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Tarımsal Kooperatiflerde Ortakların Teknolojik Değişime Yönelik Tutumlarını Etkileyen: Çukobirlik'te Bir Uygulama

Yıl 2009, Sayı: 17, 194 - 217, 01.06.2009


Günümüz işletme örgütlerinde, örgüt üyelerinin teknolojik değişimlere karşı tutumları hızlı teknolojik değişim nedeniyle, artan bir öneme sahiptir. Rekabet ortamı sorunları ve teknolojiyi takip etme zorunluluğu, tarımsal kooperatifler için de yaşamsal önemdedir. Bu çerçevede, tarım kooperatifleri ortaklarının teknolojik değişimlere karşı tutumlarının ne yönde olduğu, bu örgütlerin piyasada değişimleri algılayabilmeleri ve rekabetçi bir yapı kazanmaları açısından zorunluluk olmaktadır. Çünkü yeniliklerin hızla benimsenmesi, organizasyonların çeşitli, yüksek kalitede ve düşük maliyetle üretim yapmasını kolaylaştırmaktadır. Bu çalışma, kooperatif ortaklarının teknolojik değişimlere karşı tutumlarının belirleyicileri üzerine kurgulanmıştır. Teknolojik değişimlere karşı ortakların tutumunu etkileyen değişkenler olarak ortakların; kooperatif yöneticilerinin karizmatik liderlik algılamaları, örgüte bağlılıkları, kollektif kültürel özellikleri ve grup olarak işbirliği ve iletişim eğilimleri ele alınmıştır. Birincil verilerin elde edilmesi için saha araştırması, tesadüfi seçilen 165 Çukobirlik ortağı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Belirleyiciler, çoklu doğrusal regresyon eşitliğine basamaklı yöntemle sokulmuştur. İşbirliği ve iletişim ile kollektif kültürel özelliğin ortakların teknolojiye karşı tutumlarının en başarılı tahminleyicileri olduğu bulunmuştur


