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Çoklu yetersizliği olan bireylerin eğitiminde birden fazla duyuya hitap etme: Çok duyulu ortamlar, öğretim stratejileri ve hikâyeler

Yıl 2024, , 802 - 818, 30.11.2024


Çoklu yetersizliği (ÇY) olan bireyler birden fazla yetersizliğe sahip oldukları için bireysel özellikleri ve yetersizlikleri dikkate alınarak bireylerin eğitimlerinin planlanması gerekmektedir. Oluşturulacak eğitim programlarının içeriği ve öğretimde kullanılacak yöntemler ÇY olan bireylerin ihtiyaçlarına cevap verecek şekilde düzenlenmelidir. ÇY olan bireyler yoğun ve sistematik bir eğitime ihtiyaç duymaktadırlar. Eğitim öğretim sürecinde ÇY olan bireylerin eğitiminde birden fazla duyuya hitap etmek kazandırılmak istenen hedef becerileri sergilemelerinde önemlidir. Dolayısıyla ÇY olan bireylere verilecek eğitim hizmetlerini veren personelin iyi yetişmiş olması ve eğitim hizmetlerinin yoğun ve sürekli olması gerekmektedir. Çok duyulu öğrenme bireylerin kendilerine en uygun öğrenme stillerini keşfetmelerine yardımcı olmaktadır. Elde edilen yeni bilgileri anlamayı, hatırlamayı ve gerektiğinde bu bilgileri geri çağırmayı sağlamaktadır. Dolayısıyla bireylerin çevreleriyle iletişim kurmaları ve etkileşimde bulunmaları, bireylere farkındalık, seçim yapma ve bağımsız hareket etme becerileri ve hissi kazandırmada kullanılmaktadır. Bu yüzden eğitimde birden fazla duyuya hitap etme önemli görülmektedir. Buradan hareketle bu araştırmanın amacı; çoklu yetersizliği (ÇY) olan bireylerin eğitiminde önemli olan birden fazla duyuya hitap eden ortamların, stratejilerin, hikâyelerin incelenmesi ve ilgili araştırma bulgularından yola çıkılarak öneriler sunulmasıdır. Çalışma kapsamında öncelikle birden fazla duyuya hitap etmenin önemi, çok duyulu ortamlar, çok duyulu öğretim stratejileri, çok duyulu hikâyeler, birden fazla duyuya hitap eden araştırmalar incelenerek paydaşlara önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

Etik Beyan

Yayın Etiği Beyanı Bu araştırmanın planlanmasından, uygulanmasına, verilerin toplanmasından verilerin analizine kadar olan tüm süreçte “Yükseköğretim Kurumları Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Yönergesi” kapsamında uyulması belirtilen tüm kurallara uyulmuştur. Yönergenin ikinci bölümü olan “Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiğine Aykırı Eylemler” başlığı altında belirtilen eylemlerden hiçbiri gerçekleştirilmemiştir. Bu çalışmanın yazım sürecinde bilimsel, etik ve alıntı kurallarına uyulmuş; toplanan veriler üzerinde herhangi bir tahrifat yapılmamış ve bu çalışma herhangi başka bir akademik yayın ortamına değerlendirme için gönderilmemiştir. Etik kurul izin bilgileri Çalışma derleme bir çalışma olduğu için Etik Kurul İzni alınmasını gerektiren çalışmalar grubunda yer almamaktadır. Bu nedenle Etik Kurul İzni beyan edilmemiştir.


