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Bibliometric Analysis of Performance of Healthcare

Yıl 2022, , 238 - 254, 29.03.2022


The aim of this study is to examine the concept of performance in health services according to bibliometric analysis
methods. In this study, bibliometric analysis method was used. For bibliometric analysis, the Web of Science Core
Collection database covers the concepts of "performance" and "healthcare" from 1975 to 2020. VOSviewer
bibliometric analysis program was used when analyz. 648 articles that meet the research restrictions have been
reached. According to the results of the analysis, it was seen that the study that contributed the most to the concept
was Ewig et al. (2009). According to the citiation analysis results of the documents it was found that the Van Der
Geer (2009) citation link was strong and according to the bibliographic matching analysis it was found that the
Ewig (2009). According to the of citation analysis results and bibliographic matching results of the authors, the
citation link between the authors is strong. According to the joint citation analysis results, the citation link
established with Kaplan R.S. and the World Health Organization is strong. Researchers who will study
performance management in healthcare can benefit from the results of the research. 


  • Akın, S., Kurutkan, MN. (2021). Hasta memnuniyeti kavramının bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi ile incelenmesi. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 8(1):71-84.
  • Basu, S., Andrews, J., Kishore, S., Panjabi, R., & Stuckler, D. (2012). Comparative performance of private and public healthcare systems in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review. PLoS med, 9(6), e1001244.
  • Bozdemir, E., ve Taşlı, M. (2018). Hastalık maliyet analizinin bibliyometrik ve doküman açısından incelemesi. Konuralp Tıp Dergisi, 10(3), 408-419.
  • Bovaird, T. (1996). The political economy of performance measurement. Organizational Performance and Measurement in the Public Sector: Toward Service, Effort and Accomplished Reporting, Quorum Books, Westport, 145-165.
  • Carlson, J. J., Sullivan, S. D., Garrison, L. P., Neumann, P. J., & Veenstra, D. L. (2010). Linking payment to health outcomes: a taxonomy and examination of performance-based reimbursement schemes between healthcare payers and manufacturers. Health policy, 96(3), 179-190.
  • Ewig, S., Birkner, N., Strauss, R., Schaefer, E., Pauletzki, J., Bischoff, H., ... & Hoeffken, G. (2009). New perspectives on community-acquired pneumonia in 388 406 patients. Results from a nationwide mandatory performance measurement programme in healthcare quality. Thorax, 64(12), 1062-1069.
  • Fullman, N., Yearwood, J., Abay, S. M., Abbafati, C., Abd-Allah, F., Abdela, J., ... & Chang, H. Y. (2018). Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index for 195 countries and territories and selected subnational locations: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. The Lancet, 391(10136), 2236-2271.
  • Grigoroudis, E., Orfanoudaki, E., & Zopounidis, C. (2012). Strategic performance measurement in a healthcare organisation: A multiple criteria approach based on balanced scorecard. Omega, 40(1), 104-119.
  • Islam, R., bin Mohd Rasad, S. (2006). Employee performance evaluation by the AHP: A case study. Asia Pacific Management Review, 11(3).
  • Karsh, B. T., Holden, R. J., Alper, S. J., & Or, C. K. L. (2006). A human factors engineering paradigm for patient safety: designing to support the performance of the healthcare professional. BMJ Quality & Safety, 15(suppl 1), i59-i65.
  • Kesgin, C. & Topuzoğlu, A. (2006). Sağlığın tanımı: Başaçıkma. Journal of Istanbul Kultur University, 4(3), 47-49.
  • Kurutkan, M. N., & Orhan, F. (2018). Sağlık politikası konusunun bilim haritalama teknikleri ile analizi. İKSAD Yayınları.
  • Parmelli, E., Flodgren, G., Beyer, F., Baillie, N., Schaafsma, M. E., & Eccles, M. P. (2011). The effectiveness of strategies to change organisational culture to improve healthcare performance: a systematic review. Implementation Science, 6(1), 1-8.
  • Pritchard, A. (1969). Statistical Bibliography or Bibliometrics. Journal of Documentation, 25(4), 348-149.
  • Rosen, M. A., Salas, E., Wilson, K. A., King, H. B., Salisbury, M., Augenstein, J. S., ... & Birnbach, D. J. (2008). Measuring team performance in simulation-based training: adopting best practices for healthcare. Simulation in Healthcare, 3(1), 33-41.
  • Shang, K.C. (2004). The effects of logistics measurement capability on performance. Asia Pacific Management Review, 9(4), 671-687.
  • Sim, J. & Wright, C. (2000). Research in healthcare. Eastbourne: Stanley Thomas Publishers.
  • Taşlı, M., Veli, M., Han, H. (2018). İlişki Yönetimi. Kurutkan N., Orhan F. (Ed.), Kalite Prensiplerinin Görsel Haritalama Tekniklerine Göre Bibliyometrik Analizi içinde (s.15-76). Sage Yayıncılık San. Tic. ve Ltd. Şti.
  • Tatar, M. (2007). Sağlık sisteminin performansını ölçme süreci. Ateş, H., Kırılmaz, H. & Aydın, S. (Ed.), Sağlık Sektründe Performans Yönetimi: Türkiye Örneği, Asil Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Wang, Y., Seidel, J., Tsui, B. M., Vaquero, J. J., & Pomper, M. G. (2006). Performance evaluation of the GE healthcare eXplore VISTA dual-ring small-animal PET scanner. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 47(11), 1891-1900.
  • WHO (World Health Organization)(2000) The World Health Report, Health Systems: Improving Performance, World Health Organization Publishing, Geneva.
  • Yang, C. C., & Lin, C. Y. Y. (2009). Does intellectual capital mediate the relationship between HRM and organizational performance? Perspective of a healthcare industry in Taiwan. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(9), 1965-1984.

Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Performans Kavramının Bibliyometrik Analizi

Yıl 2022, , 238 - 254, 29.03.2022


Çalışmanın amacı sağlık hizmetlerinde performans kavramını bibliyometrik analiz yöntemlerine göre
incelemektir. Bu çalışmada bibliyometrik analiz için Web of Science Core Collection veri tabanından 1975-2020
yılları arasını kapsayan “performance” ve “healthcare” kavramlarına başlıkta yer veren çalışmalar ele alınmıştır.
Analiz yapılırken VOSviewer bibliyometrik analiz programından yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmada kelime, atıf, ortak
atıf ve bibliyografik eşleştirme analizleri yapılmıştır. Araştırma kısıtlarına uyan 648 makaleye ulaşılmıştır. Analiz
sonuçlarına göre kavrama en çok katkı sağlayan çalışmanın Ewig vd, (2009) olduğu görülmüştür. Dokümanların
atıf analizi sonuçlarına göre Van Der Geer (2009), bibliyografik eşleştirme analizine göre Ewig (2009) alıntı
bağının kuvvetli olduğu bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Yazarların atıf analizi ve bibliyografik eşleştirme sonuçlarına göre
yazarlar arasındaki alıntılanma bağının kuvvetli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ortak atıf analizi sonuçlarına göre Kaplan
R.S. ve World Health Organization ile kurulan alıntı bağının kuvvetli olduğu görülmektedir. Sağlık hizmetlerinde
performans yönetimi ile ilgili çalışma yapacaklar araştırma sonuçlarından yararlanabilir. 


