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Su Ürünleri Alerjisi

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 46 - 51, 21.12.2015


Gıda alerjisi ya da gıda maddelerine karşı aşırı hassasiyet günümüzde pek çok insanı ilgilendiren önemli bir konudur. Her yıl milyonlarca insan gıdalara alerjik reaksiyonlar vermektedir. Çoğu gıda alerjisi nispeten daha küçük belirtiler gösterirken, bazı gıda alerjileri şiddetli etki göstermekte ve insan hayatını tehdit edebilmektedir. Alerjiye neden olan gıda maddelerinin diyette fark edilmesi ve diyetten çıkarılması önemlidir. İnsanlarda alerjiye neden olan gıdalar arasında süt, yumurta, fındık, fıstık, susam, balık ve kabuklu su ürünleri sayılabilir. Su ürünleri insan beslenmesinde protein açığının kapatılması açısından büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu derlemede gıda alerjisi, su ürünleri alerjisi ve işlemenin alerjenler üzerine etkisi hakkında bilgi verilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Gıda alerjisi, Alerjen, Balık, Kabuklu su ürünleri, Yumuşakça


  • Anonim (2011a). K%C3%BCstner_test. (Erişim: 25.05.2011).
  • Anonim (2011b). htm. (Erişim:07.06.2011).
  • Attaran, R.R., Probst, F. (2002). Histamine fish poisoning: misdiagnosed condition. Emergency Medical Journal, 19(5), 474-475. but frequently
  • Ayuso, R., Reese, G., Long-Kee, S., Plante, M., Lehrer, SB. (2002). Molecular basis of Arthropod cross- reactivity: IgE-binding cross reactivite epitopes of shrimp, house dust mite and cockroach tropomyosin. International Archives of Allergy Immunology, 12, 38-48.
  • Bahna, S.L. (2001). Unusual presentations of food allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 86, 414- 420.
  • Bennich, H., Ishizaka, T., Johanson, S.G. (1969). A comparative antigenic study of gamma E- globulin and myeloma-Ig ND. J Immunol. 102:826-831. In: Untersmayr, E., Jensen- Jarolim, E. 2006. Mechanisms of type I food alergy. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 112, 787- 798.
  • DasDores, S., Chopin, C., Villaume, C., Fluerence, J. Guéant, J.L. (2002). A new oligomeric parvalbumin allergen of Atlantic cod (Gad m1) encoded by a gene distinct from that of Gad c1. Allergy, 57 supply 72, 79-83.
  • Daschner, A., Pascual, C.Y. (2005). Anisakis simplex: sensitization and clinical allergy. Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 5(3), 281- 285.
  • Davis, P.J., Smales, C.M., James, D.C. (2001). How can thermal processing modify the antigenicity of proteins? Allergy, 56: Supp. 67, 56-60.
  • Demirci, M. (2003). Beslenme. Rebel Yayıncılık. İstanbul. ISBN: 975-97146-3-9.
  • González I., García, T., Pablo, E., Hernández, E. Martín, R. (1999). Aspectoshigiénico-sanitarios relacionadocon la presencia de parásitos en losproductos de la pesca. II Prevención y control. Alimentaria, 10, 61-70.
  • Hamada, Y., Nagashima, Y., Shiomi, K., Shimojo, N., Kohno, Y., Shibata, R, Nishima, S., Ohsuna, H., Ikezawa, Z. (2003). Reactivity of IgE in fish- allergic patients to fish muscle collegen. Allergology International, 52, 139-147.
  • Hossny, E., Ebraheem, Z., Rezk, A. (2010). Sea food allergy. Eygpt J. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 8(2), 49-54.
  • Hungerford, J.M., (2010). Scomboid poisoning: A review. Toxicon, 56, 231-243.
  • MacDonald, T.T., Monteleone, G. (2005). Immunity, inflammation, and allergy in the gut. Science, 307, 1921-1925.
  • Mills., E.N.C., Breiteneder, H. (2005). Food allergy and its relevance to industrial food proteins, Biotechnology Advances. 23, 409-414.
  • Mşgica, M.V., Aňíbarro, B., Seqane, FJ., Lombardero, M. (2003). Contact urticaria by angler fish. Allergy, 58(7), 682-683.
  • NUH (2010). Shellfish and fish allergy (Information for patients). Nottingham University Hospitals, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department, Nottingham, 7p.