  • Al Sayyed, M. O. (2013). The impact of using multi-sensory approach for teaching students with learning disabilities. Journal of International Education Research, 9(1).
  • Alwaqassi, S.A. (2017). The use of multısensory in schools today, (Master’s Thesis), Indiana Universtiy
  • Allen, K. D., Vatland, C., Bowen, S. L., & Burke, R. V. (2015). An evaluation of parent produced video self-modeling to improve independence in an adolescent with intellectual developmental disorder and an autism spectrum disorder: A controlled case study. Behavior Modification, 9(4), 542-556.
  • Ashby, M., Lindsay, W.R., Pitcaithly, D., Broxholme, S., & Geelen, N. (1995). Snoezelen: Its effects on concentration and responsiveness in people with profound multiple handicaps. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 303–307.
  • Akpınar, B., ve Aydın, K. (2009). Çok duyulu (multisensory) yabancı dil öğretimi, TUBAV Bilim Dergisi, 2(1), 99-106.
  • Bahçıvancıoğlu Yazıcı, A. (2009) Çok engelli çocukların annelerinin, çocuklarının gelişimlerine ilişkin görüşlerinin betimlenmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Marmara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  • Bozic, N. (1997). Constructing the room: Multisensory rooms in educational contexts. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 12, 54–70.
  • Botts, B. H., Hershfield, P.A., & Christensen-Sandfort,R.J. (2009). Snoezelen®: Empiricalreviewof product representation. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disorders, 23, 138–147.
  • Burns, I., Cox, H., & Plant, H. (2000). Leisure or therapeutics? Snoezelen and the care of older persons with dementia. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 6, 118–126.
  • Bryant, D. P., Smith, D. D., & Bryant, B. R. (2008). Teaching students with special needs in ınclusive classrooms. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Cuvo, A. J., May, M.E., & Post, T.M. (2001). Effects of living room, Snoezelen room, and outdoor activities on Stereotypic behavior and engagement by adults with profound mental retardation. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 22, 183–204.
  • Chan, S., Fung, M. Y., Tong, C. W., & Thompson, D. (2005). The clinical effectiveness of a multi-sensory therapy on clients with developmental disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 26, 131–142.
  • Chen, Y. (2004). Education to multiple disabilities in china. Erişim adresi: https://www.nise.
  • Chitsey, A. M., Haight, B. K., & Jones, M. M. (2002). Snoezelen: Amultisensory environmental intervention. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 28, 41–49.
  • Christie, S. (2000). The brain: Utilizing multi-sensory approaches for individual learning styles. Education, 121(2), 327-330.
  • Downing, J., & Peckham-Hardin, K. (2006). Students with severe and multiple disabilities. İn. J.e. downinig (ed.), Special Education. (pp. 530-568 ). A Pearson Education Company.
  • Eldeniz Çetin, M. (2016). Çoklu yetersizliği olan öğrenciler. V. Aksoy (Ed.), Özel eğitim içinde (s. 111- 145). Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • Eijgendaal, M., Eijgendaal, A., Fornes, S., Hulsegge, J.E., Mertens, K., Pagliano, P.,…Vogtle, L. K. (2010). Multi sensory environment (mse/snoezelen) – a definition and guidelines.
  • Fowler, S. (2007). Senzory stimulation: Senzory Focused Actvities for People with Physical and Multiple Disabilities. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Fowler, S. (2008). Multisensory rooms and environments: Controlled sensory experiences for people with profound and multiple disabilities. Jessica Kingsley.
  • Fornes, S. L. (2008). Examining a proposed job retention model for adult workers with mental retardation: in supported employment. In F. M. Nafukho (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development 2008 Annual Conference. Columbus, OH: Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD).
  • Fornes, S. L. (2009). Multi Sensory Environments: Developing the theory and guiding practice for future direction: A delivery model developed from an integrative review of the literature, practice and research. Chrilisan: Birmingham, AL.
  • Fuller, C. (1999). Bag Books Tactile Stories. The SLD Experience, 23, 20-21.
  • Fuller, C. (2013). Multi-sensory stories in story-packs. In N. Grove (Eds.), Using storytelling to support children and adults with special needs: Transofrming lives through telling tales (pp. 72-77). NY: Routledge.
  • Gallaher, M., & Balson, M. (1994). Snoezelen in education. In R. Hutchinson & J. Kewin (Eds.), Sensations and Disability (pp. 129–137). Chesterfield, UK: Rompa.
  • Grove, N. (2009). Stories for lifelong learning. The SLD Experience, 55, 8-9.
  • Hulsegge,J.,&Verhuel,A. (1987). Snoezelen:Another world. Rompa
  • Heward, W.L. (2009). Exceptional children; an introduction to special education. Pearson international Edition. Person Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
  • Hiroyuki, S. (2008). Support for teachers of education for children with multiple disabilities through school consultation. National Institute of Special Education, 9. 27-36.
  • Houghton, S., Douglas, G., Brigg, J., Langsford, S., Powell, L., West, J., et al. (1998). An empirical evaluation of an inter-active multi-sensory environment for children with disability. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 23, 267– 278. DOI:10.1080/13668259800033761
