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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 83 - 104, 30.12.2022


In this article, the well-known scholar of British Cultural Studies School, Stuart Hall (1980)’s essay ‘Encoding/decoding’ has been analyzed within the structure of Interaction Design. By giving examples on both encoding and decoding, Interaction Design has been explained from the point of view of Hall’s article. First of all, three reading positions of dominant-hegemonic, negotiated-code, global-contrary defined by Hall are explained by giving examples from USA 2016 Presidential Elections. Later, it has been mentioned that the main tenet of Hall’s article frames the constraints of simple information models and gives the viewer a chance of agency as well as offers a complicated semiotic analysis of production, circulation, consumption and reproduction of messages with the fact that each of these phases individually has a method of acceptance or rejection of the hegemonic power. In the final part, Stuart Hall’s (1980 study has been examined and interpreted in relation with Affordances in Interaction Design Technologies.


  • Babe, Robert. E., (2015). Wilbur schramm and noam chomsky meet harold innis: media, power and democracy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
  • Baym, Nancy, (2010). Personal connections in the digital age. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Bennett, Steven C., (2012). The ‘right to be forgotten’: reconciling EU and US perspectives. Berkeley Journal of International Law, (30), 1. Erişim: 10.04.2019,
  • Berlatsky Noah, (2015). How to save twitter from itself. Playboy, 22 April. Erişim: 5 Mart 2016.
  • Bødker, Susanne, (2006). When second wave hci meets third wave challenges. Proceedings of The Fourth Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI’06), New York, USA, 1-8.
  • Bruns, Axel, (2008). Blogs, wikipedia, second life, and beyond: from production to produsage. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Churchill, Elizabeth F., (2018). Stuart hall: cultural studies, human-computer interaction and encoding/decoding. (Jeffrey Bardzell, Shaowen Bardzell ve Mark Blythe, Ed..), Critical Theory And Interaction Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 199-226.
  • Costall, Alan ve Richards Ann, (2013). Canonical affordances: the psychology of everyday things. (Graves-Brown P, Harrison R and Piccini A., Ed.) The Oxford Handbook Of The Archaeology Of The Contemporary World. Cambridge: Oxford University Press. s. 82-93.
  • D’Acci, Julie, (2004). Cultural studies, television studies, and the crisis in the humanities. (Spigel L., Ed.), Television After Tv. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, s. 418-439.
  • Farnham, Shelley ve Churchill Elizabeth F., (2011). Faceted identity, faceted lives: social and technical issues with being yourself online. Proceedings Of The ACM 2011 Conference On Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’11), New York, USA, 359-368
  • Fine, Ben. (2002). World of consumption: the material and cultural revisited (2. baskı). London: Routledge Fisher, David E. ve Fisher Marshall Jon, (1996). Tube: the invention of television. Washington, DC: Counterpoint.
  • Gaver, William, (1991). Technology affordances. Proceedings Of The SIGCHI Conference On Human Factors In Computing Systems: Reaching Through Technology, New Orleans, LA, 27April–2 May, 79-84.
  • Gibson, James, (1977). The theory of affordances. (Shaw Robert ve Bransford John, Ed.)Perceiving, Acting And Knowing: Toward An Ecological Psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, s. 67-82.
  • Gibson, James, (2015 [1979]). The ecological approach to visual perception. New York:Psychology Press.
  • Haimson, Oliver, Bowser Anne, Melcer Edward & Churchill Elizabeth, (2015). Onlineinspiration and exploration for identity reinvention. Proceedings Of The 33rd Annual ACM Conference On Human Factors In Computing Systems (CHI’15), New York, USA,. 3809-3818.
  • Hall, Stuart, (1980). Encoding/decoding. (Hall, Stuart, Doothy Hobson, Andrew Love & Paul Willis, Ed.), Culture, Media, Language. London: Hutchinson, 128-138.
  • Hall, Stuart (1998)[1981]. Notes on deconstructing ‘the popular’. (Storey J., Ed.) Cultural Theory And Popular Culture: A Reader. (2nd edition), Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, s. 442-453.
  • Hathaway, Jay, (2014). What is gamergate and why? an explainer of non-geeks. Gawker, 10 Ekim. Erişim: 01.03.2019,
  • Hoboken, Joris Van (2013) The proposed right to be forgotten seen from the perspective of our right to remember: freedom of expression safeguards in a converging information environment, (Jules Polonetsky, Omer Tene, and Evan Selinger, Ed.). Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Privacy. Cambridge University Press, 2017.
  • Ling, Rich ve Donner Jonathan, (2009). Mobile communication. Cambridge: Polity Press. Lubken, Deborah, (2008). Remembering the straw man: the travels and adventures of the hypodermic. (Park, D.W. ve Pooley, J., Ed.) The History Of Media And Communication Research. New York: Peter Lang, 19-42.
  • Marwick, Alice, (2013). Status update: celebrity, publicity and branding in the social media age. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Miltner, Kate, (2014). ‘There’s no place for Lulz on lolcat’: the role of genre, gender and group identity in the interpretation and enjoyment of an internet meme. First Monday, 19 (8).
  • Nagy, P. ve Neff, G., (2015). Imagined affordance: reconstructing a keyword for communication theory. Social Media + Society. 22 September. DOI:10.1177/2056305115603385
  • Norman, D.A., (1988). The design of everyday things. New York: Basic Books. Phillips, W., (2015). This is why we can’t have nice things: mapping the relationship between online trolling and mainstream culture. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Ronson, J., (2015). So you’ve been publicly shamed. New York: Riverhead Books. Schramm, W. ve Roberts, D.F., (Ed.) (1971). The process and effects of mass communication. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  • Shannon, C. E. ve Weaver W. (1949). The mathematical theory of communication. University of Illinois Press. Taylor, T.L. (2009). Assemblage of play. Games and Culture. 4(4): 331–339.
  • Williams R., (2003 [1972]). “The Technology And The Society”, N. Wardrip-Fruin ve N. Monfort (der.). The New Media Reader, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, s. 289-300.
  • Wright, A., (2007). Glut: mastering information through the ages. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry. Woffard ,T., (2014). One woman’s new tool to stop gamergate harassment on twitter. Newsweek, Kasım 29. Erişim: 5 March 2016.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 83 - 104, 30.12.2022