  • Akın, S., Kurutkan, MN. (2021). Hasta memnuniyeti kavramının bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi ile incelenmesi. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 8(1):71-84.
  • Basu, S., Andrews, J., Kishore, S., Panjabi, R., & Stuckler, D. (2012). Comparative performance of private and public healthcare systems in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review. PLoS med, 9(6), e1001244.
  • Bozdemir, E., ve Taşlı, M. (2018). Hastalık maliyet analizinin bibliyometrik ve doküman açısından incelemesi. Konuralp Tıp Dergisi, 10(3), 408-419.
  • Bovaird, T. (1996). The political economy of performance measurement. Organizational Performance and Measurement in the Public Sector: Toward Service, Effort and Accomplished Reporting, Quorum Books, Westport, 145-165.
  • Carlson, J. J., Sullivan, S. D., Garrison, L. P., Neumann, P. J., & Veenstra, D. L. (2010). Linking payment to health outcomes: a taxonomy and examination of performance-based reimbursement schemes between healthcare payers and manufacturers. Health policy, 96(3), 179-190.
  • Ewig, S., Birkner, N., Strauss, R., Schaefer, E., Pauletzki, J., Bischoff, H., ... & Hoeffken, G. (2009). New perspectives on community-acquired pneumonia in 388 406 patients. Results from a nationwide mandatory performance measurement programme in healthcare quality. Thorax, 64(12), 1062-1069.
  • Fullman, N., Yearwood, J., Abay, S. M., Abbafati, C., Abd-Allah, F., Abdela, J., ... & Chang, H. Y. (2018). Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index for 195 countries and territories and selected subnational locations: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. The Lancet, 391(10136), 2236-2271.
  • Grigoroudis, E., Orfanoudaki, E., & Zopounidis, C. (2012). Strategic performance measurement in a healthcare organisation: A multiple criteria approach based on balanced scorecard. Omega, 40(1), 104-119.
  • Islam, R., bin Mohd Rasad, S. (2006). Employee performance evaluation by the AHP: A case study. Asia Pacific Management Review, 11(3).
  • Karsh, B. T., Holden, R. J., Alper, S. J., & Or, C. K. L. (2006). A human factors engineering paradigm for patient safety: designing to support the performance of the healthcare professional. BMJ Quality & Safety, 15(suppl 1), i59-i65.
  • Kesgin, C. & Topuzoğlu, A. (2006). Sağlığın tanımı: Başaçıkma. Journal of Istanbul Kultur University, 4(3), 47-49.
  • Kurutkan, M. N., & Orhan, F. (2018). Sağlık politikası konusunun bilim haritalama teknikleri ile analizi. İKSAD Yayınları.
  • Parmelli, E., Flodgren, G., Beyer, F., Baillie, N., Schaafsma, M. E., & Eccles, M. P. (2011). The effectiveness of strategies to change organisational culture to improve healthcare performance: a systematic review. Implementation Science, 6(1), 1-8.
  • Pritchard, A. (1969). Statistical Bibliography or Bibliometrics. Journal of Documentation, 25(4), 348-149.
  • Rosen, M. A., Salas, E., Wilson, K. A., King, H. B., Salisbury, M., Augenstein, J. S., ... & Birnbach, D. J. (2008). Measuring team performance in simulation-based training: adopting best practices for healthcare. Simulation in Healthcare, 3(1), 33-41.
  • Shang, K.C. (2004). The effects of logistics measurement capability on performance. Asia Pacific Management Review, 9(4), 671-687.
  • Sim, J. & Wright, C. (2000). Research in healthcare. Eastbourne: Stanley Thomas Publishers.
  • Taşlı, M., Veli, M., Han, H. (2018). İlişki Yönetimi. Kurutkan N., Orhan F. (Ed.), Kalite Prensiplerinin Görsel Haritalama Tekniklerine Göre Bibliyometrik Analizi içinde (s.15-76). Sage Yayıncılık San. Tic. ve Ltd. Şti.
  • Tatar, M. (2007). Sağlık sisteminin performansını ölçme süreci. Ateş, H., Kırılmaz, H. & Aydın, S. (Ed.), Sağlık Sektründe Performans Yönetimi: Türkiye Örneği, Asil Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Wang, Y., Seidel, J., Tsui, B. M., Vaquero, J. J., & Pomper, M. G. (2006). Performance evaluation of the GE healthcare eXplore VISTA dual-ring small-animal PET scanner. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 47(11), 1891-1900.
  • WHO (World Health Organization)(2000) The World Health Report, Health Systems: Improving Performance, World Health Organization Publishing, Geneva.
  • Yang, C. C., & Lin, C. Y. Y. (2009). Does intellectual capital mediate the relationship between HRM and organizational performance? Perspective of a healthcare industry in Taiwan. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(9), 1965-1984.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Meltem Sarı 0000-0001-5091-5987

Gülşen Genç 0000-0002-8386-4626

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Mart 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Sarı, M., & Genç, G. (2022). Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Performans Kavramının Bibliyometrik Analizi. Karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(26), 238-254.