Anonim (1996) Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals. Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., USA.
Barnett SA, Dickson RB (1984) Milk production and comsumption and growth of young of wild mice after ten generatiojns in a cold environment. J Physiol, 17:346-409.
Campbell MT (1995) The effect of maternal mass on litter size and off spring survial in the Hispid Cotton Rat (Sigmodon Hispidus). Can J Zool, 73:133-140.
Champagne FA, Francis DD, Mar A, Meaney MJ (2003) Variations in maternal care in the rat as a mediating influence for the effects of environment on development. Physiol Behav, 79:359-371.
Coutellier L, Friedrich AC, Failing K, Würbel H (2008) Variations in the postnatal environment in mice: effects on maternal behaviour and behavioural endocrine responses in the adult offspring. Physiol Behav, 93: 395-407.
Daniel WW (1995) Biostatistics. 6th Edition. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York, USA. pp. 273-507.
Dryden GL, Anderson RR (1978) Milk consumption and its relation to growth in the Musk Shew Suncus Murinus. Comp Biochem Physiol, 60: 213-216.
Guerra RF, Nunes CR (2001) Effects of litter size on maternal care, body weight and infant development in Golden Hamsters (Mesocricetus Auratus). Behavioural Processes, 55: 127-142.
Heiko G R, Geraldine P , Volker S, Dietrich Von H, Robyn Hudson (2008) Separating Maternal and Litter-Size Effects on Early Postnatal Growth in Two Species of Altricial Small Mammals. Physiol Behav, 93: 826-834.
Jameson EW (1998) Prepartum Mamogenesis, Milk Production, and Optimal Litter Size. Oecologia, 114: 288-291.
Kennedy GC (1957) The Development With Age of Hypothalamic Restraint Upon The Appetite of The Rat.J Endocrinol, 16:9-17.
Knittle J, Hirsch J (1968) Effect of Early Nutrition on The Development of Rat Epididymal Fat Pads:Cellularity and Metabolism J. Clin Invest, 47:2091-2098.
Mattingly DK, McClure PA (1982) Energetics of Reproduction in Large Littered Cotton Rets (Sigmodn Hispidus) Ecology, 63 :183-195.
Mendly M (1988) The Effects of Litter Size on Variation in Mother-Offspring Relationsships and Behaviorual and Physical Development in Several Mammalian Species (Principally Rodents). J Zool Lond, 326 :15–34.
Millar JS (1978) Energetics of Reproduction in Peromyscus Leucopus:The Costs of Lactation. Ecology; 59 :1055–61.
Pine AP, Jessop NS, Oldham JD (1994) Maternal Protein Reserves and Their İnfluence on Lac Tational Performancein Rats. Brit J Nutr; 71:13–27.
Poole TB (1987) The UFAW Handbook on The Care and Management of Labaratory Animals, 6th edition, Longman Scientific & Technical: England
Rödel HG, Bora A, Kaetzke P, Khaschei M, Hutzelmeyer H, Zapka M, Holst, DV (2005) Timing of Breeding and Reproductive Performance of Female Europen Rabbits in Response to Winter Temperature and Body Mass. Can J Zool, 83: 935–42.
Said SI, Muwalla MM, Hanrahan JP (1999) Sources of Variation and Repeatability For Litter Size, Body Weight and Matured Performance of Awassi Ewes. J Vet Anim Sci, 43:461-465.
SPSS INC. (1960) SPSS For Windows 6,1. Base System User’s Guide. Release 6,0, SPSS Inc. USA.
Vişaşpando SF, Butte NF, Wong WW, Flores-Huerta S, Hernandez- Beltran MJ, Smith EO, Garza, C (1992) Lactation Performanca of Rural Mesoamerindians. Eur J Clin Nutr; 46:33-48.
Rat ve Farede Doğumda Yavru Sayısı ve Ana Ağırlığının Erken Dönem Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi
Araştırmada rat ve farelerde doğumda yavru sayısı ve ana ağırlığının erken dönem büyüme üzerine etkisi incelendi. Araştırma on dört haftalık 17 adet rat (Spraque Dawley) ve 20 adet fare (BALB/c) üzerinde yapıldı. Ana ve yavrular 3 haftalık yaşa kadar beraber tutuldu ve yavruların ana sütü almaları sağlandı. Doğan yavrular 1. gün ve 1, 2, 3, 4 ve 5 haftalık yaşlarda bireysel olarak tartıldı. Analar kafesten uzaklaştırıldıktan sonra yavru grupları aynı kafeste barındırıldı. Tüm hayvanlar aynı sıcaklık (23ºC) ve neme (%50) sahip kontrollü odada tutuldu, sabah 6.00 - akşam 6: 00 arasında ışık almaları sağlandı. Hayvanlar standart pelet rodent yemi ile beslendi (%18 ham protein ve 2600 kcal/kg metabolik enerji). Yem ve taze su ad libitum verildi. Faktörler ana etkileri ve birbirleri arasındaki interaksiyonlar için incelendi, modelde doğumda yavru sayısı ratta üç gruba (8, 9 ve 10’lu doğum) farede ise dört gruba ayrıldı (7, 8, 9 ve 10’lu doğum). Doğumda ana ağırlığı ratta
Anonim (1996) Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals. Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., USA.
Barnett SA, Dickson RB (1984) Milk production and comsumption and growth of young of wild mice after ten generatiojns in a cold environment. J Physiol, 17:346-409.