  • Hogg, J., Cavet, J., Lambe, L., & Smeddle, M. (2001). The use of Snoezelen as multisensory stimulation with people with intellectual disabilities: A review of the research. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 22(5), 353-372.
  • Jubran, S. (2011). Using multisensory approach for teaching English skills and its effect on students’ achievement at Jordanian schools. European Scientific Journal, 8(22). DOI:
  • Kast, M., Meyer, M., Vogeli, C., Gross, M., & Jancke, L. (2007). Computer-based multisensory learning in children with developmental dyslexia. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 25, 355-369.
  • Kauffman, J. M., & Hallahan, D. P. (2005). Special education: What it is and why we need it. Allyn & Bacon.
  • Kaya, Z. (2006). Öğretim teknolojileri ve materyal geliştirme, Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Kok Hwee, N.C, & Houghton, S. (2011). The effectiveness of Orton-Gillinghambased instruction with Singaporean children with specific reading disability (dyslexia). British Journal of Special Education, 38(3).
  • Lotan, M., & Shapiro, M. (2005). Management of young children with Rhett disorder in the controlled multi-sensory (Snoezelen) environment. Brain Development, 27, 88-94.
  • Lancioni, G. E, Cuvo, A. J., & O’Reilly, M. F. (2002). Snoezelen: An overview of research with people with developmental disabilities and dementia. Disability and Rehabilitation, 24(4), 175-184.
  • Lanier, J. (1999). Virtual reality and persons with disabilities. State University, accessed 28.10.1999.
  • Lambe, L., & Hogg, J. (2011). Multi-sensory storytelling: PAMIS’ practice, experience and research findings. In B. Fornefeld (Eds.), Multi-sensory storytelling an idea gets through (pp. 15-23). Berlin: LIT Verlag.
  • Lindsay, W. R., Black, E., Broxholme, S., Pitcaithly, D., & Hornsby, N. (2001). Effects of four therapy procedures on communication in people with profound intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 14, 110–119.
  • Metcalf, D., Evans, C., Flynn, H.K., & Williams, J.B. (2009). Direct instruction + UDL = Access for diverse learners: How to plan and implement an effective multisensory spelling lesson. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 5(6). Article 2. Retrieved [date] from
  • Murdock, L. C., Ganz, J., & Crittendon, J. (2013). Use of an ipad play story to ıncrease play dialogue of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(9), 2174-2189.
  • PAMIS. (2010). Multi-sensory stories. Retrieved from:
  • Pagliano, P. (1999). Multisensory environments. David Fulton.
  • Ponechalová, D., & Lištiaková, I. (2010). Snoezelen pre deti a mladých ľudí s poruchou autistického spektra. Autistické centrum Andreas.
  • Petitpierre, G., Wolf, D., Dietrich , A., Benz, M. & Adler, J. (2007). Integration of education and care given to children with profound multiple disabilities in Switzerland. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. 4(2), 141–151.
  • Petry, K. & Maes, B. (2007). Description of the support needs of people with profound multiple disabilities using the 2002 AAMR system: an overview of literatüre. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 42(2), 130–143.
  • Penne, A., Ten Brug, A., Munde, V. S., Putten, A. A. J., Vlaskamp, C., & Maes, B. (2012). Staff interactive style during multisensory storytelling with persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56(2), 167-178.
  • Pinkney, L. (1997). A comparison of the snoezelen environment and a music relaxation group on the mood and behaviour of patients with senile dementia. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 60(5).
  • Singha, N. N., Lancioni, G. E., Winton, A. S. W., Molina, E. J., Sage, M., Brown, S., & Groeneweg, J. (2004). Effects of snoezelen room, activities of daily living skills training, and vocational skills training on aggression and self-injury by adults with mental retardation and mental illness. Research in Developmental Disabilities 25(3), 285–93.
  • Sprinkle, R. (1999). The power of aroma and olfactory experience in the classroom. Jaounal of Teaching English in the Two-Year Collage. 93-98.
  • Stephenson, J. (2002). Characterization of multisensory environments: Why do teachers use them? Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 15(1), 73-90.
  • Stephenson, J. (2004). Controversial practices in the education of students with high support needs. Journal of Research in Special Education Needs, 4(1), 58–64.
  • Shapiro, M., Parush, S., Green, M., & Roth, D. (1997). The efficacy of the “snoezelen” in the management of children with mental retardation who exhibit maladaptive behaviours. British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 43, 140–155.
  • Şafak, P., Demiryürek, P., & Yılmaz, H. C. (2018). Çok duyulu öykülerin ağır ve çoklu yetersizliği olan görmeyen öğrencilerin dinlediğini anlamalarına etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 19(1), 129-153. doi: 10.21565/ozelegitimdergisi.322391
  • Şafak, P. (2013). Ağır ve çoklu yetersizliği olan çocukların eğitimi [Education of children with severe and multiple disabilities]. Vize.
  • Wilmes, B., Harrington, L., Kohler-Evans, P., & Sumpter, D. (2008). Coming to our senses: Incorporating brain research findings into classroom instruction. ChulaVista,128,659-666.

