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Saldırgan Davranışlar ve Örgütsel Mağduriyet Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 2010 Sayı: 1, 91 - 98, 01.03.2010



  • Angela Rutter and Donald W. Hine; (2005), “Sex Differences in Workplace Aggression: An Investigation of Moderation and Mediation Effects”, Aggressive Behavior, Vol: 31, 254-270.
  • Brian Edward Perron, Ben Alexander-Eitzmon, David F. Gillespie and David Pollio, (2008), “Modeling the Mental Health Effects of Victimization among Homeless Persons”, Social Science & Medicine, Vol: 67, 1475-1479.
  • Claire P. Monks, Peter K. Smith, Paul Naylor, Christine Barter, Jane L. Ireland and Iain Cayne, (2009), “Bullying in Different Context: Commonalities, Differences and The Role of Theory”, Aggression and Violent Behavior, Vol: 14, 146-156.
  • Daniel B. Kennedy, Robert J. Homant and Michael R. Homant, (2004), “Perception of Injustice as a Predictor of Support for Workplace Aggression”, Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol: 18, No: 3, 323-336.
  • Georges Steffgen, (2008), “Physical Violence at the Workplace: Consequences on Health and Measures of Prevention”, Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, Vol: 58, 285–295.
  • Gerald A. Farrell, Christina Bobrowski and Peter Bobrowski, Aggression in Nursing: Findings from an Australian Study”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol: 55, No: 6, 778-787. “Scoping Workplace
  • Gerry Farrell and Katrina Cubit, (2005), “Nurses under Threat: A Comparison of Content of 28 Aggression Management Programs”, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Vol: 14, 44-53.
  • Jankowiak B., Kowalczuk K., Krajewska-Kulak E., Sierakowska M., Lewko J. And Klimaszewska K., (2007), “Exposure the Doctors to Aggression in the Workplace”, Advances in Medical Sciences, Vol: 52, Supply: 1, 89-92.
  • Jill Kickul and George Neuman, (2000), “Emergent Leadership Behaviors: The Function of Personality and Cognitive Ability in Determinig of Personality in Determining Teamwork Performance and KSAS”, Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol: 15, No: 1, 27-51.
  • Karl Aquino and Murray Bradfield, (2000), “Perceived Victimization in the Workplace: The Role of Situational Factors and Victim Characteristic”, Organization Science, Vol: 11, No: 5, 532.
  • Karl Aquino and William H. Bommer, (2003), “Preferential Mistreatment: How Victim Status Moderates the Relationship Between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Workplace Victimization”, Organization Science, Vol: 14, No: 4, 374.
  • Karl Aquino, (2000), “Structural and Individual Determinants of Workplace Victimization: The Effects of Hierarchical Status and Conflict Management Style”, Journal Of Management, Vol: 26, No: 2, 171-172.,
  • Mahmut Özdevecioğlu ve Cemile Çelik, (2009), “Örgüt Kültürü Tipleri İtibariyle Bireylerin Algıladıkları Mağduriyet Farklılıklarını Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt: 23, Sayı: 1, 95-111.
  • Manon Mireille LeBlanc and Julian Barling, (2004), “Workplace Aggression”, American Psychological Society, Vol: 13, No: 1, 9-12.
  • Mark J. Martinko, Michael J. Gundlach and Scott C. Douglas, (2002), “Toward an Integrative Theory of Counterproductive Workplace Behavior: A Causal Reasoning Perspective”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Vol: 10, No: ½, 36-50.
  • Matthew R. Lee and Terri L. Earnest, (2003), “Perceived Community Cohesion and Perceived Risk of Victimization: A Cross-National Analysis”, Justice Quarterly, Vol: 20, No: 1, 131-157.
  • Michael Harvey, Darren Treadway and Joyce Thompson Heames, (2006), “Bullying in Global Organizations: A Reference Point Perspective”, Journal of World Business, Vol:41, 190-202.
  • Monica R. McLemore, (2006), “Workplace Aggression: Beginning a Dialogue”, Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, Vol: 10, No:4, 455-456.
  • Noreen, W. Esposito, Richard W. Redman, Katherine A. Moore, Beverly B. Foster and Janet H. Blue, (2004), “Preventing Violence in an Academic Setting”, Nursing Education Perspevtives, Vol: 26, No: 1, 24-28.
  • O’Leary-Kelley, A. M., Griffin, R. F. and Glew D. J., (1996), “Organization Motivated Aggression: A research Framework”, Academy of Management Review, Vol: 21, 225-253.
  • Paul E. Spector, Martha L. Coulter, Heather G. Stockwell and Mary W. Matz, (2007), “Perceived Violence Climate: A New Construct and its Relationship to Workplace Physicsl Violence and Verbal Agrression, and their Potential Consequences” Work & Stress, Vol: 21, No: 2, 117-130.
  • Peter K. Smith, Monika Singer, Helge Hoel and Cary L. Cooper, (2003), “Victimization in the School and Workplace: Are there any Links?”, British Journal of Psycology, Vol: 94, 175-188.
  • Robert A. Baron and Joel H. Neuman, (1996), “Workplace Violence and Workplace Aggression: Evidence on Their Relative Frequency and Potential Causes”, Aggressive Behavior, Vol: 22, 161-173.
  • Robert A. Baron and Joel H. Neuman, (1998), “Workplace Aggression: The Iceberg Beneath The Tip of Workplace Violence: Evidence on Its Forms, Frequency and Potential Causes”, Public Administration Quarterly, Vol: 21, 446-464.
  • Robert A. Baron, Joel H. Neuman and Deanna Geddes, (1999), “Social and Personal Determinants of Workplace Aggression: Evidence for the Impact of Perceived Injustice and the Type A Behavior Pattern”, Aggressive Behavior, Vol: 25, 281-296.
  • Sonja Perren and Françoise D. Alsaker, (2006), “Social Behavior and Peer Relationships of Victims, Bully- Victims, and Bullies in Kindergarten”, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol: 47, No: 1, 45-57.
  • Steve Harley and Loraleigh Keashly, (2003), “Predicting the Risk for Aggression the Workplace: Risk Factors, Self-Esteem and Time at Work”, Social Behavior and Personality, Vol: 31, No: 8, 807-814.
  • Tekin Akgeyik ve Meltem Güngör, (2009), “Müşteri Saldırganlığı: Sonuçları ve Mücadele Stratejisi”, Kamu-İş, Cilt: 10, Sayı: 3, 33-71.
  • Thomas J. Rippon, (2000), “Aggression and Violence in Health Care Professions”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol: 31, No: 2, 452-460.
  • Yasemin Kaya ve Mahmut Özdevecioğlu, (2008), “Organizasyonlarda Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerindeki Etkilerini Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt: X, Sayı: 1, 19- 37. Mağduriyetin

