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Dil Öğretmeni Bilişselliğine Genel Bir Bakış: Kuramın Kökeni, Kavramsal Özellikleri ve Güncel Araştırmalar

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 171 - 187, 25.12.2023


Bu makale, dil öğretmenlerinin sınıftaki kararlarını ve eylemlerini şekillendiren inançlara, bilgilere ve düşünme süreçlerini kapsayan dil öğretmeni bilişselliği hakkında genel bir bakış sunmaktadır. Bu makale, kavramın kökenini ve teorik yönlerini ortaya koymayı ve konu üzerine yapılan çalışmaların kısa bir derlemesini sunmaktadır. İncelemenin tartışması, bağlamsal faktörlerin dil öğretmenlerinin uygulamalarını etkileyen en yaygın faktörlerden olduğunu ve bu etkinin farklı bağlamlarda değişebileceğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu makale kapsamında, dil öğretmeni bilişselliği üzerine yapılan güncel çalışmalar da taranmıştır. Ayrıca bu çalışma, zaman kısıtlamalarının ve inanç ile uygulama arasındaki tutarsızlığın, dil öğretmenlerinin uygulamalarını engelleyen yaygın faktörler olduğunu öne sürmektedir. Bu makalenin sonucunu olarak; gelecekteki çalışmalar, bağlamsal faktörleri ele almaya, sınıftaki zorlukların üstesinden gelmek için etkili stratejiler geliştirmeye, daha esnek müfredat kapsamında dil öğretmenlerinin uygulamalarını ve bilişlerini incelemeye ve dil eğitiminde öğrenci ve öğretmen bilişselliği arasındaki etkileşimi incelemeye odaklanabileceği önerilmektedir. Makale, dil öğretmeni bilişi kavramının öğrenciler için anlamlı öğrenme ortamları yaratmaya daha fazla odaklanması gerektiğini ve araştırmacıların alanı daha verimli hale getirmenin yollarını bulması gerektiğini savunmaktadır.


