Bi bandora bîrokeyên nû yên Çomiskî û karîgeriya zansitên din li ser zimên, bi taybetî derûnnasîyê, piştî cenga duyema cîhanê komek mêtodên nû derketin. Ev mêtod ji bo hînkirina zimanê Kurdî giring in. Ji wan yên herî giring ev in: mêtoda jîngeya lebar, mêtoda karvedanên fîzîkî, mêtoda bêdeng, mêtoda fêrbûna bi kom, mêtoda peywendiya kara. Di nav van hemû mêtodan jî, di serdema îro de, mêtoda peywendiya kara rola sereke dilîze. Di vê vekolînê de, rêbaza wesfî û şîkarî ji bo vekolînê hatiye bikarînan û aliyên bihêz û lawaz ên mêtodan hatine şirovekirin. Di gel gengeşekirina mêtodan hin çavkaniyên hînkirina Kurdî jî hatine nîşandan. Vekolînên bi vî rengî bandora restewxwe li ser mamostayên Kurd û prosesa hînkirina zimanê Kurdî çê dikin.
محي-الدين، إ. (٢٠١٦) استخدام الطريقة الإيحائية لترقية مهارة الاستماع في تعليم اللغة العربية. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam ، ٢(٢)، ٣٤٨-٣٧٨.
ADAK, A., Aydın, T., ERGÜN, Z., & BÜLBÜL, M. (2018). Mamoste1 Fêrkera Kurdî Asta Seretayî. Mardin: Mardin University.
ASHER, J. J. (1968). The Total Physical Response Method for Second Language Learning. California.
BANCROFT, W. (1999). Suggestopedia and Language Acquisition. Toronto: University of Toronto.
BRENNAN, M., & Brien, D. (2000). Silent way. In M. Byram, Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 546-548). Taylor & Francis Routledge.
BRUMFIT, C. (1986). Introduction: Communicative Methodology. In C. Brumfit, The Practice of Communicative Teaching (pp. vii-3). Oxford: Pergamon Press in association with British Council.
CANALE, M., & Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical Bases of Communicative Approaches to Second Language Teaching and Testing. Applied Linguistics, 1(1), 1-47.
CHOMSKY, N. (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: THE M.LT. PRES.
CHOMSKY, N. (2002). Syntactic Structures. Berlin and New York: Mouton De Gruyter.
Cross, J. W. (1977). Sign Language And Second-Language Teaching. Sign Language Studies, 16, 269-282.
ELT, C. (1990). The Lexical Syllabus; Dave Willis.
ER, S. (2013). Using Total Physical Response Method in Early Childhood Foreign Language Teaching Environments. 3rd World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership – WCLTA 2012 (pp. 1766-1768). Ankara: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
FONCHA, J. W. (2014). Reading as a Method of Language Learning among L2/First Additional Language Learners: The Case of English in one High School in Alice. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(27), 675-682.
GATTEGNO, C. (1972). Teaching foreign languages in schools: The silent way (2nd ed.). New York: Educational Solutions.
GODFROID, A., Chin-Hsi , L., & Catherine , R. (2017). Hearing and Seeing Tone Through Color: An Efficacy Study of Web-Based, Multimodal Chinese Tone Perception Training. Language Learning, 67(4), 819–857.
HIJAZI, D., & Al-natour, A. (2012). The Impact Of Using Music On Teaching English Poetry In Jordanian Universities. Journal of International Education Research, 8(3), 295-302.
HURST, N. R. (1997). Notional syllabuses : twenty one years on. Revista da faculdade de letras 'linguas e literaturas', 14(199), 489-504.
HYMES, D. (1972). On Communicative Competence. In J. Pride, & a. Holmes, Sociolinguistics. Selected Readings (pp. 269-293). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
JEROME, N. (2013). Application of the Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory; impacts and implications on organizational culture, human resource and employee’s performance. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 2(3), 39-45.
Koya-University. (2018). Dialectology. Retrieved from Koya University:
LA-FORGE, P. G. (1971). Community language learning; a pilot study. Language Learning, 1(21), 45-61.