  • Ambos Björn and Schlegelmilch Bodo B., (2008), “Innovation in Multinational Firms : Does Cultural Fit Enhance Performance?,” Management İnternational Review, Volume:48, Number: 2, February, 189- 206.
  • Amo B. W.. (2006), “Employee Innovation Behaviour in Health Care: The Influence from Management and Colleagues, İnternational Nursing Review,” Volume: 53, Number: 3, 231- 237.
  • Aykan Ebru, (2004), “Kayseri’de Faaliyet Gösteren Girişimcilerin Liderlik Özellikleri,” Erci- yes Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Dergisi, Sayı: 17, 213- 214.
  • Basım H. Nejat, Kormazyürek Haluk, Tokat A. Osman, (2008), “Çalışanların Öz Yeterlilik Algılanmasının Yenilikçilik ve Risk Alma Üzerine Etkisi: Kamu Sektöründe Bir Araştırma,” Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Dergisi, Sayı: 19, No: 2, 121- 130.
  • Basu Raja and Green Stephen G., (1997), “Leader- Member Exchange and Transformational Behaviors in Leaders – Member Dyads Leadership: An Empirical Examination of Innovative,” Journal of Applied Social Psyshology, Volume: 27, Issue: 6, 477- 499.
  • Bhuyan Sanjip, (2007), “The “People” Factor in Cooperatives: An Analysis of Members’ Attitudes and Behavior,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economic, Volume: 55, Issue: 3, September, 275- 298.
  • Campıon Mıchael A., Medsker Gına J., Hıggs A. Catherıne, (1993), “Relatıons Between Work Group Characterıstıcs And Effectıveness: Implıcatıons For Desıgnıng Effectıve Work Groups,” Personnel Psychology, Volume: 46, 823- 850.
  • Cantner Uwe and Graf Holger, (2004), “Cooperation and Specialization in German Technology Regions,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Volume: 14, 543- 562.
  • Conger, J. A., Kanungo, R. N., Menon, S. T., Mathur, P., (1997),” Measuring charisma: dimensionality and validity of the Conger–Kanungo Scale of charismatic leadership,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Volume: 14, 290- 302.
  • Çukobirlik, (2008), Tarihçe,
  •, (Erişim, 25- 6- 2008).
  • Davis Peter, (1999), Managing the Cooperative Difference A Survey of the Application of Modern Management the Practices in the Cooperative Contex, İnternational Labour Of- fice, Ceneva, Switzerland.
  • Darr Dietrich and Pretzsch Jürgen, (2006), The spread of innovations within formal and informal farmers groups: Evidence from rural communities of semi-arid Eastern Africa, Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development, Tropentag University of Bonn, October 11- 13,
  •, (Erişim, 10-6-2008).
  • D.İ.E., (2001), Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Genel Tarım Sayımı Tarımsal İşletmeler Anketi,, ( Erişim, 6-3-2004).
  • Dunham R. b., Grube J. A., Gardner D. G., Cummings L. L., Pierce J. L., (1995), The Development of an Attitude Toward Change İnstrument, Manuscript Submitted for Publication.
  • Duymaz İsmail, (1986), Kooperatif İşletme Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi, Bilgehan Basımevi, Bor- nova- İzmir.
  • Elenkov Detelın S., Judge William, Wright Peter, (2005), “Strategıc Leadershıp And Executıve Innovatıon Influence: An Internatıonal Multı-Cluster Comparatıve Study,” Strategic Management Journal, Volume: 26 665– 682
  • Eryılmaz Mehmet, (2005), “Bireylerin Bölüm Bazlı Bolluk Algılarının Yüksek Düzeyde Olduğu Durumlarda, Örgütsel Yapı Unsurlarının Yenilik Süreci Üzerine Etkileri,” Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Sayı: 9, Mayıs, 79- 92.
  • Fedor Donald B., Caldwell Steven, Herold David M., (2006), “The Effects of Organizational Changes on Employee Commitment: A Multilevel Investigation,” Personel Psychology, Volume: 59, , Issue: 1, Spring, 1- 29.
  • Forcadell Francisco Javier, (2005), “Democracy, Cooperation and Business Success: The Case of Mondrago´n Corporacio´n Cooperativa,” Journal of Business Ethics, Volume: 56, 255- 274.
  • Fulton Murray and Sanderson Kim (2002), Co-operative and Farmers in the New Agriculture, Report Prepared for Co-operatives Secretariat Agriculture and Agri – Food Canada. ops%20Farmers%20New%20Ag.pdf , (Erişim, 14- 1- 2005).
  • Fulton Murray, (1999), “Cooperatives and Member Commitment”, The Finnish
  • Journal of Business Economics,” Volume: 4, 418- 437.
  • Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L., & Black, W.C. (1998), Multivariate data analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc, Upper Saddle River.
  • Hansen H. Mark, Morrow J.L. Jr. ve Batista Juan C., (2002), “The impact of trust on cooperative membership retention, performance and satisfaction an exploratory study”, İnternational Food and Agribusiness Management Review Volume: 5, No:1, 41-59.
  • Harrison Tyler, Doerfel Marya L., (2006), “Competitive and Cooperative Conflict Communication Climates, The İnfluence of Ombuds Processes on Turst and Commitment to the Organization,” İnternetional Journal of Conflict Management, Volume: 17, Issue: 2, 129- 153.
  • Henehan Brian M. ve Anderson Brucel, (2001), Considering Cooperation: A Guide for New Cooperative Development, Department of Applied Economics and Life Sciences Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 14853-7801, February.
  •, (Erişim, 6- 4- 2003).
  • Holmström Bengt, (1999), “Future of Cooperatives: A Corporate Perspective,” The
  • Finnish Journal of Business Economics, Volume: 4, 404- 417.