  • PérezCarral, C., Martín Lázaro, J., Ledesma, A., De La Torre, F. (2010). Occupational asthma caused by turbot allergy in 3 fish-farm workers. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 20(4), 349-351.
  • Prausnitz, C., Küstner, H. (1921). Studienüberdie Ueberempfindlichkeit, Zentralbl Bakteriol. 86, 160-169. In: Untersmayr, E. &Jensen-Jarolim, E. 2006. Mechanisms of type I food allergy. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 112, 787-798.
  • Reese, G., Viebranz, J., Leong-Kee, S.M., Plante, M., Laurer, I., Randow, S., San-Miguel Moncin, M., Ayuso, R., Lehre, S.B., Vieths, S. (2005). Reduced allergenic potency of VR9-1, a mutant of the major shrimp allergen pen a 1 (tropomyosin). The Journal of Immunology, 175(12), 8354-8364.
  • Ross, M.P., Ferguson, M., Street D., Klontz, K., Schroeder, T., Luccioli, S. (2008). Analysis of food allergic and anaphylactic events in the national electronic injury surveillance system. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Clin. Immunology, 1(1), 166-171.
  • Sampson, H.A. (2004). Update on food allergy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Clin. Immunology, 113(5), 805-819.
  • Sampson, H.A., Ho, D.G. (1997). Relationship between food spesific IgE concentrations and the risk of positive food challenges in children and adolescents. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Clin. Immunology, 100(4), 444-451.
  • Sathe, S.K.,Teuber, S.S., Roux, K.H. (2005). Effects of food processing on the stability of food allergens. Biotechnology Advances, 23, 423-429.
  • Sicherer, S.H., Muňoz-Furlong, A., Sampson, H.A. (2004). Prevelance of seafood allergy in the United States determined by a random telephone survey. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Clin. Immunology, 114, 159-165.
  • Suma, Y. ,Ishizaki, S., Nagashima, Y., Lu, Y., Ushio, H., Shiomi, K. (2007). Comparative analysis of barnacle decapods tropomyosins and role as a potential divergence from Comparative Biochemistry and
  • Tan, B.M., Sher, M.R., Good, R.A., Bahna, S.L. (2001). Severe food allergies by skin contact. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 86, 583-586.
  • Taylor, S.L. (2008). Molluscan shellfish allergy. Advances in Food & Nutrition Research, 54, 139-177.
  • TGK (2006). Türk Gıda Kodeksi Gıda Maddelerinin Genel Etiketleme ve Beslenme Yönünden Etiketleme Yapılması Hakkında Tebliğ. Tebliğ no: 2006/3. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı. Ankara Tebliğinde Değişiklik
  • Thong, B.Y., Cheng Y.K., Leong, K.P., Tang, C.Y., Chang, hypersensitivity among adults attending a clinical immunology/allergy Singapore Medical Journal, 48(3), 236-240.
  • Tucker, B.W. (1997). Overview of current seafood nutritional issues: formation of potentially toxic products. In: Shaidi, F., Jones, Y., Kitts, D.D. (Eds), Seafood safety, processing, and biotechnology, Taylor & Francis, New York. Untersmayr, E., Jensen-Jarolim,
  • Mechanisms of type I food alergy. Pharmacology
  • & Therapeutics, 112, 787-798. E. (2006).
  • Untersmayr, E., Szalai, K., Riemer, A.B., Hemmer, W., Swaboda, I., Hantusch, B., Schóll, I., Spitzauer, S., Scheiner, O., Jarisch, R., Boltz-Nitulescu, G., Jensen-Jarolim, E. (2006). Mimotopes identify conformational epitopes on parvalbumin, the major fish allergen. Molecular Immunology, 43(9), 1454-1461.
  • Untersmayr, E.,Vestergaard, H., Malling, HJ., Jensen, LB., Platzer M.H., Boltz-Nitulescu G., Scheiner, O., Skov, P.S., Jensen-Jarolim, E., Poulsen, L.K. (2007). Incomplete digestion of codfish represents a risk factor for anaphylaxis in patients with allergy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 119(3), 711-717.
  • Valls, A., Pascual, C.Y., Martín Esteban, M. (2005). Anisakis allergy: an update. Revue Française D’Allergoloie Et D’Immunologie Clinique 45, 108- 113.
