This paper will discuss the universal and culturally specifıc aspects of Satan in Turkish folk beliefs and culture. Although this case study only covers the Republic of Turkey, l argue that Satan is common to almost ali cultures as the embodimenı of evil in the world. Certainly both religion and modern mediums have played a role in standardizing how Satan appears. A s my study relaıes, ıhe acceptance of lslam eventually replaced the shamanistic evi/ nature spirits with a more standard Jinn and Satan that one sees in the Koran. Jndeed, the Islamic Satan bears a great resemblance to its Christian and Jewish counterparts, as Satan is depicted as a fallen angel, who tempts humans until Judgment Day. Hollywood pictures, Western cartoons and print culture have alsa had an effect, as many people would describe Satan as a winged jigure, with horns, a stubble beard, and a trident in his hands. Nevertheless, my study, based on narratives and folk beliefs collected within the pası fifteen years from regions ali throughout Turkey show that unique Turkic aspects have survived until today. Most of my presentation will discuss how Satan could appear in universal forms, such as a human, one who gradually gains weight, as one ıvho can be recogni=ed by his legs, horns and tail, one who deceitfully leads his victims to death, one who appears as an ani mal or bird, snake and frog, one who can be seen by ehi/dren or dogs, one who disguises himseif as a lifeless object, and one who frightens his victims. While many C<f these mot{fs are alsa mentioned in Thompson 's Motif Index, and thus are universal, 1 ıvill stress particular Turkic variations. This includes the persistence of natura! spirits ıvith male names and identities, the belief that /ambs resist Satan and that dogs sense him, the idea that ehi/dren can see Satan in vessels of water, and that Satan appears in midnight wedding eremonies. Throughout my discussion I will relate.
numerous stories and anecdotes to illustrate these arguments.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Aralık 2009 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 13 Temmuz 2009 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2009 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3-4 |