LARSEN-FREEMAN, D. (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Pres.
LOZANOV, G. (1978). Suggestology and outlines of suggestopedia.
LYONS, J. (1977). Semantics: v.2. Cambridge : Cambridge University Pres.
MATAMOROS-GONZÁLEZ, J., ROJAS, M., ROMERO, J., VERA-QUIÑONEZ, S., & SOTO, S. (2017). English Language Teaching Approaches: A Comparison of the Grammar-translation, Audiolingual, Communicative, and Natural Approaches. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 7(11), 965-973.
MONGILLO, G., RUMPEL, S., & LOEWENSTEIN, Y. (2017). Intrinsic volatility of synaptic connections — a challengeto the synaptic trace theory of memory. Current Opinion in Neurobiology(46), 7-13.
NIKULA, T., & MÅRD-MIETTINEN, K. (2014). Language learning in immersion and CLIL classrooms. In J.-O. Ostman, & J. Verschueren, Handbook of Pragmatics. John Benjamens Publishing Company.
NURHASANAH, S. (2015). The Use of Community Language Learning Method to Increase the Students’ Participation in Classroom Conversation. REGISTER, 8(1), 81-98.
ONEN, R., & TAN, S. (2011). Hînker, asta sêyemîn (6 ed.). Istanbul: Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê.
ONEN, R., & TAN, S. (2014). Hînker, asta duyemîn (4 ed.). Istanbul: Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê.
ONEN, R., TAN, S., AYKOÇ, M., & VARLI, S. (2009). Hînker, asta yekemîn. Diyarbakir: Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê.
RAMIREZ, S. Z. (1986). The Effects of Suggestopedia in Teaching English Vocabulary to Spanish-Dominant Chicano Third Graders. The Elementary School Journal, 86(3), 324-333.
RICHARDS, J. C. (2006). Communicative language teaching today. New York: Cambridge University Pres.
RICHARDS, J., & RODGERS, T. (1999). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (15th ed.). Cambridge University Pres.
SAVIGNON, S. J. (1972). Communicative Competence: An Experiment in Foreign Language.
STEVICK, E. W. (1974). Reviewed Work(s): Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools: The Silent Way by CalebGattegno. TESOL Quarterly, 8(3), 305-314.
SUTHERLAND, K. (1978). Reviewed Work(s): Learning Another Language through Actions: The Complete Teacher'sGuidebook by James J. Asher. TESOL Quarterly, 12(2), 204-206.
TAMURA, F. (1983). The development of community language learning, the silence way and suggestopedia in comparison with other methods. Trends in Language Methodology in the US, 13-23.
YALDEN, J. (1986). An Interactive Approach to Syllabus Design: the Frameworks project 1. In C. Brumfit, The Practice of Communicative Teaching (pp. 25-41). Oxford: Pergamon Press in association with the British Council.
Due to the Chomsky’s new ideas and the impact of the other disciplines on language, in particular psychology, some new methods for second language teaching have been developed since the Second World War. Those methods are crucial for Kurdish language. The most important new methods are; Suggestopedia, Total Physical Response, The Silent Way, Community Language Learning and Communicative Language Teaching Method. However, the last one has played a leading role. In this study, the descriptive research method is in use to analyze and clarify the language teaching methods. The features of each method have been analyzed, the strong and weak points are shown, and some Kurdish materials have been categorized according to their features. This kind of study would have a direct implication on Kurdish language teachers and Kurdish language teaching process.
محي-الدين، إ. (٢٠١٦) استخدام الطريقة الإيحائية لترقية مهارة الاستماع في تعليم اللغة العربية. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam ، ٢(٢)، ٣٤٨-٣٧٨.
ADAK, A., Aydın, T., ERGÜN, Z., & BÜLBÜL, M. (2018). Mamoste1 Fêrkera Kurdî Asta Seretayî. Mardin: Mardin University.
ASHER, J. J. (1968). The Total Physical Response Method for Second Language Learning. California.