Addressing multiple senses in the education of ındividuals with multiple disabilities: Multisensory environments, teaching strategies and stories

Yıl 2024, , 802 - 818, 30.11.2024


Since individuals with multiple disabilities (MD) have more than one disability, their education should be planned taking into account their individual characteristics and disabilities. The content of the education programs to be created and the methods to be used in teaching should be arranged in a way to respond to the needs of individuals with MD. Individuals with a MD need intensive and systematic education. It is important to appeal to more than one sense in the education of individuals with MD in the education process in order for them to exhibit the target skills to be gained. Therefore, the personnel who provide education services to individuals with MD should be well-trained and education services should be intensive and continuous. Multisensory learning helps individuals to discover the most appropriate learning styles for themselves. It enables them to understand and remember new information and to recall this information when necessary. Therefore, it is used for individuals to communicate and interact with their environment, to gain awareness, the skills and sense of making choices and acting independently. Therefore, addressing more than one sense is considered important in education. From this point of view, the aim of this study is to examine the environments, strategies and stories that appeal to multiple senses, which are important in the education of individuals with MD, and to provide recommendations based on the relevant research findings. Within the scope of the study, first of all, the importance of addressing more than one sense, multisensory environments, multisensory teaching strategies, multisensory stories, researches addressing more than one sense were examined and recommendations were made to stakeholders.