Bu makalede, İngiliz Kültürel Çalışmalar grubunun en bilinen temsilcisi Stuart Hall (1980)’un Encoding/decoding başlıklı çalışmasında bahsettiği açılım üzerinden Etkileşim Tasarımının yapısı üzerine bir analiz yapılmıştır. Çeşitli incelemeler ve örneklerle irdelenen kodlama [encoding] ve kod çözme [decoding] kavramları etkileşim tasarımı açısından açıklanmış ve Hall’un çalışması doğrultusunda tasarım alanında bu kavramların açılımlarının nasıl uygulanabileceği tartışılmıştır. Öncelikle, Hall tarafından kod çözme alanında tanımlanan üç okuma pozisyonu, hegemonik-baskın, uzlaştırılmış kod ve global-muhalif, ABD 2016 Başkanlık Seçimi’nden örnekler kullanılarak açıklanmıştır. Daha sonra Hall (1980)’un, basit enformasyon teorik modellerin sınırlamalarını eleştirdiği ve izleyiciye bir aracı olma şansı vererek mesajların yaratım, dağıtım, tüketim ve yeniden üretim aşamaları için yaptığı semiyotik analiz Etkileşim Tasarımı açısından irdelenmiştir. Ayrıca bu analizdeki hegemonik gücü kabul veya ret eden her aşamaya özgü yöntemlerin varlığı üzerinde durulmuştur. Son bölümde ise, Stuart Hall’un (1980) çalışmasının, Etkileşim Teknolojileri’ndeki Sağlarlıklar ile olan ilişkisi irdelenmiştir.