BANCROFT, W. (1999). Suggestopedia and Language Acquisition. Toronto: University of Toronto.
BRENNAN, M., & Brien, D. (2000). Silent way. In M. Byram, Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 546-548). Taylor & Francis Routledge.
BRUMFIT, C. (1986). Introduction: Communicative Methodology. In C. Brumfit, The Practice of Communicative Teaching (pp. vii-3). Oxford: Pergamon Press in association with British Council.
CANALE, M., & Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical Bases of Communicative Approaches to Second Language Teaching and Testing. Applied Linguistics, 1(1), 1-47.
CHOMSKY, N. (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: THE M.LT. PRES.
CHOMSKY, N. (2002). Syntactic Structures. Berlin and New York: Mouton De Gruyter.
Cross, J. W. (1977). Sign Language And Second-Language Teaching. Sign Language Studies, 16, 269-282.
ELT, C. (1990). The Lexical Syllabus; Dave Willis.
ER, S. (2013). Using Total Physical Response Method in Early Childhood Foreign Language Teaching Environments. 3rd World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership – WCLTA 2012 (pp. 1766-1768). Ankara: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
FONCHA, J. W. (2014). Reading as a Method of Language Learning among L2/First Additional Language Learners: The Case of English in one High School in Alice. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(27), 675-682.
GATTEGNO, C. (1972). Teaching foreign languages in schools: The silent way (2nd ed.). New York: Educational Solutions.
GODFROID, A., Chin-Hsi , L., & Catherine , R. (2017). Hearing and Seeing Tone Through Color: An Efficacy Study of Web-Based, Multimodal Chinese Tone Perception Training. Language Learning, 67(4), 819–857.
HIJAZI, D., & Al-natour, A. (2012). The Impact Of Using Music On Teaching English Poetry In Jordanian Universities. Journal of International Education Research, 8(3), 295-302.
HURST, N. R. (1997). Notional syllabuses : twenty one years on. Revista da faculdade de letras 'linguas e literaturas', 14(199), 489-504.
HYMES, D. (1972). On Communicative Competence. In J. Pride, & a. Holmes, Sociolinguistics. Selected Readings (pp. 269-293). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
JEROME, N. (2013). Application of the Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory; impacts and implications on organizational culture, human resource and employee’s performance. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 2(3), 39-45.
Koya-University. (2018). Dialectology. Retrieved from Koya University:
LA-FORGE, P. G. (1971). Community language learning; a pilot study. Language Learning, 1(21), 45-61.
LARSEN-FREEMAN, D. (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Pres.
LOZANOV, G. (1978). Suggestology and outlines of suggestopedia.
LYONS, J. (1977). Semantics: v.2. Cambridge : Cambridge University Pres.
MATAMOROS-GONZÁLEZ, J., ROJAS, M., ROMERO, J., VERA-QUIÑONEZ, S., & SOTO, S. (2017). English Language Teaching Approaches: A Comparison of the Grammar-translation, Audiolingual, Communicative, and Natural Approaches. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 7(11), 965-973.
MONGILLO, G., RUMPEL, S., & LOEWENSTEIN, Y. (2017). Intrinsic volatility of synaptic connections — a challengeto the synaptic trace theory of memory. Current Opinion in Neurobiology(46), 7-13.
NIKULA, T., & MÅRD-MIETTINEN, K. (2014). Language learning in immersion and CLIL classrooms. In J.-O. Ostman, & J. Verschueren, Handbook of Pragmatics. John Benjamens Publishing Company.
NURHASANAH, S. (2015). The Use of Community Language Learning Method to Increase the Students’ Participation in Classroom Conversation. REGISTER, 8(1), 81-98.
ONEN, R., & TAN, S. (2011). Hînker, asta sêyemîn (6 ed.). Istanbul: Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê.
ONEN, R., & TAN, S. (2014). Hînker, asta duyemîn (4 ed.). Istanbul: Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê.
ONEN, R., TAN, S., AYKOÇ, M., & VARLI, S. (2009). Hînker, asta yekemîn. Diyarbakir: Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê.