  • Abduh, M. Y., & Algouzi, S. (2021). Revisiting grammar teaching in a Saudi EFL context: Teachers’ perceptions and practices. Arab World English Journal, 11(4), 291-306.
  • Askland, S. (2019). Teacher cognition and the status of grammar teaching in Norwegian secondary schools: A study of grammar teaching practices in the school subjects Norwegian, English and Spanish (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Agder). Retrieved from
  • Baker, A. A. (2011). Pronunciation pedagogy: Second language teacher cognition and practice (Doctoral Dissertation, Georgia State University). Retrieved from
  • Barnard, R. & Burns, A. (2012). Researching language teacher cognition and practice: International case studies. Multilingual Matters.
  • Başar, S. (2020). Teacher cognition in grammar teaching: A case study in a Turkish EFL context. International Journal of Modern Education Studies, 4(2), 57-80. Retrieved from
  • Borg, S. (1998). Teachers' pedagogical systems and grammar teaching: A qualitative study. TESOL Quarterly, 32(1), 9-38. Borg, S. (1999). Studying teacher cognition in second language grammar teaching. System, 27(1), 19-31.
  • Borg, S. (2006). Teacher cognition and language education: Research and practice. UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Bulut-Albaba, M. (2017). Teacher learning during Transition from pre-service to novice EFL teacher: A longitudinal case study. Novitas-ROYAL, 11(2), 142-154. Retrieved from
  • Burns, A., Freeman, D., & Edwards, E. (2015). Theorizing and studying the language‐teaching mind: Mapping research on language teacher cognition. The Modern Language Journal, 99(3), 585-601.
  • Burri, M., & Baker, A. (2021). ‘I feel… slightly out of touch’: A longitudinal study of teachers learning to teach English pronunciation over a six-year period. Applied Linguistics (2021), 1-19.
  • Burri, M., Chen, H., & Baker, A. (2017). Joint development of teacher cognition and identity through learning to teach L2 pronunciation. The Modern Language Journal, 101(1), 128-142.
  • Buss, L. (2016). Beliefs and practices of Brazilian EFL teachers regarding pronunciation. Language Teaching Research, 20(5), 619-637.
  • Breen, M. P., Hird, B., Milton, M., Oliver, R., & Thwaite, A. (2001). Making sense of language teaching: Teachers’ principles and classroom practices. Applied Linguistics, 22(4), 470-501.
  • Cephe, P. T., & Yalçın, C. G. (2015). Beliefs about foreign language learning: The effects of teacher beliefs on learner beliefs. The Anthropologist, 19(1), 167-173.
  • Cheng, X., & Zhang, L. J. (2021). Teacher Written Feedback on English as a Foreign Language Learners’ Writing: Examining Native and Nonnative English-Speaking Teachers’ Practices in Feedback Provision. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
  • Couper, G. (2016). Teacher cognition of pronunciation teaching amongst English language teachers in Uruguay. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 2(1), 29-55.
  • Çimen, Ş. S., & Daloğlu, A. (2019). Dealing with in-class challenges: Pre-service teacher cognitions and influences. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 15(3), 754-772.
  • Çimen, Ş, Karaman, A. C. (2014). Interactive decision making processes of teachers of English at public schools. MKU Journal of Education,1(1).
  • Doyumğaç, İ., Tanhan, A., & Kıymaz, M. S. (2020). Understanding the most important facilitators and barriers for online education during COVID-19 through online photovoice methodology. International Journal of Higher Education, 10(1), 2021.
  • Feryok, A. (2010). Language teacher cognitions: Complex dynamic systems?. System, 38(2), 272-279.
  • Gao, L. X., & Zhang, L. J. (2020). Teacher learning in difficult times: Examining foreign language teachers’ cognitions about online teaching to tide over COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, (2396).
  • Gilje, T. M. (2014). Teacher cognition and the teaching of EFL reading in Norwegian upper primary classrooms. Acta Didactica Norge, 8(2), 18-17.
  • Golombek, P. R. (2015). Redrawing the boundaries of language teacher cognition: Language teacher educators’ emotion, cognition, and activity. The Modern Language Journal, 99(3), 470-484.
  • Gusevik, R. M. (2020). Writing for pleasure and the teaching of writing at the primary level: A teacher cognition case study (Master's thesis, University of Stavanger). Retrieved from
  • Hermagustiana, I., Hamra, A., Rahman, A. Q., & Salija, K. (2017). Reflection of teacher cognition in EFL vocabulary instructional practices in Indonesia. International Journal of English Linguistics, 7(5), 34-45.
  • Jones, M. (2020). Investigating English language teachers’ beliefs and stated practices regarding bottom-up processing instruction for listening in L2 English. Journal of Second Language Teaching & Research, 8(1), 52-71. Retrieved from
  • Kılıçkaya, F. (2016). Washback effects of a high-stakes exam on lower secondary school English teachers’ practices in the classroom. Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 40(1), 116-134. Retrieved from
  • Kubanyiova, M., & Feryok, A. (2015). Language teacher cognition in applied linguistics research: Revisiting the territory, redrawing the boundaries, reclaiming the relevance. The Modern Language Journal, 99(3), 435-449.
  • Li, L. (2020). Language teacher cognition: A sociocultural perspective. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Mattheoudakis, M. (2007). Tracking changes in pre-service EFL teacher beliefs in Greece: A longitudinal study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(8), 1272-1288. Morine-Dershimer, G. (1991). Learning to think like a teacher. Teaching and Teacher Education, 7(2), 159-168.
  • Ngo, X. M. (2018). A sociocultural perspective on second language writing teacher cognition: A Vietnamese teacher's narrative. System, 78, 79-90. Özmen, K. S. (2012). Exploring student teachers’ beliefs about language learning and teaching: A longitudinal study. Current Issues in Education, 15(1), 1-16.
  • Öztürk, G., & Gürbüz, N. (2017). Re-defining language teacher cognition through a data-driven model: The case of three EFL teachers. Cogent Education, 4(1), 1-20.
  • Peacock, M. (2001). Pre-service ESL teachers' beliefs about second language learning: A longitudinal study. System, 29(2), 177-195.
  • Phipps, S. (2009). The relationship between teacher education, teacher cognition and classroom practice in language teaching: A case study of MA students beliefs about grammar teaching (Doctoral dissertation, University of Leeds). Retrieved from
  • Seferoğlu, G., Korkmazgil, S., & Ölçü, Z. (2009). Gaining insights into teachers' ways of thinking via metaphors. Educational Studies, 35(3), 323-335.
  • Snyder, H. (2019). Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 104, 333-339.
  • Tabata-Sandom, M. (2020). Teachers’ cognition regarding reading instruction in L2 Japanese. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 20(2). Retrieved from
  • The TEFLology Podcast. (2018, August 12). TEFL Interviews 44: Simon Borg on Teacher Cognition & Research [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from
  • Tülüce, H. S. (2019). The correspondence between beliefs and practices of an EFL teacher regarding L2 grammar teaching. Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 8(3), 791-806. Retrieved from
  • Uysal, H. H., & Bardakçı, M. (2014). Teacher beliefs and practices of grammar teaching: focusing on meaning, form, or forms?. South African Journal of Education, 34(1).
  • Wangchuk, N., Wangchuk, C., Sharma, D., & Dorji, P. (2021). Perception and practices of teaching grammar in higher secondary schools in Bhutan. Journal of English as A Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1(1), 46-60. Retrieved from
  • Yazan, B. (2018). A conceptual framework to understand language teacher identities. Journal of Second Language Teacher Education, 1(1), 21-48. Retrieved from
  • Yiğitoğlu, N., & Belcher, D. (2014). Exploring L2 writing teacher cognition from an experiential perspective: The role learning to write may play in professional beliefs and practices. System, 47, 116-124.