  • Hoogh Annebel H. B., Hartog Deanne N. Den, Kopman Paul L., Thierry Henk, Berg Peter T. Van den, Weide Joost G Van der, Wilderom Celeste P. M., (2005), “Leaders Motives, Charismatic Leadership, and Subordinates’ Work Attitude in the Profit and Voluntary Sector,” The Leadership Quarterly Volume: 16, Issue: 1, February, 17- 38.
  • Gray Thomas W., Kraenzle Charles, (1998), Member Participation in Agricultural Cooperatives: A Regression and Scale Analysis, United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development Rural Business– Cooperative Service RBS Research Report 165, December,
  •, (Erişim, 20- 12- 2007).
  • Groves Frank, (1985), What is Cooperation? The Philosophy of Cooperation and It’s Relationship to Cooperative Structure and Operations”, Universty of Wisconsin Center Center for (UWCC), Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., (Erişim, 6- 12- 2004).
  • Karantininis Kostas, Zago Angelo, (2001), Endogenous Membership in Mixed Duopsonies, American, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume: 83, Number: 5, 1266– 1272.
  • Kalaycı, Şeref. (Ed.), (2005), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri,
  • Asil Yayın Dağıtım, 2. Basım, Ankara.
  • Koch Bradley J., Koch Pamela Tremain, (2007), “Collectivism, individualism, and outgroup cooperationin a segmented China,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Volume: 24, Number: 2, June, 207- 225.
  • Koçel Tamer, (2003), İşletme Yöneticiliği, Yönetim ve Organizasyon, Organizasyonlarda Davranış, Klâsik- Modern- Çağdaş ve Güncel Yaklaşımlar, Genişletilmiş 9. Bası, Beta Ya- yınları, İstanbul.
  • Kyriakopoulos Kyriakos, Meulenberg Matthew, Nillsson Jerker, (2004) “The Impact
  • Of Cooperative Structure and Firm Culture on Market Orientation and
  • Performance”, Agribusiness, Volume: 20, No: 4, 379- 396.
  • Ladebo Olugbenga Jelil, (2006), “Perceptıons Of Trust And Employees Attıtudes: A
  • Look at Nigerıa’s Agrıcultural Extensıon Workers” Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 20, No. 3, Spring, 409-427.
  • Lester Scott W., Meglıno Bruce M., Korsgaard M. Audrey, (2002), “The Antecedents and Consequences of Group Potency: A Longıtudınal Investıgatıon of Newly Formed Work Groups,”Academy of Management Journal, Volume: 45, No: 2, 352- 368.
  • Madsen Susan R., Miller Duane, John Cameron R., (2005), “Readiness for Organizational Change: Do Organizational Commitment and Social Relationships in the Workplace Make a Difference?,” Human Resource Development Quarterly, Volume: 16, No: 2, Summer, 213- 234.
  • Marcoulides, G.A. ve S.L. Hershberger, (1997), Multivariate Statistical Methods: A First Course. Manwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Meyer J. P., Allen, N. J., (1997), Commitment in the Workplace, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Nillson Jerker, (1999), “Co-operative Organisational Models as Reflections of the
  • Business Environments,” The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, Volume: 4, 449- 470.
  • Österberg Peter, Nilsson Jerker, (2009), “Members’ Perception of Their Participation in the Governance of Cooperatives: The Keys to Trust and Commitment in Agricultural Cooperatives, Agribusiness, Volume: 25, Issue: 2, 181- 197.
  • Parthasarathy D., and Chopde V. K., (2000), Building Social Capital: Collective Action, Adoption of Agricultural Innovations, and Poverty Reduction in the Indian Semi- Arid Tropics,, (Erişim tarihi, 7- 7- 2007).
  • Stapleton Conie D., (1997), Basic Concepts in Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) as a Tool To Evaluate Score Validity: A Right-Brained Approach,
  • Basic Concepts in Exploratory Factor Analysis, The Annual Meeting of SouthEast Educational Research Association, Austin, Texas,
  • 16/8c/75.pdf (Erişim, 22-04- 2009).
  • Siguaw Judy A., Simpson Penny M., Enz Cathy A., (2006), “Conceptualizing Innovation Orientation: A Framework for Study and Integration of Innovation Research,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, Volume 23, Issue 6, November, 556- 574.
  • Tabachnick, B.G. & Fidell, L.S. 1996. Using Multivariate Statistics. 3rd Ed., Harper
  • Collins College Publishers, New York.
  • Tjosvold Dean, Law Kenneth S., Sun Haıfa F., (2003),“Collectivistic and İndividualistic Values: Their Effects on Group Dynamics and Productivity in China, Groups Decision and Negotiation,” Volume: 12, Number: 3, May, 243- 263.
  • UCLA Academic Technology Service, (2008), SPSS Web Books Regression with SPSS,
  •, (Erişim, 28- 7- 2008).
  • Wagner J. A., (1995), “Studies of Individualism- Collectivism: Effect on Cooperation in Groups,” Academy of Management Journal, Volume: 38, 152- 172.
  • Wong Alfred, Tjosvold Dean, (2006), “Collectivist Values for Learning in Organizational Relationships in China: The Role Of Trust and Vertical Coordination,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Volume: 23, Number: 3, September, 299- 317
  • Zeuli Kimberly, (2004), “Co-op Leaders Focus on Strategies for Sucess,” Rural Cooperatives, Volume: 71, Number: 1, January/ February, 21- 22.
  • Zhou Keving Zheng, Gao Gereld Yong, Yang Zhilin, Zhou Nan, (2005), “Developing Strategic Orientation İn China: Antecedents And Consequences Of Market And İnnovation Orientations,” Journal of Business Research, Volume:58, Issue: 8, August, 1049- 1058