  • Van Do, T., Elsayed, S., Florvaag, E., Hordvik, I., Endresen, parvalbumins: Studies on the cross-reactivity of allergens from 9 commonly consumed fish. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 116:1314-1320. Allergy to fish
  • Van Putten, M.C., Frewer, L.J., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Gremmen, B., Peijnenburg, A.A.C.M., Wichers, H.J. (2006). Novel foods and food allergies: A review of the issue. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 17, 289-299.
  • Wild, L.G., Lehrer, S.B. (2005). Fish and shellfish allergy. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep., 5(1), 74-79.
Yıl 2012, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 46 - 51, 21.12.2015



  • Anonim (2011a). K%C3%BCstner_test. (Erişim: 25.05.2011).
  • Anonim (2011b). htm. (Erişim:07.06.2011).
  • Attaran, R.R., Probst, F. (2002). Histamine fish poisoning: misdiagnosed condition. Emergency Medical Journal, 19(5), 474-475. but frequently
  • Ayuso, R., Reese, G., Long-Kee, S., Plante, M., Lehrer, SB. (2002). Molecular basis of Arthropod cross- reactivity: IgE-binding cross reactivite epitopes of shrimp, house dust mite and cockroach tropomyosin. International Archives of Allergy Immunology, 12, 38-48.
  • Bahna, S.L. (2001). Unusual presentations of food allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 86, 414- 420.
  • Bennich, H., Ishizaka, T., Johanson, S.G. (1969). A comparative antigenic study of gamma E- globulin and myeloma-Ig ND. J Immunol. 102:826-831. In: Untersmayr, E., Jensen- Jarolim, E. 2006. Mechanisms of type I food alergy. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 112, 787- 798.
  • DasDores, S., Chopin, C., Villaume, C., Fluerence, J. Guéant, J.L. (2002). A new oligomeric parvalbumin allergen of Atlantic cod (Gad m1) encoded by a gene distinct from that of Gad c1. Allergy, 57 supply 72, 79-83.
  • Daschner, A., Pascual, C.Y. (2005). Anisakis simplex: sensitization and clinical allergy. Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 5(3), 281- 285.
  • Davis, P.J., Smales, C.M., James, D.C. (2001). How can thermal processing modify the antigenicity of proteins? Allergy, 56: Supp. 67, 56-60.
  • Demirci, M. (2003). Beslenme. Rebel Yayıncılık. İstanbul. ISBN: 975-97146-3-9.
  • González I., García, T., Pablo, E., Hernández, E. Martín, R. (1999). Aspectoshigiénico-sanitarios relacionadocon la presencia de parásitos en losproductos de la pesca. II Prevención y control. Alimentaria, 10, 61-70.
  • Hamada, Y., Nagashima, Y., Shiomi, K., Shimojo, N., Kohno, Y., Shibata, R, Nishima, S., Ohsuna, H., Ikezawa, Z. (2003). Reactivity of IgE in fish- allergic patients to fish muscle collegen. Allergology International, 52, 139-147.
  • Hossny, E., Ebraheem, Z., Rezk, A. (2010). Sea food allergy. Eygpt J. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 8(2), 49-54.
  • Hungerford, J.M., (2010). Scomboid poisoning: A review. Toxicon, 56, 231-243.
  • MacDonald, T.T., Monteleone, G. (2005). Immunity, inflammation, and allergy in the gut. Science, 307, 1921-1925.
  • Mills., E.N.C., Breiteneder, H. (2005). Food allergy and its relevance to industrial food proteins, Biotechnology Advances. 23, 409-414.
  • Mşgica, M.V., Aňíbarro, B., Seqane, FJ., Lombardero, M. (2003). Contact urticaria by angler fish. Allergy, 58(7), 682-683.
  • NUH (2010). Shellfish and fish allergy (Information for patients). Nottingham University Hospitals, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department, Nottingham, 7p.
  • PérezCarral, C., Martín Lázaro, J., Ledesma, A., De La Torre, F. (2010). Occupational asthma caused by turbot allergy in 3 fish-farm workers. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 20(4), 349-351.
  • Prausnitz, C., Küstner, H. (1921). Studienüberdie Ueberempfindlichkeit, Zentralbl Bakteriol. 86, 160-169. In: Untersmayr, E. &Jensen-Jarolim, E. 2006. Mechanisms of type I food allergy. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 112, 787-798.