Saldırgan Davranışlar ve Örgütsel Mağduriyet Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 2010 Sayı: 1, 91 - 98, 01.03.2010


Bu çalışma son yılarda gerek dünyada gerekse ülkemizde giderek artan saldırgan davranışlar ve neticesinde ortaya çıkan mağduriyet konusunu teorik anlamda ele almaktır. Yabancı literatürde hakkında çokça araştırma bulunmasına rağmen ülkemizde bu alanda henüz yeterli çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle söz konusu çalışma saldırgan davranışlar ve mağduriyet konusunu türleri, kaynakları ve yol açtığı sonuçlarıyla birlikte ele alarak yerli araştırmacılara ve yapılacak yeni araştırmalara yardımcı olmayı amaçlamaktadır


  • Angela Rutter and Donald W. Hine; (2005), “Sex Differences in Workplace Aggression: An Investigation of Moderation and Mediation Effects”, Aggressive Behavior, Vol: 31, 254-270.
  • Brian Edward Perron, Ben Alexander-Eitzmon, David F. Gillespie and David Pollio, (2008), “Modeling the Mental Health Effects of Victimization among Homeless Persons”, Social Science & Medicine, Vol: 67, 1475-1479.
  • Claire P. Monks, Peter K. Smith, Paul Naylor, Christine Barter, Jane L. Ireland and Iain Cayne, (2009), “Bullying in Different Context: Commonalities, Differences and The Role of Theory”, Aggression and Violent Behavior, Vol: 14, 146-156.
  • Daniel B. Kennedy, Robert J. Homant and Michael R. Homant, (2004), “Perception of Injustice as a Predictor of Support for Workplace Aggression”, Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol: 18, No: 3, 323-336.
  • Georges Steffgen, (2008), “Physical Violence at the Workplace: Consequences on Health and Measures of Prevention”, Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, Vol: 58, 285–295.
  • Gerald A. Farrell, Christina Bobrowski and Peter Bobrowski, Aggression in Nursing: Findings from an Australian Study”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol: 55, No: 6, 778-787. “Scoping Workplace
  • Gerry Farrell and Katrina Cubit, (2005), “Nurses under Threat: A Comparison of Content of 28 Aggression Management Programs”, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Vol: 14, 44-53.
  • Jankowiak B., Kowalczuk K., Krajewska-Kulak E., Sierakowska M., Lewko J. And Klimaszewska K., (2007), “Exposure the Doctors to Aggression in the Workplace”, Advances in Medical Sciences, Vol: 52, Supply: 1, 89-92.
  • Jill Kickul and George Neuman, (2000), “Emergent Leadership Behaviors: The Function of Personality and Cognitive Ability in Determinig of Personality in Determining Teamwork Performance and KSAS”, Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol: 15, No: 1, 27-51.
  • Karl Aquino and Murray Bradfield, (2000), “Perceived Victimization in the Workplace: The Role of Situational Factors and Victim Characteristic”, Organization Science, Vol: 11, No: 5, 532.
  • Karl Aquino and William H. Bommer, (2003), “Preferential Mistreatment: How Victim Status Moderates the Relationship Between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Workplace Victimization”, Organization Science, Vol: 14, No: 4, 374.
  • Karl Aquino, (2000), “Structural and Individual Determinants of Workplace Victimization: The Effects of Hierarchical Status and Conflict Management Style”, Journal Of Management, Vol: 26, No: 2, 171-172.,
  • Mahmut Özdevecioğlu ve Cemile Çelik, (2009), “Örgüt Kültürü Tipleri İtibariyle Bireylerin Algıladıkları Mağduriyet Farklılıklarını Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt: 23, Sayı: 1, 95-111.
  • Manon Mireille LeBlanc and Julian Barling, (2004), “Workplace Aggression”, American Psychological Society, Vol: 13, No: 1, 9-12.