The Factors Effecting Attitudes Toward Technological Change in Agricultural Cooperative Sharehoders’: An Application in Çukobirlik

Yıl 2009, Sayı: 17, 194 - 217, 01.06.2009


The importance of the attitudes of members in a business organization
rises as the volume of change in technology rise. The issues as competitive
environment and need for following techonogical advancements is of crucial
importance for cooperative organizations as well. Given these considerations, the
direction of shareholders’ attitudes toward changes in technology in an agricultural
cooperative is important for these organizations’ ability to perceive changes in
markets and having a competitive structure. Because, fast adaption to the changes in
organizations facilitate diverse, high quality and low cost production.
This study, was designed on the determinants of cooperative shareholders’
attitudes towards changes in technology. Shareholders’ charismatic perception of
cooperative leader, commitment to organization, collective cultural aspects and
cooperative-communicative tendencies were examined as the determinants of their
attitudes towards changes in technology. Survey was executed on a randomly chosen
sample of 165 shareholders in Çukobirlik to collect primary data. Determining
variables were regressed in a multiple linear regression equation with stepwise
method. Cooperative-communicative tendency and collective cultural aspects of
shareholders were found to be the most effective predictors of shareholders’
attitudes towards changes in technology.


  • Ambos Björn and Schlegelmilch Bodo B., (2008), “Innovation in Multinational Firms : Does Cultural Fit Enhance Performance?,” Management İnternational Review, Volume:48, Number: 2, February, 189- 206.
  • Amo B. W.. (2006), “Employee Innovation Behaviour in Health Care: The Influence from Management and Colleagues, İnternational Nursing Review,” Volume: 53, Number: 3, 231- 237.
  • Aykan Ebru, (2004), “Kayseri’de Faaliyet Gösteren Girişimcilerin Liderlik Özellikleri,” Erci- yes Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Dergisi, Sayı: 17, 213- 214.
  • Basım H. Nejat, Kormazyürek Haluk, Tokat A. Osman, (2008), “Çalışanların Öz Yeterlilik Algılanmasının Yenilikçilik ve Risk Alma Üzerine Etkisi: Kamu Sektöründe Bir Araştırma,” Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Dergisi, Sayı: 19, No: 2, 121- 130.
  • Basu Raja and Green Stephen G., (1997), “Leader- Member Exchange and Transformational Behaviors in Leaders – Member Dyads Leadership: An Empirical Examination of Innovative,” Journal of Applied Social Psyshology, Volume: 27, Issue: 6, 477- 499.
  • Bhuyan Sanjip, (2007), “The “People” Factor in Cooperatives: An Analysis of Members’ Attitudes and Behavior,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economic, Volume: 55, Issue: 3, September, 275- 298.
  • Campıon Mıchael A., Medsker Gına J., Hıggs A. Catherıne, (1993), “Relatıons Between Work Group Characterıstıcs And Effectıveness: Implıcatıons For Desıgnıng Effectıve Work Groups,” Personnel Psychology, Volume: 46, 823- 850.
  • Cantner Uwe and Graf Holger, (2004), “Cooperation and Specialization in German Technology Regions,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Volume: 14, 543- 562.
  • Conger, J. A., Kanungo, R. N., Menon, S. T., Mathur, P., (1997),” Measuring charisma: dimensionality and validity of the Conger–Kanungo Scale of charismatic leadership,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Volume: 14, 290- 302.
  • Çukobirlik, (2008), Tarihçe,
  •, (Erişim, 25- 6- 2008).
  • Davis Peter, (1999), Managing the Cooperative Difference A Survey of the Application of Modern Management the Practices in the Cooperative Contex, İnternational Labour Of- fice, Ceneva, Switzerland.
  • Darr Dietrich and Pretzsch Jürgen, (2006), The spread of innovations within formal and informal farmers groups: Evidence from rural communities of semi-arid Eastern Africa, Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development, Tropentag University of Bonn, October 11- 13,
  •, (Erişim, 10-6-2008).
  • D.İ.E., (2001), Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Genel Tarım Sayımı Tarımsal İşletmeler Anketi,, ( Erişim, 6-3-2004).