Campbell MT (1995) The effect of maternal mass on litter size and off spring survial in the Hispid Cotton Rat (Sigmodon Hispidus). Can J Zool, 73:133-140.
Champagne FA, Francis DD, Mar A, Meaney MJ (2003) Variations in maternal care in the rat as a mediating influence for the effects of environment on development. Physiol Behav, 79:359-371.
Coutellier L, Friedrich AC, Failing K, Würbel H (2008) Variations in the postnatal environment in mice: effects on maternal behaviour and behavioural endocrine responses in the adult offspring. Physiol Behav, 93: 395-407.
Daniel WW (1995) Biostatistics. 6th Edition. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York, USA. pp. 273-507.
Dryden GL, Anderson RR (1978) Milk consumption and its relation to growth in the Musk Shew Suncus Murinus. Comp Biochem Physiol, 60: 213-216.
Guerra RF, Nunes CR (2001) Effects of litter size on maternal care, body weight and infant development in Golden Hamsters (Mesocricetus Auratus). Behavioural Processes, 55: 127-142.
Heiko G R, Geraldine P , Volker S, Dietrich Von H, Robyn Hudson (2008) Separating Maternal and Litter-Size Effects on Early Postnatal Growth in Two Species of Altricial Small Mammals. Physiol Behav, 93: 826-834.
Jameson EW (1998) Prepartum Mamogenesis, Milk Production, and Optimal Litter Size. Oecologia, 114: 288-291.
Kennedy GC (1957) The Development With Age of Hypothalamic Restraint Upon The Appetite of The Rat.J Endocrinol, 16:9-17.
Knittle J, Hirsch J (1968) Effect of Early Nutrition on The Development of Rat Epididymal Fat Pads:Cellularity and Metabolism J. Clin Invest, 47:2091-2098.
Mattingly DK, McClure PA (1982) Energetics of Reproduction in Large Littered Cotton Rets (Sigmodn Hispidus) Ecology, 63 :183-195.
Mendly M (1988) The Effects of Litter Size on Variation in Mother-Offspring Relationsships and Behaviorual and Physical Development in Several Mammalian Species (Principally Rodents). J Zool Lond, 326 :15–34.
Millar JS (1978) Energetics of Reproduction in Peromyscus Leucopus:The Costs of Lactation. Ecology; 59 :1055–61.
Pine AP, Jessop NS, Oldham JD (1994) Maternal Protein Reserves and Their İnfluence on Lac Tational Performancein Rats. Brit J Nutr; 71:13–27.
Poole TB (1987) The UFAW Handbook on The Care and Management of Labaratory Animals, 6th edition, Longman Scientific & Technical: England
Rödel HG, Bora A, Kaetzke P, Khaschei M, Hutzelmeyer H, Zapka M, Holst, DV (2005) Timing of Breeding and Reproductive Performance of Female Europen Rabbits in Response to Winter Temperature and Body Mass. Can J Zool, 83: 935–42.
Said SI, Muwalla MM, Hanrahan JP (1999) Sources of Variation and Repeatability For Litter Size, Body Weight and Matured Performance of Awassi Ewes. J Vet Anim Sci, 43:461-465.
SPSS INC. (1960) SPSS For Windows 6,1. Base System User’s Guide. Release 6,0, SPSS Inc. USA.
Vişaşpando SF, Butte NF, Wong WW, Flores-Huerta S, Hernandez- Beltran MJ, Smith EO, Garza, C (1992) Lactation Performanca of Rural Mesoamerindians. Eur J Clin Nutr; 46:33-48.
Kocabaş, N., & Bozkurt, Z. (2008). Rat ve Farede Doğumda Yavru Sayısı ve Ana Ağırlığının Erken Dönem Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 1(1), 43-54.
Kocabaş N, Bozkurt Z. Rat ve Farede Doğumda Yavru Sayısı ve Ana Ağırlığının Erken Dönem Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi. kvj. Mart 2008;1(1):43-54.
Kocabaş, N, ve Z Bozkurt. “Rat Ve Farede Doğumda Yavru Sayısı Ve Ana Ağırlığının Erken Dönem Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 1, sy. 1 (Mart 2008): 43-54.
Kocabaş N, Bozkurt Z (01 Mart 2008) Rat ve Farede Doğumda Yavru Sayısı ve Ana Ağırlığının Erken Dönem Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 1 1 43–54.
N. Kocabaş ve Z. Bozkurt, “Rat ve Farede Doğumda Yavru Sayısı ve Ana Ağırlığının Erken Dönem Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi”, kvj, c. 1, sy. 1, ss. 43–54, 2008.
Kocabaş, N - Bozkurt, Z. “Rat Ve Farede Doğumda Yavru Sayısı Ve Ana Ağırlığının Erken Dönem Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 1/1 (Mart 2008), 43-54.
Kocabaş N, Bozkurt Z. Rat ve Farede Doğumda Yavru Sayısı ve Ana Ağırlığının Erken Dönem Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi. kvj. 2008;1:43–54.
Kocabaş, N ve Z Bozkurt. “Rat Ve Farede Doğumda Yavru Sayısı Ve Ana Ağırlığının Erken Dönem Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, c. 1, sy. 1, 2008, ss. 43-54.
Kocabaş N, Bozkurt Z. Rat ve Farede Doğumda Yavru Sayısı ve Ana Ağırlığının Erken Dönem Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi. kvj. 2008;1(1):43-54.