektiven der Auftragsabwicklung für Industriebetriebe, 2nd Edition, Springer, New York, 211p.
- Kwon, W.G., & Suh, T., (2005), “Trust, commitment and relationships in supply chain management: a path analysis”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 10/1 pp26–33.
- Lee, S.K. & Yu, K., (2004), “Corporate culture and organizational performance.”, Journal of Managerial Psychology. 19(4), pp.340-359.
- Lewis, D.S., (1994), Organizational Change: Relationship between Reactions, Behaviour and Organizational Performance. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 7(5), 41-55.
- Li, S., Ragu-Nathan, B., Ragu-Nathan, T.S., and Rao, S.S., (2004). The impact of supply chain management practices on competitive advantage and organizational performance. Omega 34 (2), pp107–124.
- Lim, B.,(1995), Examining the organizational culture and organizational performance link. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 16(5), 16-21.
- Ma, H., (1999), Constellation of competitive advantage: components and dynamics. Management Decision. 37(4), pp.348-355.
- Min S, and Mentzer J.T, (2004), “Developing and measuring supplychain concepts.” Journal of Business Logistics, 25(1): pp.63–99.
- Molina, C. & Callahan, J.L., (2009), Fostering organizational performance. Journal of European Industrial Training. 33(5), pp.388-400.
- Movat, A. & Collins, R., (2000), Consumer behaviour and fruit quality: supply chain management in an emerging industry. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 5(1), pp.45-54.
- Msimangira, K.A.B., (2002), Purchasing and Supply Chain Managemet in Botswana. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 8(1), pp.7-11.
- New, S.J., (1997), The scope of supply chain management research. Supply Chain Management. 2(1), pp.15-22. Peters, T. J. & Waterman, R., H., J., (1982). In Search of Excellence. New York, Harper & Row.
- Salavou, H.E. & Halikias, J., (2009), Strategy types of exporting firms: a view on the basis of competitive advantage. European Business Review. 21(2), pp.144158
- Sheaffer, Z., Carmeli A., Steiner-Revivo, M. & Zionit, S. (2009). Downsizing strategies and organizational performance: a longitudinal study. Management Decision. 47(6), pp.950-974.
- Speakman, R.E., Kamauff, J.W. & Myhr, N. (1998). An empirical investigation into supply chain management. Supply Chain Management. 3(2), pp.53-67.
- Svensson, G. & Wood, G. (2006). Sustainable components of leadership effectiveness in organizational performance, Journal of Management Development. 25(6), pp.522-534.
- Tan K.C, Lyman S.B & Wisner J.D., (2002), “Supply chain management: a strategic perspective”. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 22(6), pp.614–31.
- Tracey, M.A., & Vonderembse, M.A., (1998). “Building supply chains: A key to enhanced manufacturing performance”. Proceedings of the Decision Science Institute, pp. 1184–1186.
- Van Hoek, R.I., Chatham, R. & Wilding, R. (2002). Managers in Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 7(3), pp.119-125.
- Wong, C.Y., Albjorn, J.S., & Johansen, J., (2005), “Supply chain management practices in toy supply chains”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 10/5, pp.367–378.
- Yonggui, W. & Lo, H.P. (2002). Multi-Level Competition and the integrated hierarchical model of competitive advantages in turbulent environments: a resource based view. Foresight. 4(3), pp.38-50.
- Yusuf, Y.Y. and Little, D., (1998). “An empirical investigation of enterprise-wide integration of MRPII”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 18(1), pp.66-86.
- Zack, M., McKeen, J. & Singh, S. (2009). Knowledge management and organizational performance: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(6), pp.392-409.
Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminin Rekabet Öncelikleri Ve Örgütsel Performansa Etkileri: Türkiye'de Bir Alan Çalışması
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 2010 Sayı: 2, 85 - 94, 01.06.2010
Nusret Göksu
Arif Selim Eren
İşletmeler için Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi (Supply Chain Management, SCM)’nin önemi ağırlaşan rekabet koşulları ve sektörel bağlamda sektörle birlikte hareket edebilip ayakta kalabilmek için giderek artmaktadır. İşletmelerin, üretim süreçlerini optimal hale getirebilmek için artık sadece üretim süreçleri ile ilgilenmediğini ve üretimi etkileyebilecek üretim öncesi ve sonrasında büyük rol oynayan tedarik zincirlerini gözden geçirmeye başladıklarını gözlemlenmektedir.Bu çalışma SCM’nin rekabet öncelikleri ve örgütsel performansa etkilerini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla ilk başta detaylı bir yazın taraması yapılarak araştırmanın değişkenleri ve hipotezleri belirlenmiş, sonra bu değişkenlerin ölçülebileceği önermeleri içeren anketler literatürden tekrar taranmış ve daha sonra bu önermelerin tümünün içerildiği bir anket hazırlanmıştır. Anketin ön testi yapıldıktan sonra gerekli değişiklikler yapılarak anket Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği (TOBB) veri tabanından rast gele elde edilen toplam 220 imalat işletmesine uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 16 paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir.Yapılan analizler neticesinde teorik bir model oluşturulmuştur ve modelin testi için yapılan regresyon analizleri neticesinde hem rekabet önceliklerinin hem de örgütsel performansın tedarik zinciri yönetimi ile pozitif bir şekilde ilişkili olduğu fakat rekabet öncelikleri ve örgütsel performansın birbirleri ile negatif yönde bir ilişkili olduğu saptanmıştır
- Allen, R.S., Dawson, G., Wheatley, K. & White, C.S. (2008). Perceived diversity and organizational performance, Employee Relations. 30(1), 20-33.
- Ayers, J.B., (2001)., Making Supply Chain Management Work: Design, Implementation, Partnerships, Technology, and Profits, 3rd Edition, CRC Press, London, 752p.
- Beamon, BM.,(1998), Supply chain design and analysis: models and methods. International Journal of Production Economics. 55(3) 281–94.
- Chan, F.T.S. & Qi, H.F.,(2003), “An Innovative Performance Measurement Method for Supply Chain Management.”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 8(3), pp. 209-223.
- Chenhall, R.H.,(1996), “Strategies of manufacturing flexibility, manufacturing performance measures and organizational performance: an empirical investigation.” Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 7(5), pp.25–32.
- Chow, W.S., Madu, C.N., Kuei, C., Lu, M.H., Lin, C., and Tseng, H., (2008), “Mastery of operational competencies in the context of supply chain management”, Omega, 36, pp. 665 – 679.
- Cox, A. (1999). “Power, value and supply chain management.” Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 4(4), 167-175.
- Deal, TE, & Kennedy, AA (1982). Corporate cultures: The rites and rituals of corporate life. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
- DeWitt, T., Giunipero, L.C. & Melton, H.L., (2006), “Clusters and supply chain management: the Amish experience”. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. 36(4), pp.289308.
- Foster, W.M. & Washington, M., (2009), Organizational structure and home team performance. Team Performance Management. 15(3/4), pp.158-171.
- Green, K.W. & Inman, R.A., (2007), The impact of JITII-selling on organizational performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 107(7), pp.1018-1035.
- Gunasekaran A, Patel C, and Tirtiroglu E. ,(2001), Performance measures and metrics in a supply chain environment. International Journal of Operations and Production Management . 21(1/2), pp.71–87.
- Halachmi, A. and Bouckaert, G.,(1994), “Performance Measurement, Organizational Technology and Organizational Design.” Work Study. 43(3), 19-25.
- Halley, A., & Beaulieu, M., (2009), “Mastery of operational competencies in the context of supply chain management “, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 14/1, pp. 49–63.
- Hines, P.H., Rich, N. and Hittmeyer, M., (1998), “Competing against ignorance: advantage through knowledge.” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. 28(1),1 pp.843.