  • Mark J. Martinko, Michael J. Gundlach and Scott C. Douglas, (2002), “Toward an Integrative Theory of Counterproductive Workplace Behavior: A Causal Reasoning Perspective”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Vol: 10, No: ½, 36-50.
  • Matthew R. Lee and Terri L. Earnest, (2003), “Perceived Community Cohesion and Perceived Risk of Victimization: A Cross-National Analysis”, Justice Quarterly, Vol: 20, No: 1, 131-157.
  • Michael Harvey, Darren Treadway and Joyce Thompson Heames, (2006), “Bullying in Global Organizations: A Reference Point Perspective”, Journal of World Business, Vol:41, 190-202.
  • Monica R. McLemore, (2006), “Workplace Aggression: Beginning a Dialogue”, Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, Vol: 10, No:4, 455-456.
  • Noreen, W. Esposito, Richard W. Redman, Katherine A. Moore, Beverly B. Foster and Janet H. Blue, (2004), “Preventing Violence in an Academic Setting”, Nursing Education Perspevtives, Vol: 26, No: 1, 24-28.
  • O’Leary-Kelley, A. M., Griffin, R. F. and Glew D. J., (1996), “Organization Motivated Aggression: A research Framework”, Academy of Management Review, Vol: 21, 225-253.
  • Paul E. Spector, Martha L. Coulter, Heather G. Stockwell and Mary W. Matz, (2007), “Perceived Violence Climate: A New Construct and its Relationship to Workplace Physicsl Violence and Verbal Agrression, and their Potential Consequences” Work & Stress, Vol: 21, No: 2, 117-130.
  • Peter K. Smith, Monika Singer, Helge Hoel and Cary L. Cooper, (2003), “Victimization in the School and Workplace: Are there any Links?”, British Journal of Psycology, Vol: 94, 175-188.
  • Robert A. Baron and Joel H. Neuman, (1996), “Workplace Violence and Workplace Aggression: Evidence on Their Relative Frequency and Potential Causes”, Aggressive Behavior, Vol: 22, 161-173.
  • Robert A. Baron and Joel H. Neuman, (1998), “Workplace Aggression: The Iceberg Beneath The Tip of Workplace Violence: Evidence on Its Forms, Frequency and Potential Causes”, Public Administration Quarterly, Vol: 21, 446-464.
  • Robert A. Baron, Joel H. Neuman and Deanna Geddes, (1999), “Social and Personal Determinants of Workplace Aggression: Evidence for the Impact of Perceived Injustice and the Type A Behavior Pattern”, Aggressive Behavior, Vol: 25, 281-296.
  • Sonja Perren and Françoise D. Alsaker, (2006), “Social Behavior and Peer Relationships of Victims, Bully- Victims, and Bullies in Kindergarten”, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol: 47, No: 1, 45-57.
  • Steve Harley and Loraleigh Keashly, (2003), “Predicting the Risk for Aggression the Workplace: Risk Factors, Self-Esteem and Time at Work”, Social Behavior and Personality, Vol: 31, No: 8, 807-814.
  • Tekin Akgeyik ve Meltem Güngör, (2009), “Müşteri Saldırganlığı: Sonuçları ve Mücadele Stratejisi”, Kamu-İş, Cilt: 10, Sayı: 3, 33-71.
  • Thomas J. Rippon, (2000), “Aggression and Violence in Health Care Professions”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol: 31, No: 2, 452-460.
  • Yasemin Kaya ve Mahmut Özdevecioğlu, (2008), “Organizasyonlarda Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerindeki Etkilerini Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt: X, Sayı: 1, 19- 37. Mağduriyetin
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Hasan Gül Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 2010 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Gül, H. (2010). Saldırgan Davranışlar ve Örgütsel Mağduriyet Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Araştırma. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2010(1), 91-98.

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