  • Reese, G., Viebranz, J., Leong-Kee, S.M., Plante, M., Laurer, I., Randow, S., San-Miguel Moncin, M., Ayuso, R., Lehre, S.B., Vieths, S. (2005). Reduced allergenic potency of VR9-1, a mutant of the major shrimp allergen pen a 1 (tropomyosin). The Journal of Immunology, 175(12), 8354-8364.
  • Ross, M.P., Ferguson, M., Street D., Klontz, K., Schroeder, T., Luccioli, S. (2008). Analysis of food allergic and anaphylactic events in the national electronic injury surveillance system. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Clin. Immunology, 1(1), 166-171.
  • Sampson, H.A. (2004). Update on food allergy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Clin. Immunology, 113(5), 805-819.
  • Sampson, H.A., Ho, D.G. (1997). Relationship between food spesific IgE concentrations and the risk of positive food challenges in children and adolescents. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Clin. Immunology, 100(4), 444-451.
  • Sathe, S.K.,Teuber, S.S., Roux, K.H. (2005). Effects of food processing on the stability of food allergens. Biotechnology Advances, 23, 423-429.
  • Sicherer, S.H., Muňoz-Furlong, A., Sampson, H.A. (2004). Prevelance of seafood allergy in the United States determined by a random telephone survey. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Clin. Immunology, 114, 159-165.
  • Suma, Y. ,Ishizaki, S., Nagashima, Y., Lu, Y., Ushio, H., Shiomi, K. (2007). Comparative analysis of barnacle decapods tropomyosins and role as a potential divergence from Comparative Biochemistry and
  • Tan, B.M., Sher, M.R., Good, R.A., Bahna, S.L. (2001). Severe food allergies by skin contact. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 86, 583-586.
  • Taylor, S.L. (2008). Molluscan shellfish allergy. Advances in Food & Nutrition Research, 54, 139-177.
  • TGK (2006). Türk Gıda Kodeksi Gıda Maddelerinin Genel Etiketleme ve Beslenme Yönünden Etiketleme Yapılması Hakkında Tebliğ. Tebliğ no: 2006/3. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı. Ankara Tebliğinde Değişiklik
  • Thong, B.Y., Cheng Y.K., Leong, K.P., Tang, C.Y., Chang, hypersensitivity among adults attending a clinical immunology/allergy Singapore Medical Journal, 48(3), 236-240.
  • Tucker, B.W. (1997). Overview of current seafood nutritional issues: formation of potentially toxic products. In: Shaidi, F., Jones, Y., Kitts, D.D. (Eds), Seafood safety, processing, and biotechnology, Taylor & Francis, New York. Untersmayr, E., Jensen-Jarolim,
  • Mechanisms of type I food alergy. Pharmacology
  • & Therapeutics, 112, 787-798. E. (2006).
  • Untersmayr, E., Szalai, K., Riemer, A.B., Hemmer, W., Swaboda, I., Hantusch, B., Schóll, I., Spitzauer, S., Scheiner, O., Jarisch, R., Boltz-Nitulescu, G., Jensen-Jarolim, E. (2006). Mimotopes identify conformational epitopes on parvalbumin, the major fish allergen. Molecular Immunology, 43(9), 1454-1461.
  • Untersmayr, E.,Vestergaard, H., Malling, HJ., Jensen, LB., Platzer M.H., Boltz-Nitulescu G., Scheiner, O., Skov, P.S., Jensen-Jarolim, E., Poulsen, L.K. (2007). Incomplete digestion of codfish represents a risk factor for anaphylaxis in patients with allergy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 119(3), 711-717.
  • Valls, A., Pascual, C.Y., Martín Esteban, M. (2005). Anisakis allergy: an update. Revue Française D’Allergoloie Et D’Immunologie Clinique 45, 108- 113.
  • Van Do, T., Elsayed, S., Florvaag, E., Hordvik, I., Endresen, parvalbumins: Studies on the cross-reactivity of allergens from 9 commonly consumed fish. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 116:1314-1320. Allergy to fish
  • Van Putten, M.C., Frewer, L.J., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Gremmen, B., Peijnenburg, A.A.C.M., Wichers, H.J. (2006). Novel foods and food allergies: A review of the issue. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 17, 289-299.
  • Wild, L.G., Lehrer, S.B. (2005). Fish and shellfish allergy. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep., 5(1), 74-79.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Demet Kocatepe Bu kişi benim

Hülya Turan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kocatepe, D., & Turan, H. (2015). Su Ürünleri Alerjisi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(2), 46-51.