- Hobbs, J.E., (1996), “A transaction cost approach to supply chain management.” Supply Chain Management. 1(2), pp.15–27.
- Holmberg S. A., (2000), “Systems perspective on supply chain measurements.” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management . 30(10), pp. 847–68.
- Knolmayer, G., Mertens, P, and Zeier, A., (2000). Supply Chain Management auf Basis von SAPsystemen: Perspektiven der Auftragsabwicklung für Industriebetriebe, 2nd Edition, Springer, New York, 211p.
- Kwon, W.G., & Suh, T., (2005), “Trust, commitment and relationships in supply chain management: a path analysis”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 10/1 pp26–33.
- Lee, S.K. & Yu, K., (2004), “Corporate culture and organizational performance.”, Journal of Managerial Psychology. 19(4), pp.340-359.
- Lewis, D.S., (1994), Organizational Change: Relationship between Reactions, Behaviour and Organizational Performance. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 7(5), 41-55.
- Li, S., Ragu-Nathan, B., Ragu-Nathan, T.S., and Rao, S.S., (2004). The impact of supply chain management practices on competitive advantage and organizational performance. Omega 34 (2), pp107–124.
- Lim, B.,(1995), Examining the organizational culture and organizational performance link. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 16(5), 16-21.
- Ma, H., (1999), Constellation of competitive advantage: components and dynamics. Management Decision. 37(4), pp.348-355.
- Min S, and Mentzer J.T, (2004), “Developing and measuring supplychain concepts.” Journal of Business Logistics, 25(1): pp.63–99.
- Molina, C. & Callahan, J.L., (2009), Fostering organizational performance. Journal of European Industrial Training. 33(5), pp.388-400.
- Movat, A. & Collins, R., (2000), Consumer behaviour and fruit quality: supply chain management in an emerging industry. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 5(1), pp.45-54.
- Msimangira, K.A.B., (2002), Purchasing and Supply Chain Managemet in Botswana. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 8(1), pp.7-11.
- New, S.J., (1997), The scope of supply chain management research. Supply Chain Management. 2(1), pp.15-22. Peters, T. J. & Waterman, R., H., J., (1982). In Search of Excellence. New York, Harper & Row.
- Salavou, H.E. & Halikias, J., (2009), Strategy types of exporting firms: a view on the basis of competitive advantage. European Business Review. 21(2), pp.144158
- Sheaffer, Z., Carmeli A., Steiner-Revivo, M. & Zionit, S. (2009). Downsizing strategies and organizational performance: a longitudinal study. Management Decision. 47(6), pp.950-974.
- Speakman, R.E., Kamauff, J.W. & Myhr, N. (1998). An empirical investigation into supply chain management. Supply Chain Management. 3(2), pp.53-67.
- Svensson, G. & Wood, G. (2006). Sustainable components of leadership effectiveness in organizational performance, Journal of Management Development. 25(6), pp.522-534.
- Tan K.C, Lyman S.B & Wisner J.D., (2002), “Supply chain management: a strategic perspective”. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 22(6), pp.614–31.
- Tracey, M.A., & Vonderembse, M.A., (1998). “Building supply chains: A key to enhanced manufacturing performance”. Proceedings of the Decision Science Institute, pp. 1184–1186.
- Van Hoek, R.I., Chatham, R. & Wilding, R. (2002). Managers in Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 7(3), pp.119-125.
- Wong, C.Y., Albjorn, J.S., & Johansen, J., (2005), “Supply chain management practices in toy supply chains”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 10/5, pp.367–378.
- Yonggui, W. & Lo, H.P. (2002). Multi-Level Competition and the integrated hierarchical model of competitive advantages in turbulent environments: a resource based view. Foresight. 4(3), pp.38-50.
- Yusuf, Y.Y. and Little, D., (1998). “An empirical investigation of enterprise-wide integration of MRPII”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 18(1), pp.66-86.
- Zack, M., McKeen, J. & Singh, S. (2009). Knowledge management and organizational performance: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(6), pp.392-409.