RAMIREZ, S. Z. (1986). The Effects of Suggestopedia in Teaching English Vocabulary to Spanish-Dominant Chicano Third Graders. The Elementary School Journal, 86(3), 324-333.
RICHARDS, J. C. (2006). Communicative language teaching today. New York: Cambridge University Pres.
RICHARDS, J., & RODGERS, T. (1999). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (15th ed.). Cambridge University Pres.
SAVIGNON, S. J. (1972). Communicative Competence: An Experiment in Foreign Language.
STEVICK, E. W. (1974). Reviewed Work(s): Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools: The Silent Way by CalebGattegno. TESOL Quarterly, 8(3), 305-314.
SUTHERLAND, K. (1978). Reviewed Work(s): Learning Another Language through Actions: The Complete Teacher'sGuidebook by James J. Asher. TESOL Quarterly, 12(2), 204-206.
TAMURA, F. (1983). The development of community language learning, the silence way and suggestopedia in comparison with other methods. Trends in Language Methodology in the US, 13-23.
YALDEN, J. (1986). An Interactive Approach to Syllabus Design: the Frameworks project 1. In C. Brumfit, The Practice of Communicative Teaching (pp. 25-41). Oxford: Pergamon Press in association with the British Council.
میتۆدە نوێیەکانی فێرکردنی زمانی دووەم و کاریگەرییان لەسەر زمانی کوردی
Due to the Chomsky’s new ideas and the impact of the other disciplines on language, in particular psychology, some new methods for second language teaching have been developed since the second world war. Those methods are crucial for Kurdish language and we would get benefit from them. The most important new methods are; Suggestopedia, Total Physical response, The Silent Way, Community Language Learning and Communicative Language Teaching Method. However, the last one has played a leading role. In this study, the descriptive research method is in use to analyze and clarify the language teaching methods. The features of each method have been analyzed, the strong and weak points are shown, and some Kurdish materials have been categorized according to their features. This kind of study would have a direct implication on Kurdish language teachers and Kurdish language teaching process.
محي-الدين، إ. (٢٠١٦) استخدام الطريقة الإيحائية لترقية مهارة الاستماع في تعليم اللغة العربية. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam ، ٢(٢)، ٣٤٨-٣٧٨.
ADAK, A., Aydın, T., ERGÜN, Z., & BÜLBÜL, M. (2018). Mamoste1 Fêrkera Kurdî Asta Seretayî. Mardin: Mardin University.
ASHER, J. J. (1968). The Total Physical Response Method for Second Language Learning. California.
BANCROFT, W. (1999). Suggestopedia and Language Acquisition. Toronto: University of Toronto.
BRENNAN, M., & Brien, D. (2000). Silent way. In M. Byram, Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 546-548). Taylor & Francis Routledge.
BRUMFIT, C. (1986). Introduction: Communicative Methodology. In C. Brumfit, The Practice of Communicative Teaching (pp. vii-3). Oxford: Pergamon Press in association with British Council.
CANALE, M., & Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical Bases of Communicative Approaches to Second Language Teaching and Testing. Applied Linguistics, 1(1), 1-47.
CHOMSKY, N. (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: THE M.LT. PRES.
CHOMSKY, N. (2002). Syntactic Structures. Berlin and New York: Mouton De Gruyter.
Cross, J. W. (1977). Sign Language And Second-Language Teaching. Sign Language Studies, 16, 269-282.
ELT, C. (1990). The Lexical Syllabus; Dave Willis.
ER, S. (2013). Using Total Physical Response Method in Early Childhood Foreign Language Teaching Environments. 3rd World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership – WCLTA 2012 (pp. 1766-1768). Ankara: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
FONCHA, J. W. (2014). Reading as a Method of Language Learning among L2/First Additional Language Learners: The Case of English in one High School in Alice. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(27), 675-682.
GATTEGNO, C. (1972). Teaching foreign languages in schools: The silent way (2nd ed.). New York: Educational Solutions.