An Overview of Language Teacher Cognition: Origin, Theoretical Aspects, and Current Research

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 171 - 187, 25.12.2023


This paper provides an overview of language teacher cognition which refers to the beliefs, knowledge, and thinking processes that shape the language teachers' decisions and actions in the classroom. This paper lays out the origin of language teacher cognition, its theoretical aspects, and provides a brief review of the concept. The discussion of the review reveals that contextual factors are the most common ones that affect language teachers' practices, and their degree of effect may vary in different contexts. Recent research in language teacher cognition was also reviewed in the article. Moreover, the research suggests that time constraints and the discrepancy between belief and practice are common factors that hinder language teachers' practices. As a result of the review, some suggestions were made for future studies such as concentrating on addressing contextual factors, developing effective strategies for overcoming difficulties in the classroom, examining the practices and cognition of language teachers under more flexible curricula, and examining the interaction between student and teacher cognition in language education. The paper concludes by arguing that the concept of language teacher cognition must concentrate more on creating meaningful learning environments for students, and researchers ought to find ways to make the field more productive.


  • Abduh, M. Y., & Algouzi, S. (2021). Revisiting grammar teaching in a Saudi EFL context: Teachers’ perceptions and practices. Arab World English Journal, 11(4), 291-306.
  • Askland, S. (2019). Teacher cognition and the status of grammar teaching in Norwegian secondary schools: A study of grammar teaching practices in the school subjects Norwegian, English and Spanish (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Agder). Retrieved from
  • Baker, A. A. (2011). Pronunciation pedagogy: Second language teacher cognition and practice (Doctoral Dissertation, Georgia State University). Retrieved from
  • Barnard, R. & Burns, A. (2012). Researching language teacher cognition and practice: International case studies. Multilingual Matters.
  • Başar, S. (2020). Teacher cognition in grammar teaching: A case study in a Turkish EFL context. International Journal of Modern Education Studies, 4(2), 57-80. Retrieved from
  • Borg, S. (1998). Teachers' pedagogical systems and grammar teaching: A qualitative study. TESOL Quarterly, 32(1), 9-38. Borg, S. (1999). Studying teacher cognition in second language grammar teaching. System, 27(1), 19-31.
  • Borg, S. (2006). Teacher cognition and language education: Research and practice. UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Bulut-Albaba, M. (2017). Teacher learning during Transition from pre-service to novice EFL teacher: A longitudinal case study. Novitas-ROYAL, 11(2), 142-154. Retrieved from
  • Burns, A., Freeman, D., & Edwards, E. (2015). Theorizing and studying the language‐teaching mind: Mapping research on language teacher cognition. The Modern Language Journal, 99(3), 585-601.
  • Burri, M., & Baker, A. (2021). ‘I feel… slightly out of touch’: A longitudinal study of teachers learning to teach English pronunciation over a six-year period. Applied Linguistics (2021), 1-19.
  • Burri, M., Chen, H., & Baker, A. (2017). Joint development of teacher cognition and identity through learning to teach L2 pronunciation. The Modern Language Journal, 101(1), 128-142.
  • Buss, L. (2016). Beliefs and practices of Brazilian EFL teachers regarding pronunciation. Language Teaching Research, 20(5), 619-637.
  • Breen, M. P., Hird, B., Milton, M., Oliver, R., & Thwaite, A. (2001). Making sense of language teaching: Teachers’ principles and classroom practices. Applied Linguistics, 22(4), 470-501.
  • Cephe, P. T., & Yalçın, C. G. (2015). Beliefs about foreign language learning: The effects of teacher beliefs on learner beliefs. The Anthropologist, 19(1), 167-173.
  • Cheng, X., & Zhang, L. J. (2021). Teacher Written Feedback on English as a Foreign Language Learners’ Writing: Examining Native and Nonnative English-Speaking Teachers’ Practices in Feedback Provision. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
  • Couper, G. (2016). Teacher cognition of pronunciation teaching amongst English language teachers in Uruguay. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 2(1), 29-55.
  • Çimen, Ş. S., & Daloğlu, A. (2019). Dealing with in-class challenges: Pre-service teacher cognitions and influences. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 15(3), 754-772.
  • Çimen, Ş, Karaman, A. C. (2014). Interactive decision making processes of teachers of English at public schools. MKU Journal of Education,1(1).
  • Doyumğaç, İ., Tanhan, A., & Kıymaz, M. S. (2020). Understanding the most important facilitators and barriers for online education during COVID-19 through online photovoice methodology. International Journal of Higher Education, 10(1), 2021.