  • Dunham R. b., Grube J. A., Gardner D. G., Cummings L. L., Pierce J. L., (1995), The Development of an Attitude Toward Change İnstrument, Manuscript Submitted for Publication.
  • Duymaz İsmail, (1986), Kooperatif İşletme Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi, Bilgehan Basımevi, Bor- nova- İzmir.
  • Elenkov Detelın S., Judge William, Wright Peter, (2005), “Strategıc Leadershıp And Executıve Innovatıon Influence: An Internatıonal Multı-Cluster Comparatıve Study,” Strategic Management Journal, Volume: 26 665– 682
  • Eryılmaz Mehmet, (2005), “Bireylerin Bölüm Bazlı Bolluk Algılarının Yüksek Düzeyde Olduğu Durumlarda, Örgütsel Yapı Unsurlarının Yenilik Süreci Üzerine Etkileri,” Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Sayı: 9, Mayıs, 79- 92.
  • Fedor Donald B., Caldwell Steven, Herold David M., (2006), “The Effects of Organizational Changes on Employee Commitment: A Multilevel Investigation,” Personel Psychology, Volume: 59, , Issue: 1, Spring, 1- 29.
  • Forcadell Francisco Javier, (2005), “Democracy, Cooperation and Business Success: The Case of Mondrago´n Corporacio´n Cooperativa,” Journal of Business Ethics, Volume: 56, 255- 274.
  • Fulton Murray and Sanderson Kim (2002), Co-operative and Farmers in the New Agriculture, Report Prepared for Co-operatives Secretariat Agriculture and Agri – Food Canada. ops%20Farmers%20New%20Ag.pdf , (Erişim, 14- 1- 2005).
  • Fulton Murray, (1999), “Cooperatives and Member Commitment”, The Finnish
  • Journal of Business Economics,” Volume: 4, 418- 437.
  • Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L., & Black, W.C. (1998), Multivariate data analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc, Upper Saddle River.
  • Hansen H. Mark, Morrow J.L. Jr. ve Batista Juan C., (2002), “The impact of trust on cooperative membership retention, performance and satisfaction an exploratory study”, İnternational Food and Agribusiness Management Review Volume: 5, No:1, 41-59.
  • Harrison Tyler, Doerfel Marya L., (2006), “Competitive and Cooperative Conflict Communication Climates, The İnfluence of Ombuds Processes on Turst and Commitment to the Organization,” İnternetional Journal of Conflict Management, Volume: 17, Issue: 2, 129- 153.
  • Henehan Brian M. ve Anderson Brucel, (2001), Considering Cooperation: A Guide for New Cooperative Development, Department of Applied Economics and Life Sciences Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 14853-7801, February.
  •, (Erişim, 6- 4- 2003).
  • Holmström Bengt, (1999), “Future of Cooperatives: A Corporate Perspective,” The
  • Finnish Journal of Business Economics, Volume: 4, 404- 417.
  • Hoogh Annebel H. B., Hartog Deanne N. Den, Kopman Paul L., Thierry Henk, Berg Peter T. Van den, Weide Joost G Van der, Wilderom Celeste P. M., (2005), “Leaders Motives, Charismatic Leadership, and Subordinates’ Work Attitude in the Profit and Voluntary Sector,” The Leadership Quarterly Volume: 16, Issue: 1, February, 17- 38.
  • Gray Thomas W., Kraenzle Charles, (1998), Member Participation in Agricultural Cooperatives: A Regression and Scale Analysis, United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development Rural Business– Cooperative Service RBS Research Report 165, December,
  •, (Erişim, 20- 12- 2007).
  • Groves Frank, (1985), What is Cooperation? The Philosophy of Cooperation and It’s Relationship to Cooperative Structure and Operations”, Universty of Wisconsin Center Center for (UWCC), Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., (Erişim, 6- 12- 2004).
  • Karantininis Kostas, Zago Angelo, (2001), Endogenous Membership in Mixed Duopsonies, American, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume: 83, Number: 5, 1266– 1272.
  • Kalaycı, Şeref. (Ed.), (2005), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri,
  • Asil Yayın Dağıtım, 2. Basım, Ankara.
  • Koch Bradley J., Koch Pamela Tremain, (2007), “Collectivism, individualism, and outgroup cooperationin a segmented China,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Volume: 24, Number: 2, June, 207- 225.
  • Koçel Tamer, (2003), İşletme Yöneticiliği, Yönetim ve Organizasyon, Organizasyonlarda Davranış, Klâsik- Modern- Çağdaş ve Güncel Yaklaşımlar, Genişletilmiş 9. Bası, Beta Ya- yınları, İstanbul.