GODFROID, A., Chin-Hsi , L., & Catherine , R. (2017). Hearing and Seeing Tone Through Color: An Efficacy Study of Web-Based, Multimodal Chinese Tone Perception Training. Language Learning, 67(4), 819–857.
HIJAZI, D., & Al-natour, A. (2012). The Impact Of Using Music On Teaching English Poetry In Jordanian Universities. Journal of International Education Research, 8(3), 295-302.
HURST, N. R. (1997). Notional syllabuses : twenty one years on. Revista da faculdade de letras 'linguas e literaturas', 14(199), 489-504.
HYMES, D. (1972). On Communicative Competence. In J. Pride, & a. Holmes, Sociolinguistics. Selected Readings (pp. 269-293). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
JEROME, N. (2013). Application of the Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory; impacts and implications on organizational culture, human resource and employee’s performance. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 2(3), 39-45.
Koya-University. (2018). Dialectology. Retrieved from Koya University:
LA-FORGE, P. G. (1971). Community language learning; a pilot study. Language Learning, 1(21), 45-61.
LARSEN-FREEMAN, D. (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Pres.
LOZANOV, G. (1978). Suggestology and outlines of suggestopedia.
LYONS, J. (1977). Semantics: v.2. Cambridge : Cambridge University Pres.
MATAMOROS-GONZÁLEZ, J., ROJAS, M., ROMERO, J., VERA-QUIÑONEZ, S., & SOTO, S. (2017). English Language Teaching Approaches: A Comparison of the Grammar-translation, Audiolingual, Communicative, and Natural Approaches. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 7(11), 965-973.
MONGILLO, G., RUMPEL, S., & LOEWENSTEIN, Y. (2017). Intrinsic volatility of synaptic connections — a challengeto the synaptic trace theory of memory. Current Opinion in Neurobiology(46), 7-13.
NIKULA, T., & MÅRD-MIETTINEN, K. (2014). Language learning in immersion and CLIL classrooms. In J.-O. Ostman, & J. Verschueren, Handbook of Pragmatics. John Benjamens Publishing Company.
NURHASANAH, S. (2015). The Use of Community Language Learning Method to Increase the Students’ Participation in Classroom Conversation. REGISTER, 8(1), 81-98.
ONEN, R., & TAN, S. (2011). Hînker, asta sêyemîn (6 ed.). Istanbul: Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê.
ONEN, R., & TAN, S. (2014). Hînker, asta duyemîn (4 ed.). Istanbul: Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê.
ONEN, R., TAN, S., AYKOÇ, M., & VARLI, S. (2009). Hînker, asta yekemîn. Diyarbakir: Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê.
RAMIREZ, S. Z. (1986). The Effects of Suggestopedia in Teaching English Vocabulary to Spanish-Dominant Chicano Third Graders. The Elementary School Journal, 86(3), 324-333.
RICHARDS, J. C. (2006). Communicative language teaching today. New York: Cambridge University Pres.
RICHARDS, J., & RODGERS, T. (1999). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (15th ed.). Cambridge University Pres.
SAVIGNON, S. J. (1972). Communicative Competence: An Experiment in Foreign Language.
STEVICK, E. W. (1974). Reviewed Work(s): Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools: The Silent Way by CalebGattegno. TESOL Quarterly, 8(3), 305-314.
SUTHERLAND, K. (1978). Reviewed Work(s): Learning Another Language through Actions: The Complete Teacher'sGuidebook by James J. Asher. TESOL Quarterly, 12(2), 204-206.
TAMURA, F. (1983). The development of community language learning, the silence way and suggestopedia in comparison with other methods. Trends in Language Methodology in the US, 13-23.
YALDEN, J. (1986). An Interactive Approach to Syllabus Design: the Frameworks project 1. In C. Brumfit, The Practice of Communicative Teaching (pp. 25-41). Oxford: Pergamon Press in association with the British Council.
You can submit your article until 15 March for the April issue. Bo jimara Nîsanê hûn dikarin heta 15ê Adarê gotara xwe bişînin. Nisan sayısı için 15 Mart 'a kadar makalenizi gönderebilirsiniz.