  • Al Sayyed, M. O. (2013). The impact of using multi-sensory approach for teaching students with learning disabilities. Journal of International Education Research, 9(1).
  • Alwaqassi, S.A. (2017). The use of multısensory in schools today, (Master’s Thesis), Indiana Universtiy
  • Allen, K. D., Vatland, C., Bowen, S. L., & Burke, R. V. (2015). An evaluation of parent produced video self-modeling to improve independence in an adolescent with intellectual developmental disorder and an autism spectrum disorder: A controlled case study. Behavior Modification, 9(4), 542-556.
  • Ashby, M., Lindsay, W.R., Pitcaithly, D., Broxholme, S., & Geelen, N. (1995). Snoezelen: Its effects on concentration and responsiveness in people with profound multiple handicaps. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 303–307.
  • Akpınar, B., ve Aydın, K. (2009). Çok duyulu (multisensory) yabancı dil öğretimi, TUBAV Bilim Dergisi, 2(1), 99-106.
  • Bahçıvancıoğlu Yazıcı, A. (2009) Çok engelli çocukların annelerinin, çocuklarının gelişimlerine ilişkin görüşlerinin betimlenmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Marmara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  • Bozic, N. (1997). Constructing the room: Multisensory rooms in educational contexts. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 12, 54–70.
  • Botts, B. H., Hershfield, P.A., & Christensen-Sandfort,R.J. (2009). Snoezelen®: Empiricalreviewof product representation. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disorders, 23, 138–147.
  • Burns, I., Cox, H., & Plant, H. (2000). Leisure or therapeutics? Snoezelen and the care of older persons with dementia. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 6, 118–126.
  • Bryant, D. P., Smith, D. D., & Bryant, B. R. (2008). Teaching students with special needs in ınclusive classrooms. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Cuvo, A. J., May, M.E., & Post, T.M. (2001). Effects of living room, Snoezelen room, and outdoor activities on Stereotypic behavior and engagement by adults with profound mental retardation. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 22, 183–204.
  • Chan, S., Fung, M. Y., Tong, C. W., & Thompson, D. (2005). The clinical effectiveness of a multi-sensory therapy on clients with developmental disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 26, 131–142.
  • Chen, Y. (2004). Education to multiple disabilities in china. Erişim adresi: https://www.nise.
  • Chitsey, A. M., Haight, B. K., & Jones, M. M. (2002). Snoezelen: Amultisensory environmental intervention. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 28, 41–49.
  • Christie, S. (2000). The brain: Utilizing multi-sensory approaches for individual learning styles. Education, 121(2), 327-330.
  • Downing, J., & Peckham-Hardin, K. (2006). Students with severe and multiple disabilities. İn. J.e. downinig (ed.), Special Education. (pp. 530-568 ). A Pearson Education Company.
  • Eldeniz Çetin, M. (2016). Çoklu yetersizliği olan öğrenciler. V. Aksoy (Ed.), Özel eğitim içinde (s. 111- 145). Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • Eijgendaal, M., Eijgendaal, A., Fornes, S., Hulsegge, J.E., Mertens, K., Pagliano, P.,…Vogtle, L. K. (2010). Multi sensory environment (mse/snoezelen) – a definition and guidelines.
  • Fowler, S. (2007). Senzory stimulation: Senzory Focused Actvities for People with Physical and Multiple Disabilities. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Fowler, S. (2008). Multisensory rooms and environments: Controlled sensory experiences for people with profound and multiple disabilities. Jessica Kingsley.
  • Fornes, S. L. (2008). Examining a proposed job retention model for adult workers with mental retardation: in supported employment. In F. M. Nafukho (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development 2008 Annual Conference. Columbus, OH: Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD).
  • Fornes, S. L. (2009). Multi Sensory Environments: Developing the theory and guiding practice for future direction: A delivery model developed from an integrative review of the literature, practice and research. Chrilisan: Birmingham, AL.
  • Fuller, C. (1999). Bag Books Tactile Stories. The SLD Experience, 23, 20-21.
  • Fuller, C. (2013). Multi-sensory stories in story-packs. In N. Grove (Eds.), Using storytelling to support children and adults with special needs: Transofrming lives through telling tales (pp. 72-77). NY: Routledge.
  • Gallaher, M., & Balson, M. (1994). Snoezelen in education. In R. Hutchinson & J. Kewin (Eds.), Sensations and Disability (pp. 129–137). Chesterfield, UK: Rompa.
  • Grove, N. (2009). Stories for lifelong learning. The SLD Experience, 55, 8-9.
  • Hulsegge,J.,&Verhuel,A. (1987). Snoezelen:Another world. Rompa
  • Heward, W.L. (2009). Exceptional children; an introduction to special education. Pearson international Edition. Person Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
  • Hiroyuki, S. (2008). Support for teachers of education for children with multiple disabilities through school consultation. National Institute of Special Education, 9. 27-36.
  • Houghton, S., Douglas, G., Brigg, J., Langsford, S., Powell, L., West, J., et al. (1998). An empirical evaluation of an inter-active multi-sensory environment for children with disability. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 23, 267– 278. DOI:10.1080/13668259800033761
  • Hogg, J., Cavet, J., Lambe, L., & Smeddle, M. (2001). The use of Snoezelen as multisensory stimulation with people with intellectual disabilities: A review of the research. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 22(5), 353-372.