  • Feryok, A. (2010). Language teacher cognitions: Complex dynamic systems?. System, 38(2), 272-279.
  • Gao, L. X., & Zhang, L. J. (2020). Teacher learning in difficult times: Examining foreign language teachers’ cognitions about online teaching to tide over COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, (2396).
  • Gilje, T. M. (2014). Teacher cognition and the teaching of EFL reading in Norwegian upper primary classrooms. Acta Didactica Norge, 8(2), 18-17.
  • Golombek, P. R. (2015). Redrawing the boundaries of language teacher cognition: Language teacher educators’ emotion, cognition, and activity. The Modern Language Journal, 99(3), 470-484.
  • Gusevik, R. M. (2020). Writing for pleasure and the teaching of writing at the primary level: A teacher cognition case study (Master's thesis, University of Stavanger). Retrieved from
  • Hermagustiana, I., Hamra, A., Rahman, A. Q., & Salija, K. (2017). Reflection of teacher cognition in EFL vocabulary instructional practices in Indonesia. International Journal of English Linguistics, 7(5), 34-45.
  • Jones, M. (2020). Investigating English language teachers’ beliefs and stated practices regarding bottom-up processing instruction for listening in L2 English. Journal of Second Language Teaching & Research, 8(1), 52-71. Retrieved from
  • Kılıçkaya, F. (2016). Washback effects of a high-stakes exam on lower secondary school English teachers’ practices in the classroom. Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 40(1), 116-134. Retrieved from
  • Kubanyiova, M., & Feryok, A. (2015). Language teacher cognition in applied linguistics research: Revisiting the territory, redrawing the boundaries, reclaiming the relevance. The Modern Language Journal, 99(3), 435-449.
  • Li, L. (2020). Language teacher cognition: A sociocultural perspective. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Mattheoudakis, M. (2007). Tracking changes in pre-service EFL teacher beliefs in Greece: A longitudinal study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(8), 1272-1288. Morine-Dershimer, G. (1991). Learning to think like a teacher. Teaching and Teacher Education, 7(2), 159-168.
  • Ngo, X. M. (2018). A sociocultural perspective on second language writing teacher cognition: A Vietnamese teacher's narrative. System, 78, 79-90. Özmen, K. S. (2012). Exploring student teachers’ beliefs about language learning and teaching: A longitudinal study. Current Issues in Education, 15(1), 1-16.
  • Öztürk, G., & Gürbüz, N. (2017). Re-defining language teacher cognition through a data-driven model: The case of three EFL teachers. Cogent Education, 4(1), 1-20.
  • Peacock, M. (2001). Pre-service ESL teachers' beliefs about second language learning: A longitudinal study. System, 29(2), 177-195.
  • Phipps, S. (2009). The relationship between teacher education, teacher cognition and classroom practice in language teaching: A case study of MA students beliefs about grammar teaching (Doctoral dissertation, University of Leeds). Retrieved from
  • Seferoğlu, G., Korkmazgil, S., & Ölçü, Z. (2009). Gaining insights into teachers' ways of thinking via metaphors. Educational Studies, 35(3), 323-335.
  • Snyder, H. (2019). Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 104, 333-339.
  • Tabata-Sandom, M. (2020). Teachers’ cognition regarding reading instruction in L2 Japanese. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 20(2). Retrieved from
  • The TEFLology Podcast. (2018, August 12). TEFL Interviews 44: Simon Borg on Teacher Cognition & Research [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from
  • Tülüce, H. S. (2019). The correspondence between beliefs and practices of an EFL teacher regarding L2 grammar teaching. Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 8(3), 791-806. Retrieved from
  • Uysal, H. H., & Bardakçı, M. (2014). Teacher beliefs and practices of grammar teaching: focusing on meaning, form, or forms?. South African Journal of Education, 34(1).
  • Wangchuk, N., Wangchuk, C., Sharma, D., & Dorji, P. (2021). Perception and practices of teaching grammar in higher secondary schools in Bhutan. Journal of English as A Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1(1), 46-60. Retrieved from
  • Yazan, B. (2018). A conceptual framework to understand language teacher identities. Journal of Second Language Teacher Education, 1(1), 21-48. Retrieved from
  • Yiğitoğlu, N., & Belcher, D. (2014). Exploring L2 writing teacher cognition from an experiential perspective: The role learning to write may play in professional beliefs and practices. System, 47, 116-124.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Dil Çalışmaları (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Kenan Çetin 0000-0003-4311-406X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 22 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetin, K. (2023). An Overview of Language Teacher Cognition: Origin, Theoretical Aspects, and Current Research. Uluslararası Dil Ve Çeviri Çalışmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 171-187.

Uluslararası Dil ve Çeviri Çalışmaları Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.