  • Babe, Robert. E., (2015). Wilbur schramm and noam chomsky meet harold innis: media, power and democracy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
  • Baym, Nancy, (2010). Personal connections in the digital age. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Bennett, Steven C., (2012). The ‘right to be forgotten’: reconciling EU and US perspectives. Berkeley Journal of International Law, (30), 1. Erişim: 10.04.2019,
  • Berlatsky Noah, (2015). How to save twitter from itself. Playboy, 22 April. Erişim: 5 Mart 2016.
  • Bødker, Susanne, (2006). When second wave hci meets third wave challenges. Proceedings of The Fourth Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI’06), New York, USA, 1-8.
  • Bruns, Axel, (2008). Blogs, wikipedia, second life, and beyond: from production to produsage. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Churchill, Elizabeth F., (2018). Stuart hall: cultural studies, human-computer interaction and encoding/decoding. (Jeffrey Bardzell, Shaowen Bardzell ve Mark Blythe, Ed..), Critical Theory And Interaction Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 199-226.
  • Costall, Alan ve Richards Ann, (2013). Canonical affordances: the psychology of everyday things. (Graves-Brown P, Harrison R and Piccini A., Ed.) The Oxford Handbook Of The Archaeology Of The Contemporary World. Cambridge: Oxford University Press. s. 82-93.
  • D’Acci, Julie, (2004). Cultural studies, television studies, and the crisis in the humanities. (Spigel L., Ed.), Television After Tv. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, s. 418-439.
  • Farnham, Shelley ve Churchill Elizabeth F., (2011). Faceted identity, faceted lives: social and technical issues with being yourself online. Proceedings Of The ACM 2011 Conference On Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’11), New York, USA, 359-368
  • Fine, Ben. (2002). World of consumption: the material and cultural revisited (2. baskı). London: Routledge Fisher, David E. ve Fisher Marshall Jon, (1996). Tube: the invention of television. Washington, DC: Counterpoint.
  • Gaver, William, (1991). Technology affordances. Proceedings Of The SIGCHI Conference On Human Factors In Computing Systems: Reaching Through Technology, New Orleans, LA, 27April–2 May, 79-84.
  • Gibson, James, (1977). The theory of affordances. (Shaw Robert ve Bransford John, Ed.)Perceiving, Acting And Knowing: Toward An Ecological Psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, s. 67-82.
  • Gibson, James, (2015 [1979]). The ecological approach to visual perception. New York:Psychology Press.
  • Haimson, Oliver, Bowser Anne, Melcer Edward & Churchill Elizabeth, (2015). Onlineinspiration and exploration for identity reinvention. Proceedings Of The 33rd Annual ACM Conference On Human Factors In Computing Systems (CHI’15), New York, USA,. 3809-3818.
  • Hall, Stuart, (1980). Encoding/decoding. (Hall, Stuart, Doothy Hobson, Andrew Love & Paul Willis, Ed.), Culture, Media, Language. London: Hutchinson, 128-138.
  • Hall, Stuart (1998)[1981]. Notes on deconstructing ‘the popular’. (Storey J., Ed.) Cultural Theory And Popular Culture: A Reader. (2nd edition), Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, s. 442-453.
  • Hathaway, Jay, (2014). What is gamergate and why? an explainer of non-geeks. Gawker, 10 Ekim. Erişim: 01.03.2019,
  • Hoboken, Joris Van (2013) The proposed right to be forgotten seen from the perspective of our right to remember: freedom of expression safeguards in a converging information environment, (Jules Polonetsky, Omer Tene, and Evan Selinger, Ed.). Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Privacy. Cambridge University Press, 2017.
  • Ling, Rich ve Donner Jonathan, (2009). Mobile communication. Cambridge: Polity Press. Lubken, Deborah, (2008). Remembering the straw man: the travels and adventures of the hypodermic. (Park, D.W. ve Pooley, J., Ed.) The History Of Media And Communication Research. New York: Peter Lang, 19-42.
  • Marwick, Alice, (2013). Status update: celebrity, publicity and branding in the social media age. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Miltner, Kate, (2014). ‘There’s no place for Lulz on lolcat’: the role of genre, gender and group identity in the interpretation and enjoyment of an internet meme. First Monday, 19 (8).
  • Nagy, P. ve Neff, G., (2015). Imagined affordance: reconstructing a keyword for communication theory. Social Media + Society. 22 September. DOI:10.1177/2056305115603385
  • Norman, D.A., (1988). The design of everyday things. New York: Basic Books. Phillips, W., (2015). This is why we can’t have nice things: mapping the relationship between online trolling and mainstream culture. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Ronson, J., (2015). So you’ve been publicly shamed. New York: Riverhead Books. Schramm, W. ve Roberts, D.F., (Ed.) (1971). The process and effects of mass communication. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  • Shannon, C. E. ve Weaver W. (1949). The mathematical theory of communication. University of Illinois Press. Taylor, T.L. (2009). Assemblage of play. Games and Culture. 4(4): 331–339.
  • Williams R., (2003 [1972]). “The Technology And The Society”, N. Wardrip-Fruin ve N. Monfort (der.). The New Media Reader, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, s. 289-300.
  • Wright, A., (2007). Glut: mastering information through the ages. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry. Woffard ,T., (2014). One woman’s new tool to stop gamergate harassment on twitter. Newsweek, Kasım 29. Erişim: 5 March 2016.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Kültürel çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Cagri Baris Kasap 0000-0002-5629-2634

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

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Kritik İletişim Çalışmaları Dergisi © 2018 by Nuri Paşa Özer is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. 

Journal of Critical Communication © 2018 by Nuri Paşa Özer is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.