  • Jubran, S. (2011). Using multisensory approach for teaching English skills and its effect on students’ achievement at Jordanian schools. European Scientific Journal, 8(22). DOI:
  • Kast, M., Meyer, M., Vogeli, C., Gross, M., & Jancke, L. (2007). Computer-based multisensory learning in children with developmental dyslexia. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 25, 355-369.
  • Kauffman, J. M., & Hallahan, D. P. (2005). Special education: What it is and why we need it. Allyn & Bacon.
  • Kaya, Z. (2006). Öğretim teknolojileri ve materyal geliştirme, Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Kok Hwee, N.C, & Houghton, S. (2011). The effectiveness of Orton-Gillinghambased instruction with Singaporean children with specific reading disability (dyslexia). British Journal of Special Education, 38(3).
  • Lotan, M., & Shapiro, M. (2005). Management of young children with Rhett disorder in the controlled multi-sensory (Snoezelen) environment. Brain Development, 27, 88-94.
  • Lancioni, G. E, Cuvo, A. J., & O’Reilly, M. F. (2002). Snoezelen: An overview of research with people with developmental disabilities and dementia. Disability and Rehabilitation, 24(4), 175-184.
  • Lanier, J. (1999). Virtual reality and persons with disabilities. State University, accessed 28.10.1999.
  • Lambe, L., & Hogg, J. (2011). Multi-sensory storytelling: PAMIS’ practice, experience and research findings. In B. Fornefeld (Eds.), Multi-sensory storytelling an idea gets through (pp. 15-23). Berlin: LIT Verlag.
  • Lindsay, W. R., Black, E., Broxholme, S., Pitcaithly, D., & Hornsby, N. (2001). Effects of four therapy procedures on communication in people with profound intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 14, 110–119.
  • Metcalf, D., Evans, C., Flynn, H.K., & Williams, J.B. (2009). Direct instruction + UDL = Access for diverse learners: How to plan and implement an effective multisensory spelling lesson. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 5(6). Article 2. Retrieved [date] from
  • Murdock, L. C., Ganz, J., & Crittendon, J. (2013). Use of an ipad play story to ıncrease play dialogue of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(9), 2174-2189.
  • PAMIS. (2010). Multi-sensory stories. Retrieved from:
  • Pagliano, P. (1999). Multisensory environments. David Fulton.
  • Ponechalová, D., & Lištiaková, I. (2010). Snoezelen pre deti a mladých ľudí s poruchou autistického spektra. Autistické centrum Andreas.
  • Petitpierre, G., Wolf, D., Dietrich , A., Benz, M. & Adler, J. (2007). Integration of education and care given to children with profound multiple disabilities in Switzerland. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. 4(2), 141–151.
  • Petry, K. & Maes, B. (2007). Description of the support needs of people with profound multiple disabilities using the 2002 AAMR system: an overview of literatüre. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 42(2), 130–143.
  • Penne, A., Ten Brug, A., Munde, V. S., Putten, A. A. J., Vlaskamp, C., & Maes, B. (2012). Staff interactive style during multisensory storytelling with persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56(2), 167-178.
  • Pinkney, L. (1997). A comparison of the snoezelen environment and a music relaxation group on the mood and behaviour of patients with senile dementia. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 60(5).
  • Singha, N. N., Lancioni, G. E., Winton, A. S. W., Molina, E. J., Sage, M., Brown, S., & Groeneweg, J. (2004). Effects of snoezelen room, activities of daily living skills training, and vocational skills training on aggression and self-injury by adults with mental retardation and mental illness. Research in Developmental Disabilities 25(3), 285–93.
  • Sprinkle, R. (1999). The power of aroma and olfactory experience in the classroom. Jaounal of Teaching English in the Two-Year Collage. 93-98.
  • Stephenson, J. (2002). Characterization of multisensory environments: Why do teachers use them? Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 15(1), 73-90.
  • Stephenson, J. (2004). Controversial practices in the education of students with high support needs. Journal of Research in Special Education Needs, 4(1), 58–64.
  • Shapiro, M., Parush, S., Green, M., & Roth, D. (1997). The efficacy of the “snoezelen” in the management of children with mental retardation who exhibit maladaptive behaviours. British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 43, 140–155.
  • Şafak, P., Demiryürek, P., & Yılmaz, H. C. (2018). Çok duyulu öykülerin ağır ve çoklu yetersizliği olan görmeyen öğrencilerin dinlediğini anlamalarına etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 19(1), 129-153. doi: 10.21565/ozelegitimdergisi.322391
  • Şafak, P. (2013). Ağır ve çoklu yetersizliği olan çocukların eğitimi [Education of children with severe and multiple disabilities]. Vize.
  • Wilmes, B., Harrington, L., Kohler-Evans, P., & Sumpter, D. (2008). Coming to our senses: Incorporating brain research findings into classroom instruction. ChulaVista,128,659-666.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Evgin Çay 0000-0002-1199-3939

Müzeyyen Eldeniz Çetin 0000-0001-9231-7344

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 6 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Çay, E., & Eldeniz Çetin, M. (2024). Çoklu yetersizliği olan bireylerin eğitiminde birden fazla duyuya hitap etme: Çok duyulu ortamlar, öğretim stratejileri ve hikâyeler. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 7(2), 802-818.


Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi 2020 yılı itibariyle TR-Dizin tarafından dizinlenmektedir.