  • Kyriakopoulos Kyriakos, Meulenberg Matthew, Nillsson Jerker, (2004) “The Impact
  • Of Cooperative Structure and Firm Culture on Market Orientation and
  • Performance”, Agribusiness, Volume: 20, No: 4, 379- 396.
  • Ladebo Olugbenga Jelil, (2006), “Perceptıons Of Trust And Employees Attıtudes: A
  • Look at Nigerıa’s Agrıcultural Extensıon Workers” Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 20, No. 3, Spring, 409-427.
  • Lester Scott W., Meglıno Bruce M., Korsgaard M. Audrey, (2002), “The Antecedents and Consequences of Group Potency: A Longıtudınal Investıgatıon of Newly Formed Work Groups,”Academy of Management Journal, Volume: 45, No: 2, 352- 368.
  • Madsen Susan R., Miller Duane, John Cameron R., (2005), “Readiness for Organizational Change: Do Organizational Commitment and Social Relationships in the Workplace Make a Difference?,” Human Resource Development Quarterly, Volume: 16, No: 2, Summer, 213- 234.
  • Marcoulides, G.A. ve S.L. Hershberger, (1997), Multivariate Statistical Methods: A First Course. Manwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Meyer J. P., Allen, N. J., (1997), Commitment in the Workplace, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Nillson Jerker, (1999), “Co-operative Organisational Models as Reflections of the
  • Business Environments,” The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, Volume: 4, 449- 470.
  • Österberg Peter, Nilsson Jerker, (2009), “Members’ Perception of Their Participation in the Governance of Cooperatives: The Keys to Trust and Commitment in Agricultural Cooperatives, Agribusiness, Volume: 25, Issue: 2, 181- 197.
  • Parthasarathy D., and Chopde V. K., (2000), Building Social Capital: Collective Action, Adoption of Agricultural Innovations, and Poverty Reduction in the Indian Semi- Arid Tropics,, (Erişim tarihi, 7- 7- 2007).
  • Stapleton Conie D., (1997), Basic Concepts in Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) as a Tool To Evaluate Score Validity: A Right-Brained Approach,
  • Basic Concepts in Exploratory Factor Analysis, The Annual Meeting of SouthEast Educational Research Association, Austin, Texas,
  • 16/8c/75.pdf (Erişim, 22-04- 2009).
  • Siguaw Judy A., Simpson Penny M., Enz Cathy A., (2006), “Conceptualizing Innovation Orientation: A Framework for Study and Integration of Innovation Research,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, Volume 23, Issue 6, November, 556- 574.
  • Tabachnick, B.G. & Fidell, L.S. 1996. Using Multivariate Statistics. 3rd Ed., Harper
  • Collins College Publishers, New York.
  • Tjosvold Dean, Law Kenneth S., Sun Haıfa F., (2003),“Collectivistic and İndividualistic Values: Their Effects on Group Dynamics and Productivity in China, Groups Decision and Negotiation,” Volume: 12, Number: 3, May, 243- 263.
  • UCLA Academic Technology Service, (2008), SPSS Web Books Regression with SPSS,
  •, (Erişim, 28- 7- 2008).
  • Wagner J. A., (1995), “Studies of Individualism- Collectivism: Effect on Cooperation in Groups,” Academy of Management Journal, Volume: 38, 152- 172.
  • Wong Alfred, Tjosvold Dean, (2006), “Collectivist Values for Learning in Organizational Relationships in China: The Role Of Trust and Vertical Coordination,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Volume: 23, Number: 3, September, 299- 317
  • Zeuli Kimberly, (2004), “Co-op Leaders Focus on Strategies for Sucess,” Rural Cooperatives, Volume: 71, Number: 1, January/ February, 21- 22.
  • Zhou Keving Zheng, Gao Gereld Yong, Yang Zhilin, Zhou Nan, (2005), “Developing Strategic Orientation İn China: Antecedents And Consequences Of Market And İnnovation Orientations,” Journal of Business Research, Volume:58, Issue: 8, August, 1049- 1058
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA47YC49NP
Bölüm Makaleler

Necdet Bilgin Bu kişi benim

Halil Demirer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Sayı: 17

Kaynak Göster

APA Bilgin, N., & Demirer, H. (2009). Tarımsal Kooperatiflerde Ortakların Teknolojik Değişime Yönelik Tutumlarını Etkileyen: Çukobirlik’te Bir Uygulama. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(17), 194-217.
