Writing Rules

1. Abstract: The methodology, purpose, participants, method, findings, findings, and results of the research should be briefly and concisely stated. The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be prepared according to the article outline.
2. Introduction: In the introduction, the problem situation of the research should be conveyed to the reader. Giving only the definitions related to the research is not the purpose of the introduction. The introduction should be written by ensuring the integrity of meaning between paragraphs. In addition, information about the purpose of the research and its contribution to the literature and what kind of gap the study will fill in the literature should be given.

3. Method: The method section should be listed under four headings. These titles and their contents are as follows;
a) Research Model: The research model and why the model is used in the research should be stated.
b) Universe Sample - Study Group: In the definitions to be made regarding the universe and sample in the research, the number of the research universe should be specified and the number of the sample should be stated to be representative. The reasons why different sampling methods to be used for quantitative and qualitative research models are chosen and descriptive information about these sampling methods should be given.
c) Data Collection Tools: The purpose of creating the data collection tool for the data collection tools used in the research and information about the validity and reliability of the data collection tool should be given.
d) Data Analysis: This is the section where the analysis techniques used to analyze the data are explained. In this section, the reasons for the analysis techniques used in the research should be explained and if necessary, it should be stated by using the source.

4. Findings: The values (mean, standard deviation, etc.) used in testing the research hypotheses or statistical analysis of the problem(s) should be included separately for each variable. Tables and figures should be given in the text.

5.Discussion and Conclusion: It should include the explanation and discussion of the research findings in the light of the literature. The results obtained from the research and recommendations for the future, if any, should be given briefly.

6.Author Notes: If the research is a summary of a thesis study, if there is an institution supporting the research or if it is presented as a paper in a congress, it should be stated in this section. In addition, the people whom the researcher would like to thank for their contributions to the research should also be indicated on this page.

7. References: Detailed information about citing references can be obtained by examining APA 6 Citation Guidelines, which is also included in the writing rules on the web page of the Journal of Sport Sciences.

8.Appendices: When deemed appropriate by the author, it may include additional information such as the scales used in the research.

Tables: Tables should be within the flow of the text. The table caption and table number should be given below the table and centered in the text, and the table title should be written next to the table number. In the table title, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, other words should start and continue with lowercase letters. Tables should be prepared according to APA style. The table can be prepared in 9-10 font size according to its content. There should be no spaces between the lines in the table content.

Figures and Graphics: Figure captions and figures should be within the flow of the text. Figure numbers and captions should appear below the figures. In figure captions, only the initial letter of the first word should be capitalized and all other words should be lower case.

Important Information for Writers About Writing

Dear authors, in the first stage of the article submission process, the template should be uploaded to the system anonymously and anonymously without adding institutional information.

Dear authors, you need to update your article according to the article template added to the site.

English and Turkish titles of the articles should be added to the place specified in the template. In the titles, the first letter should be capitalized and the other letters should be lowercase.

The author contribution rate in the author information should be specified, and the orcid information of the authors should be added by hyperlinking the ID sign.

Abstract should not exceed 250 words.

In-text reference citations in the research should be made according to APA style. In-text reference citations should be made in the form of (Surname, Date).

In more than one in-text citation, it should be done as (Surname, Date; Surname, Date).

In-text reference citations of multi-authored articles should be made as (Surname, Etc., Date).

The main title of the abstract should be written in Turkish and English in 12 point capital letters.

In the sections other than the abstract, Introduction, Method, Discussion and Conclusion, and References sections should be written in 12 pt bold with the first letter capitalized and the other letters lower case.

References should be designed alphabetically according to APA 6.

Last Update Time: 6/4/24, 3:44:13 PM

Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Sports Sciences is a scientific and refereed journal published twice a year in June and December.

Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Sport Sciences is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC 4.0).

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The Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Sports Sciences, established under TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM DergiPark Akademik, is evaluated under section b of the National Article criteria for Associate Professorship.